The two of them were so close that they had to wait for the next day.


"I said no." Ye Shuang enlarged the photo silently, and looked at the twins and couldn't help saying, "What a pity..."

"Why...a pity?"

Ye Shuang looked at Bai Yuyou, and finally smiled and didn't say anything, because some things were still too heavy for her.

"Let's go to bed, it's already late."


After turning off the lights and going to bed, Ye Shuang put his hands under his head. Just seeing the photo, the dusty memory box of the past was also opened.

The thick night did not let him fall asleep. Ye Shuang just stared at the ceiling, and all kinds of memories in his head seemed to mess up his mind.

Until the girl in his arms moved, she slowly raised her face in the dim room and uttered an inaudible voice, "Ye Shuang..."

"Hmm?" Ye Shuang was stunned for a moment and lowered her head slightly - Bai Yuyou was looking at her, and the lights and starlight from the window seemed to be imprinted in the girl's eyes, with a touch of light.

Seeing that Bai Yuyou was not asleep, Ye Shuang asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ye Shuang, not asleep." Bai Yuyou said.

"It's okay, just thinking about something, go to sleep." Ye Shuang gently rubbed the girl's head, and then smiled.

"I want to know... what Ye Shuang is thinking about."

Bai Yuyou just noticed that after Ye Shuang saw the photo, her mood seemed a little strange, as if she remembered something sad.

"Don't be sad, Ye Shuang..." Bai Yuyou stretched out her little hand from under the quilt and slowly clasped it in Ye Shuang's palm. She raised her cheek slightly, "Tell me..."

The warmth of Yuyou's little hand in his palm also made Ye Shuang stunned for a moment. He said helplessly, "I'm actually cared about by a little girl like you."

"Then do you want to hear it?"


"Maybe it's a bit heavy for you. I didn't want to say it originally..." Ye Shuang thought about it, and finally spoke, "What kind of person do you think Fugui is?"

"Gentle, good person." Bai Yuyou said.

"But he used to be very rebellious and carefree. On the contrary, his sister Li Fuyao is very gentle and timid. But because Fugui and we are here, no one dares to bully Fuyao at school." Ye Shuang said,

"They are twins."

"Twins, brother and sister..."

"Well, as you can see in the photos, Fugui looked very different before and now." Ye Shuang continued, "The reason is a bit complicated. Everything started--"

"It's all because Fuyao died."

"Dead?" Bai Yuyou looked at Ye Shuang, and felt a little strength in his palm.

"Well, he fell to death. It was just a few steps in the school. He fell on the back of his head and was rescued in the hospital for a while, but he was still dead." Ye Shuang continued, "That period must have been the darkest time for Fugui. Because of Fu Yao's death, their father was distracted while driving and got into a car accident... He was also dead." "Fugui's mother also went crazy because of this series of blows." "Fugui himself also had psychological problems." Ye Shuang narrated calmly, but it sounded particularly heavy in Bai Yuyou's ears. Although the girl didn't understand many things, Ye Shuang explained it very clearly - and she couldn't imagine that the person who smiled and called Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Baobei would have such a past. "Do you want to hear more?" Ye Shuang asked gently when Bai Yuyou didn't speak. "Yes." Bai Yuyou nodded. "As I just said, after Fugui's mother went crazy, she actually lost the ability to take care of herself..." Ye Shuang said,

"Fugui is really strong. After a short period of psychological treatment... he took on the responsibility of taking care of his mother."

"But Fugui's mother only recognized Fu Yao, and even seemed to have forgotten Fugui." Ye Shuang continued, "Once, when Fugui accidentally packed Fu Yao's clothes, he suddenly had the idea of ​​wearing her clothes to show his mother."

"What was even more unexpected was that Fugui's mother mistook Fugui, who was wearing girls' clothes, for Fu Yao, and her mental state also improved."

Bai Yuyou listened blankly.

"It's amazing, right? So for the sake of his mother's illness and to take better care of her, Fugui decided to live as Fu Yao. He played the role of a daughter in front of his mother. Over time, he seemed to have gotten used to it and no longer planned to change back."

Ye Shuang

He continued with emotion, "Do you know what Fugui once told me?"


"Fugui said that he felt like he was living well with his mother and Fu Yao when he lived like this."

"You know, he used to be a straight man."

"In a sense, he is still a very manly guy now."

After saying that, Ye Shuang suddenly lowered his voice, "By the way, don't tell Fugui that guy that I told him about these things. This guy always smiles, but actually has a bad temper."

"Oh." Bai Yuyou nodded obediently, but her mood did not seem so high.

After all, Yuyou is a very empathetic character, and naturally she can't be happy when she hears such a heavy past.

"Yuyou." Ye Shuang stroked the girl's head, "Do you remember what I said? The real death is actually forgetting."

"People will experience three deaths in their lives."

"The first time is when breathing and heartbeat stop, which means your physical death."

"The second time is when the funeral is held, which means you die in the interpersonal society."

"The third time is when the last person in the world who remembers you dies, or forgets... From then on, there will be no trace of you in this world, this is the real death."

Ye Shuang said, "Fugui did that, just to live well for Fu Yao, he is the last person."

Ye Shuang also sighed,

"These are all his choices."

"It's just that guy - since that incident, he has never thought about living for himself."

"Aunt Li, so pitiful..." Bai Yuyou whispered.

"Okay, okay, the story is over." Ye Shuang changed his tone to adjust his mood. He reached out and touched the other person's face, and felt a chill. "Can we go to bed now?"


Bai Yuyou seemed to have calmed down, but she got closer, as if she needed more warmth from Ye Shuang.

Ye Shuang gently patted the girl's back to comfort her. In fact, he didn't want to talk about it at first because the past was too heavy, not only for Bai Yuyou, but also for Ye Shuang himself.

Even if he chose to forget, he would still think of it after seeing the photo.

But Fugui never forgot it for a day. He had remembered it for fourteen years.

"Go to sleep..."

Ye Shuang said softly to Bai Yuyou, but it seemed like he was telling himself,

Good night.

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