"Wherever Ye Shuang goes, I go." Bai Yuyou said. It didn't matter to her where she went, as long as she was by Ye Shuang's side.

"So where are we going? Aren't there several countries with visa-free entry recently?" Ye Shuang asked Chen Qin.

"Well... let's go to our private island?" Chen Qin thought about it and said, after all, she usually went to too many countries for business, and she was a little tired of it.

And there weren't many delicious foods.

"Sister Chen Qin's family also has an island?" Tang Keke was a little dumbfounded.

She just knew that Chen Qin was rich, but she didn't expect that she was so rich?

"A foreign elder who was doing business gave it to my dad. I heard that he bought the island for more than one million yuan in the 1990s." Chen Qin explained, but she didn't know what the price was now. Usually, the island also provided vacation services to others as revenue.

"Only, more than one million yuan." Tang Keke thought about the prices in the 1990s... Forget it, she wasn't even born at that time.

"Come to think of it... Ah Ye has never been there either." Chen Qin looked at Ye Shuang with a smile.

"After all, your family has so many businesses, and I only know that there is such a thing, and I don't like traveling." Ye Shuang said.

He is a typical homebody.


It is still necessary to take Yuyou out for a walk. Spiritual enrichment is a very important thing. Although you can see photos of various scenery on the Internet, when you appear on the scene, the feeling is completely different.

"Where is the island? Hawaii?" Ye Shuang asked.

"In the Baha Islands, I will contact the hosting company to apply for the route, and then we will take a private plane to go there." Chen Qin said.

"There are private planes?" Tang Keke was dumbfounded.

"After all, this is more convenient, although you can't fly around casually." Chen Qin said.

More convenient...

"How much does it cost to buy one?" Tang Keke suddenly felt that the rich lady in the novel appeared in front of her... Wait, I just said that the other party was the dark cuisine devil, Sister Chen Qin would not find a killer to kill her afterwards, right?

In the imaginary scene, Chen Qin was wearing a red leather jacket and sitting on the queen's chair, whipping her butt with a whip,


"Tie this big schoolbag into a sack for me and sink it into the Pearl River!"

"Yes!" Several bald men in sunglasses immediately stuffed her into the sack.

"Help me--"


"Sister Chen Qin, please forgive my ignorance." Tang Keke shivered and fell to the ground.

Chen Qin blinked: "?"

"A private jet must cost tens of millions." Ye Shuang answered Tang Keke's question.

"Tens of millions." Although Tang Keke didn't have one at home, she felt that it didn't seem to be particularly expensive, at least it was about the same as a high-end sports car?

"Mi Jin." Ye Shuang added.

Tang Keke: "..."

Well, it's really expensive.

"Right?" Ye Shuang asked.

"My hen, it looks like 60 or 70 million." Chen Qin didn't know about this. Her private jet was already a normal business jet - except for some very important occasions, Chen Qin would still choose to take ordinary flights.

And that private jet is also a money-eating beast. Just parking it at the airport costs money every day.

Although I don't have to spend my own pocket money and dowry.

"Oh, it's already this time, I have to leave." Chen Qin noticed the time on the watch, and hurriedly finished the sandwich in two bites, and drank a large glass of ice fist soy milk,

"You can invite a few more people for the vacation, Ye, I'll go first."

"Well, be careful." Ye Shuang said.


Chen Qin changed into high heels and left quickly.

"Brother." Tang Keke looked at the closed door and suddenly said, "I won't be drowned in the Pearl River tonight, right?"

Ye Shuang, "?"

"Okay, let's talk about the vacation later. Keke, tell your family about it tonight."

"Say, what? Are you going to leave your last words?!"

"Bang." Ye Shuang reached out and knocked on Tang Keke's head, "What are you thinking about? It's about vacation. After all, you have to go abroad, so you still need to get your parents' consent, right?"

"Hey, am I going with you?" Tang Keke covered his head, seeming a little surprised.

"Didn't Chen Qin just say that you can invite a few more people." Ye Shuang said, "Or do you have any plans for the summer vacation?"

"During the summer vacation, I think I have to go back to the countryside to play with my grandfather." Tang Keke said,

"But I don't have to go..."

"Really?" The girl asked tentatively again, "I don't have much pocket money.""No need to pay."


"Okay, it's almost time, it's time to go." Ye Shuang put all the dishes away and threw them into the dishwasher - because of the stalker incident, Ye Shuang had been driving the two girls to and from school during this period.

After driving to the school, Ye Shuang drove skillfully to his usual position, which was between the two chopped pepper fish heads of different colors.

"..." After getting off the car, Ye Shuang looked at the two chopped pepper fish heads and couldn't help thinking slightly, "Two..."

"Ye Shuang, what are you thinking about?" Bai Yuyou beside him pulled his sleeve and asked.

"Oh, nothing." Ye Shuang came back to his senses and then said with a smile,

"Hurry up, isn't today the day to announce the results? Give me good news when the time comes."

"Yeah!" Bai Yuyou nodded.

But Tang Keke was a little unconfident, "Wow... I won't be held back, right?"

"By then, Yuyou will be my senior!"

"It's okay." Bai Yuyou saw Keke with a sad face and comforted her softly,

"You will definitely pass next year..."

"Wow, your words have no comforting effect at all!" Bai Yuyou's words made it seem as if Tang Keke would definitely not pass this time, which instantly made her feel unhappy.

"Hurry up and go up." Ye Shuang said.

"Okay, goodbye, brother."


Bai Yuyou absorbed energy in Ye Shuang's arms for a while before being pulled away by Tang Keke.


The list of results was placed on the bulletin board on the first floor. After the two girls came out of the elevator, they saw a lot of people gathered there.

"There are so many people!"

"Keke, let's go over..."


"Borrow, borrow." Tang Keke pulled Bai Yuyou to squeeze in.

But Tang Keke didn't have much strength, and was pushed back!


"Keke, I'll do it." Bai Yuyou pulled Tang Keke back with one hand, and then pushed her forward. Yuyou had a lot of strength, and was not pushed back. At this time, the girl's face under her bangs was not volatile. She looked straight ahead, which inexplicably made Keke feel more secure.


Seems to have become more handsome.

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