
The red blood splashed out, and the mecha's body was covered with blood droplets.

Cecil stepped on the second Zerg prince's mecha and held his head, with a killing intent that had not completely dissipated on his face.

Cecil's eyes were full of anger, and there were a few drops of blood on his cheeks.

Behind him is the night sky, the Zerg army that has surrendered.

"Attack... Attack is invincible!" I don't know who started first, and then there were deafening roars from all around.

"Congratulations, Admiral! Admiral Cecil is invincible and invincible!"

"The Federation is invincible! The admiral is invincible!"

"The Federation is invincible! The admiral is invincible!"

Cecil jumped off the mecha and asked Casper, "Where's Ah Mian?"


Cecil had just led the 12th Army to attack the enemy's main battleship and took the head of the enemy's leader. During this period, he vaguely heard Zhou Mian's name being called out on the terminal channel.

"Speak." Cecil still carried the lingering smell of blood and murderousness. Even if he smiled, it was still shocking.

Casper bit the bullet and said what Zhou Mian did.

"The federal army is already waiting on the bridge and ready to rescue at any time..."

When Casper said this, the meaning was already obvious.

Zhou Mian still broke in and couldn't pull it back, everything was fate.


Cecil only felt that his brain "buzzed" at this moment, it exploded, and then it was blank.

Is Zhou Mian crazy? !

Go crazy!

How could he...!

Cecil couldn't think at all, jumped on his mecha and rushed towards the bridge.

Now the bridge is broken in half, and there is a hole in the middle, but the federal army and the medical army are waiting at the end.

There were wrecks everywhere, and Cecil suppressed the emotions that almost engulfed him and got off the mecha.


After seeing Cecil, the old doctor Ford opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Because he saw it, Cecil's bare palm trembled slightly.

It was the first time that the people present saw Cecil like this, and saw that they were brave and good at fighting, and the arrogant Cecil lost his temper.

impossible, impossible...

Cecil took a deep breath and warned herself in her heart not to panic.

His Mian Mian couldn't be so impulsive and couldn't be sent to death, he must have done it because he was sure.

boom -


"Come here! Admiral Zhou's mecha!"

Cecil looked up suddenly and saw Zhou Mian's mecha rushing into the bridge.

The mecha was already on fire, and the body was shattered, and because of the fire, it was impossible to see what was inside.

Cecil was in a trance for a moment.

He still remembered that at the beginning, Zhou Mian drove the aircraft like this and was chased by the Glacier Royal Family and broke into the bridge.

Just like at the time, a seemingly gentle and well-behaved person suddenly broke into his sight unexpectedly and vigorously.

Also like then, Cecil caught Zhou Mian.

Cecil rushed up with his mecha, ignoring that the fire outside Zhou Mian's mecha would burn his hands, and hugged Zhou Mian into his arms before the mecha was completely melted and scrapped.

Zhou Mian's originally silver-blue hair has now turned completely silver, like the moon, it is silver without impurities.


Zhou Mian was hugged by Cecil, and the temperature of her body was so hot that Cecil felt pain.

Zhou Mian had burn marks all over her body, but luckily her breath was still there.


Cecil was almost relieved, and then carefully surrounded the person: "You...how can you be so stupid..."

Zhou Mian woke up in a daze, reached out and grabbed Cecil's collar while shaking.

"elder brother…"

Cecil was stunned, and petrified in place.

"I, I remember..."

"Boom!" The mecha was scrapped and exploded behind the two, and the firelight reflected the water in Cecil's eyes.


Cecil hugged Zhou Mian, and the two embraced on the broken bridge.


"Little lion! Don't run around!"

In the Admiral's mansion, a child taller than a boy of the same age was being chased by Iron and several maids.

Ellen braced his waist and shouted with anger and red face: "How can you be so physically fit as a little brat?! Come back to me! Don't mess around and stain your dress, don't lose your ring while you're still there!"

The little lion is wearing a white dress at the moment, and the usually messy hair is also neatly lost. Later, he will pass the ring to the two fathers at the wedding of Cecil and Zhou Mian.

And what gave Ellen the most headache was that the little lion was still holding his brother Xiaole's hand and running around like a monkey.

Ren Xiaole was originally a quiet and innocent child, but at this moment, he has been damaged by the little lion.


Gu Xingzhi also came, took Yi Lun's hand and said with a smile, "It's rare that today is such a good day, you just leave them alone."

Ellen just felt a headache.

That's right, a wedding.

It took three years for Cecil and Zhou Mian to officially hold their wedding in the capital after they died with the Zerg.

No way. During the period, Zhou Mian recovered from his injuries and signed a peace contract with the youngest prince of the Zerg tribe. It was too busy to deal with the post-war matters, and it took too much time. When the two finally had time to face their own affairs, the little lion was already two It's almost three years old, it's the most naughty and lively time.

But it is precisely because of this that the relevant departments have been preparing for three years. It can be said that it is a wedding of the century. All the planets will leave to participate, and Zhou Mian's sister is also invited.

Gu Xingzhi placed a kiss on Yi Lun's forehead and smiled, "Tell the admiral that the aircraft has arrived, and we can go to the wedding scene."

"Ah... Wait a minute." Ellen smiled inexplicably.

Gu Xingzhi raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Shh..." Ellen blinked, "Cecile has prepared a surprise for A Mian."

Upstairs, Zhou Mian saw a row of luxurious aircraft decorated with roses and ribbons outside the window. He turned his head and smiled at Cecil who was standing in front of the mirror wearing a tie: "Cecil, we have changed our departure."

"Well, wait."

Zhou Mian glanced at Cecil, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, she stepped forward and grabbed her tie to beat Cecil.

Cecil looked down and saw Zhou Mian's focused and gentle expression, and only felt a warmth in his heart.

The two people in front of the mirror, Zhou Mian in a white suit, elegant as the breeze, Cecil in a black suit, tall and handsome.

"All right."

Zhou Mian patted Cecil on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's alright, don't take pictures, he's very handsome."

"That must be." Cecil touched his chin and said, "Admiral Cecil, your husband is the dream lover of all the stars."

Zhou Mian raised an eyebrow.

However, in the poll results of the "Most Wanted to Marry Man of the Year" announced last month, he was clearly the first.

"Stop making trouble, let's go." Zhou Mian couldn't help laughing.

"Wait." Cecil held Zhou Mian's hand and said, "I'll take you to a place first, close your eyes."

"The wedding is about to begin..."

"It's in our house, in the Admiral's mansion, it won't take much time." Cecil stubbornly took Zhou Mian's hand and left.

Zhou Mian smiled, thinking to himself what the **** is this person going to do.

Cecil covered Zhou Mian's eyes with strips of cloth and led him to the garden of the Admiral's Mansion.

"Okay, here we are." Cecil untied the cloth.

The moment he regained his vision, Zhou Mian was stunned.

In front of you is a glass room, inside the glass room…


"You..." Zhou Mian opened his mouth wide.

It is spring now, but the glass house is full of snow, and there are four simple snowmen in the middle, two big and two small.

"It's our family of four." Cecil turned her head and said warmly, "I said, when we grow up, I will make you a snowman every day, and make you a house full of snowmen."

"I haven't forgotten..."

Zhou Mian's eyes were slightly red.

- "When we grow up, I'll make you a house full of snowmen!"

Cecil has now fulfilled his promise.

- "If I were the Cowherd, I would be a bridge to find my Weaver Girl, no matter how far she was, I would find her."

Cecil really spent eight years building an interstellar bridge that would connect the two systems.

- "Don't forget me! You must, must remember me..."

Cecil did not forget, he remembered for eighteen years.


- When I grow up, you will marry me, shall we get married?

-it is good.

Zhou Mian's eyes were red, and she reached out and hugged Cecil.



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