"There is no cell phone, no basic supplies..." To be honest, Ye Shuang's brain was still confused, because he had no memory of going out to sea, but the matter of drinking blackouts was not unfamiliar to Ye Shuang.

Is he so obsessed with the Air Force? He actually chose to go out to sea for night fishing at night - but with Chen Qin's personality, she would indeed accompany him.

The night sea breeze blew gently, but it made Ye Shuang a little confused.

Everything seemed so unreal.

Beside him, Chen Qin looked at a loss. She seemed to have just cried, and her eyes were slightly red, but she seemed to say nothing in order not to worry herself.

"There are seven or eight hundred small islands in this sea area, and it is also a tourist destination. It is unlikely that we will be washed too far away. Maybe there are people on this island."

Ye Shuang knew that if even he was panicked, then Chen Qin would have no one to rely on. Even though his heart was in a mess now, he still tried to cheer up and give Chen Qin some encouragement.

"Aye, I just went out to check when you were unconscious. There was no one on this island." Chen Qin whispered.

"Is that so..." Ye Shuang thought for a moment, then looked around,

"Let's find a place to spend the night first?"

"Where to go, I'm scared..." Chen Qin said.

"It's okay, hold my hand, we must find a safe place now." Seeing Chen Qin's slightly trembling appearance, Ye Shuang stretched out his hand and said.


Chen Qin seemed to be much quieter when being pulled by Ye Shuang.

"Please give me strength, Bear Grylls, I won't die here, will I?" Ye Shuang thought so in his heart, he recalled the few times he watched wilderness survival documentaries, trying to recall some knowledge from them.

But how can ordinary people survive until rescue without tools?

"Aye, there seems to be something over there." Suddenly Chen Qin pointed to a place not far away, and Ye Shuang looked in the direction the other party pointed, and found a big box lying on the beach, with waves beating slightly and making sounds.


Ye Shuang walked over quickly and found a sealed plastic box similar to the size of a suitcase, and it felt a bit heavy.

Next to this box, there were some shipwrecks, which seemed to have been torn apart.

"Aye, this is the ship we went to sea..." Chen Qin whispered, "Then the others wouldn't..."

"Did Yuyou and the others come out with us?" Ye Shuang's heart tightened slightly and asked immediately.

"No, there are only two bodyguards and a boat driver."

"Is that so..." Ye Shuang stood up slowly and dragged the plastic box aside to leave the sea. "There is no time to pray for them. Let's see what's in this box first. I hope there are some supplies."

Fortunately, this box is not a password box. You only need to open the metal button, but Ye Shuang is worried that the seawater will penetrate into it. In this case, the things inside will definitely be unusable.

"Click, click."

After opening the box, Ye Shuang unexpectedly found that it was very dry inside, and there was no sign of seawater erosion at all. Not only that, there were also various survival equipment inside. At this time, Ye Shuang also noticed the waterproof rubber ring on the edge of the box.

"Small military knife, flashlight, blanket, compressed biscuits, water bottle, drinking water... huh? So complete?"

There are even two clothes inside.

"Such supplies are equipped on the ship to avoid accidents." Chen Qin saw Ye Shuang thinking all the time, so he immediately spoke out.

"Well, let's look for more." Ye Shuang said after packing up.


Chen Qin and Ye Shuang looked around again and found that there were no new boxes. There was no way, so Ye Shuang had to take Chen Qin to find a place to rest.

It would definitely not work to stay on the beach all the time. When the sun comes out, the water will evaporate quickly and cannot be replenished, and there will be only one way to go.

Behind him is a tropical forest. Now Ye Shuang, who is pitch black, dare not approach rashly, but he did find a place similar to a cave. It is not deep inside, about three meters, but it is suitable for a short rest here.

Whether it is sunny or rainy, it is no problem.

Afterwards, he found some hay and spread it evenly on the ground, then covered it with a blanket. Although it was not as good as a bed, it was still OK.

"Are you cold? Put on your clothes first."


A swimsuit was still not enough to withstand the night temperature. Ye Shuang looked at the half-covered slime in the other party's pocket, but he turned his eyes away and handed the clothes over.

"Thank you."

Ye Shuang and Chen Qin sat on the blanket, and covered themselves with another blanket. At this time, the two of them were close to each other, and each other'sThe body temperature can be felt clearly.

"Aye, I'm a little scared." Chen Qin whispered beside him.

"Don't be afraid, there should be many boats passing by here every day, it's not an uninhabited area." Ye Shuang was also a little confused at this time, but still pretended to be relaxed, "Maybe the other side of the island is a residential area."

Chen Qin suddenly became a little nervous, but still smiled, "Is that so? If so, it would be good, but... I didn't seem to see any traces of human activity just now-"

"There are so many fishermen in the world. If there are really residential areas, there must be traces of fishing spots here."

"Maybe." Ye Shuang said, and then raised his head slightly.

Perhaps because there is no light pollution, the stars here are particularly bright.

To say that the last time I saw such a beautiful starry sky, it seems to be in the countryside, it seems to be...

"Aye, we used to be able to see such a beautiful starry sky, do you remember?" Chen Qin suddenly raised his head.

"Well, your hometown?" Ye Shuang still remembers.

"Yeah!" Chen Qin said softly, "At that time, because of that fat guy Chen Hai, he insisted on dragging us into the mountains to explore... Then the two of us fell down the slope and got lost."

"I was really scared at the time, and it was you, Aye, who kept comforting me and carried me for a while, but we didn't find the way home until dark."

"At that time, we found a small cave like this, and when we looked up, we saw such a beautiful view."

"I was young and stupid at that time. I thought that if I could be with Aye, and there were such beautiful stars, it seemed that I could stay here forever."

"I think... I fell in love with you at that time." Chen Qin smiled sweetly, and the beautiful starry sky seemed to be reflected in her beautiful eyes.

"Aye, I seem to be able to like you for a long time, just like those stars."

"Although I can't see them occasionally-"

"But it's always here, forever here."

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