After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 261: The Second Young Master is so miserable!

  Chapter 261 The Second Young Master is so miserable!

  For the first time in his life, he took the initiative to coach someone, but he was rejected. He was rejected...

  Pei Zhengyang held the fork, feeling that he was hung there in one breath. He couldn't take a long time, and he grinds his teeth for a long time, "Little fat guy!"

The old man lay outside listening to the corner of the wall, not only did not hear what he thought, but saw Xia Qing leaving the restaurant, the grandson irritably forked a longan with a fork, and ate it expressionlessly, and stomped his feet with a hatred of iron and steel. , And knocked down the bonsai on the side.

  The orchid fell to the ground, and the old man squatted down distressedly, "Oh, my ghost orchid, Pei Yong, Pei Yong, go call the gardener!"

After shouting, the butler came over, but saw a pair of big feet with slippers next to Lanhua. When I looked up, I saw Pei Zhengyang standing in front of him with one hand in his pocket, urging, "Where is Yong? Let him call the gardener," How long has it been for my ghost orchid to bloom, but don't dare to die."

  Pei Zhengyang looked at the old man indifferently.

  The old man found out that Pei Zhengyang was smiling awkwardly at him behind Pei Zhengyang, with an awkward expression, "That Ayang..."

   "Grandpa, what were you doing just now?" Pei Zhengyang asked without waiting for the old man to finish.

   "Hehe, look at my ghost orchid." The old man was guilty.

  Pei Zhengyang glanced at the ghost orchid on the ground, and suddenly raised his foot.

   "Smelly boy, dare you!" The old man stood up with a cane and shouted fiercely.

  But Pei Zhengyang was not frightened, he stepped on a thin leaf, "If you join in this kind of fun in the future, I will not step on the leaf."

"Ha, did you kid forget who your grandfather is? You dare to threaten me, old man, I'm not trying to increase the relationship between you two, so that you can give birth to a younger brother and sister." The old man hummed, his beard curled up. .

  Pei Zhengyang almost helped her forehead, "Do you think I can conquer her?"

   "I believe that my grandson is infinitely attractive." The old man replied vowedly, and made a cheering gesture towards Pei Zhengyang.

  Pei Zhengyang, "...Why don't you say that my mana is profound?"

   "Also, as long as you can have children." The old man nodded in agreement.


  Pei Zhengyang took a deep breath. It was this person who prevented him from falling in love back then, and now it is this person who hopes that he will give birth to a second child immediately.

  Confirmed, my grandpa.

   "No, my body is not good." Pei Zhengyang threw down this sentence and turned upstairs.

  The old man was petrified, and he couldn't even care about his ghost orchid, so he directly dialed Qin Wen's number.

   Seeing that the confrontation between the grandfather and the grandson was over, the housekeeper Pei dialed the gardener’s phone sadly, looking at the poor flowers on the ground. Ahai didn’t know when he came over, "Uncle Pei, is there any help?"

  Ahai has recently developed an affection for plant cultivation, knowing that this pot of ghost orchid is a treasure.

"Wait for the gardener to come." The housekeeper sighed, and then he heard the old man yelling and yelling over there, "Will the heart surgery affect the life of the couple? Can it be treated? You quickly recommend me a few male doctors hospital!"

  Ahai who just came up to see the flowers, "..."

  The Second Young Master is so miserable, so pitiful!

Pei Zhengyang staggered in front of him, almost fell, turned his head inconceivably, and heard the old man say, "What can I do? He hasn't married yet, and I don't have a great-granddaughter yet, test tube? So how can I do it! Qingqing is only ten. Eight, is it possible to keep him a living widow?"

  Pei Zhengyang, "Grandpa!"

  "Don't worry, grandpa will definitely find a way for you!" The old man looked back at his grandson and continued to chat with the doctor.

  Pei Zhengyang never dreamed that the news that he could not do it was his own facts!

    Today is another day that feels bad for the Second Young Master. Where are your tickets?



  (End of this chapter)

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