After the wedding, Chen Qin returned home.

The next day, Chen Qin returned home.

Finally freed from her busy work, she chose to take a rare holiday on Ye Shuang's birthday. After sending a message to the other party in advance, Chen Qin looked at the monitor in front of her, which was still several hours away from the destination, and applied a facial mask.

If the WIFI on the plane was not slow, Chen Qin would have thought about having a voice call with Ye Shuang - but now she just casually tapped the keys on the laptop to reply to some unimportant work messages.

After closing the chat interface, she clicked on a novel website and then clicked into a novel on the bookshelf.

"It hasn't been updated yet. Is this guy really writing a novel as a diary?" After Chen Qin's beautiful eyes quickly browsed through the content, she clicked on the reminder to update, and then stretched lazily, with a beautiful cleavage.

She also accidentally heard Chen Hai say that Ye Shuang also wrote a novel in his spare time, so Chen Qin searched for the relevant author account according to the online name that the other party liked to use, and found that the online name and the author name were the same.

"Why not call it being picked up by a gentle president after being unemployed?" After complaining in her heart, Chen Qin stretched out her snow-white legs and put them on the backrest, and pressed the massage button next to it.

Looking at the white clouds outside the cabin window, Chen Qin's thoughts drifted away.

She no longer remembered how she spent the days and nights of secretly loving Ye Shuang, and even in order to catch up with the other party's pace, she, who had never liked studying, worked hard to get into No. 1 Middle School.

The moment she met the other party in the class, she saw the other party's surprised eyes and said, "What a coincidence."

But how can there be so many coincidences? If I hadn't used some tricks, I wouldn't have happened to be in the same class with him.

During class, when the teacher read out his name, I was always the first to look up.

No matter where I went in the school, I would always subconsciously search for his figure from the corner of my eyes.

Every time I mustered up the courage to talk to him, it was like an exam, and I always felt that I didn't perform well afterwards.

Occasionally, I would chat with him on the phone at night, and wait for him to say "Let's talk later after taking a shower", and sometimes I would giggle all day for a joke from him.

The blurred wallpaper in the photo was a photo I took of him secretly.

I often talked to the moon, it talked to me about the sun, and I talked to the moon about him.

Until she appeared -

Chen Qin realized that even if it was a secret love, it would actually break up.

Seeing the inseparable figure of the other party, Chen Qin realized that breathing would hurt. She hated herself for being cowardly and hated herself for not having the courage to confess.

This feeling did not fade with the passage of time, but became more and more engraved because of fermentation.

She loved Ye Shuang for fifteen years. After he had a lover, she spent the whole April weaving a lie that she did not have a crush on him.

Lies can deceive family members, but they cannot deceive one's own heart.

Now that she has experienced all kinds of things, in front of countless multiple-choice questions, she is no longer the young girl she was at the beginning, and she has the courage to speak...

"Thank God for giving me a chance." Chen Qin slowly retracted her gaze from the scenery outside the cabin, and her eyes fell on the blurred screensaver with a hazy filter on her mobile phone.

"You are my..."


"Because I promised Chen Qin before, I will not come back for lunch today. I have prepared lunch in the refrigerator. I can eat it after heating it in the microwave."

Ye Shuang stood at the door of the house, admonishing the girl in front of her, and asked again as if she was worried, "Yuyou, you should remember how to use the microwave, right?"

"Yeah." Bai Yuyou nodded.

Suddenly, the girl reached out and gently pulled the corner of Ye Shuang's clothes, "Tonight, birthday..."

Ye Shuang smiled, reached out and rubbed Bai Yuyou's head, "Well, I'll be back in the evening, remember to wait for me."


Bai Yuyou seemed to have something else to say, but hesitated for a moment, and finally turned into a sentence, "I'll wait for you to come back..."

"Be good."

After pinching the other's soft face, Ye Shuang went downstairs under her gaze.

Bai Yuyou stood at the door for several minutes before closing the door.

The room seemed to have returned to its usual calm, without the familiar figure and the other's gentle voice.

"Meow." There was a furry touch at the foot, Bai Yuyou lowered his head, Yi Wan was tilting his head and meowing-since the pet hospital took him home

After that, Yi Wan's appearance changed almost every day, from skinny to thick limbs now.

The meowing of the cat brought a little more vitality to the room. Bai Yuyou squatted down and gently stroked Yi Wan's head.

"Ye Shuang is not here today..."

"But I miss him now."

Yi Wan didn't understand what Bai Yuyou was saying, but just stretched out his paw to touch her fingertips,

Hungry, cans.

Bai Yuyou stood up at this time and went back to the room.

She sat on the bed in a daze, as if she wanted to sleep for a while to kill time, but when she lay down, she smelled a familiar smell on the pillow.

"The smell of Ye Shuang..." She stretched out her hand to hold the pillow, and then rubbed it gently with her face.

After a while, Bai Yuyou remembered what she was going to do. She put down the pillow reluctantly and planned to go out to buy vegetables-

Yes, buy vegetables.

Bai Yuyou remembered what Ye Shuang said, that she would cook a dish for him, and she had been practicing hard for some time.

"Tonight... before Ye Shuang comes back... cook..."

The girl stood up and walked to the door again. At this time, Yi Wan came over again, "Meow, meow."

Master, Can Can.

After all, Ye Shuang forgot to feed the cat food today.

Bai Yuyou lowered her eyes and looked at it. The man and the cat stared at each other for half a minute. Finally, Bai Yuyou came to the conclusion,

"It also wants to go out with me."

Bai Yuyou carried Yi Wan out, "I'll take you out..."

Yi Wan: "?"

With the door closed, Yi Wan seemed a little afraid of the outside environment. He struggled for a while, and finally climbed up along Bai Yuyou's clothes, and finally grabbed her hair and lay on her head.

Bai Yuyou noticed Yi Wan lying on her head, and thought that the other party liked to sit there, so she went out.

A long-haired orange lying on the head of a beautiful girl, this scene immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by, but Bai Yuyou didn't pay attention, after all, she was accustomed to all kinds of sights around her.

Just like that, she came to the vegetable market, Bai Yuyou stopped and stood in front of a vegetable stall.

The old woman selling vegetables obviously knew Bai Yuyou, after all, this pretty little girl always went out to buy vegetables with a man.

"Beautiful girl, what do you want?"

Bai Yuyou was not good at communicating with strangers. When she was asked suddenly like this, she didn't speak for a while and continued to stand there.

The air was quiet for a few seconds, and Bai Yuyou seemed to think of something, and took out a notebook from her arms——

[(´,,•ω•,,) Give me two tomatoes, thank you]

The old woman looked at the words written by Bai Yuyou, and after a moment, she squinted her eyes,

"I have presbyopia."

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