After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 52: turned home


Cecil laughed in anger, raised her eyebrows and said, "There's another bunch of roses."

Cecil emphasized the word "again".

Zhou Mian: "..."

Zhou Mian glanced at Cecil and went up to pick up the rose.

Zhou Mian: "..."

"Give it to me." Cecil sneered.

Zhou Mian was worried that Cecil would be more angry when she saw it, so she subconsciously hid Rose behind her.

Cecil's pupils trembled in disbelief.

This delusional look...

Cecil only felt that his anger was ignited with a "click".

"Who gave it?" Cecil laughed when she got angry, the more brilliant she became, the more angry she became.

"Red Shadow?"

Zhou Mian sighed and said, "I don't know the purpose of his flowers."

"You don't know? You don't know." Cecil stepped forward and grabbed the bunch of flowers, pinched Zhou Mian's nose as punishment, and said, "Come in with me."

Cecil dragged Zhou Mian into the plant's room, sat down, and prepared to talk face to face.

Zhou Mian: "..."

Zhou Mian said helplessly: "What are you doing?"

"I want to ask you something."

Cecil said seriously: "You said that your memory started in the deserted star sunset city, right?"

"Well." Zhou Mian frowned slightly, his eyes dodging a little.

"Have you forgotten everything you've experienced before?"

Zhou Mian paused, not knowing what to say.

In fact, I still remember a little, that big brother, as well as the small room and the piano... After talking to the old man of the Black Phoenix, Zhou Mian was able to confirm that he was in the Federation Black Phoenix Base before, but he didn't know why he went. Glacier system.

At that time, there were no bridges, the ice system and the Federation were not connected, and there was a volcanic hot space in the middle that ordinary people could not pass through.

"Forget it. Before I talk about it..." Cecil knew about Zhou Mian's situation, and he remembered Zhou Mian's missing memory clearly.

"Let's talk about it, after you were exiled to the barren star... what did you do?"

Faced with the appearance of a population interrogation, Zhou Mian replied cautiously: "I lived in Sunrise City for a while... At that time, I was injured, and the people of Sunrise City took care of me, and I grew up eating a hundred food. of."

"How did you get to the Zhou family later?"

"Later...the pirates destroyed Sunset City, and I was adopted by the Zhou family."

"Then how did Chiying get entangled with you?"

"Where is the entanglement." Zhou Mian couldn't help laughing and crying: "I don't know why he sent me flowers."

Cecil frowned slightly.

No flaws.

But, the man's mouth is deceiving, his family Zhou Mian must not tell him the truth.

Cecil frowned at Zhou Mian.




Cecil looked at the time, it was quite late, and said, "Are you going to bed? Go to bed early and take care of yourself. I'll go first."

"it is good."

Zhou Mian sent Cecil to the gate, and saw Cecil suddenly stopped in front of the gate before leaving.

Zhou Mian asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Cecil turned around, reached out and took Zhou Mian into his arms.

Zhou Mian was stunned.

Cecil hugged the person and whispered, "Mianmian, I am your support."

Zhou Mian looked up at Cecil.

Cecil smiled, rubbed Zhou Mian's head and left.

Zhou Mian watched Cecil leave, and her heart moved slightly.

In the next few days, the Hong Luoluo incident continued to ferment, and almost everyone knew about it. The voices of opposition became louder and louder, but there were more people who supported it.

The topic of supporting Zhou Mian was lively, waiting for more explanations from the official.

Cecil began to prepare and plan his and Zhou Mian's frontier trip.

The day after it was made public, Gu Xingzhi's military report arrived, saying that another soldier in the frontier was poisoned by the Zerg during the operation, and asked Zhou Mian to send the antidote.

After thinking about it, Cecil decided to let Zhou Mian go with him to Gu Xingzhi's military camp, and then broadcast the process of Zhou Mian's treatment of the insect poisoned patient on the spot, so that the public could see how Hong Luoluo healed the wound.

After all, it's just a matter of sprinkling the ground red Luoluo powder on the wound, which is not a secret.

The day before departure, Zhou Mian was packing his luggage in the plant factory, and Xiaole stood aside watching Zhou Mian gloomy.

"Little Le, you must listen to Brother Yilen's words these days, okay?"

Xiaole said nothing.

"Brother will be back soon, really." Zhou Mian smiled and rubbed the back of Xiaole's head: "Pu hook."

Xiaole paused and stretched out his tail finger to hook Zhou Mian's extended tail finger.

"Pugogou, Xiaole is obedient and doesn't cry, brother will be back soon."


Zhou Mian was very glad that he brought Xiaole out. Now Xiaole is not as afraid of life as before, which is a good thing.

Maybe it won't be long before they can send Xiaole to school and attend classes like other kids.


Zhou Mian was cleaning up when he heard the plant factory's alarm go off.

But it is only a first-level alarm, indicating that it is not an enemy invasion.

Zhou Mian patted Xiaole and said, "wait for brother here, brother go out and see what's going on."

After Zhou Mian came to the hall, he saw that the researchers were all standing beside him with some trepidation.

"what happened?"

One of the researchers said: "Outside... there's a commotion outside."

Zhou Mian frowned slightly.

"Yes... some people who don't know the truth are demonstrating." Another researcher said: "The guards of the plant plant are stopping them, it's okay."

Cecil had originally placed a lot of guards and small troops in the plant factory, and since the last kidnapping case, the plant factory's defense system has become more stringent.

"Well, don't panic, they can't get in." Zhou Mian waved his hand and motioned everyone to resume work: "I'll go out and have a look."

Zhou Mian pushed open the gate, and saw the crowd outside the fence, shouting with signs and banners.

"Reject Hong Luoluo! Reject drugs!"

"Reject Hong Luoluo as medicine!"

The shouts were loud, and those individuals rushed forward with red faces, as if they were going to raze the plant to the ground. The guards and the Twelfth Army stood in front of the fence in a row to stop the excited people.

"Zhou Mian came out...!" Someone shouted, and then the crowd's reaction became more intense.

"Die Zhou Mian!"

"Zhou Mian is the leader of the cult! He will lead the Federation to destruction!"

Zhou Mian shook his head.

Although there is not much opposition, there are still some.

And these people in front of them... even said the words of death, which shows how conflicted they are.

Zhou Mian stood on the side table and shouted, "Quiet! Listen to me."

The people were stunned.

Zhou Mian said word by word: "Please calm down and wait patiently for the follow-up. Don't be preconceived, let alone criticize when you don't know much."

"Cecil and I are about to go to the frontier. I hope you will be satisfied by then."

"Why believe you! You are an outsider!"

"He's the head of a cult! Spreading red Luoluo poison! He wants us all to take drugs!"

However, chickens talk to ducks, and oxen play the piano.

Zhou Mian felt unable to communicate with them.

Perhaps it was Zhou Mian who came out to stimulate everyone, and the demonstrators became more excited, and even threw things at Zhou Mian, some bags, belts, stones, etc.

Naturally, these things couldn't hurt Zhou Mian, and there were guards to control the field. Zhou Mian flashed by himself, but the 12th Army immediately moved.

Originally it was just blocking, but now the 12th Army has stepped out and pressed people to forcibly send them to the Federal Public Security Bureau.

"I am very sorry for causing trouble to the Admiral."

After taking everyone away, one of the captains came to Zhou Mian and bowed deeply.

"It doesn't matter."

Zhou Mian shook his head and said, "It must be passed."

The plant factory resumed operations, and Zhou Mian also went back to his office to read the documents.

Before reading the two books, the door was "touched" and pushed open.

Cecil stood panting by the door. Since the last meal delivery incident, Cecil has quietly obtained a pass from Ellen.

It is also sad to think about it. Dangtang is going to go to the scientific research department managed by his own object, and he has to coerce others to come over.

"I heard that someone came to the plant factory to make trouble?!"

Cecil said fiercely: "Did you hit you with something?"

"Quick! Let me see if there is any injury."

Cecil rushed forward to pull Zhou Mian up and said, "Let me see."

"No, no..." Zhou Mian hurriedly pushed the person away.

Cecil pulled up Zhou Mian's sleeves and trouser legs, and was relieved after reading it.

It's no wonder he was so greasy. After Zhou Mian was kidnapped and returned with serious injuries, Cecil became a frightened bird.

"I'm really fine, how can I be so delicate." Zhou Mian couldn't help laughing and crying: "We played against each other on the battlefield before, and we played against B6, have you forgotten?"

Cecil was taken aback.

Zhou Mian reminded: "In the first year of our war, you and I used to play one-on-one on B6. Later, before half of the fight was decided, it was suspended because the Zerg suddenly attacked the bridge."

"I remember." Cecil sat down and said with a smile: "At that time, I originally wanted to attack you with my crew, but when we were halfway through the fight with you, because of the Zerg, we instead cooperated once."

The two remembered the past and felt a little emotional.

"By the way, I also want to tell you something. After today's demonstration, you can't live in the plant factory anymore." Cecil crossed her legs and said, "For the safety of you and Xiaole, you We must move back to the Admiral's Mansion. This time, those protesters are making trouble outside. What if they make trouble inside? What kind of weapons do they bring?"

Zhou Mian thought to himself, isn't the plant factory surrounded by layers of your army...

Cecil saw Zhou Mian's careful thoughts, and said, "Don't say that the plant factory also has guards. No matter how good the guards are, there is no better than the general's mansion. In short, there is no negotiation."


Zhou Mian thought to himself, go back then, anyway, she will leave for the frontier tomorrow.

And what Cecil thought was that he finally successfully abducted the person back.

Impressed now, very impressed.

This feeling continued into the night, until Zhou Mian walked into the guest room with his luggage and locked the door with a "click".

Cecil: "..."

Now it's a pain in the ass, very painful.

But Cecil didn't want to open the lock or break in. All in all, it's good that people come back.

Cecil looked at the closed room, sighed helplessly and went upstairs to the study.

In the past few days, Cecil has been so busy with the plant factory that he has to get the consent of all parties, arrange the itinerary for the frontier, and make sure that the live broadcast is no problem... There are too many things, and I don't plan to go to bed early.

"Knock knock..."

Cecil was sitting at the desk reading the official document, when he heard a knock on the door, the sound was very small.



Cecil was taken aback.

Seeing Xiaole's little one, he carefully pushed open the door.

"What's wrong?" Cecil put down the pen and said, "Aren't you still sleeping? Is your brother asleep?"

Xiaole slept with Zhou Mian in the plant factory before, and he continued to do so after returning to the general's house.

"No." Xiaole lowered his head and said, "Can't sleep..."

"What about your brother?"

"He...he had a nightmare." Xiaole was a little flustered, looked up at Cecil and said, "It's been like this for several days..."

Cecil was taken aback.

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