After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 56: Lao Sai has eaten his mouth

Come on, give your husband a baby.

When Zhou Mian woke up, he saw that he was already on the aircraft, lying on the soft and comfortable bed.

Zhou Mian looked suspiciously at Cecil who was sitting by the side reading the official document.


"Huh? I'm awake." Cecil pinched Zhou Mian's earlobe and smiled, "You will faint even if you draw blood, so delicate?"

Zhou Mian frowned slightly.

Really fainted?

Zhou Mian felt that he was not so vulnerable....

"I asked the housekeeper to buy blood-enriching Chinese food, and go home and enjoy it."

Zhou Mian patted Cecil's hand away, sat up, and asked with a stern face, "What did the director say? Be honest with me. Don't lie to me."

" guessed right, it is indeed the female insect king's infection that caused the poisoning." Cecil smiled: "It's nothing, the director said that he will try his best to search for the antidote. You don't have to worry, just leave it to me. ."

Cecil hid almost everything.

Zhou Mian fixedly looked at Cecil.

Cecil touched her nose and said, "A-Mian don't have to worry about me, the scourge will be left for thousands of years, my life is hard."

After saying that, Cecil went to sleep in the room inside the aircraft. It could be seen that he was really tired, but he was just trying to save face.

Zhou Mian glanced at the closed door, paused, and opened the terminal to check the exact time of the high tide.

Zhou Mian just remembered that although there is no cure for the poison of the female insect king, he heard about it before when he was with Chi Ying. No matter how powerful the female insect king is, there is still a nemesis - the male insect king.

That is to say, as long as the king of the male insects is found, it can be resolved with poison.

And the only person who has the venom of the King of Insects... is Chi Ying.

Zhou Mian understood why Chi Ying told him that day that he would go back.

Zhou Mian lowered her eyes.

What a red shadow, kill two birds with one stone.

The only way now is to start from Chi Ying.

And Zhou Mian didn't plan to tell Cecil about the Insect King and Chi Ying, he just... didn't want to add more troubles to him.

He didn't know how he felt about Chi Ying, fear, disgust?

But there was only one result anyway, Zhou Mian didn't want to see him.


Time for high tide...the day after tomorrow.

Zhou Mian closed her eyes slightly, her hands trembling incessantly.

Afterwards, it was already night when the two returned home. After dinner, Cecil went back to the study to read the official document. Zhou Mian saw that he didn't care about him, so he couldn't help but get a little angry and pulled Cecil to his side. Going back to the room.

"Hey wait, baby wait..." Cecil was pulled by Zhou Mian with one hand, and grabbed the corner of the desk with the other and tried to struggle: "The last official document..."

"Life is more important or official documents are more important."

Zhou Mian frowned and said: "Your face is very pale. The poison of the female insect king is intermittent, so don't take it lightly. Have you forgotten? You are also human, and ordinary insect poison was enough to make you sick in bed before. Now, let alone the female insect king..."

After saying that, Zhou Mian pulled Cecil out of the study.

"Hey wait...hs."

Cecil stopped, agitated, and subconsciously covered his chest with his hands.

"Hi..." To tell the truth, Cecil was a little uncomfortable at first, but now that Zhou Mian is pulling him like this, the stinging pain in his heart is unbearable.

It's like being stabbed by a door in the heart, stuffy, a little blocked but stabbed again and again, and the strength of hands and feet is not much.

"You...!" Zhou Mian stared.

"Why don't you go to rest when you're already like this?!"

Cecil swept his chin with his index finger, raised his head and said, "This is really nothing, your husband is amazing. I have suffered more serious injuries on the battlefield before. This is, tickle."

"Then run back to the room for me, be quick."


Zhou Mian reluctantly surrounded Cecil and helped him to the bedroom.

Cecil blinked and said, "Baby, you are so fierce. You have never been so cruel to me before. You are such a gentle person, and I am scared to death by being so fierce today."

Zhou Mian didn't say a word.

"Baby you've changed."

"...don't make trouble."

Zhou Mian helped Cecil to lie down, while she went downstairs to get warm water to prepare Cecil to take medicine.

Although red Luoluo is ineffective for eradication, it can alleviate the side effects caused by the female insect poison.

When Zhou Mian came back, he saw Cecil's face was pale and sweating, and he closed his eyes tightly and frowned, as if he was enduring some pain.

Zhou Mian suppressed the panic in her heart, stepped forward to feed people medicine, held Cecil's cold hand and whispered, "It hurts?"

"It's okay." Cecil rubbed his temples and said, "I didn't expect it to be quite energetic."

"Mian Mian." Cecil returned to hold Zhou Mian's colder hand and said, "Don't be afraid, and don't blame yourself."

"I don't."

"Then don't cry."

Zhou Mian was stunned for a moment, sniffed vigorously, turned around and raised his hand to wipe his eyes a little helplessly.

Cecil's mood was very complicated. Although he was distressed, he was very happy. He grinned and said, "Tsk tsk, the first time I saw you cry like this, it was because of me.

"You...!" Zhou Mian was about to die of anger, she reached out and covered Cecil's mouth and said, "You are a general, don't you know that you can't talk nonsense?"

"I'm a general, so I'm not afraid of death. Mianmian, I watched the video in the main battleship of the Dark Phoenix, didn't you say that when you quarreled with the old man before, aren't you afraid of death?" Cecil smiled. Zhou Mian's eyes were covered behind him.

But I am afraid that you will die...

Zhou Mian stopped talking, took off his coat and went to bed and hugged Cecil, trying to imitate the way Cecil comforted him every time.

At that time, Cecil was big, so it looked like Cecil was holding Zhou Mian.

But it doesn't matter, Cecil felt Zhou Mian's temperature, and his heart warmed up.

Cecil wanted to talk nonsense at first, but his heart ached, like being stabbed with a knife, so he closed his eyes and pursed his lips, adjusting his breathing and self-relief.

Zhou Mian took the jumping towel and wiped it for Cecil, and could only accompany him silently.

"A-Mian, bring some wine."


Cecil smiled and said, "I said, bring some wine."

"Are you crazy?"

Cecil raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm not crazy, but I'm really in pain. Let me take a few sips of wine to suppress it."

Zhou Mian remained motionless.

"Good." Cecil squeezed Zhou Mian's hand and said, "It's not a wound, it's an infection and poisoning. Maybe the alcohol can suppress the **** female worm."

Zhou Mian met Cecil's eyes, paused, and went downstairs to get three bottles of wine.

As for why there were three bottles, it was mainly because Zhou Mian didn't know what Cecil wanted to drink, so the housekeeper recommended these three, and Zhou Mian brought them together.

Then Zhou Mian regretted it.

"...Stop drinking!"

Seeing that Cecil dragged him to finish two bottles together and opened the cap of the third bottle, Zhou Mian said sharply, "No more... burp, drink...!"

Zhou Mian's cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were hazy.

Although he only had a few drinks with Cecil, he was not good at drinking and got drunk because of it.


On the other hand, Cecil's situation was not much better.

"You said you... still want to drink?"


The two admirals leaned against the head of the bed and dazed another drink.

Cecil wrapped around Zhou Mian's waist with one hand and shook the goblet with the other, "Mianmian, it really doesn't hurt that much."

"The wrong way..." Zhou Mian couldn't help muttering with his head resting on Cecil's shoulder.

Cecil smiled and said, "But I haven't been drinking like this for a long time."


"Because there is no suitable person for me to get drunk like this, unscrupulously drunk." Cecil turned her head, her eyes slightly defocused because of her drunkenness, tender and affectionate.

Zhou Mian paused and looked at Cecil blankly.

For a moment, Zhou Mian seemed to recover, and a little embarrassedly reached out to grab the wine bottle beside Cecil.

"Drink, drink...don't talk."


However, Zhou Mian couldn't help it because he was in a trance, and accidentally knocked over the wine glass in Cecil's hand.


The red wine splashed all over Zhou Mian's body, and what was even worse was that Zhou Mian was wearing white clothes at the moment.

Cecil stared blankly at Zhou Mian.


Cecilton lived, petrified in situ.

Zhou Mian was startled, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to unbutton it.

However, when she met Cecil's eyes, Zhou Mian's hand dropped dazedly.

"Why not continue." Cecil smiled, "I want to see it."

Zhou Mian: "..."

This straightforward, undisguised flirtatious remarks made Zhou Mian's face burn with a swipe.

It was the first time Zhou Mian heard someone say this to him in such a big life.

"I...want to see it." Cecil smiled, put down the wine glass and leaned over Zhou Mian.

Zhou Mian only felt a surge of heat coming.

Cecil wrapped one hand around Zhou Mian's waist and placed the other hand gently on Zhou Mian's chest, her palm pressed against the skin on her heart.

"is it okay?"

I don't know if it was because of alcohol or because of people, Zhou Mian's head was stuck and he couldn't respond.

Cecil acquiesced that week, and the index finger and thumb gently unbuttoned one button after another, from top to bottom.

"A-Mian..." Cecil said hoarsely, "I like you..."

Zhou Mian leaned against Cecil, stiff all over, not knowing how to react.

" Mianmian..."

Cecil bent down and kissed Zhou Mian's lips.

This is a gentle kiss, like the spring breeze after the rain, and like kissing the sea water on the beach.

Cecil slowly tasted those soft lips, then pried open the city gate and drove his tongue straight in, leaving the mark of a beast in every part of Zhou Mian's mouth.

The place where the tongue scratched made Zhou Mian shiver with sensitivity, but at the same time, she held her head up to cooperate with Cecil's kiss.


The kiss moved down slowly and became more and more intense. Then Cecil pushed Zhou Mian down and put him on top of him.

"Mianmian, give your husband a baby, eh?"

"Don't talk nonsense... ah!"

This "ah" is mixed with a bit of softness, a bit of crying and embarrassment, like a prelude to tonight's feast.

Zhou Mian had experienced heavier and more painful injuries on the battlefield before, but he gritted his teeth and endured it. This night was the first time Zhou Mian experienced the feeling of being bullied to the point of crying and begging for mercy.

Sleepless nights.

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