The scene was in chaos, but fortunately, it was not difficult for Ye Shuang and his men to solve the problem. Several burly bodyguards subdued Curly and his men in no time.

"Call the police." Ye Shuang looked at Chen Qin.


Perhaps because there were many tourists here, the police came quickly.

"Kissing challenge, disgusting." After learning about the incident, Chen Qin couldn't help but show disgust on her face, especially when she led these guys to pester them after being rejected - this is completely sexual harassment, right?

"Can these guys be sent to prison?" Ye Shuang asked.

"It shouldn't be easy, after all, it's just verbal. There are scums everywhere, and they enjoy this." Chen Qin hugged his arms, as if thinking about how to add fuel to the fire for these guys.

An Shiyu said on the side, "Death penalty."

"That shouldn't work."

"Let's go, take the people over first."

Curly was clamped by the bodyguard at this time. After feeling the severe pain from his arm, he immediately panicked and began to beg for mercy.

However, several people did not even look at him, as if they were treating him like garbage.

The next thing was actually easy to solve, because Ye Shuang and his friends were going back to China after today, so they did not bother with Curly Hair and his friends too much.

Just let the bodyguards add a little more flavor.

For Chen Qin, not sending these guys to Siberia to grow potatoes was already a mercy.

After such a small episode, several people were not in the mood to play. After dealing with Curly Hair's matter, they went shopping and returned to the private island. After all, the streets were full of familiar shops, and there was no novelty at all.

The yacht was sailing, and the afterglow of the sunset dyed the sea orange.

It was dark when several people returned to the private island.

"I'm so tired, there are too many people outside, and there's nothing delicious." Tang Keke looked exhausted and got off the boat weakly. An Shiyu followed closely with his pockets, and then Ye Shuang and his friends also got off the boat.

"Then let's have a rest after dinner tonight and then go back home." Chen Qin smiled. Now that she was tired from playing, she could just go to the plane and sleep.

"Yeah." Ye Shuang nodded.

After taking a bath and having a big meal, several people sat on the beach and looked at the night and rested for a while.

The sound of rustling waves came to my ears. The dark sea surface was dark but covered with a snow-white moon. It seemed to have lost some of the summer heat and looked so deep.

"The sea..." Ye Shuang looked into the distance, and suddenly seemed to notice something. He tilted his head slightly and found that Bai Yuyou was looking at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Ye Shuang is in a daze."

"Maybe." Ye Shuang smiled, then touched his chin, "It seems a pity that I can't pick up shells. The sand here has been sifted by the staff."

Otherwise, it seems that making a shell wind chime would be nice.

"It's okay." Bai Yuyou fumbled around for a while, then took out a stack of Polaroid photos, "Here's this."

"When was it taken?" Ye Shuang was a little surprised.

"Just when I went out to play..." Bai Yuyou took the photos and put them away as if they were treasures, "These are all memories."

"Good memories should be kept well."

Ye Shuang smiled with relief when she heard this, "Yeah."

"I think... I will have many good memories with Ye Shuang in the future." Bai Yuyou said.

At this moment, Chen Qin's voice suddenly came from not far away, "Aye, come here~"

Ye Shuang looked up and found that Chen Qin and Aunt Li came over, and seemed to have taken a large bucket of something, but he didn't know what it was.

"Meh?" Ye Shuang stood up and walked over.

Bai Yuyou took a look and got up to follow.

"It's fireworks." Aunt Li smiled, "Isn't it romantic to set off some fireworks before leaving?"

"This kind of small fireworks is also good."

Ye Shuang lit one and handed it to Bai Yuyou beside him, "Take it."

The fireworks were constantly bursting with sparks, bright and beautiful, and also shining on the girl's face.

"Does it look good?"


But the fireworks went out soon, and the surroundings seemed to dim in an instant. After Bai Yuyou saw this scene, his eyes seemed to dim as well, and his hair drooped.

But the next second, the surroundings became bright again. Bai Yuyou turned his head and looked. At this time, Ye Shuang and several others also lit small fireworks, smiling as if they were chatting about something.

The fireworks burned very quickly. Although they were beautiful, they lasted for a short time, but there were still people who kept lighting fireworks, so it was always bright - just like the girl's side. Although her world was small, the light on everyone seemed to be shining on her constantly.


"Hey, don't bite the cigaretteFlowers are everywhere——"

An Shiyu was holding two fireworks and dancing, "oioioioioioi Starfall Abandon Healing Slash!"

"Splashed here!"

Bai Yuyou watched silently until a new one was handed to her, "Here, take it."

Ye Shuang put the fireworks in her hand, and her palm was very warm, which made the girl nod gently.

She didn't quite understand her current feelings, but the mood conveyed from her heart made Bai Yuyou feel very comfortable.

At this time, Aunt Li suddenly took out her camera and said, "Come on, come on, babies, look over here~"

"Fugui, wait a minute." Chen Qin said with a smile.

"What?" Fugui poked his head out.

"There will be a big one later. "Chen Qin said, took out her mobile phone and pressed it. The next second, along with the gorgeous light that cut through the sky, fireworks actually bloomed in the sky!

The sky seemed to be lit up in an instant, and Chen Qin shook the mobile phone in her hand, "How about it, I have prepared big fireworks here."

"Not bad, not bad, it must be very beautiful to shoot from this angle." Aunt Li fixed her camera with a bracket, set the time and ran back.

"Come on, look at the camera."

"Eggplant. "

With the fireworks blooming again, the picture was frozen at this moment.

Ye Shuang retracted his sight, and then subconsciously glanced at the girl beside him, only to find that Bai Yuyou was looking at the camera. She was smiling, and under the reflection of the fireworks, her eyes seemed to be filled with tenderness.

"Ah..." Seeing the smile on Bai Yuyou's face, Ye Shuang was a little stunned at this time, and this scene also attracted several other people to look over.


Several people followed Ye Shuang's stunned expression, as if they saw some rare protected animals.

Until Ye Shuang slowly came back to his senses, smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and rubbed Bai Yuyou's head, and then said to Aunt Li,

"Fugui, another one."

"Hehe, good~~~"

The fireworks continued to flash, drawing a perfect end to this journey.

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