After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 34: federal challenge (1)

In the end, Cecil failed to ask Zhou Mian who sent the cards and roses.

After all, Zhou Mian blocked him and was speechless.


Cecil sat by the floor-to-ceiling window in the study, staring at the three pots of flowers on the window.

Originally there was none, but Zhou Mian set it up for him and took care of it himself.

There are also two basins on the bedroom window.

"Click" the butler entered with afternoon tea.

"This is the tea the young master brewed himself, and the biscuits made by himself. He said that he didn't ruin the biscuits this time, and the admiral must be satisfied after trying it." The butler put the snacks and tea in the tray on the table.

Cecil frowned and said, "Why didn't he come and tell me in person."

The housekeeper didn't blink, and smiled calmly: "Because the young master is busy making dinner for the admiral."

Although the truth is that Zhou Mian felt that Cecil was nervous today, so he decided not to come.

"Yo..." Cecil rubbed his chin and frowned, "Isn't it shy? After all, I'm so handsome, so I hold him down like this... oh, can't I explode in shyness?"

"Maybe it is." The housekeeper has been with Cecil for many years, and his ability to tell lies is first-rate: "Admiral, eat quickly."

"Hmph. I just like to act like a spoiled child." Cecil ate the dessert triumphantly, feeling as if she owned the whole world.

The housekeeper smiled and said, "But even if the young master is angry, isn't that a good thing?"

"Huh?" Cecil swallowed a cookie, thinking it tasted really good.

He was almost addicted to Zhou Mian's food.

The housekeeper said: "Young master has always been gentle and reserved. It's rare to see him show his emotions like today. This is a good attempt."

Cecil's meal.

"Yes." Cecil also smiled: "He is too restrained."

After eating the snack, Cecil received an urgent message at the terminal.

Cecil frowned slightly.

The commander of his twelfth army, Casper, sent it to Cecil.

{Sixteen Stars did not move smoothly, and Major General Gu's team suddenly lost contact. }

Cecil's face sank immediately, and halfway through eating, he got up and took his coat and said, "I told Zhou Mian that I don't need to prepare dinner, I'm going out and let him..."

Cecil paused and said, "Let him prepare to go out with me."

"it is good."

Seeing Cecil like this, Zhou Mian knew that the situation was urgent, so she stopped dawdling, and pulled the coat by the door and went out with Cecil directly.

"What's wrong?" On the aircraft, Zhou Mian asked, "Is something wrong?"

Cecil said, "Gu Xingzhi, have you heard of the Federal Major General?"

Zhou Mian nodded.

Gu Xingzhi is equivalent to Zhou Mian of the Glacier System, but in the Federation, Cecil is not only in charge of internal affairs but also externally, and all major events are led by Cecil. However, there is not only one Cecil who can lead the army in the Federation, there is also Gu Xingzhi.

Cecil's battle is equivalent to the emperor's personal expedition, and Gu Xingzhi is equivalent to the federal general.

Most of Gu Xingzhi's main battlefields are in remote places in the federal territory, such as stationing in the periphery to deter foreign countries and dependent countries, and protect the federal frontier.

Unless the Zerg is really arrogant enough to attack directly from the bridge, if the Zerg wants to attack the Federation, then Gu Xingzhi will be the first person to meet.

Cecil said: "There was news from the Intelligence Bureau that Xing Zhi suddenly lost contact five hours ago, and the Federation's request for a response signal sent to Sixteen Stars was also ignored."

Zhou Mian frowned slightly.

He understood this situation as soon as he heard it.

problem occurs.

Zhou Mian asked, "How many people are there in Major General Gu's team?"

Cecil said: "The brigade is at Fifteen Star. Xing Zhi brought a nine-person team to Sixteen Star to investigate the situation. Now the fifteen-star team has searched and rescued at Sixteen Star, but no one has been found."

Zhou Mian patted Cecil on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry too much, this is either being injured and temporarily hiding in a hard-to-find place, or being kidnapped by the Zerg or pirates. Major General Gu has a lofty status, even if he falls into the enemy Presumably the army will not die, and they will use him as a bargaining chip to blackmail the federation."

Zhou Mian's tone was soft but firm, and Cecil calmed down, rubbing the top of Zhou Mian's hair with a smile.

When the two arrived at the intelligence building, Cecil took out the access card and took Zhou Mian through the corridors and halls, and came to a control room.

The control room is surrounded by screens, and a row of people are sitting under the screen, trying to capture the signal of the sixteen stars at this moment.

The commander of the Twelfth Army, Casper, stood by, monitoring the movements on the screen.

"Admiral, Admiral Zhou."

Seeing the two coming, Casper bowed slightly: "No progress yet."

Cecil took the detailed information from Casper and looked at it carefully with Zhou Mian.

Casper saw that Cecil gave Zhou Mian the encrypted data with a natural look, and his heart paused, and he also had a new understanding and impression of Zhou Mian.

It seems that the relationship between Admiral and Admiral Zhou is indeed very good.

Cecil looked at the screens and said, "The brigade is already searching the sixteen stars. You expand the signal range to detect nearby desolate stars."

Casper said: "The fourteenth, fifteenth and seventeenth stars nearby have been searched."

"What about eighteen?"

"The eighteenth is too far away. It will take three days to reach the sixteenth. Major General Gu's last signal was five hours ago, at the sixteenth star, so it is impossible for him to be at the eighteenth star."

Cecil insisted: "Try it."

After all, the so-called reachable place has been searched and rescued for five hours so far, and there is still no news.

Casper frowned slightly, but still obeyed: "A1 signal switch to eighteen stars from the left, A2 from the right."

While Cecil and Zhou Mian were waiting, they sat on the sofa beside them and continued to watch the map analysis given by the satellite.

Cecil seemed to remember something and turned to ask Casper, "Have you informed Ellen?"

Casper froze for a moment, then shook his head.

Didn't they... break up?

Cecil still took out the terminal and contacted Ellen.

"What's wrong?" There was a lot of noise on Ellen's side, looking like it was in some bar.

Cecil sighed and whispered, "Something happened to Xingzhi."


The other side was silent for a moment, then Ellen smiled and said, "How is that possible?"

Cecil said: "It's true, he's a soldier, I won't joke about this kind of thing."


Cecil added: "We're in the Intelligence Agency."

Then hung up the call.

Cecil shook his head.

I don't know if Ellen will come.

Zhou Mian asked curiously, "Major General Gu and His Royal Highness Yi Lun..."

"They were together before, but they broke up later. Xing Zhi has been out for a few years and rarely comes back. When he comes back, Yi Lun will go out on the grounds of travel."

Cecil paused and said, "It's been three years since they met."


For a moment, a red light appeared on one of the screens.

It's the one that detects the eighteen stars!

"There!" The intelligence officer was so excited that his hands were shaking, and he quickly connected.

"Federal capital A2, may I ask..."

Before the intelligence officer could finish speaking, he heard a hoarse voice from a man.

"Me and the rest of the the Eighteen Star Canyon...cough..."

The man's voice was low and hoarse, looking weakly at the situation.

When the man made a sound, everyone present was shocked.

Why is Gu Xingzhi there in a place that can only be reached in three days? !

Cecil stepped forward and took Mai Dao: "Xing Zhi, how did you get to the Eighteen Stars?"

"I do not know…"

Cecil guessed that Gu Xingzhi might have accidentally discovered some tunnel or shortcut, but at this moment Gu Xingzhi's strength to speak is weak, and his mind is not very clear, since he can't ask, Cecil can only say: "Then the search and rescue team It takes three days to get to you, can you hold on?"


beep... beep...


Cecil froze in place.

The signal was still on and did not hang up, but Gu Xingzhi was suddenly speechless.

Zhou Mian said: "It should be that I lost my strength after holding on to explain the position."

Cecil said in a low voice, "Send a letter to the 16-star team and let them go to the 18-star as quickly as possible!"

Cecil still didn't put down the wheat, but said, "Major General Gu, talk to me, can you still hear me?"

A low voice came from the other end.

Cecil said: "Please report the injury."

After a while, Gu Xingzhi said, "I may not be able to go back."

Cecil said in a calm voice: "No, please report your injuries and the team's injuries."

"Others have lost consciousness. I... ahem, I don't know if I'm still alive, if I can't go back, help me give Ellen... a word."


The door was pushed open, but Ellen still came, and he saw Cecil in a daze, leaning on the door.

Merry heard a man's voice.

"Tell him I'm sorry..."

Ellen stared blankly at the wheat in Cecil's hand, his face pale.

Cecil was stunned when he saw the person coming, and then backed away: "Iron, come and talk to him."

First, Cecil wanted Yi Lun to inspire Gu Xingzhi, and secondly, in case Gu Xingzhi really couldn't come back...

Yi Lun took a deep breath, stepped forward and pinched Mai Dio and said, "Gu Xingzhi! It's better if you die!"


The audience immediately fell silent, and the corners of Cecil's mouth twitched.

Ellen shouted: "I don't care for you to come back! You'd better not come back and go out! I will continue to wave and find someone better than you to marry!"

After saying that, Erlen turned and ran away with red eyes.

Zhou Mian watched Yi Lun leave the remote control room, unable to stop him.

No one spoke in the remote control room, and finally the voice from the distant Eighteen Star broke the deadlock.

"The team was ambushed by pirates at Sixteen Stars... The survivors include me... ahem, five people, currently located in the Eighteen Star Grand Canyon..."

Gu Xingzhi began to report slowly, detailing the injuries of the five people.

They were all injured by pirate explosives. After losing their combat effectiveness, they were slashed a few times when they fought with pirates, and the pirates' knives were wiped with insect poison. At this moment, they were not only injured but also infected with Zerg, hiding in the canyon and vulnerable to a single blow. .

Those intelligence agents began to locate and record analysis.

Cecil said: "They are too injured, the medical equipment of the brigade can't handle it, and our capital must also send people out."

Casper said: "I can..."

"I'll go in person." Cecil glanced at Zhou Mian and said, "Are you going?"

Although it was an inquiry, Zhou Mian knew what Cecil meant, he had to go!

In the eyes of the rest, Gu Xingzhi was helpless, and Cecil's departure was also farewell. But Cecil knew that as long as Gu Xingzhi could survive these three days, Zhou Mian could try to get rid of the insect poison.

Zhou Mian said softly: "Fortunately, I picked and made extra medicine before."

"Okay." Cecil dragged Zhou Mian and said to Casper, "Prepare the main battleship!"

They will go to Eighteen Stars as fast as they can!


The main battleship was in place at the airport, and the airport was also closed to the rest of the public.

Everyone noticed that something big was about to happen, but firstly, the Federation was fighting all year round, and secondly, the news of Gu Xingzhi's death was kept secret, so there was no commotion for the time being.


Cecil paused for a while, and saw Iron standing by with his luggage, he turned his head and said, "I'm going too, to see if Gu Xingzhi is dead."

Cecil sighed.

After Cecil explained all the official affairs to the five secretaries, he and Zhou Mian set off in a low-key manner with a small army and Yilen.

The medical equipment and doctors are already in place in the main battleship. In the past three days, Gu Xingzhi's brigade will pick him up, and then rush back to the capital. Cecil's main battleship will also depart from the capital to meet them on the road. Keep the time as short as possible.

Cecil and Zhou Mian were sitting in the pilot. Cecil flipped through the documents and said with a frown, "It's not the first day Xing Zhi was in Desolate Star, how could he be so seriously injured all of a sudden."

Zhou Mian said: "Pirates have always been tricky, and they also have advanced weapons. They colluded with the Zerg. It is not difficult to understand that Major General Gu missed a moment."

"No, I mean...why?"


Cecil explained: "It's not a special time now, and the Zerg didn't come to attack, why did the pirates suddenly target Xing Zhi? To hurt Xing Zhi like this, it will take a lot of manpower and resources, right? There is this necessary?"

Zhou Mian also frowned slightly.


Zhou Mian remembered the eyebrows of the man in red.

He also... can't guess what that person is thinking.

Cecil lowered his head and continued to read the report. Zhou Mian glanced at Yi Lun, who was sitting behind the window and looked out of the window in a daze, and said with relief: "Your Highness, don't worry... Major General Gu has been away all year round, and this time he will spend it safely."

"I'm not worried...!" Ellen gritted his teeth: "I just want to see him unlucky!"

Zhou Mian stared at Yi Lun blankly.

Why are you clearly worried, but you still say you're not worried?

Seeing that Zhou Mian looked at Yi Lun before he could say anything, his face was full of doubts, and he patted him and said, "This is fun."

Zhou Mian: "...?"

Ellen: "…"

Cecil smiled and said, "It's like every time you act like a spoiled brat with me, but say no."

Ellen frowned slightly.


Zhou Mian: "…"

He really doesn't have that! When did he act coquettish with Cecil? ?

Yi Lun couldn't help but asked curiously, "I can't see it... Does my sister-in-law act like a spoiled child?? How did she act?"

Zhou Mian gritted her teeth and said, "I don't, don't listen to Cecil's nonsense. Don't you know him yet?"

"Yes." Ellen said with disgust: "Speaking with one mouth, lines relying on self-indulgence."

Zhou Mian desperately resisted the urge to nod.

After all, because of this topic and Cecil's "self-sacrifice", the atmosphere in the room was a little more relaxed.

It's useless to worry now.

Several people slept in the main battleship all night, and on the second day, Gu Xingzhi's matter gradually became popular among the people, and Xingwang also began to say whether something happened to Major General Gu.

"It's impossible to hide it, but... it's too fast." Cecil frowned slightly.

After a pause, Cecil asked Casper, who was staying in the capital, to pay attention, so that they could take the opportunity to start investigating the traitor.

If the traitor can't sit still this time, there will be muddy water again...

Cecil sneered.

Zhou Mian looked at Xingwang's panicked appearance and asked suspiciously, "The purpose of the dark phoenix is ​​to disrupt the admiral's plan and throw the capital into chaos?"

Otherwise, why did he expose him to pick red Luoluo before, and now he exposes Gu Xingzhi's situation?

"After all, their purpose is to block me, find an opportunity to kill me." Cecil shrugged: "After all, I have blood-washed the Dark Phoenix. And this traitor from the Dark Phoenix, I will not let go. People of the Black Phoenix, kill without mercy."

Cecil's tone was calm and gentle, but there was a hidden hostility.

Zhou Mian paused and nodded.

Cecil smiled and said, "Actually, there are good people in the Dark Phoenix. She is a beautiful and gentle girl. At that time, she was twenty years older than me and took good care of the children who were kidnapped by the Dark Phoenix. It's a pity that she wanted to protect me and The other child, who died, was killed by the people of the Dark Phoenix."

"Another child...?" Zhou Mian suddenly realized that Cecil was not kidnapped alone.

Is there anyone else?

"Yes." But Cecil looked away, not planning to say more.

Because Zhou Mian has always been sensitive to his mental power, he can feel Cecil's emotional changes at this moment.

When talking about that person, Cecil's mood was obviously fluctuating.

Zhou Mian suddenly remembered what the others had said, that the dark phoenix is ​​Cecil's inverse scale, but Cecil had talked to him before and said that he is not afraid of the dark phoenix, and it is not a shadow.

Could it be... In fact, the Black Phoenix is ​​not, but that person is?

Zhou Mian was slightly taken aback.

After nightfall, the main battleship finally met with the aircraft that escorted Gu Xingzhi. The main battleship opened the large hatch, and after the aircraft entered, Gu Xingzhi and the two surviving soldiers were moved into the medical room by a stretcher.

Ellen looked at the stretcher and said, "Didn't you say five people?"

Zhou Mian and Cecil were silent.

Iron understood after a while, and the other two couldn't hold on to the rescue.

A few people stepped forward to see, and all three of them looked bloody.

The doctor immediately stepped forward and took his place, two doctors and two nurses facing a patient.

Basically, the wound has been bandaged with the most basic hemostasis and infection prevention, and all first aid has been done.

Yi Lun stood beside Gu Xingzhi's hospital bed, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Gu Xingzhi's entire face was covered with blood, and he could only vaguely see a tough outline. There were large and small injuries all over his body, and a burn on his back, which was probably caused by an explosion.

But the fatal wound was the big cut from the shoulder to the waist. The knife wound cut a **** deep groove in the flesh, looking extremely terrifying.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air. Yi Lun was pampered since urination. The first time he saw such a wound, it was still on Gu Xingzhi's body, and his body was shaking like chaff.

Zhou Mian stepped forward to block Yi Lun's sight and said, "Your Highness, are you waiting outside?"

"Isn't it..." Ellen sniffed and said, "Will it hurt a lot?"

Zhou Mian was stunned.

Ellen's mentality suddenly collapsed, his eyes were as red as a rabbit, and his usual hippie smile was gone: "Am I wrong? I shouldn't have treated him like that, will he die?"

"Does it hurt?" Ellen asked the question again with trembling lips.

In Ellen's cognition, that man was always tall and indifferent, like an old piece of wood, poking and moving.

How could such a strong person become the embarrassed appearance he is now?

"His Royal Highness, let's go out and wait." Zhou Mian took Yi Lun's shoulder and said warmly, "There is still a chance for treatment."

"No." Yi Lun pushed Zhou Mian's hand away and said, "I'll just sit there and I won't disturb you. You don't need to worry about me."

Ellen took a deep breath and tried to sit aside with a blank face.

Zhou Mian sighed and didn't stop her.

"How's it going?" Zhou Mian stepped forward to look, and saw that the doctor had cleaned up and was about to sew Gu Xingzhi's wound.

"Wait!" Zhou Mian frowned and said, "The insect poison hasn't been solved yet, so why are you sealing the wound? Isn't this sealing the insect poison in the body?"

One of the doctors frowned and said, "This is the best solution now. If the wound is not sealed, the blood flow and infection will make it worse."

Zhou Mian said: "It can't be sealed, no matter what."

Zhou Mian opened the box on the side, took out an herbal medicine inside and said: "Soak these plants in water and cover the wound, and then pour the powder made from the branches of Hong Luoluo and Dodder fern into the wound. Detoxification."

"Are you crazy?" the oldest doctor shouted: "Let's not mention whether other plants will die if you use them, Hong Luoluo is poisonous! Drugs! Admiral Zhou has been fighting against Zerg pirates all year round, don't you know that Hong Luo Luo's danger?!"

Zhou Mian glanced at the three patients, was still cleaning the wounds, and had time to argue, so he patiently said: "The leaves of red Luoluo are poisonous, but the ends of the branches are medicines that can save people."

"Plants can't save people at all, and they can't be made into medicine! The plants of the ancient earth can, but the plants of today can't! Where did Admiral Zhou come to the conclusion? Which medical book or which expert said it?"

Zhou Mian had a meal.

He has the spiritual power that can see through the attributes of plants.

As long as it is a living creature, he can see through it, but the structure of plants is simpler than that of humans, and he can easily decipher them.

This is Zhou Mian's innate ability, and he doesn't know why only he can, but others can't.

"I..." Zhou Mian frowned slightly, as if thinking about how to explain it.

"Zhou Mian said it was okay." Cecil stood next to Zhou Mian and directly threw out the most powerful words: "I tried it, and I was poisoned by Anders before because of Zhou Mian's method. cured."

"This..." The old doctor, Ford frowned: "But no one has used plant therapy since Star Era, and many people have tried and researched, but still to no avail. This is too risky."

The nurses of the other two thugs also felt that Zhou Mian was talking nonsense. One of the young nurses spoke directly with a yin and yang strange air: "It won't be to show off in front of Admiral Cecil..."

Zhou Mian lowered her eyes and said, "So, does Mr. Ford think that sealing up the wound will save the lives of the three of them?"

Although the old doctor was stubborn, he was not stupid. Seeing Zhou Mian's soft and gentle tone at this moment, he felt that Zhou Mian was absurd, and the anger that he had used to make a fool of himself in front of Cecil gradually subsided, and shook his head and said, "No, the chance is weak. , we just treat the wound to the best possible condition, and the rest can only depend on the patient himself."

Zhou Mian glanced at Yi Lun and said euphemistically, "Since there is no chance of survival, why not just give it a shot?"

"I'm a doctor, not a general in war. I won't let you try anything that has never been successful on a patient, increasing the chance of death and suffering for the patient."

"Yo, what about when I die?" Cecil hugged her chest and said coldly, "You said the same thing back then, saying that I was helpless, let me make it myself."

Ford frowned slightly.

Zhou Mian glanced at the two little angry young nurses beside him, then looked at the doctor with frowning eyes, and said solemnly: "I'm not trying to show off, and I don't need it, this is done for me and Sisi. If your relationship is good, it will be good, and it will continue to be so good, but if you don't do it well, it will make everyone dislike it, I don't need it."

Cecil raised an eyebrow.

Zhou Mian continued: "Let me make it clear. The three patients are in such a situation now. Everyone knows that insect poison will cause the wound to not heal."

Zhou Mian turned to look at Yi Lun and said, "Your Highness, Young Master Gu will die."

Ellen's eyes widened.

"Either he will slowly boil to death like this, or he will be poisoned by my plants, but my plants may save him, although there was only one case of Cecil before, and Cecil is taken internally, not externally. Do you want to? Let Major General Gu give it a try?"

Ford frowned and said, "But without plants, maybe Major General Gu also has a chance."

Zhou Mian said: "Is there a case? It's a patient who is still alive."

Ford stroked the beard on his chin and thought, and was about to say one by one when he saw Ellen raised his head and said, "I...willing to give it a try."

"Your Highness, you don't understand these things. Human life is at stake, so you can't make a conclusion at will." Ford shook his head.

Everyone knows that Prince Yirun grew up in a honey pot. He used to be a blessing from a young age. Gu Xingzhi used to protect him, but now Gu Xingzhi is out and he is also protected by Cecil and the group of elders.

"How can I make a conclusion at will! That's Gu Xingzhi's life, I care more than you! What do you know... What do you know as an outsider! You don't know Gu Xingzhi!" I was stimulated by Ford's words , Yi Lun jumped up and shouted with red eyes trembling: "Can I make a conclusion about Gu Xingzhi's life!"

Ford was frozen in place by the deafening shout, and the other doctors and nurses were also stunned.

"Cecil had an accident before, and you all kept your mouth shut for a long time, saying that there was no way to save it! Let it die! Then Zhou Shang came and saved it." Iron sniffed and said, "Now General Zhou Saying that he can be saved, what qualifications do you have to give advice!"

Ford was quiet for a long time, then stared at him and said, "We are doctors, and a layman just came and told us to use an unprecedented treatment method. Are we blindly using it on patients? This is a life!"

"Okay! You are doctors, so why don't you cure Cecil and Gu Xingzhi!"


There was silence, and Ellen glared at the doctors, trembling all over.


Cecil stepped forward and rubbed Ellen's shoulder.

Ellen could feel Cecil's strength.

"Do as Admiral Zhou said. Otherwise..." Cecil smiled and whispered, "If something happens to Xing Zhi today, none of the medical staff present will be able to escape."

Cecil still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his tone was colder.

Zhou Mian said to the nurses, "Get ready to soak the herbs!"

Cecil's meaning was already obvious, and there was no need to back down.

All the nurses had to rush to open the box and the herbs came out and soaked in hot water.

Zhou Mian glanced at Cecil gratefully, and then began to instruct the nurse on the precautions and correct steps.

Cecil said, "Old Ford, I'll vouch for Zhou Mian. I'll take care of anything that happens, okay?"

Zhou Mian needed the support of doctors, otherwise there would be more obstacles when the main battleship landed in the capital to move patients into the hospital's intensive care unit.

Ford frowned slightly.

Cecil said solemnly: "You know I won't joke about Xing Zhi's life, and you also know my attitude towards the soldiers under my command. I'm willing to let Zhou Mian try. First, I have personally experienced the effect, and secondly, , Xing Zhi's evil is more fortunate than good, I am willing to let him give it a shot, and the result is the same if he fails. Ford, you can understand it if you think about it carefully."

"..." Ford sighed heavily.

For ordinary people, this is a cult and a drug!

Zhou Mian led the people to go back and forth, and began to rescue the patient, while Yi Lun watched anxiously.

Ford glanced at it, shook his head and said, "Even if I accept it, the people will not accept it. People will die if they eat plants by mistake. This is everyone's understanding. Moreover, the federal people have been tortured by drugs for hundreds of years, and how many people have been separated because of drugs. , How many people have been killed by pirates? People who are addicted to drugs are addicted and insane. How can people accept the use of plants, or even red Luoluo, to treat a person. "

Cecil was irritated and said, "I don't care about that. You just tell others that if there is anything wrong with Zhou Mian, it will be counted directly on my head. I worry, is Cecil's name not enough?"

Ford shook his head and said, "Okay, I'll write to the Admiral once. I'll try my best to get the people in the hospital to cooperate when I go back to the capital."

"Thank you." Cecil smiled, "Don't tell Zhou Mian about this."

Ford paused, then couldn't help sighing that Cecil really cared about Zhou Mian.

On the other end, after the herbs were ready, Zhou Mian applied them one by one.

The herbal medicine was originally irritating. After Zhou Mian put the herbal medicine on Gu Xingzhi's wound, he saw Gu Xingzhi's whole body twitching, his brows furrowed, and his palms were desperately open.

Looking at Gu Xingzhi's appearance as if he was suppressing some pain, Yi Lun glanced at his tightly pursed lips, then at his blood-filled hands, which he desperately opened, took a deep breath and held them up .


Yi Lun stretched out his hand to hold Gu Xingzhi's hand, but his head was lowered, trying to bury it in his neck, and his shoulders twitched.

But Zhou Mian noticed that Yi Lun didn't cry either. In fact, Yi Lun didn't cry from beginning to end.

Zhou Mian sighed and paid more attention to the wounds of the three patients.

Ellen just sat on the edge of the bed all night.

During this period, Zhou Mian kept asking the nurse to change the herbs, and the doctor kept making sure that the wound did not deteriorate.

But if the wound doesn't get worse, if the situation gets worse, the doctor is not an immortal and can't control it.


One of the soldiers suddenly twitched, and even the tube that was inserted into him fell off.

The soldier stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth and foamed at the mouth, then twitched... and lost his breath.


Everyone was stunned.

Not only did the breathing stop suddenly, but even the signs of life stopped unexpectedly. This is good, and even first aid is not needed.

"Guo, sure enough!" one of the nurses screamed: "Don't you hurry up and take the herbs from the major general and the adjutant! That's harmful! It's harmful!"

The room suddenly became a little chaotic, and the other nurse panicked and reached out to touch Gu Xingzhi.


Cecil quickly stepped forward and kicked the nurse away, without pity on Xiangxiyu at all, he directly pulled out a gun and pointed at the screaming one and shouted, "Calm me all!"

Suddenly there was silence.

Cecil sneered: "I named the best medical team this time. I didn't expect the nurses who came to panic because they died. What? Don't you die in your hospital? If you die, you will be in chaos, right? ?what?!"

Ford paused and said in a low voice: "Sorry, just to train new blood, every time I go out on a mission, I will bring one or two new people, which makes the admiral laugh."

Ford also felt ashamed, glared at the nurse fiercely, and told her to get out and wash her face and calm down.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." The nurse looked at Jiao Di Di and left with a face about to cry.

Ford shook his head and asked the doctor beside him, "Which department is in charge?"

"I don't know either... new faces."

After that, everyone calmed down and collected the body of the dead soldier under the guidance of Ford.

Seeing that the soldier was carried out covered with a white cloth, Yi Lun bit his lower lip, closed his eyes and held Gu Xingzhi's hand tightly.

Zhou Mian stood aside, stuffed his icy hands into his trouser pockets and said calmly, "It's not because of the herbs, but just like the other two soldiers who couldn't wait for rescue, they couldn't hold on anymore. Everyone's body functions and The intensity is all different, he's at the end of it, and the herbs can't save him."

Yi Lun whispered: "Gu Xingzhi is not an ordinary person, he can..."

Although the medical team was very dissatisfied with Zhou Mian at the moment and lost their trust, Yilen still believed in Zhou Mian, and Cecil was still leaning against the wall with a gun in his hand. .

The atmosphere in the room was a little tense.

Just then, Cecil's terminal rang.


It's Casper.

After hearing Casper's report, Cecil frowned.

- Admiral Zhou's use of herbal medicine to treat patients has been exposed, and now angry people are blocking the demonstration at the airport, Admiral must be careful.


Cecil opened the terminal to log in to StarNet.

[Hot] Admiral Zhou treated Major General Gu with herbs

【shock! 】Admiral Zhou poisoned the soldiers with herbs!

Sure enough, this is the source.

Cecil swiped a little and found that an account suddenly posted a video.

In the video, Zhou Mian and Ford were arguing, saying that his herbal medicine could save people, and then the video changed, and the soldier was convulsing, and then the equipment showed signs of loss of life.

In less than a minute of video, a missile was dropped directly on Xingwang, which made everyone panic.

{Did you see that? ! Do you see it? ! The **** person behind the video is Major General Gu, and he also has medicinal herbs on him! }

{Will something happen to him when it's over! He can't be in trouble! Neither General Cecil of the Federation nor Major General Gu can have an accident! If something goes wrong, the Federation will collapse! }

{What happened to Admiral Zhou? ! Is he an undercover agent sent by Glacier? Is he trying to harm Major General Gu! }

The people were worried that Young Master Gu would be killed and lost their minds.

{impossible! Look at Admiral Zhou's previous performance. He and Admiral Cecil have such a good relationship and are very nice people. This must be a misunderstanding! Maybe...maybe herbs really work? }

{You CP parties with water in their heads, Major General Gu is dying, and the Federation is at stake, don't be cute at this time! No matter how cute the CP is, you will die! }

{The one upstairs is going to die! Said it was the CP party? Admiral Zhou performed really well before. You can see in the video that Admiral Cecil and His Royal Highness Iron are obviously very supportive of Admiral Zhou! }

{Wouldn't it be more terrifying? ! Those previous performances were not to tempt Admiral Cecil, but after winning the admiral's trust, they began to harm the mainstay of the Federation! You see, now it's alright, the prince, admiral and young marshal of the Federation were all squeezed to death by him. }

{Alarmist, right? Now that the situation is not clear, you directly slander Admiral Zhou? Admiral Zhou's character is obvious to all! }

{The situation is not clear enough? Admiral Zhou has already stuffed a harmful plant into Major General Gu's wound! I wish I could kill him! }

There was a lot of quarrel on Xingwang, some support Zhou Mian, but more are against it.

Or fear.

I am afraid that Zhou Mian will spread the cult-plant therapy through these high-level leaders, and I am afraid that Major General Gu and others will be poisoned by bad people.

It was also at this moment that Cecil realized a problem.

Zhou Mian's table

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