After Marrying an Enemy General

Chapter 62: I'm here

I love you.

His mind was in chaos, and there were strange sounds.

Zhou Mian took a deep breath, opened his eyes abruptly, and felt his hands were being wrapped.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Zhou Mian turned his head and saw Cecil sitting beside him and holding his hand.

Zhou Mian blinked, thinking he was dreaming.


Cecil lay down, hugged Zhou Mian into his arms, reached out and tapped Zhou Mian's forehead and said, "You little bastard... You're awake, does your stomach still hurt?"

Zhou Mian could feel the pain in her forehead, so she was sure that this was not a dream.

"It doesn't hurt anymore..."

"Cecil..." Zhou Mian paused, but suddenly hugged Cecil.

Cecil was stunned.

Zhou Mian hugged Cecil tightly.


"I'm here."


"Yeah." Cecil reached out and rubbed the top of Zhou Mian's hair in a low voice: "I'm here."

Zhou Mian grabbed Cecil's collar and said, "I..."

But was speechless.

How could I not miss it.

How could I not miss...

I could lie to myself not to miss it before, but it wasn't until I saw someone that Zhou Mian realized how much he missed it.

Cecil pinched Zhou Mian's nose and said, "You are really a little bastard, you know... how much do I miss you? Say goodbye without saying goodbye, and hide such a big thing from me."

Cecil gently moved her hand to Zhou Mian's stomach, put it on her head and said, "You... how dare you lie to me."

God knows how excited Cecil was when the doctor told Cecil that there was a small life in it. He had never been so excited in his life.

Zhou Mian buried herself in Cecil's arms, holding him without speaking.


Seeing this, Cecil couldn't help laughing, angry and distressed.

"Silly Mianmian, you have to promise me that you will never do this again, understand?"



"I swear..." Seeing Cecil's serious eyes, Zhou Mian could only raise his hand and said, "I swear, no matter what I do in the future, I will discuss with you first. If I breach the contract, I will be... um."

Cecil covered Zhou Mian's mouth and smiled: "If you violate the rules, your husband Cecil will be struck by thunder and lightning, and he will not die."

"Cecil...!" Zhou Mian stared.

Cecil succeeded and rubbed Zhou Mian's face proudly.

"Mian Mian, you must, must not do this again. Do you know how dangerous it is?" Cecil couldn't help but nag: "If I hadn't arrived in time this time, do you know how serious the consequences would be? You If you dare to do it again, I will definitely punish you, punish you heavily."

As Cecil said, he fondly stroked the bruise on Zhou Mian's neck.

"How to punish?" Zhou Mian blinked.

Cecil raised her eyebrows, squeezed Zhou Mian's chin and kissed it fiercely.


This kiss carried the enthusiasm and intolerance of the reunion after a long absence, with violent storms, mountains and tsunamis.

Cecil kissed fiercely, broke into Zhou Mian's mouth and stirred wantonly, kissing Zhou Mian until her face was flushed and her whole body became soft.


After Cecil exited, Zhou Mian took a deep breath.

Cecil smiled in Zhou Mian's ear: "That's the punishment, and there are even heavier punishments. When you're in good shape, you can implement it again."

"You..." Zhou Mian's cheeks were red.

"So... next time, don't do this again." Cecil squeezed Zhou Mian's hand and turned his head: "I... I'm really uncomfortable, I'm worried that you'll go crazy because of your worries these few days. Now, I'm worried that you can't sleep well or eat well, that you're being bullied, that you're in danger. I can't wait to find you, but I can't do it, I'm going crazy."

Zhou Mian stared at Cecil blankly.


After a pause, Zhou Mian leaned in front of Cecil and whispered, "But, but... I miss you too."

Cecil's meal.

Zhou Mian buried her face in Cecil's chest and said in a muffled voice, "I'm also very uncomfortable..."

Cecil was petrified in place.


Cecil held Zhou Mian down again and kissed her fiercely.


After the two finally calmed down their excitement, Cecil hugged Zhou Mian and slowly talked about the situation that day.

At the same time that Zhou Mian and Chi Ying fell into the river, Cecil also led the federal army to fight with the pirates. Afterwards, Cecil immediately jumped into the river and rescued Zhou Mian, but they did not find Chi Ying. His body was not found, and he had no idea whether he was dead or alive.

"But the good thing is that the pirates were almost wiped out by us, and only a small number escaped. It will be difficult for the pirates to rise again." Cecil grinned: "It's all thanks to Mianmian."

Zhou Mian rested on Cecil's arm and listened to him quietly, feeling very at ease.


Zhou Mian was in a daze, but suddenly remembered something very, very important.

"Before I fell into a coma, with a necklace in my hand, I..."

"Don't worry." Cecil smiled. "I saw you fainted and still holding that necklace, so I put it away for you."

Zhou Mian breathed a sigh of relief.

Cecil asked curiously, "Whose is that necklace?"

Zhou Mian: "It's Chiying."

Cecil: "..."

Zhou Mian quickly explained: "It's the antidote!"


Zhou Mian said slowly: "I went to the pirate ship this time, in fact, to find an antidote for you... Chi Ying has it, but he is hiding it. I have been quietly exploring the pirate ship and haven't found it until that day when I kidnapped him. At that time, he was found with a necklace around his neck during the conflict."

Cecil was taken aback.

Zhou Mian said: "I remember that necklace very clearly. It was used to contain the poison of the King of Insects! Fortunately, I got it back this time..."

Cecil only felt bitter in her heart.

"Silly Mianmian..."

Only then did Cecil know that Zhou Mian was looking for his antidote.

"You..." Cecil sighed heavily, "I don't know what to say about you anymore."

Cecil felt dumbfounded. One of them went to hunt down the Black Phoenix without the other party's knowledge, and the other went undercover on the pirate ship alone without the other party's knowledge, all for the sake of the other party, but they said nothing.

"Mianmian, we shouldn't hide anything from each other in the future, okay?" Cecil also promised Zhou Mian, "I will tell you if I have something in the future, respect you, and won't make decisions on my own. I also have wrong."

"Okay." Zhou Mian hooked her lips: "Then... where are we now?"

After all, in order to let Zhou Mian have a good rest, it was actually dark in the room. Zhou Mian knew that he was in the aircraft, but he didn't know where the aircraft was at the moment.

"We're still in...Sunset City, the Federation has to clean up the battlefield and take care of those prisoners." Cecil touched his nose and said, "But don't be afraid, Mianmian, it's all in the past. I'm with you."

"Not afraid." Zhou Mian smiled.

Cecil also smiled and kissed Zhou Mian's forehead: "Anyway, it will be handed over to me next. Now that you have a baby, don't run around for me. Fortunately, this time I didn't get hurt very badly. It's nice to have you."

Cecil said: "Mianmian, protecting the baby is also protecting yourself. You must be careful. Otherwise, you will also be affected if the baby has an accident. If something happens to you, I will really go crazy."

Cecil actually worried and cared about Zhou Mian the most.

"Okay." Zhou Mian looked down at her still flat stomach.


"Cecil..." Zhou Mian raised her head and said, "We have a baby."

"Yeah. Yes." Cecil put his hand on Zhou Mian's belly gently and stroked: "It's our baby."

Zhou Mian blinked: "Do you prefer boys or girls?"

"I like it all, I hope he will be obedient." Cecil tapped Zhou Mian's belly and said, "Be quiet and obedient when you are in the stomach, don't toss my Mianmian, it's better to be thinner, this way It's easier when you're born. But, when you're born and grow up, you need to be naughty and lively. After all, you're the next federal director. Men should be taller and women should be taller, so you have a good momentum."

Zhou Mian was stunned by what Cecil said.


Zhou Mian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How can you be like this."

Cecil also smiled, hugged Zhou Mian and said, "Go to sleep. I'll accompany you."

"it is good……"

Cecil hugged Zhou Mian and watched him slowly fall asleep again.

Cecil lowered her head and kissed Zhou Mian's forehead.

"Silly cotton."


After two days of rest, Zhou Mian finally recovered and was able to get out of bed and move around.

"Cecil, before I leave, I... want to go to Sunset City for a walk." Zhou Mian made such a request after drinking a bowl of porridge.

Cecil was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "If you want to go out and walk around in the sun, I can take you elsewhere, but don't go to Sunset City."

Cecil knew that Sunset City was not a good memory for Zhou Mian.

"I want to go." But Zhou Mian was very persistent.

Cecil raised an eyebrow.

Zhou Mian smiled and said, "Just stay with me."

Cecil sighed.

I hate this person coquettishly, he has no power to fight back at all!

In the end, Cecil took Zhou Mian off the main battleship and went to Sunset City for a walk.

Sunset City is still the same scene as that day, but the people around him have changed.

"This was the first family member who took me in. Their family opened a clinic. At that time, I was seriously injured in the suburbs. This family brought me back for treatment."

Zhou Mian stopped in front of a small house and introduced Cecil.

Cecil nodded.

"This is the bakery, where I first worked."

"This is a bar, and I will come here to help in the future. At that time, there was a cat in the bar, and it was very close to me..."

"And here..."

Zhou Mian introduced Cecil one by one.

Cecil knew that Zhou Mian was saying goodbye.

Cecil just responded gently and walked slowly with Zhou Mian.


After the two finished walking, Zhou Mian sat side by side with Cecil on the corner of the street, Zhou Mian said, "Do you know... how the sunset city was destroyed in the first place?"

Cecil frowned slightly.

Zhou Mian said, "I did it."

Cecil silently held Zhou Mian's hand.

Zhou Mian leaned against Cecil and whispered: "At that time, I was already a powerful Moon Shadow, and I used my identity to protect this city from pirates. I have been peaceful until one day. , a virus suddenly broke out in the city. The virus infected very quickly and could not be controlled at all. Later, half of the people in the city were infected. The infected people would go crazy, bite and kill like zombies... They lost consciousness and became the beast."

Those who once loved him and who were kind to him have become such walking dead.

Zhou Mian lowered her eyes and said, "I have no choice, I really have no choice. In order to protect the other half, I can only lock up these infected people and kill them, otherwise the virus will spread more and more."

Zhou Mian still remembered that those people were screaming in the room, and blood was flowing from the cracks of the door and the windows.

Cecil was taken aback.

He couldn't imagine how determined Zhou Mian was.

"However, the other half of the people died later. Because the people inside were their family members and friends. They scolded me for being ungrateful and called me a wicked person, so they also locked me in."

The most painful thing is not the zombies and blood in front of you, but being pushed into the abyss by those you want to protect.

Zhou Mian also forgot how he survived. He killed and killed in that small room until the last person was killed, but his physique was special and he still did not fall down due to infection.

"Later, the doctor I said couldn't bear it and quietly let me out." Zhou Mian closed his eyes and said, "But I have a special constitution. Although I didn't have an infection, I already had the virus on my body. It was released and infected with the virus, and the other half died in the end."

Cecil could only gently stroke Zhou Mian's back.

"I learned later that the virus was deliberately thrown into the well by Chi Ying. He wanted me to kill them and wanted me to be like him."


What Chi Ying wanted was someone like him, who would never leave him.

Cecil paused for a moment, then sighed heavily, grabbed Zhou Mian's waist and said, "It's alright, it's all over."


Zhou Mian leaned on Cecil's shoulder and slowly closed her eyes.

He was no longer afraid, these nightmares were no longer nightmares because Cecil was with him.

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