At this time, several people paced to the staff dormitory, and several workers opened the dormitory door and were eating instant noodles.

As soon as they saw Wang Qihong coming, the workers immediately stood up: “Director Wang.” ”

“Director, I haven’t left so late.”

Wang Qihong nodded at several workers: “It’s okay, you guys eat, it’s hard.” ”

Jiang Han looked at the dirty staff dormitory and said: “In the future, the welfare benefits for employees should also be improved, each employee should be given five insurances, build a canteen, establish a transparent and open promotion mechanism, excellent ordinary employees also have the opportunity to become supervisors, directors, and even managers, and also establish a personnel appointment and dismissal mechanism to ensure that everyone comes to the group has development prospects and cultivates cadres from within.” ”

Wang Qihong nodded thoughtfully, the previous directors and manager-level employees were recruited from outside, and they did have great drawbacks, and they were not in tune with the front-line workers.

If you can cultivate it in-house, it would be great!

Zhang Lanyue sighed: “We also want to improve the treatment of employees, but the funds in the factory are not strong enough.” ”

Jiang Han’s face was as calm as water: “When the first shot of the brand is fired, there will be enough funds.” ”

Looking at the calm Jiang Han, Wang Zheng couldn’t help but blurt out: “Lao Jiang, when did you learn so much business knowledge?” ”

Jiang Han was a little puzzled: “This still needs to be learned?” ”

After all, before Jiang Han was reborn, he had a lot of experience, and after becoming a small leader in an Internet company, he had more contacts, and this basic common sense was still there.


Wang Zheng’s family looked at Jiang Han stunned, unable to say anything!

At this time, Zhang Lanyue looked at the clock on the wall, it was already seven o’clock, so she said: “Xiao Han, I’ve been busy all afternoon hungry, let’s go to the Qu Vice Hotel, your Uncle Wang has a treat!” ”

Jiang Han only then realized that his stomach was a little rumbling, he was busy speculating in stocks and making money recently, and he didn’t call home much, and today he returned to Qu Vice County, or it was important to go home to see his parents.

“Auntie, I have received my heart, I won’t eat the meal, I’ll go home and see my parents.”

Wang Qihong was very embarrassed and took Jiang Han’s hand: “Xiaohan, you helped your uncle so much, you didn’t even eat a meal, and your uncle was too careless.” ”

Wang Zheng also said: “Lao Jiang, after eating, wouldn’t it be okay for my father to send you home?” ”

Jiang Han declined: “No, such a big thing happened, uncles and aunts must be tired, you guys rest early.” ”

Wang Qihong was a little helpless, but still said: “Then I will send you.” ”

“Don’t, I’ll take a taxi and leave, Uncle Wang, you have time to contact the customer and sell this batch of goods.”

“Okay then, you stay safe.”

Wang Qihong and others will have a lot of aftercare work to do, since Jiang Han is in a hurry to go home, he will not stay, anyway, come to Japan, the two children are in the same class in the same university, and some have the opportunity to eat.

Jiang Han got into a taxi, and the driver’s master glanced at the rearview mirror and said with a smile: “Young man, where to go?” ”

“Go to No. 1 Middle School.” The first middle school is all boarding students, and at this point, they often buy food at the gate, and their parents should not have confiscated the stall.


At this time, the mobile phone rang, it was Jiang Zhiyu.

“Jiang Han, I went to the school to find you, why aren’t you there?”

Jiang Han was slightly stunned, and blurted out: “Just call me about something, why go to the school to find me?” ”

“Oh… It’s more convenient to meet and say. ”

When Jiang Zhiyu heard Jiang Han say this, his heart suddenly felt a little unhappy!

I haven’t taken the initiative to find a boy before!

Even if a boy asks him out to play, he may not be willing to go.

But now he took the initiative to take leave to help Jiang Han by withholding his salary, and Jiang Han didn’t care at all!

Jiang Han’s voice was unusually calm: “I took leave to go home, is there anything wrong?” ”

Jiang Zhiyu was a little aggrieved, but still said: “It’s okay, your account is open, you can operate futures.” ”

“Oh…” Jiang Hanguang was busy solving the affairs of Wang Zheng’s family and forgot about it.

He opened the system panel and scanned the futures market.

“I suggest you simulate it first, the majority of futures their software has simulation practice, more simulation and more summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each transaction, light positions in the early stage, and then start the real market after the transaction begins to stabilize…”

Jiang Han didn’t listen to Jiang Zhiyu’s words at all, just browsed the futures.

“At 8:30 a.m. on October 25, cotton prices rose by 2.5%, and at 3:00 p.m. on October 25, cotton prices fell by 6.1%…”

“At 9:20 a.m. on October 25, rapeseed oil prices fell by 4.4%, and at 3:20 p.m. on October 25, rapeseed oil prices fell by 1.1%…”

“At 8:30 a.m. on October 25, iron ore prices rose by 5.7%, and at 4:00 p.m. on October 25, cotton prices fell by 4.1%…”

“At 9:00 a.m. on October 25, soybean prices rose by 4.9%, and at 3:20 p.m. on October 25, cotton prices fell by 3.1%…”

Jiang Han looked at the system and found that cotton, iron ore and soybeans would all rise tomorrow morning and fall in the afternoon.


The new book asks for all the data, please big brothers.


Double 11 reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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