"Da Da Da!" Zhao Mengyao desperately pressed the elevator button, her head still looking towards the open door-

The moment she stabbed Chen Qin,

She admitted that she panicked. If she had to go to jail for this...

"How could I go to jail! I'm still so young!" The reason why Zhao Mengyao brought a knife was actually to threaten Ye Shuang. If the other party really didn't care about her, then Zhao Mengyao would choose to cut her wrists to scare the other party.

But seeing Ye Shuang's eyes that treated strangers or even mentally ill, and protecting Chen Qin, whom she hated the most, behind her, she rushed up with a knife.

"Ding." At this time, the elevator door slowly opened, and Zhao Mengyao rushed in and pressed the 1st floor and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't catch up.

"What should I do next..." Zhao Mengyao looked at the elevator that was constantly descending, but her face was not good at all.

Either, or find someone to take the blame, and say that he stabbed it.

Anyway, there is no surveillance, and it's okay if I don't admit it, right?

Yes, my father. Anyway, he is old, and it doesn't matter if he goes to jail for a few years. I am still young...

There is still a future.

At this time, the elevator door opened again, and Zhao Mengyao rushed out quickly, then took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, Yaoyao, didn't I tell you not to call Dad now?"

"Dad, Dad, I'm in a little trouble, can you come over?"

"Trouble, what trouble?"

"I seem to have killed someone, you, you come over now, and then say that this thing is you! Woo woo woo, I'm still young, I don't want to go to jail!"

"..." There seemed to be silence on the other end of the phone, perhaps he didn't expect his daughter to say such a heaven-defying statement.

Just when Zhao Mengyao was standing on the side of the road, she suddenly heard a siren.

"Police, police?!"

Zhao Mengyao was like a frightened bird. Although the police car was just passing by, she was still scared and rushed to the zebra crossing, and didn't notice the light that had turned from green to red.

But before she ran two steps, she felt a gust of wind blowing from her side, accompanied by the sharp sound of emergency brakes!

"Ah? !!! ... Life is the same, no one knows what will happen next, and no one knows which will come first tomorrow, surprise or accident.

I just remember the asphalt floor burned by the sun. The scorching temperature will not change even if it is watered with blood, just as the world will still turn without anyone.

Abroad, Luoshan is just because.

"What?! Where is my money?!" Tang Hao held his mobile phone and listened to the voice on the other end of the phone in disbelief.

"Money, what money?" The man on the other end of the phone said with a smile, "Oh, Brother Hao, we are all brothers, what's the point of talking about money?"

"You actually betrayed me?!" Tang Hao's hand almost didn't hold steady, he stared, and felt that he was almost out of breath.

Never thought that the money he transferred would be used as a wedding dress.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Hao, it's not nice to say that. What betrayal or not."

The other end of the phone continued,

"You treated Mr. Ye the same way..."

"Oh, when you did that, you should have considered whether you would be treated the same way one day, right?"

"You?!" Tang Hao reacted instantly,

"Are you Ye Shuang's man?!"

"I don't count, but Brother Ye treats his brothers really well, so God is watching what you do, and of course I'll step on you if I have the chance."

"Of course, don't blame me for being ruthless, I still have a conscience. It just so happens that a Chinese restaurant I know has illegal dishwashers. If you are interested, remember to contact me."

After that, the phone was hung up.

"Fuck!!!!" Tang Hao roared, and then wanted to throw the phone, but thinking of the little money he had left,He shook his hands fiercely,

"Damn it! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Tang Hao couldn't go back to China at this time. After all, if he entered the country, he would definitely be caught by the police on the spot.

After Zhao's bankruptcy, many of the things he did secretly were exposed, and returning to China would only lead to a dead end.

"It seems that I can only rely on relatives." Tang Hao said, holding his mobile phone as if he wanted to make a call.

Little did he know that several dark-skinned men came over and greeted him in a friendly manner,

"Hao Ayou!"

Tang Hao was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously answered, "Aienfa, Sankou, Anyou."

Several men burst into laughter, "Hey, let's make friends."

As he said, he took the mobile phone from Tang Hao's hand.

"Oh, you, what are you doing?!" Tang Hao was stunned for a moment, and stretched out his hand to grab his mobile phone back-but the next second, another man groped him and even took out his wallet and passport.

"Hey, lend it to us, let's make friends." Several people looked at each other, pushed Tang Hao hard and turned around and ran!

"Give it back to me!!!" Tang Hao fell to the ground and stared blankly. After noticing that he was bought for zero yuan, he quickly got up and chased!

Seeing that those people turned into the alley and disappeared, even the Rolex on his wrist was gone.


Tang Hao was anxious. After finding that he couldn't catch up, he happened to find a patrol car passing by-

"Help me!" He immediately rushed over and said, "I, I was robbed!"

The two foreign police looked at each other and asked, "Oh, friend, we are sorry."

Tang Hao was stunned for a moment, "Gone? Then what?"

"You, shouldn't you help me get the money back?" He asked.

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, I will help you find it back, please go back and wait patiently." As they said, the two policemen drove the patrol car away with a smile, leaving Tang Hao with a confused look on his face.

He didn't even ask for any details.

At this moment, Tang Hao subconsciously touched his empty pockets. Being in a foreign land, he felt as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

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