Soon, Ye Han fell asleep directly in this secret room.

"Whew... Call... Whew..." Uniform breathing echoed in the closed chamber.

And the ethereal voice also kept ringing in his ears:

[You have slept for an hour and gained 100 pounds of physical strength. 】

[When you sleep for an hour while learning swordsmanship, your proficiency in Ichiba Miten. 】

[You have slept for one hour, repair to improve.] 】

In this way, Ye Han's sleep time in the secret room increased, his own cultivation, physical strength, and Ye Mitian's proficiency were constantly improving.

Ye Han was constantly improving in the secret room, and at this time Ye Qingcheng and the other three elders had already arrived in the council hall.

Ye Changqing looked at Ye Qingcheng with a solemn expression: "Family master, what do you think of the proposal I just made?" "

After seeing that Ye Han had mastered Ye Mitian to such an extent in only an hour, Ye Changqing's thoughts in his heart became more and more firm, Ye Han must not enter the battlefield of ten thousand races too early, only by reaching the Grandmaster Realm could his safety be guaranteed.

Ye Han's effect on the Ye family and the Great Xia Dynasty is too great, his talent, in time, will definitely be able to ascend to the giant realm, that is another top powerhouse of the Terran race, enough to deter the battlefield of ten thousand races! It is even possible to go one step further and completely suppress the ten thousand races.

This time, the other two elders also somewhat agreed with Ye Changqing's words, they did not expect that Ye Han's talent was really so outstanding, it was beyond their imagination: "I think what the Great Elder said may also make sense. "

"With the talent of the young lord, if he is detected by ten thousand races, he will definitely be killed at all costs, I am afraid that he will die halfway, so the gain is not worth the loss."

"And the Grandmaster Realm, on the battlefield of ten thousand races, also has the power of self-preservation, if at that time it is still invincible to ten thousand races, we will also recognize, the Terrans, Daxia, and the Ye family do not need flowers in the greenhouse."

Ye Qingcheng listened to their words, still unmoved, he sighed: "I wrote down your words." "

"However, when to enter the battlefield of ten thousand races, I hope that Ye Han will decide by himself, if he wants to enter in advance, I will not block it, as you said, as the young master of the Ye family, Ye Han should not be a flower in the greenhouse, only by killing with ten thousand races on the battlefield of ten thousand races, he can truly grow."

When they heard this, they didn't say more, since Ye Qingcheng said so, then it depends on Ye Han's meaning, if he is not willing to enter, then wait until the Grandmaster Realm.

Ye Han didn't know that his father and the elders of the family were worried about when they would enter the battlefield of ten thousand races.

In his sleep, Yiye Mitian has reached the state of perfection!

If this matter is known by their own father and the elders, they will definitely be shocked, this speed is really too strange, you must know that as a saint-level sword art, the entry of a leaf is not simple, Ye Qingcheng also used three comprehensions to completely learn a leaf of heaven.

And it took him more than twenty years to comprehend the realm of perfection, and it was still at the moment of stepping into the realm of kings, his physical condition was sublimated, and the height of his thinking was raised, before he could spy on the opportunity of the perfection of a leaf of heaven, and took the opportunity to complete a leaf of heaven, which can be regarded as truly mastering this sword art.

And Ye Han actually only took one day, and he even cultivated this saint-level sword art to a complete state in his sleep.

At this point, the day has passed.

The Ye family was also very lively, especially those younger disciples, after they learned about Ye Han's realm and his current strength, they all regarded Ye Han as a benchmark in their hearts.

And today, it was the day Ye Han was officially promoted to the young master of the Ye family, and the Ye family was ready to hold a grand promotion ceremony for Ye Han.

After all, before, although the world knew that Ye Han was the prince of the Ye family, but it was only because of his identity, as the son of the head of the family, and also the eldest son of the Ye family, so with such a title, this has no substantive effect, and the position of the young lord is different, it is the next head of the Ye family, it can be said that only after succeeding the position of the young lord, Ye Han can be regarded as the first of the younger generation.

Therefore, the whole Ye family attaches great importance to this, and they have no discomfort in their hearts for this former negative teaching material to become the object of their admiration in one fell swoop, after all, Ye Han's actions have been known by the entire Nanjiang City, and his legend resounded throughout Nanjiang, for Ye Han, the younger generation of people are extremely respectful, and these disciples of the Ye family have also enjoyed respect together.

"Aaa~~'~" As the protagonist of this promotion ceremony, Ye Han came to the hall with a sigh.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Ye Han's appearance, and the corners of Patriarch Ye's mouth twitched at this time, even the three elders who had seen Ye Han sleeping soundly in the secret room before.

It's really this young master of his own family, some of them are too unusual... I don't know if his appearance is pretend.

After all, who can learn a leaf when they sleep? This is unreasonable!

Helplessly shook his head, did not choose to poke Ye Han, I think that Ye Han has been used to it for so long, some of the usual disguises have penetrated into his marrow, not for a moment can not be played, they now have their own filters for any decadent behavior of Ye Han, knowing that the other party is not such a person.

I firmly do not believe that he is a big young man who is greedy for pleasure.

Ye Han came to the hall like this, ready to start the promotion ceremony, Ye Qingcheng stood beside him, his expression was serious, and after taking an oath, he slowly spoke: "Now, Young Master Ye Han, show the strength of my Ye family to the disciples of the Ye family." "

"Cast, one leaf in the sky."

Ye Han did not refute when he heard this, he knew the promotion ceremony, which is why he was asked to learn a leaf in the sky yesterday, as the Ye family's saint-level swordsmanship, every young master of the Ye family must perform it once above the promotion ceremony, no matter how much he mastered.

Ye Han held the South Candle in his hand, his face was calm, and he swung a sword down against the firmament!

One leaf in the sky!

The sky dome, which was originally clear for thousands of miles, suddenly darkened, and white clouds began to gather, covering the daylight, and the matchless sword qi above the south candle went up against the sky!

Bursting out with brilliant light, the sword qi changed continuously in the air, and soon changed into the appearance of a leaf, the leaf stood horizontally in the air, pulling the clouds apart! Block the daylight!

Bang! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The sword qi burst out instantly, covering the heavens and the earth with a leaf, shrouding everything around under this sword qi.

The giant leaves that can cover the sky are scattered at this moment, and one leaf turns into a thousand leaves, and the leaves are all soldiers! Qianye is full of heaven, spilling towards the ground!

The entire Nanjiang City, under the cover of this giant leaf, was darkened for a full three minutes.

The fallen leaves in the sky have completely stopped.

Under Ye Han's control, these fallen leaves exploded in mid-air, forming one qi explosion after another, as if celebrating the promotion of this young master of the Ye family.

When Ye Han cast a leaf in the sky, the entire Nanjiang City was aware of it, in the tall building of the special action team, Feng Xiuning looked at the giant leaf phantom in the air with a stunned expression, looking at the sky dome that was originally clear for thousands of miles, and it actually darkened in an instant, and he couldn't help but be shocked: ".. One leaf in the sky?? "

At the same time, in the city lord's mansion, many strong people, including Qian Jiang, also felt something, and looked at the vision outside the window and couldn't help but sigh: "This is a leaf in the sky?" The head of the Ye family, did Ye Qingcheng cast it? "

And the top supreme executive shook his head: "No, this is not Ye Qingcheng's breath!" "

"Who the hell is this?! In addition to Ye Qingcheng, there are actually people in the Ye family who can cast a complete leaf in the sky?! "

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and they couldn't believe it: "Isn't it Ye Qingcheng?!" "

"Who else could that be? Elder Ye, no one can have such understanding! "

"Is there still a hidden powerhouse in the Ye family?!"

Hearing the discussion around him, Qian Jiang, who was sitting on the adjutant position, rolled his eyes, there was a stream of light in his eyes, and a figure appeared in his mind.

The black-clothed boy who slashed the sky with a sword seemed to appear in front of him, could it be him?

After the night troll, Qian Jiang immediately thought of Ye Han, if it was Ye Han...

It seems that it is possible to cast a leaf in the sky to such a point.

In the Ye family, everyone looked at the dim sky dome, as well as the fallen leaves transformed by the heavenly sword qi, motionless.

The sword rain erupted in the air, like fireworks, which made the young generation of the Ye family fascinated.

This is the young master of their Ye family! This is (Li Hao) the first person of the younger generation of their Ye family!

Only Ye Han can have such a means! Cast such a monstrous sword technique!

The elders of the Ye family were stunned, and they were terrified in their hearts, and finally an elder muttered, "Yuan... A leaf of the consummation level? "

As soon as his words came out, some people who did not understand the specific realm of Yiye Mitian couldn't help but gasp: "Hiss~~~"

"This... If I'm not mistaken, the young master only entered the secret room yesterday to study. "

"A day? One day, not only did he perfectly master Yiye Mitian, but he even completed Yiye Mitian's cultivation?! "

"This... Is this really human? Wouldn't it be outrageous. I admit that the young lord's talent is amazing.... But.... Mai"

Some people were already speechless by Ye Han, they really couldn't believe that someone could complete the cultivation of a saint-level sword art in one day.

They all looked at Ye Qingcheng behind Ye Han.

However, as the closest person, he was the only one in the Ye family who had completed the cultivation of Yi Mitian.

Ye Qingcheng was even more surprised than them at this time, and it took him more than twenty years to cultivate a leaf in the sky.

This little rabbit cub was actually completed in one day??

Do you want such a big gap?!


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