Finally, Chen Qin planned to take Chen Hai home first, along with Zhou Min - after all, it was the Chen family's family affair, and Ye Shuang had no intention of following in the footsteps. Zhou Min's mind was definitely not as simple as it seemed, and now he could only wait for the paternity test.

At this time, Ye Shuang saw An Shiyu, the fun fish, swaying and wanting to follow in the footsteps, so he caught her directly.

"Aye, then I'll take this pig home first." The window of the Porsche was lowered, and Chen Qin, who was wearing sunglasses, smiled slightly.

At this time, Ye Shuang held An Shiyu's collar with one hand and waved with the other hand,

"Well, drive carefully."

"Hehe." Chen Qin took off her sunglasses and blinked her beautiful eyes playfully, then shifted gears and left.

The tires pressed against the gravel road and made a clicking sound. After looking at the Porsche that was gradually moving away, Ye Shuang also retracted his sight and returned to the villa with the expressionless fish in his hand.

"Are you hungry? Let's go back and have some morning tea?"

Looking at the girls, Ye Shuang also asked. After all, Fugui and the others had left, and the villa seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

"Hungry." Bai Yuyou was the first to speak.

"I am indeed a little hungry. It's almost noon." Tang Keke also looked at the time at this time. She didn't expect to get up early in the morning and didn't have breakfast but had a raw egg instead.

"Then let's go." Ye Shuang smiled slightly.

Because it is a rented villa, after the landlord comes to check and count the things, he will call someone to clean up here - generally, as long as nothing is lost and there is no malicious damage to the furniture, the deposit will be returned.

"After morning tea, let's take a look at what major to choose?" Ye Shuang was driving. He first glanced at the pink chopped pepper fish head that turned in advance in the rearview mirror, then retracted his gaze and told Tang Keke and Bai Yuyou in the back seat about this matter.


"Well, starting from the fourth grade, we have to refine the majors. To put it bluntly, it means learning professional skills." Ye Shuang said, "Although many people do not work in their own majors after graduation."

"In the future, career." Bai Yuyou thought.

"Why should we study?" Tang Keke looked like she had a headache. "I barely made it through the exam. I almost had to repeat the grade. I won't be able to use the knowledge in the future."

"Why should we study..." Ye Shuang said as he drove the car, as if thinking for a while.

"If you aim for success, then there is really no need to study many books."

"The end of all life is death, so why should we work hard to live... In fact, whether it is studying or life, it is just a journey of enjoyment."

"The essence of studying is to let you learn to understand the big picture, be humble and know good and evil, look at the world from a different perspective, and solve the difficulties you face with more methods."

"Then... become a better person."

After Ye Shuang finished speaking, he paused and smiled at Tang Keke, "Of course, you can choose to be a salted fish. If you want to learn skills, aren't there colleges that specialize in learning professional skills?"

"Keke, do you want to be a salted fish?" Bai Yuyou asked curiously.

"Forget it, forget it, let's study, otherwise I won't be able to answer my brother when he scolds me." Keke scratched his head.

"So what major do you want to choose?" Ye Shuang smiled and returned to the original question, "Did the career planning teacher give a good suggestion?"

"Yes." Keke said.

"What suggestion?"

"Don't study civil engineering."



After breakfast, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Because the place for breakfast was in a commercial plaza, when we came out, we passed by a fruit shop - it was summer, and many fruits were placed in the freezer, looking very fresh.

Bai Yuyou's head was also like an owl. Although his body was always moving forward, his head turned in the direction of the fruit shop, and his eyes couldn't move away.

"Buy some fruit." Ye Shuang noticed and said with a smile.


"The fruits are all fresh. What do you want?" The boss was enthusiastic.

"Hmm..." Ye Shuang took a look and noticed that Bai Yuyou's eyes were always on the row of watermelons. She picked up one of the watermelons, and her quiet look of holding the watermelon looked a little cute.

"How much is the watermelon?"

"Seven yuan per pound." said the boss.

"Huh? Is your melon rind made of gold?" Ye Shuang didn't expect it to be so expensive. He remembered that it was only a few cents per pound when he bought it on the roadside before.

"Sweet watermelon, seedless, and very sweet." The boss also said, "You think it's expensive, and I think it's expensive, but it's this price."

"Seedless." Ye Shuang was a little embarrassed,"Then I've learned seed machine guns for years in vain?"

Boss: "?"

"Then do you want to buy this one? One dollar and five cents per pound." The boss pointed to other varieties. The cheapest one in the store was 80 cents.

"If you don't want to change, just this one. Give me three." Ye Shuang said.


The boss weighed three, "A total of 256."

"Give me two boxes of the three J cherries and narcissus mangoes."

"Okay, do you want to become a member? It's free."

"No, I don't come here often." Ye Shuang replied. He just passed by here for morning tea.

"Members can get a pack of tissues."

"Get one."

The three people walked out of the store with fruits. Bai Yuyou held the melon and seemed to caress it lovingly.

Tang Keke asked, "Yuyou, why do you want to touch the melon?"

"It's cold and comfortable." Bai Yuyou said.

"It must be delicious!" Tang Keke also reached out and touched it. It was indeed very comfortable to hold such a melon in this hot summer.

"When there was no refrigerator before, I definitely couldn't eat such a cold watermelon."

Ye Shuang smiled after hearing this, "It's still okay. There is a well in the yard of my hometown. At that time, I bought watermelons in the summer and soaked them in the well water. When I took them out to eat, I felt my teeth were frozen."

"Won't it sink?"


After returning to the apartment, Ye Shuang put the watermelon on the table and turned to the kitchen to get a knife.

With one cut, the watermelon was split into two with a tearing sound.

The bright red flesh with almost no seeds is mouth-watering.

"Wow, great!"

"Yeah, it looks delicious." Ye Shuang handed half of the watermelon to Bai Yuyou, "You eat this half, and Keke and I will eat the other half."

Bai Yuyou looked at the semicircular watermelon and bit the rind on the edge.


"Stupid, use a spoon." Ye Shuang knocked the girl on the head.

After dividing the watermelon, the three of them sat on the sofa watching TV, and there was one biting the rind on the table.

Ye Shuang took a bite of the watermelon, feeling the crisp sweetness in his mouth, and he subconsciously looked towards the French window-

The wind chimes were swaying slightly, and the shells seemed to be shining in the sun.

Summer vacation is here.

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