After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 22: Brush a wave of goodwill

Cecil said in a very disdainful tone, "Is it the first time for His Royal Highness to attend such a large banquet?"

Cecil didn't have a good impression of the Glacier Royal. Looking at this prince, he felt that the idiot of Iron was much more handsome.

The prince was taken aback.

This is an insinuation that he is an illegitimate child!

The prince looked at Zhou Mian with a sneer and said, "It's the first time I want to come to Admiral Zhou to participate? I'm very nervous."

"Yeah, he's quite nervous. But I'm with him." Cecil deliberately changed the glass in his hand from the waiter on the side, and raised it to the prince: "I hope the prince has a good time here."

The prince hummed and clinked glasses with Cecil.


However, something unexpected happened, and the others saw Cecil's hand crooked and accidentally pushed down the wine glass in the prince's hand. And the wine glasses of Cecil and the prince fell all at once, and all the red wine inside was spilled on the prince's white dress.

The rest of the people didn't know what was going on. When they came to their senses, they only saw two people clinking glasses, and then the wine glasses poured red on the prince's chest and belly, looking very funny.

However, Minister Saturn and Zhou Mian, who were standing beside Cecil, could see clearly that Cecil did it on purpose!

Just now, Cecil used the dark power through the wine glass, and the enormous strength directly softened the prince's hand, and then pushed the wine glass to his chest.

Zhou Mian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It turned out that this was the purpose of Cecil's deliberately changing a full wine glass.

"Sorry." Cecil pretended to be surprised and quickly withdrew his hand: "The hand slipped."

Everything happened too fast, the prince was stunned for a moment, and then shouted to Cecil with anger: "You did it on purpose! You, this!"

This illegitimate son had not received any formal royal education, was short-sighted and did not know how high the sky was, so he couldn't help but wave his hand and was about to attack Cecil.

Cecil raised her eyebrows slightly, and easily grabbed the prince's wrist.

"It's at the banquet now, talk well, don't do anything." Cecil said righteously: "Dear, let's not do it."

The prince only felt a force spread from the wrist to the whole body, and the tingling feeling immediately invaded the whole body like a virus.


The prince groaned, and the pain caused him to kneel directly, drenched in cold sweat.

"What's wrong with the prince?" Minister Saturn winked at the side, pretending to be surprised: "You don't need to do such a big ceremony, right?"

Cecil explained: "After all, this is different. Admiral Zhou is the marriage partner of the Federation, so it is reasonable to bow."

"I see."

The two of you said one thing to another, and the prince felt ashamed and even humiliated when he knelt on the ground.

However, his whole body was soft, and he couldn't stand up. Looking at the man who was chatting and laughing in front of him, he couldn't help trembling all over.

too terrifying…

The prince's legs were shaking.

The rest of the people quietly paid attention to the scene here, and the cameras did not let them off.

The prince's face was flushed, and he could not wait to leave immediately.

"His Royal Highness...!" The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Binghe, who had just come out of the bathroom, saw this scene, and his heart was half cold.

The minister rushed forward to help the out-of-strength prince up, and said with an apologetic smile, "The little prince is ignorant and offended."

"It's okay, the Glacier System is also Manlach's in-laws now, so don't worry about trivial matters." Cecil waved his hand.

The minister hurriedly took the prince to leave the table under everyone's mocking eyes, and had the prince be sent back to the hotel.

"Child or not." Zhou Mian laughed softly.

"Since the Glacier Sect has sent a mental retardation to humiliate you, then I have no choice but to treat others in the same way, and let them see the consequences of bringing a mental retardation who doesn't know how to advance or retreat." Cecil shook his head.

"And..." Cecil said with a smile: "Those people chased you down before, this account hasn't been settled yet."

Zhou Mian was stunned.

Cecil touched his chin and said, "Admiral handsome, play normally."

Zhou Mian ignored Cecil and turned around to get food for the two of them.

Then the meeting started, and everyone was seated.

The federal ministers came to the stage to report one by one. Zhou Mian sat next to Cecil, listening to the reports seriously and looking at the information displayed on the screen.

It is not unreasonable for the Federation to be the interstellar hegemon for so many years. Just looking at the data of these various industries and the reports of the military department, the Glacier System is indeed incomparable.

Zhou Mian was fascinated by it, and couldn't help but admire Cecil even more in his heart.

"However, frontier development has always been a problem." The Minister of Agriculture pointed to the electronic map displayed on the screen and said: "There is always a disconnect between the federal frontier and the capital, which is reflected in land cultivation and food supply."

The minister said seriously: "The climate in the frontier is harsh. It is several times hotter than the capital in summer, and it is the same in winter."

The so-called bad is not simply bad, but it is really difficult to survive. Those who can live in the frontier are physically strong.

"Well..." Cecil touched his chin and glanced at Zhou Mian.

Zhou Mian nodded slightly.

Cecil smiled and said, "The glacier system where Zhou Mian is located is also in winter all year round, and the frontier is even more difficult. Do you have any solutions in the face of severe weather?"

"Yes." Zhou Mian said: "We are very experienced in this area and have accumulated a lot of knowledge about planting."

The minister's eyes lit up and smiled, "I would like to hear the details."

Zhou Mian got up and explained one by one without haste.

Minister Binghe sat aside, frowning slightly.

Before he came, he had already communicated with the Glacier Royal Family, and the Royal Family was unwilling to share the knowledge of Glacier, especially with the Federation.

But now Zhou Mian is standing here talking endlessly, which makes him feel resentful and angry.

Zhou Mian's tone was still gentle, and he explained it very clearly. After some discussion, many people looked at him with admiration.

Perhaps with this beginning, Zhou Mian also participated a lot in the subsequent discussions under the deliberate guidance of Cecil.

Zhou Mian's opinions are not as extreme as ordinary people, and they are not so vacillating to please both sides, so their opinions are worth adopting. The main reason that makes people feel good is that Zhou Mian speaks honestly, doesn't beat around the bush, and doesn't know how to go around.

After a meeting, the ordinary people watching the live broadcast and the people present swiped up.

{The object of our admiral is not only beautiful on the outside, but also beautiful on the inside! }

{That **** man, his brain is as **** as his waist. }

{ can it be so perfect! Daily envy of the Admiral and the Milky Way husband! }

Star online a praise.

Cecil sat on the side, pursing her lips slightly.

He never deliberately told others how good Zhou Mian was, or promoted, decided and done for Zhou Mian.

He just gave Zhou Mian a chance to show it. For him, Zhou Mian is like a dull piece of gold, and it will shine on its own. He only needs to let others see it, and he does not need to force the gold to shine.

During the intermission, Zhou Mian and Cecil were sitting in a corner for lunch. Zhou Mian couldn't help but ask, "What is the surprise the admiral said...?"

Cecil's half-talking made Zhou Mian worry about it all morning.

"Hmm..." Cecil put her chin on her hand and made a show.

"Admiral..." Zhou Mian was helpless.

"Okay, for the sake of your pain and excitement, I'll tell you." Cecil took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Mian with a sense of ritual.

"for you."

Zhou Mian was stunned.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Xiaowei for 7 land/mines, 1 hand/grenade/bomb, 2 land/mines, Heihe 2 land/mines, Nancheng Old, 1 land/mine! kisses! (* ̄3 ̄)╭

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