The news that a student of Yinshan College jumped off a building quickly spread throughout the city, and even local reporters came to interview first-hand news as soon as they heard the news. In these aspects, short videos spread faster, and even the video of Ye Shuang saving people was uploaded. "Why would a student at Yinshan College jump off a building? Why?"

"My friend is at Yinshan College. I heard that the girl was bullied by the principal at school. She couldn't bear it and jumped off the building."

"No, I heard that she was threatened not to graduate or something, and that she had an affair with the dean."

"Don't argue, my brother is from Yinshan College. He said that the girl was a climbing enthusiast and accidentally slipped down."

The comments in the comment area are messy, and there are also many passers-by who habitually open their mouths to lead the rhythm, and they say words like my brother, my brother, my friend, etc.

The truth is often drowned in it. When a rumor that is easy to resonate with is widely spread, even the rumor refutation by the person involved will not be believed. Most blind followers will only stick to the answer they have agreed on, even if it is wrong.

Even if things are reversed, the harm caused by blind followers will often become the straw that breaks the camel's back.

At this moment, the rumors in the short video comment area have gradually transformed into school leaders taking a fancy to female students, threatening and oppressing them...

Yinshan College, school clinic.

"The school should issue an announcement, otherwise rumors will be flying everywhere." At this time, Ye Shuang was sitting on a chair, looking at the messages on his mobile phone, feeling helpless for a while.

"With a large group of reporters blocking outside, how can there be time to issue any announcements."

An Shiyu still had a lazy expression at this moment. She was holding the handle and playing games, and seemed to have no interest in what she had just heard.

Perhaps for her, this was not something worth being surprised about.

Yes, there are so many people jumping off buildings every year. The number of people who jumped off buildings recently because of the stock price plunge alone can probably be piled up into a small mountain.

"..." Recalling the scene just now, Ye Shuang felt that his heart was not very comfortable for a while. He poured himself a cup of hot water and then drank it slowly in the thermos.

"Dong Dong." There was a knock on the door.

Ye Shuang turned his head and found that it was a strange girl. She seemed to be wearing a first-year uniform and looked relatively childish.

"Hello, classmate... Are you feeling unwell?" Ye Shuang asked. First-year students were still quite rare for Ye Shuang. Because of the location of the school clinic here, the students received were basically those in the third grade or above. The first-year teaching building was far away, so they generally didn't come here.

Of course, few does not mean no. There were still a few when it first opened.

"Is it the school doctor who just saved people?" The girl's words made Ye Shuang slightly stunned, but he still said, "Well, what do you want to see me for?"

"I... I'm here for psychological counseling."

The girl said timidly, but she didn't dare to come in. Seeing this, Ye Shuang stood up and walked over, "Come on, come in first."

"Well." The girl may have seen Ye Shuang's very kind smile, but she was quite relaxed. After she sat down in the school clinic, she first looked around, and finally her eyes fell on An Shiyu who was playing games not far away.

Why is there this thing?

An Shiyu glanced slightly at this time, and her eyes seemed to ask if you have any opinions?

The girl was so frightened that she straightened up and turned her head.

"Come, drink some water." Ye Shuang took a paper cup and poured a glass of water for the girl, then handed it to her.

"Thank you."

"Relax, it's okay." Ye Shuang said, and then asked, "Did something happen?"

"I, I actually..." The girl hesitated, but still said, "I'm the cousin of the girl who jumped off the building today."


"Yes, my name is Gu Manman." The girl continued, "I think... there's something strange about my cousin jumping off the building."

"Why do you say that?" Ye Shuang asked a little surprised.

"Although the stalker incident happened, my cousin's mental state was still very stable after she was rescued..."

"I just don't know why, after living at home for a few days, she gradually became weird."

"This matter is probably related to my uncle and others." Gu Manman said.

Ye Shuang thought for a while, then asked, "The uncle you mentioned is your cousin's parents, right?"


"Are you telling me these things because you feel uncomfortable holding it in your heart?" Ye Shuang asked patiently.

"I dare not tell others, but... I am indeed uncomfortable, so I want to find someone to talk to." Gu Manman said, secretly glancing at Ye Shuang, "You, you won't tell anyone else, right?"

"No, please believe me." Ye Shuang smiled slightly, and just a glance would make people feel at ease.


Perhaps because he looked at it for a while longer, Ye Shuang noticed that the system window also appeared at this time-

[Character: Gu Manman

First-year student of Yinshan College...]

Just when Ye Shuang was about to look away, he found that the clock in the upper right corner was reversing rapidly.

Hmm? Why is it reversing so fast?

At the moment when Ye Shuang stared at the clock, the clock was reversing faster!

Almost in a moment of distraction, Ye Shuang felt a white light in front of his eyes!

A sharp buzzing sound burst out of his ears!




The buzzing sound was replaced by a noisy sound all around. At this moment, the surroundings were no longer in the school clinic, but downstairs of the No. 2 teaching building!

Ye Shuang stood there blankly, looking at the noisy crowd of students around him in disbelief. At this moment, they all looked up at the figure standing on the edge of the rooftop.


"This is..."

Ye Shuang turned around and found that Bai Yuyou and Tang Keke were also looking up.

"She actually wanted to jump off the building. What happened to that girl?"

"Ye Shuang?" Bai Yuyou suddenly noticed that Ye Shuang's expression was a little strange, so she stretched out her little hand and shook it in front of him.

"What time is it now?"

Ye Shuang took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, and stared hard again.

[Item: Mobile phone

The mobile phone bought from the mobile phone store is ordinary. If you have money, why don't you change to a good mobile phone? ]

The clock pattern in the upper right corner is still there, but it is no longer rotating backwards, but the pointer is rotating in the normal direction!

"What the hell is going on..." Just as Ye Shuang was thinking, he suddenly came to his senses, pushed through the crowd and ran towards the teaching building!

At this time, the second-grade dean was bumped by Ye Shuang, and he said, "Teacher Ye, I..."

Ye Shuang climbed the stairs with almost all his strength.



First floor.

Second floor.


Fourth floor.

Fifth floor.

Sixth floor.


Looking at the rooftop door that was so close, Ye Shuang used up his last bit of strength to push it open, and then seemed to shout in a hoarse voice, "Don't, don't jump!"

At this time, the girl standing on the edge of the rooftop paused, her lifeless eyes turned around, and noticed the man who was breathing heavily with his hands on his knees.


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