


"Where's my ice cream..."

In a corner of a dim abandoned warehouse, a cute girl like a doll is slowly opening her eyes. At this time, the air is filled with the smell of motor oil mixed with water mold, which is stimulating her nerves all the time.

Alice slowly came to her senses and realized her current situation.


"Hmm." Alice wanted to move her hands, but found that her hands were tied behind her back and fixed tightly, and even began to numb because of being tied for a while.

"Lao Gao, she's awake."

"Wow, such a small dose actually made her faint for so long, this guy is so lame."

The sound of rustling footsteps came, Alice squinted hard, and in the moonlight shining through the broken window, she saw two men wearing masks.

One fat and one thin.

"You, are you here for money or sex?" Alice's face puffed up, and she seemed very angry, "Do you know who I am?!"

"Otherwise, I'm the daughter of Hong Kong celebrity Zhou Feng, an Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans. We've been waiting for so many days, and we know your information very well." The fat man said happily, stretching out his hand to pinch Alice's face,

"Tsk, foreign girls are beautiful when they are young, but I heard that they will become fat women after middle age?"

"Who are you talking about?!" Alice opened her mouth and was about to bite.

"Fuck, this girl is quite fierce."

The fat man didn't expect that this guy was still so angry after being kidnapped, and immediately slapped her on the face.

"Pah!" Alice's face was slapped hard, but she stared at the fat man in front of her fiercely, looking angry, but thinking in her heart,

When Bobo arrives, you'll be dead!

But Alice was also nervous at this time. She didn't expect these two guys to be so bold that they dared to kidnap her under the eyes of so many people. This would be impossible without a thorough plan.

But Alice was actually used to kidnapping. She had been kidnapped no less than three times since she grew up.

"How much do you want?"

Alice asked.

"Right, this is an attitude that can be used for chatting." The thin man also said at this time, "You are also rich, this number, five million."

"Just for five million, you kidnapped me?!" Alice heard this, thinking that she was slapped for five million, and she immediately became angry and started to show her teeth and claws, but she was tied so tightly that she bounced like a caterpillar.


"Why does it feel like she is angry? Are we going to get less?" The fat man asked.

"Is five million still not enough?" The thin man said, this is a number they can't earn in their lifetime working.

"Yes, with this much money, you can buy seven or eight houses in our county."

"Have you called Fox? He hasn't arrived yet?"

"I called but he didn't answer. Otherwise, let's leave without meeting each other."

"..." A moment of silence.

The thin man looked at the caterpillar golden-haired loli on the ground, and then at the phone in his hand, as if he was struggling - but soon, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, let's not waste time here, we must find a safe place."

"Will Fox think we abandoned him?"

"Who cares!"

"But your wife is still at his house." The fat man said.

"How could my wife be at his house?"

"Have you forgotten that your wife cheated on Fox some time ago."

"Fuck, why didn't I know?"

"Ah? So you didn't know, I was wondering why you were so generous... Damn, why did you kick me? Ouch, what are you doing?"

Alice on the side: "..."

She seemed to have a headache. How could she be kidnapped by a few idiots?

"I'm not leaving. I'm going to wait for Fox to come back!" Skinny said angrily.

"Okay, brother, I support you!"

Alice: "..."


Next time, I'd better let Bobo follow me. It's okay to be kidnapped by a professional team, but these guys are probably the idiots hired by Monkey.

And they came here to get slapped for nothing.

Alice got angrier and angrier as she thought about it.

Am I only worth five million?

However, thinking of what Ye Shuang said before about being kidnapped to the mountains to give birth to a child, this is actually a little better. At least these two guys don't look like they would kill someone.

"Hey--" At this moment, Alice suddenly spoke.


"I need to go to the bathroom."

"Hold it."

Alice was furious, but she didn't say anything in the end.

At this moment, Skinny suddenly found that his phone rang.

"Damn, Fox finally sent a message!” The thin man looked at his phone and found two words written on it——


“Is the fox caught?” The fat man was stunned for a moment, then reacted, “Let’s go, maybe they already know our location!”

“Huh, let’s go.”

“Let me go!”

The fat man grabbed Alice and walked towards the car outside the warehouse.

“Wait a minute, Lao Gao! Look outside!” The fat man suddenly noticed that something seemed wrong outside the warehouse. There seemed to be lights of other cars in the vague bushes!

“Don’t scare yourself, it may just be a passing car.” The thin man immediately said calmly, “Let’s move quickly!”

“Wait, the light seems to be shining over here!”

The sound of the car rubbing against the ground kept ringing, and at this time the two people immediately reacted that the car was coming towards them.

“Damn, why did it arrive so quickly? !”

“Did the fox say that? Otherwise, how could it be exposed all of a sudden? !” ”

“Wang Xiaogou, this spineless guy, must have told the warehouse address from the beginning.”

“Let’s go!”

“Then this guy…”

“Take her away first. If you can’t get enough money, just sell her to the mountains.”

The two stuffed Alice into the trunk and immediately got in the car to escape.

Alice was immediately anxious. Now someone came to save her. If these two guys ran away, she might encounter something.

“I’m here——”

“Bo——Bo——” Alice shouted with almost all her strength.


Accompanied by the sound of broken glass, a huge black shadow flew out of the window on the second floor of the warehouse, and finally hit the hood of the car like a lead ball!


“What the hell? ! "The car began to shake violently, and the two were dumbfounded when they saw the black shadow squatting on the hood.

What the hell is this monster?

And why did it appear from the second floor of the warehouse?!

"Ha..." The black shadow growled, and under the moonlight, he looked like a crazy beast, and his fist with brass knuckles slammed into the windshield!


The glass shattered, and the big hand grabbed the thin man's head directly, and then dragged him out of the glass fragments!

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