Zhao Qianluo was dumbfounded.

The short-haired girl who had almost died under the snake's mouth before hurriedly got up, trotted to Ye Han, and bowed deeply to Ye Han: "Thank you for saving your life!" "

The rest of the special operations team members also hurriedly gathered around.

At this time, the violence on Ye Han's body disappeared, and he returned to his original lazy temperament, but now no one will regard him as a cynical, only greedy for pleasure, the scene just now is still vivid, and the green scale python sashimi on the ground is still tender.

Ye Han glanced at her lightly, a little casually: "It's okay." "

After saying that, he left here.

Looking at Ye Han's figure turning away, several people finally couldn't help but start talking:

"You say! What kind of strength is this Ye Han! "

"I don't know, but looking at that look is obviously too strong!"

"That's right, it's a green scale python in the quenched bone realm, like a toy in his hand, as if the fish meat can only be sliced."

"So all those things before him were pretended??"

"Do you still need to say this?! This must be the Ye family's smoke bomb, and now that the ten thousand races are in turmoil, even my human race has appeared a lot of treachery. "

"Tianjiao like Ye Han plus the young man of the Ye family, of course, you have to hide your strength well, and when the time comes, give those rats in the sewer a fatal blow."

"It's a pity, I still want to spread the word about today."

At this moment, Zhao Qianluo, who was sluggish, also came back to his senses, his eyes were extremely hot looking at Ye Han's back as he left, and then his face turned cold, and his eyes swept a few people with a cold light: "Today's events are not allowed to spread at will." "

This matter is extraordinary, and I have to report it to the general manager.

Thinking like this, Zhao Qianluo took the members of his group and the blue-scaled python head that had closed its eyes back to the headquarters.

Feng Xiuning was sitting in the conference room at this time, looking at the light curtain in his hand, the information on the light curtain was updated in real time, and there were some news that appeared in various places.


Feng Xiuning frowned as he looked at this information, and sighed a little in his heart: "This time the mission is unusual, I'm afraid..."

That's right, just for this moment, there was more than one place where the demon snake disaster appeared this time, and it should have only been a task on the outskirts of Beicheng, but in a short time, the figure of the demon was found in other places.

For a while, some people in the special operations group were short of manpower, which is also because the front line of the battlefield of ten thousand races is tight now, and many real Tianjiao have rushed to the front, and those who join the special operation group are generally talented, and occasionally there are one or two Tianjiao like Zhao Qianluo.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and a sound of hurried footsteps came.

Zhao Qianluo ran to Feng Xiuning with an anxious look.

"Chief Wind!! Something big happened! "

Looking at Zhao Qianluo's appearance, Feng Xiuning raised his head slightly, and smiled: "What's wrong, say slowly, how can you be such a frizzy little girl." "

Zhao Qianluo didn't care about these details, and directly explained the whole thing just now: "Just now, the temporary team I led met the green scale python of the Quenching Bone Realm!" "

Feng Xiuning was also a little nervous when she heard this: "Green scale python! What's wrong, is something wrong with the team members! "

Zhao Qianluo was stunned when he heard this: "It's not." "

"Originally, the situation was indeed very crisis, and the strength of the green scale python was probably beyond even me."

"But, fortunately, in the end, Ye Han appeared and directly sliced the green scale python."

Feng Xiuning nodded when he heard this: "Well, that's right, the strength of that green scale python is estimated to be almost at the peak of the Quenching Bone Realm, and it is normal that you are not its opponent!" "

"Well, Ye Han is here, cut it off.... What the?? "

"Ye Han is here?"

"Ye Han, which Ye Han?"

Only then did Feng Xiuning realize that he seemed to have heard a familiar and unfamiliar name.

But she still had to confirm it, after all, Ye Han's name was not rare, and it was normal to have a few people with the same name.

Seeing the general chief's reaction, Zhao Qianluo smiled slyly: "Which Ye Han can it be, isn't it the Tongtian family, the prince of the Ye family, Ye Han, who is called a waste by everyone!" "

"This Ye Han is said to have only had the strength of practicing the blood realm for the past three years of high school, and he has never been able to break through, and he is lazy, and he only knows how to covet pleasure, which is said to be a trick."

"He even set a precedent and entered the Sword Art Research Institute as a man, which was extremely sensational at the time!"

Feng Xiuning heard that this was the familiar Ye Han, and the whole person froze in place, and only after half a sound did he come to his senses: "How did he do it?!" "

"You elaborate!"

When Zhao Qianluo heard this, he began to try to recall the moves Ye Han had used before: "He first cut out a red sword qi to cut off the green scale python directly!" "

"After that, dozens of sword slashing techniques sliced the green scale python, but when I made a move, I faintly felt that his wrist seemed to have performed different sword moves, and he split those sword moves and integrated them into the sword slashing technique!"

"By the way, those sword moves have about forty-eight variations! There were also one or two swords with a wisp of icy aura on them, which seemed to be ice attribute swordsmanship! "

Hearing this, Feng Xiuning felt a little familiar, and a ray of essence burst out in her eyes.

This Ye Han! Amazing! Forty-eight sword moves, and ice attribute sword techniques?!

The killer who died outside the villa of Ye Han's family, and the dark black panther who was killed on the outskirts of Beicheng!

Feng Xiuning's eyes became clearer, she felt that she had mastered the truth of the matter, yes, this Ye Han must be the one who helped Su Yubing kill the killer and kill the dark black panther!

Such a young person not only condensed the golden pattern, but also reached the high level of the Quenching Bone Realm, plus two mysterious sword techniques.

This Ye Han is really promising in the future, even Su Yubing is much dimmer in front of him! However, after all, it is the people of the Ye family.

He hides his strength like this, even the Ye family does not hesitate to sacrifice his reputation to hide it for him, they must have their own plans, so they don't want to do more:

"This matter, I know, you did a good job, remember to close the message."

Zhao Qianluo nodded hurriedly when she heard this, she knew the weight.


As the protagonist of their discussion, Ye Han went home directly after killing the green scale python and beheading the culprit that affected his sleep.

He threw himself into his bed and began to sleep back into his cage.

He feels that his sleep time today is seriously insufficient, and he should make up for it at this time!

And Su Yubing had already left the sword art hall at this time, looking at his teacher's slightly lonely appearance, Su Yubing didn't know how to comfort, and he was even more curious about Ye Han in his heart, like a cat's claw scratching his heart.

The time soon reached six o'clock, and Su Yubing finally made up her mind after a day of struggle.

She wanted to call Ye Han to inquire, and at the same time thanked the other party, and immediately took out her mobile phone to call Ye Han's number.

After the beep, Ye Han's voice sounded:

"Ben sleeps less!"

"Ten minutes of activity! Sleep twenty-four hours! "

"Those who disturb my dreams, do not stay today."

"The above is the automatic prompt tone of the phone, if there is anything, please beep again and leave a message"

This is not the first time to hear Ye Han's call automatically reply, even so, hearing Su Yubing again is still very helpless.

Sure enough, this point..... It's his sleep time.


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