The old man was very happy.

"So, this is the very important thing you are referring to?" Ye Shuang looked at the long queue of milk tea shops, and couldn't help but look down at An Shiyu who was in front of him.

"Well, each person is limited to one cup of Wudi Bobo curry octopus milk tea, and I just want to try it." An Shiyu said.

Ye Shuang: "..."

What is the name of this dark cuisine?

"Because I can only buy one cup, so please buy me another limited cup of liquid stinky mud real fruit milk tea." An Shiyu continued to say, and took out his mobile phone to show Ye Shuang, which was a very funny promotional poster.

Ye Shuang was silent again. Does this milk tea shop really sell milk tea instead of biological weapons?

He was too weak to complain any more, but Ye Shuang also regretted why he agreed to let this fish come to line up for the milk tea shop. From Ye Shuang's angle, he found that every customer was very slow, as if it was intentional.

"Could this number of people in line be because of extras, or is the milk tea produced too slowly?" After all, Ye Shuang had seen similar situations on the Internet. The store also stipulated how long the milk tea production time should be controlled, just to get more people to line up and create a false impression of popularity.

"Hmm..." An Shiyu's body fell to the side. Because she was much shorter than Ye Shuang, she planned to see the situation in front of her like this, but the next second, An Shiyu was stunned.

Because Ye Shuang stretched out his hand to hug her waist, and his broad and powerful palm seemed to be able to transmit warmth.


"What are you doing?" An Shiyu turned around, but met a pair of concerned eyes.

Ye Shuang looked at An Shiyu's face carefully for a few seconds before he breathed a sigh of relief, "Huh, I thought you fainted."

An Shiyu's body fell to the side just now, and Ye Shuang broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, this guy didn't really faint.

Ye Shuang still remembered the last time An Shiyu suddenly fell before getting on the motorcycle.

"Hmm." An Shiyu moved her eyes away, she put her hair behind her ears, and whispered, "Can you let go? Pervert uncle?"

Ye Shuang also found that he had been holding the other's flexible waist, so he let go, "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"..." The girl rarely refuted a word or two, but just turned back.

Ye Shuang noticed that the other's ears were red.

"Hmm?" Ye Shuang thought she had a fever, so he asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"



"Don't do such a scary thing next time." Ye Shuang warned.

"Tsk, uncle, you are more annoying than the mama-san in the teahouse."


The team continued to move forward. After about 20 minutes, it was finally Ye Shuang's turn. Soon, the two bought the milk tea they wanted.

It's called milk tea...

"Yours is yellow, and mine is purple. I would believe you if you said you just took it out." Ye Shuang looked at the things in the two people's cups and couldn't help but twitched his mouth. It's better for this store to close down.

No one else can make a drink that makes people feel sick. This store should just close down.

"I don't think it's quite fun." An Shiyu said, slurping, with a small octopus milk jelly in her lips.

So the octopus is made of milk jelly?

"Chew chew chew chew... The taste is average. The so-called curry is still orange juice chew chew chew chew chew..." An Shiyu said while eating and drinking.

As she said that, she handed over the cup, "Here, try it."

Ye Shuang shook his head three times, he couldn't drink it.

"Then give me that cup."

"Would you like two cups?"

"It should be okay." An Shiyu took the purple cup of milk tea and drank it. After a few seconds, she frowned slightly, "What stinky mud... Isn't this taro milk tea?"


Ye Shuang was a little helpless, "I can't really give you stinky mud to drink, right?"

Seeing the girl holding a cup in her left hand and a cup in her right hand, he stretched out his hand, "Give me a cup."

"Change your mind?"

"I guess so." Ye Shuang thought in his heart that heart patients should not drink so many sweets. After all, high blood sugar will increase the burden on the heart. What will happen if they drink these two cups of things - and when Ye Shuang saw An Shiyu on the roadside just now, she was already drinking milk tea.

How many cups does this guy drink a day?

Subconsciously, Ye Shuang drank the milk tea in his hand, but found that it was just juice, but it was labeled as curry.

"..." An Shiyu

After watching Ye Shuang drink that cup of stuff, those eyes were not sure what they were thinking.

Ye Shuang was still distracted, and even his eyes fell on the girl's belly. Among the girls he knew, it seemed that Bai Yuyou and An Shiyu would never gain weight no matter how much they ate, but Keke would gain weight, but the location of the weight was different.

Sure enough, it was because of youth and high metabolism.

Ye Shuang still remembered that when he was in high school, he could eat a large plate of rice, and he would not feel full even after eating it. Now it is not possible, one bowl is enough.

"Uncle pervert, do you have any special fetish for my belly?" An Shiyu's cold voice brought Ye Shuang back to his senses. He smiled but did not explain much, "Let's go, we should go back to school."


After getting in the car, Ye Shuang shifted gears and drove towards Yinshan College.

"There are two chopped pepper fish heads in the parking lot. Are they all yours?" Ye Shuang asked.

Hearing Ye Shuang's question, An Shiyu, who was playing with his phone with his head down, raised his head slightly, "That... I guess so."

"Why did you buy so many? Could it be that you really have the Shadow Clone Technique?" Ye Shuang smiled. He still felt a little strange to buy two similar chopped pepper fish heads.

If you say the style is different, it's fine, you can drive them for fun, but the almost identical cars, except for the color, seem to have no difference.

"I do have the Shadow Clone Technique, which is the secret of our An Shi family." An Shiyu said seriously,

"Uncle, you will see it one day."

"Yes, yes, yes." Ye Shuang felt that An Shiyu was bluffing him again. After all, this girl sometimes couldn't be trusted, but sometimes she was true.

She was like a gust of wind, teasing you and drifting away, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Uncle, you're driving so slowly."

"You're being long-winded. Driving 70 in the city is already very fast."

When Ye Shuang saw the traffic light ahead, he slowly slowed down the car. He also asked the same question to the two girls in the morning,

"The entrance exam is coming soon. What major do you plan to take?"

"It's OK. I can take any major." An Shiyu didn't even raise her head, as if she was chatting with someone on her phone.

Then she added,

"Anyway... there's no anyway."

Ye Shuang: "..."

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