"Come in."

In a large flat in a certain community, the door was slowly pushed open with a mechanical female voice.

An Shiyu's steps were very slow. After turning on the light, she walked to the sofa and sat down.

She stretched out her hand slowly, and her fingertips could hardly feel any heartbeat.

An Shiyu: "..."

In the shadows on the side, a person stood there with his arms folded, "What did you do today?"

"Before I died, I did something erotic with an uncle."

"Oh, I don't believe it." The other party responded lazily.

An Shiyu didn't explain too much. She lay on the sofa and closed her eyes to rest. She didn't have the extra energy to say more at this moment. The fatigue that kept coming from her body made her want to close her eyes and fall asleep every moment.

But even An Shiyu herself didn't know whether she would open her eyes again after closing her eyes...

The sofa on the side felt the pressure of someone sitting on it, and then her palm felt a slight cutting touch - at this time, the girl opened her eyes slightly and found that there was an extra tablet of medicine in her hand.

In the silver package, a pill was quietly fixed.

"There is good news and bad news."

An Shiyu didn't even raise her head. She looked at the pill in her hand, and some hair on her forehead fell apart. "What's the good news?"

"Good news... the medicine has been developed, and it's the one in your hand." The other party said slowly.

"Bad news?"

"Semi-finished product."

An Shiyu seemed very calm, as if she was not surprised by such a result at all. She was used to not having hope, so naturally there would be no disappointment.

But she did inevitably feel a little disappointed in her heart.

Well, I'm used to it.

"Can I take it?" she asked.

"It seems to have a little effect, and it can be temporarily restored... but it can only be taken once, and the duration..." The other party shrugged.

"Once." An Shiyu held the pill between her fingers, as if playing with it,

"That's enough... the last time."

The other party looked at An Shiyu, "Are you really not considering it?"

"Do you still need to ask me now?" The girl slowly stood up and walked towards the room.

She suddenly paused and said as if jokingly,

"Oh, by the way, don't show up at my funeral after I die, it would be bad to scare the guests."




The next day, Yinshan College.

"Okay, mark time and go!"

"One, two, one, two."

"There will be a military boxing performance later, if you are interested, you can sign up to learn."

The last day of military training was still going on as usual. Ye Shuang directed the students, but also noticed that An Shiyu did not come today.

Not only that, she did not come to the school clinic today.

"..."Ye Shuang couldn't help thinking, but even if he sent a message, the other party did not respond, just like the last time he disappeared for a month, no news.

"Okay, let's take a break for a while."

When it was time to rest, Ye Shuang also sat on the steps and drank a sip of mineral water casually.

He looked towards Bai Yuyou and found that the two girls seemed to be about to come over, but the next second, he noticed a figure sneaking over, looking like he wanted to get close but didn't dare to.

"Hmm?" Ye Shuang seemed to have some impression of that person's appearance, and couldn't help but feel surprised.

At this time on Bai Yuyou's side-

The two girls wanted to get close to chat with Ye Shuang, but Bai Yuyou seemed to have discovered something, and slightly side-glanced, and found that a petite girl came over, but didn't dare to approach because of fear.

"Ah, it's the girl from yesterday." Tang Keke also followed Bai Yuyou's line of sight and fell on Tao Xiaotao.

Perhaps she noticed that Bai Yuyou and Tang Keke had already discovered her, and Tao Xiaotao finally came over, rubbing her hands as if she wanted to say something but stopped, and seemed to be at a loss.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yuyou asked.

"I, I... I don't mean anything else, I..." Tao Xiaotao's expression was a little embarrassed, and she even started to talk nonsense for a while.

"It's okay to stutter... You'll get better if you keep talking." At this time, Bai Yuyou spoke with great understanding.

Tao Xiaotao was stunned for a moment.

Perhaps because of Bai Yuyou's interruption, she felt a little relieved, "That's right, the bag I was holding yesterday seems to have fallen here."

"Did you see it?"

"Oh?" Tang Keke reacted at this time, "You mean the green bag, is it the one with the bottles and cans?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Don't worry, we put it in the trash can for you." Tang Keke said with a smile, "I saw that you seemed to have forgotten to take it, so I threw it away for you."

Tao Xiaotao's tone seemed to be a little higher, "Trash can? ! ! "

"Yeah, it's going to be thrown there anyway, right?" Tang Keke said, "It's all trash."

Tao Xiaotao: "..."

"Yeah...it's going to the trash can." She turned around a little frustrated, muttering, "I'm going to the trash can too."

The background around Tao Xiaotao seemed to turn gray and white in an instant. She squatted on the ground with her knees hugged, completely losing her dream.

Tang Keke and Bai Yuyou looked at each other, seemingly not understanding why Tao Xiaotao reacted like this.

At this time, Bai Yuyou asked, "The bottle is very important to you?"


Tao Xiaotao stood up disappointedly and returned to her seat like a zombie.

"Did I...do something wrong? Are there any of her personal belongings in it?" Tang Keke looked at the other person's lifeless back and couldn't help saying, "Should I, should I get the bag back? ! ”

“The bag was taken away by the cleaning lady.” Bai Yuyou said, “She was very happy.”


Time passed quickly and it was time for lunch break.

Ye Shuang also planned to take Bai Yuyou and Tang Keke to the cafeteria for lunch—

“Eat.” Bai Yuyou was about to go over when she noticed a figure walking in the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

That was Tao Xiaotao.

She was small, like a kitten.

“What’s wrong, Yuyou?”


Tang Keke also noticed the direction Tao Xiaotao left and couldn’t help but wonder, “Isn’t she going to the cafeteria for lunch? If she goes outside the school to eat, it’s quite far. She might as well take the school bus or ride a bicycle.”

But Bai Yuyou whispered, “I want to go over and take a look.”

“Hmm?” Tang Keke seemed to understand the girl’s thoughts. After looking at each other, the two girls immediately followed secretly, leaving only one sentence for Ye Shuang,

“Brother, can you help us get some food? We'll be back soon!"

Ye Shuang looked at the two girls' sneaky appearance and touched his chin slightly.

"What are these two guys doing following their classmates?"

But at this moment, his cell phone rang.

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