Ye Shuang probably still remembers that when Gu Wanqing jumped off the building, it seemed to be related to her boyfriend saying that she was dirty.

But Ye Shuang never determines a person's character and conduct based on a rumor, just as Bai Yuyou was also rumored at the beginning. The rumor that he stabbed people with a knife in the middle of the night was completely false.

Everything we hear is actually an opinion rather than a fact, and everything we see is just a perspective, not necessarily the truth.

He asked Gao Qiao to sit down, "Come and sit."

"Oh, okay." Gao Qiao sat on the chair. He seemed a little uneasy, rubbing his palms against each other.

Gao Qiao's appearance is still handsome, with a well-proportioned body and healthy wheat-colored skin. Ye Shuang felt that the person in front of him could reach a quarter of his handsomeness, and couldn't help but hum.

"What, what's wrong?" Gao Qiao was a little uncomfortable with Ye Shuang's eyes looking up and down, and Ye Shuang, who realized this, just smiled and sat next to him.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

At this time, Gao Qiao looked at the surroundings, but couldn't help looking at An Shiyu's side, which was like an e-sports configuration with a different style. After noticing his gaze, An Shiyu also glanced over.

Do you have any opinions?

Gao Qiao coughed dryly, retracted his gaze and said to Ye Shuang, "I'm not feeling uncomfortable... I just heard that here, psychological counseling is available."

"Of course." Ye Shuang said.

"But, there are other people..." Gao Qiao couldn't help but say that An Shiyu's side-

But the next second, An Shiyu put on a headset without looking back.

He muttered,

"Why are these Palus being lazy? If you can't kill them, work them to death."

"It doesn't matter, she can't hear it." Ye Shuang said.


Takahashi rubbed his palms again, seeming a little uneasy, "School Doctor Ye, actually, I am the boyfriend of the girl who jumped off the building."

Ye Shuang knew this a long time ago, "Well, continue."

"I'm scared."


"I hurt her." Takahashi scratched his hair as if in annoyance, "I said something I shouldn't have said... but, but it's not like this at all. Seeing Wanqing become like this, I really don't know what to do."

"It's not like this, what do you mean?" Ye Shuang drank a sip of water and asked as if he had heard something important.


Takahashi hesitated, and the pain on his face didn't seem fake.

"It doesn't matter, just say it." Ye Shuang smiled slightly, and his gentle appearance made people feel full of trust.

"Actually, I am liked by two girls." Takahashi said.

"Gu Manman?"

"Eh?" Gao Qiao was stunned for a moment, as if he was a little surprised that Ye Shuang knew this, but he still nodded and admitted it.

"Yes, Gu Manman is Wan Qing's cousin, and she is now fostered in Wan Qing's home."

After saying that, Gao Qiao sighed, "Wan Qing is actually the child of Uncle Gu and another woman, so Aunt Gu either beats or scolds Wan Qing every day, and never even gives her basic living expenses. Wan Qing survived by working part-time and studying part-time. She is really strong."

"Compared to Wan Qing, Aunt Gu and Uncle Gu like Gu Manman more."

Ye Shuang nodded slightly when he heard this, and didn't expect there would be such a thing.

That is indeed a poor child.

"I have been dating Wanqing for half a year. It was during this period that Wanqing always got injured. I was a little surprised at first, but later I found out that it was all caused by Gu Manman."

"I didn't know why at first, but after Gu Manman confessed to me, I realized that she liked me too."

"It was out of jealousy, so she always found ways to torture Wanqing, and she just endured it silently." Gao Qiao sighed,

"Gu Manman also said that if she continued to date Wanqing, the consequences would be very serious or something."

"It wasn't until the stalker incident happened and Wanqing was bullied like this... that I realized that Gu Manman was not lying."

"I think this incident should have something to do with Gu Manman." Gao Qiao continued, "I was a little confused at the time. I was really afraid that Wanqing would die if she continued, so I broke up."

"After being rejected, I said that it was because I disliked the other person's dirt..."


"I really didn't expect that she would jump off the building." Gao Qiao scratched his hair, and his voice seemed to be hoarse.

"If I had known earlier..."

The school clinic was silent for a while. After hearing this, Ye Shuang could only say, "If you didn't lie to me about what you said, I think... you are indeed wrong."

"Gu Wanqing is not doing well, orShe is often hurt but still lives strong. I think... maybe it has something to do with you, because she only has you. "

"If it is someone who doesn't care, the harm caused by others will probably not touch her heart." Ye Shuang said, and her voice paused.

"But the harm or abandonment from close people is like tearing open the wound with blood."

"Takahashi, she only has you."

Takahashi covered his face in pain.

"Now the stalker has been caught. If possible, you'd better go to the hospital to see Gu Wanqing. If the other party can get out of danger... I hope you can explain the reason clearly."

"In this way, the child may be able to ignite the hope of living."

"The child who committed suicide actually just needs someone to give her a reason to live. Although you did something wrong, it may not be irreparable." Ye Shuang said,

"If the misunderstanding is resolved, I think... she still has you in her heart."

"Of course, all this is based on the premise that you did not lie to me. "

Takahashi nodded as if he had made up his mind, "I, I know..."

Then he suddenly asked, "Did the stalker of that school doctor Ye be caught?"

"Yes, he was caught, but the news has not been announced yet. You should know it tomorrow." Ye Shuang said, taking out his mobile phone to show Takahashi-

Of course it was the video just now, several policemen held down a man, the scene was quite exciting.

Takahashi looked at the video, and then suddenly asked, "Are there any more?"

"No more."

"What about the other one?"

"What is the other one?" Ye Shuang was puzzled. He didn't quite understand what Takahashi meant. Was it another video?

"The stalker is not just one person." Takahashi said, "This is what Wanqing told me... Her mental state was not very stable at that time, but I don't think she should have lied to me."

The stalker is more than one person...

Ye Shuang came back to her senses, and then immediately picked up her mobile phone to send a message to Bai Yuyou and the others!

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