Desolate Star B3, it is not far from the federal capital, and the mountains are stacked in it, so it is easy to hide people.

A man in red was leaning against a tree, and the shade cast a shadow over him. There are many aircraft behind them, and the rest of the pirates are resting here, drinking and roasting their prey in groups around the fire.

At the moment the man is wiping his sword. The sword was covered in blood, and the man in red smiled and wiped the sword clean with three handkerchiefs.

Swords are made of the most precious and cherished silverware, and the leader of pirates, Chi Ying, has such abilities.

"Why don't you just wash it?"

Chi Ying was stunned for a moment, then turned to see a woman standing behind her.

The woman was wearing this black cloak, and her face was covered by the cloth so that she could not see clearly.

"It's a pity." Chi Ying said with a smile: "This is stained with the breath of the Federation Major General Gu Xingzhi before his death, and it's a pity to wash it off."

The woman paused and nodded, "We have already received the news that Gu Xingzhi is about to die, the Federation is in chaos, and Zhou Mian has also been involved."

The woman stepped forward and threw a bag of gold to Chi Ying.

"This is a gift from the Dark Phoenix to the pirate group. Thank you for the pirate group's willingness to help kill Gu Xingzhi this time."

Chi Ying smiled and didn't check, just threw the gold aside and continued to care for his sword.

The woman didn't care about Chi Ying's contemptuous attitude, and she also knew that the pirates were not short of this money, but it was just a wish.

So why help them...?

The purpose of the dark phoenix is ​​very clear, they just want to destroy the Federation, create chaos, and capture their test items back alive.

So what is the purpose of the pirates?

The woman looked at the man in front of her. The man was sickly pale, with prominent cheekbones under his eyes, looking weak and gloomy.

Obviously a person like an evil ghost, but he looks strangely good-looking. To say it is handsome, but the facial features are obviously charming, but to say beautiful, this description is too delicate, although it is charming, but it has the unique heroic spirit of men.

All in all, an indescribable appearance, an incomprehensible mind.

The woman couldn't help but ask, "Why are you helping us?"

Pirates have always been dealing with Zerg, seeking skin with tigers, and plundering and killing people.

Chi Ying smiled and said, "Because of one person."

When Chi Ying smiled, her long eyelashes fluttered lightly, and her thin lips were hooked into a beautiful arc, as if she had seen the prey she had long dreamed of.

The woman frowned slightly.


Federal main battleship, dark corridor.

The nurse had a ferocious look on her face, and stabbed Cecil with a dagger drawn from her waist.

Although everything happened suddenly, Cecil reacted faster and flashed sideways, reaching out and grabbing the nurse's wrist like lightning and thunder. Also soft.

"Bangdang!" With a sound, the dagger that could not be held fell to the ground.

The nurse's eyes were full of despair, knowing that she had no chance to escape, so she wanted to bite her tongue and commit suicide.

Cecil immediately reached out and removed the nurse's jaw.

"Ha...ha..." The nurse cried out in pain, and burst into tears.

Cecil had the nurse **** and imprisoned.

Cecil smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll help you connect your mouth after this is over, and then I'll ask you to speak well and tell us what's going on."

Cecil told Casper to take over and interrogate him.

Casper also gained something, and explained to Cecil in the terminal that after ip and various investigations, it was confirmed that the message was sent by someone in the secretariat. The dark phoenix's traitor was indeed in the secretariat.

Cecil shook his head, picked up the cell phone that the nurse had left on the ground, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is... a great fortune among misfortunes.

The best news should be sent one by one, from small to large, so as to achieve the best results.

The nurse's first video is about the silenced dispute between Zhou Mian and the doctor and the soldier's death, but the second video is not silenced, which directly exposes Zhou Mian's use of the drug Hong Luoluo mixed with other plants to treat the wound .

Using herbs is enough to drive people crazy, not to mention red Luoluo.

Fortunately, this video is stuck in the editing background and has not had time to post.

Cecil thought to himself, the matter of Hong Luoluo must be kept a secret now, and when Gu Xingzhi recovers, they can make trouble whatever they want.

Cecil contacted Casper to ask him to pay attention to his secrecy work, and temporarily handed over the traitor to Casper, while he returned to the infirmary.


Zhou Mian frowned and said, "Major General Gu's situation has gradually stabilized, but Major General Gu's adjutant is still a little dangerous."

The so-called still a little dangerous means that at any time, it is possible to die under their noses like the previous soldier.

In fact, Gu Xingzhi and the deputy minister survived, and the others must be a coincidence. Because Gu Xingzhi as the leader has the best physical fitness here, and the physical ability of the adjutant is also better than the rest, so the two of them can resist the insect poison.

Just like Cecil was poisoned before and still managed to sign contracts and manage military affairs as if nothing had happened before falling down.

"Ding dong!"

"The main battleship is about to arrive at its destination - Capital Airport."

The announcement came from the system machinery.

Cecil took a deep breath and said, "Our main battleship has an enemy traitor. Now the news of Zhou Mian's use of herbal medicine has spread, and the people are blocking the demonstration at the airport."

Zhou Mian was stunned for a moment, and Yi Lun was also at a loss.

"But don't worry." Cecil smiled. "Everything is difficult at first. The two armies on the main battleship plus the two armies that have arrived at the scene, adding up the four armies, is enough to ensure that we can leave smoothly."

Zhou Mian immediately asked the others to prepare, cover the wounds of the two injured patients to avoid infection, and also took protective measures to ensure that if an accident did happen, it would not affect the wounds.

Cecil turned to Ford and said: "The situation is special, those newbies who are dissatisfied or have low pressure resistance, just stay here for me, don't go down and embarrass myself, it's like the Federation doesn't have one. It's like a medical staff with a good mental quality."

"..." Ford frowned slightly.

The faces of the other doctors and nurses were also blue and white, and they were a little embarrassed.

"Our team is up to the task," Ford said.

Ford shouted to his team, "You can, right?"

"Yes!" A uniform voice.

Bet on the face!

Cecil also got close to Zhou Mian and whispered: "Leave the main battleship, there may be many people scolding you after you go down."

Zhou Mian smiled and said, "It won't be worse than before."

Cecil grinned and rubbed Zhou Mian's hair, feeling very proud for some reason.


The main battleship slowly landed.

The two patients were placed in the glass core and slowly pushed out. The medical team was protecting the two patients layer by layer, wearing masks and walking forward without saying anything.

Zhou Mian and Cecil walked side by side at the forefront, followed by Yi Lun, and Cecil's 12th Army guards on both sides and at the end of the team.

"Admiral Zhou! Please give us an explanation!"

"Admiral Zhou, Admiral Zhou!"

"Does Admiral Zhou really use herbs?!"

"Admiral Cecil, please take a stand! Will Young Master Gu be in danger?"

The 12th Army opened a passage in the crowd of people at the airport. The passage from the main battleship to the aircraft was not far away, and everyone quickened their pace.

There was a lot of noise in the ears, and the crowd pushed and shoved, hoping to squeeze in front to watch Gu Xingzhi's situation, or shout to Zhou Mian in person.

Zhou Mian heard the questioning, heard a lot of people who were agitated and out of control because they didn't get a response, and scolded people, and also heard the voice of someone shouting to calm everyone down and not make trouble.

All in all, a mess.

"Zhou Mian, don't worry about those." In the midst of this chaos, Cecil stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Zhou Mian's shoulders, making Zhou Mian almost lean against him and said, "It's enough for me to stand on your side."

Zhou Mian looked up, and saw Cecil looking down at him with firm eyes.

Behind him was a boiling crowd.

At this moment, Cecil is trying hard to bring Zhou Mian's body into his arms, wishing he could hold him in his arms and protect him, don't listen to these doubts.

Just like last time at the airport, Zhou Mian protected the injured Cecil.

Zhou Mian smiled and said, "Well."

Zhou Mian never cared about public opinion, and at this moment, Cecil's expression was occupied in his mind.

A group of people finally successfully boarded the aircraft and transferred to the Federal Hospital.

In order to avoid any protesters, the aircraft landed directly on the top floor of a large hospital, and then moved into the intensive care unit.

The intensive care unit is plain white, with only three large treatment rooms.

The two patients were sent to the treatment warehouse and sealed up for intensive care.

Afterwards, Zhou Mian, Ford, and a doctor stayed inside to change dressings, while Cecil and the others stood outside through a glass wall, waiting.

Yi Lun put his hand against the glass wall and whispered, "Can Gu Xingzhi survive this time?"

"If he can't, everyone can't in the future." Cecil thought a lot.

This time is also an experiment. If it survives, then Zhou Mian's herbal medicine can be promoted in the future, the plant factory can be successfully opened, and if there are soldiers on the battlefield who are attacked by the Zerg, they will be cured.

Cecil's biggest wish is to hope that there will be fewer casualties on the battlefield, and fewer people like Gu Xingzhi's current situation.

But if it doesn't work, not only will this plan go to waste, but Gu Xingzhi is really dead, and Zhou Mian will have a hard time dealing with the next censure...

Cecil felt agitated.

Gu Xingzhi is his brother, a friend who grew up with him and died with him, and also his best, closest, and most tacit comrade-in-arms.

Ellen was so worried that he was about to cry, and even lost his temper at the doctor, but Cecil pretended to be relaxed except calmly appeasing Ellen, giving Zhou Mian support, and letting him save people without any scruples. Besides, he had no choice.

Cecil originally thought of going step by step, but he didn't expect so many things to happen. First, Zhou Mian picked red Luoluo. After that, it was difficult to hide it, and it was directly exploded in such a simple and rude way.

Now, Zhou Mian can only succeed.

Cecil whispered: "Zhou Mian will definitely succeed."

It was noon when several people returned to the Federation, and after the sky began to darken, the wounds of the two patients slowly healed, and the situation gradually stabilized.

For the convenience of clarification afterwards, Cecil asked people to place camera records throughout the hospital and the ICU.

In addition, Cecil also asked Casper to connect and explain the situation to the Gu family in person, hoping that they would not be affected by the Star Network.

Cecil stood on the balcony of the hospital, avoiding Yilen and the others talking to the head of the Gu family.

"What Xingwang said, is it true?"

"It is true that Admiral Zhou used herbal medicine to treat Xing Zhi, but the rest are fabricated. I am confident that herbal medicine can cure Xing Zhi." Cecil said: "This communication is mainly for the understanding of the owner."

"My son is being held in the hospital by you at the moment and has been forcibly treated with plants. What do you want me to forgive?" The head of the Gu family was not friendly.

"I understand that although the means are strange and tough, I'm all for Xing Zhi's good."

"You were blinded by that Zhou Mian."

Cecil raised his eyebrows slightly and sneered a few times.

"Is not it?"

Cecil suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "I hope you understand that what I have done is for Xing Zhi in the present, and for the federal soldiers in the long run. I must also remind you that Xing and I Zhi's relationship is far better than Xingzhi's relationship with the Gu family."

Patriarch Gu said coldly, "I also hope that the Admiral will understand that no matter what reason the Admiral gives, the Gu Family will not accept it. If the Admiral insists on detaining Xing Zhi with the intention of harming him, the Gu Family will not mind sending troops."

Cecil smiled and didn't say anything, just hung up the call.

Cecil shook his head, the head of the Gu family was not willing to talk to him, and he already had an idea in his heart.


Cecil sneered, he couldn't show his cowardice.

He is the commander-in-chief of the Federation, and he really never needs the approval of others when he does things, and he is not afraid that someone will be disobedient and send troops to threaten him.

Cecil is very confident that half of what the Federation is today is due to his "rebellious" actions back then.


Cecil issued an order: "Transfer the Twelfth Army to the Sixth Army and the Federal Army to guard the hospital at every level. The Gu family may be going to rob people."


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