As the blood moth was beheaded, everyone exclaimed.

The audience in front of the screen saw this boy who suddenly appeared, as if he was an immortal sword fairy:

"This is Ye Han? It was unusual. "

"Such a terrifying dragon can't even stop him with a single sword?!"

"Are the Terran Tianjiao all so powerful?"

"What do you think, this is Ye Han, the young master of the Ye family, the eighteen-year-old peak of the Divine Destiny Realm, he is naturally surprisingly strong!"

"Eh, although it is not right to say such things at this time, I still want to say that Ye Han is really handsome."

Seeing the crisis lifted, their moods relaxed a lot, just now it was too depressing, they could only watch the members of the special operations team on the screen fighting bloody battles and spilling blood on the battlefield, but they couldn't do anything about it.

And seeing that even the strong in the special operations group are no match for that bloody jiao, if they lose, then this outer city will be completely destroyed, and how will they deal with themselves at that time.

Fortunately, all this did not happen because of Ye Han's arrival, and for a while Ye Han's prestige rose again in Nanjiang City.

The top five leaders of the special operations team that had just been rescued came to Ye Han one after another, looking at this excessively young face, their hearts were also a little complicated.

After Zhao Qianluo, who was originally in the rear, saw Ye Han, he came to him and spoke first: "Welcome Vice Chief!" "

The other team leaders glanced at each other, and Lei Yong clasped his hands into fists: "Thank you to the deputy chief for saving your life." "

Yin Hao, Lu Yuan and others also spoke one after another: "Thank you to the deputy chief for saving your life." "

Ye Han glanced at him 12 and nodded, his face did not improve, disturbing his dream revenge, how could he understand it because of a small blood moth.

He took a step forward, clenched the South Candle with his right hand, and waved towards the heavenly dome!

One leaf in the sky.

Above some dim sky, a brilliant sword light instantly burst out, and the sword qi cut through the sky, forming a giant leaf in the air, and the blade exploded instantly! One leaf turns into a thousand leaves, and a thousand leaves prosper!

The fallen leaves transformed by the sword qi in the sky spilled downwards!

The demons on the ground fell apart under this fallen leaf, and they all lay down.

"One leaf in the sky?" At this time, Lei Yong looked at this situation that seemed to be extinguished, and those demons that gave them a headache actually dissipated under this sword, and they couldn't help but think of the Ye family's saint-level swordsmanship, a leaf in the sky.

With Lei Yong speaking, and then looking at the scene in front of them, everyone felt something, and their minds all appeared the situation when the Ye family galloped across the battlefield of the heavens, and the famous Ye family saint-level swordsmanship was a leaf in the sky.

The heart was shocked, and the pupils continued to vibrate:

"This... This is a leaf in the sky? "

"The power of the saint-level sword art is indeed terrifying."

"Gee, these demons are simply vulnerable under this sword, and they directly turn into ashes!"

"What realm has Ye Han reached this Ye Mitian? I once had the privilege of seeing a Ye family powerhouse cast it, and it didn't seem to have such an effect?! "

"I don't know, it should be very profound, after all, it is the first day of the Terran arrogance, and no one can stand out in this talent."

"It can only be said that it is worthy of Ye Han."

Now that the battlefield has been cleared, their hearts have completely relaxed, and now they are extremely relaxed, and they can only use such conversations to cover up the grief caused by those who died.

However, before he could relax, a roar came from the sky.

"Roar~~~" This is a dragon groan, Lei Yong and the others immediately entered a state of combat readiness, and they were shocked in their hearts: "How is it possible!" Wasn't that Blood Jiao killed by the deputy chief?! "

"How can there still be a dragon chant here."

In shock, a huge figure appeared in the air, looking seven or eight points similar to the previous blood moth, but it was twice as large as the blood moth.

There is also a white bone horn on the top of the head! Obviously, it's not far from the dragon!

From its body, the breath emanating from it is the Heavenly Truth Realm!

This is a blood moth of the Heavenly Truth Realm!


At this time, all the captains were standing on Ye Han's side, and the deterrent power of the demons of the Heavenly Truth Realm was too great, and they had to wait strictly.

The dragon hung in the air, slightly lowered the dragon's head, scarlet and enchanted vertical eyes stared at the people below, and a vicissitudes of unclear voice came out of its mouth: "Daxia... It must perish. "

This blood moth has been cultivated by ten thousand races, it can be said that it was created by ten thousand races, and he was born with only one thought, that is, to destroy the Great Xia! Since there were no other distractions, their strength was also extremely terrifying, and the same was true of the previous bloodworm, showing a little higher strength than the original realm.

Ye Han frowned slightly, and the captains beside him were like great enemies:

"Vice Chief, this is a demon of the Heavenly Truth Realm."

"How do we respond."

At this time, they had completely acknowledged the position of Ye Han's deputy chief in their hearts, and Ye Han was indeed the strongest in the field and their backbone, so they handed over the command to Ye Han.

And the masses who watched this scene in front of them through the screen were also shocked, even if they were across the screen, not at the scene, they could feel the deterrence brought by this blood jiao, through their words, the audience was extremely afraid, they did not expect that this would actually be a demon of the Heavenly Truth Realm, the strongest existence under the grandmaster! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And the grandmaster, in their eyes, are all well-known big people, and they can become the existence of the supreme archon of a city:

"Oh my God, it's actually a Heavenly Truth Realm demon! How can a demon of the Heavenly Truth Realm appear in my Nanjiang City! "

"The scum of these ten thousand races is really hateful, and their methods are simply outrageous."

"They actually used the demons of the Heavenly Truth Realm, and they won't give up if they don't destroy my Nanjiang."

"What to do! Can Ye Han defeat this demon? "

"It should... Is that okay? After all, Ye Han had also killed ten thousand races in the Heavenly Truth Realm before, all of them were Heavenly Truth Realm, and the difference should not be very big. "

"Last time, I heard that it was a coincidence, and there seems to be no evidence..."

"So what can be done? Now that only Ye Han has this ability, is it possible to let these people from the special action group send them to death?! "

The viewing in front of the screen is very heart-wrenching at this time, unlike the last invasion of ten thousand races, this time they can really see what is happening now through the live broadcast, this is not a TV series or a movie, but what really happened in front of them.

At this moment, many parents gritted their teeth and brought their children to the screen, asking them to watch what was about to happen next.

Whether they win or lose, they must keep this matter in mind, and if they have strength one day, they will go to the blood of ten thousand races to pay for it.

The future of the Terran race cannot be supported by one person, he needs a steady stream of fresh blood, and he needs generations of young warriors to go forward and support with their own lives.

They are all the future of the Terrans! It is the hope of Daxia!

At this time, some ignorant children came to the screen, looked at the scene at the top of the screen and couldn't help but ask in their little milk voice: "Dad, what are these uncles doing?" "

"What is that heavenly thing?!"

His father caressed his head at this time, pointed at Ye Han and the others at the top of the screen, and proudly spoke: "These uncles are warriors of my Terran race!" It is the pillar of my Daxia, and I hope you can become a person like them in the future. "

The child tilted his head, his father's words contained many words that he could not understand, but seeing his father's hopeful gaze, he nodded, remembered the matter in his heart, and then stared at the screen extremely seriously.

Such a thing happened in Nanjiang City, and even in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, and the purpose of this invasion of ten thousand tribes was mainly Nanjiang, and the means were almost the same as back then, when they lost.

The people who did not hold that city 393 did not hold the territory of Daxia, but that battle happened suddenly, almost overnight, and there was bad news, and there were no similar examples, which made it impossible to talk about.

And now it is different, all this is happening under their noses, this time the conspiracy of the ten thousand races has not come to fruition, and their strongest power is blocked by the young man holding the sword on the screen now.

And now the last resort they left behind is still to face the sword in the young man's hand!

All eyes are watching, all parties are looking forward to it!

At this moment, Ye Han stepped out in one step! The temperament on the whole person has changed, like a divine weapon about to be born, the phantom of kendo appears in his eyes, and the rudiments of kendo around his body are becoming more and more solid, compared to the last time, this time the edge is already as real as it is!

The southern candle in his hand ignited a roaring flame at this time, shining the snow-white sword body like a hellish red lotus.

Wrist flick.


With a sword sound, the sword opened the gate of heaven!

The rockfall in the surrounding ruins flew upside down with dried blood, as if it had lost gravity! The demon qi that pervaded the sky was surging and condensing at this moment!

The demon qi condensed into a heavenly gate, and then opened to both sides!

Rip and pull! The gate of heaven collapsed, the dim sky seemed to split in two, and the sunlight fell again on this weather-beaten land.

In the air, looking down at the Heavenly Truth Realm Blood Jiao below, a blood line instantly appeared on its body!


The sunlight shone through the blood line, and everyone saw that the body of the blood moth really slowly separated, and the erected dragon's eyes were shocked!

Purple demon blood spilled, as if tears fell for the deceased, gently slapped on the ground.

The young man with the sword, still calm, slowly danced a sword flower, and then put the sword into its sheath!

It's like just killing an ant!

The audience was silent!

An uproar ensued!


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