[Dadi Village]

"Oh, we're here." Tang Keke swayed from side to side after seeing the gate of her village, and seemed very happy.

"Your village... has developed quite well."

Ye Shuang took a look and found that the village was not big, but the ground was full of asphalt roads, which seemed different from the rural areas he imagined - and the surroundings were also full of self-built houses similar to small villas.

Driving across a bridge, a large lotus pond came into view.

"The scenery is very good." Ye Shuang said to Tang Keke. It was indeed a very comfortable place. Driving through the lotus pond, there were some elderly people sitting with their children in the shade of the trees and chatting along the way, as if time had slowed down.

"Yes, it's very beautiful, isn't it? Our village has been on CCTV." Tang Keke said with a smile.

"Huh?" While driving, Ye Shuang suddenly seemed to notice something - there seemed to be many cars with port license plates parked in the parking spaces marked on the road. He thought about it, then retracted his gaze and didn't think much about it.

"How do we get there?" Ye Shuang asked.

"Hey, wait for my parents first." Tang Keke said.

Tang's father and mother also drove here, but they separated after being stuck in traffic on the highway a few times. However, according to the message they sent, they seemed to arrive soon.

"Then wait a while." Ye Shuang parked the car on the side of the road and looked at the village.

Then he noticed that there was even a label of homestay on the signpost. It seemed that this place was indeed a tourist destination, but it was a little more niche and not as crowded as those popular tourist destinations.

After a while, Ye Shuang saw the car driven by Tang's father and mother. After Ye Shuang flashed his double flashers, the other party also stopped by and rolled down the window, "Brother Ye, come with us."

"Okay." Ye Shuang smiled slightly.

After following the car of Tang's father and mother, they almost turned left and right, and finally arrived in front of a yard. Compared with the small villa outside, the surrounding buildings here seemed older. After all, they were all villagers' houses, and tourists generally did not come here.

Ye Shuang saw an old man standing in front of the yard from a distance. After seeing Ye Shuang's car, he seemed to be very happy to come over.

"Grandma!" Tang Keke rolled down the window.


Seeing Tang Keke's excited little look, Ye Shuang said, "Keke, take Yuyou out of the car first, I'll find a good place to park."

"Okay." After Tang Keke opened the car door, he immediately threw himself into the arms of the old man, "Grandma!"

"Hey, look at you, you're fat again."

"Woo woo, I'm not fat."

At this time, Tang's father and mother also got out of the car. The four of them gathered together and laughed and talked about something. The scene was very warm.

At this time, Ye Shuang and Bai Yuyou were still in the car. After seeing this scene, they looked at each other.

"Let's go, get out of the car."

After Ye Shuang parked the car, he walked to the old man and introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Keke's friend, I'm here to bother you for a few days."

While saying this, Bai Yuyou was holding a gift, which was some so-called fruits and the like.

The girl has now learned basic etiquette and handed the gift over obediently.

"Hahaha, so polite, why do you need to bring gifts?" The old man looked like a cheerful person, "You don't need these to come and play, we welcome guests here."

"Come in quickly, don't stand outside, it's so sunny."

Hearing this, Ye Shuang followed them into the yard.

This yard is very similar to Ye Shuang's hometown, both of which have a well in a small yard, and the sleeping place and the cooking place are separated.

Tang Keke's grandmother prepared watermelons, which were already cut and placed on the table.

"Come on, eat watermelon. There are chairs here." The old woman asked everyone to sit down, but Ye Shuang didn't see anyone else except her.

"Grandma, where is my cousin?" Tang Keke asked at this time.

"She's taking a nap." The old woman said, and then said to Tang Keke,

"Go wake her up."


Sitting on the mahogany furniture, feeling the environment similar to his hometown, Ye Shuang felt a lot more relaxed. He liked such a village very much. The pace of life was very slow. Maybe some places were not as convenient as the city.

But he just liked it.

At this time, Bai Yuyou was already eating watermelon with a watermelon seed on his face.

"Did you eat all the watermelon seeds?" Ye Shuang asked.


Ye Shuang suddenly remembered that it seemed that the watermelons he bought since the summer vacation were all seedless.

"Can't eat?" Bai Yuyou tilted his head.

"After eating the watermelon seeds,Those seeds will take root and sprout in your stomach, and finally burst. "Ye Shuang said seriously.

Of course, Ye Shuang was just teasing this girl.

Telling this old joke, just to see how Bai Yuyou would react - Sure enough, Bai Yuyou stopped eating the watermelon like a hamster, her body trembled slightly, as if her brain began to crash.

After a few seconds, she slowly put down the watermelon and touched her stomach with her little hand,

"Ye Shuang, there is no soil and light in my stomach... Why did it sprout?"

"Hehehe." Seeing Bai Yuyou's serious thinking expression, Ye Shuang couldn't help but touch her head, "Just kidding, keep eating, no matter how much you eat, it won't take root and sprout."

"But I have an ancestral skill here, the seed machine gun. "

As he said this, Ye Shuang took a bite of the watermelon and was about to use his unique skills when he noticed that the old man and Tang's father and mother were all looking at him with a smile.

Ye Shuang coughed dryly and suddenly felt that it was not very civilized.

"I'll teach you next time." Seeing Bai Yuyou's expectant expression, Ye Shuang finally chose to swallow it.

Just at this time, Tang Keke also came down with her cousin, who looked only about eight or nine years old. It seemed that because she had just woken up, her little face under the mushroom head was still confused.

"Well, uncle..."

Then when she saw Ye Shuang and Bai Yuyou, she couldn't help but look at Tang's father in surprise, "Wow? Uncle, you have two illegitimate children?"

Tang's father: "..."

"What are you thinking about all day long?" Tang Keke patted the other person's butt lightly, and then introduced her to Ye Shuang and Bai Yuyou,

"This is my cousin, currently living with grandma, Tang Duoduo. "

"Duoduo, these two are my good friends, you can just call them brother and sister."

Tang Duoduo pouted when she heard this, "You didn't even introduce their names, sister Keke, you are so perfunctory."

"It seems that you have a lot of complaints about me?" Tang Keke pinched Tang Duoduo's little face.

"Wuwuwu, sister, I was wrong."

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