After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 263: Garbage must be equipped with garbage

  Chapter 263 Garbage is naturally equipped with garbage

  Sister Zhang's body was shaking like a sieve.

  She just returned to Mai Tai, but after learning the young master's methods, she was scared to sweat on her forehead for a while.

  Xia Qing glanced at Pei Zhengyang complainingly.

  Pei Zhengyang gave Sister Zhang a cold and arrogant look, "Speak carefully later."

   "Yes, yes." Sister Zhang replied, shaking her body.

   "Go out first." Pei Zhengyang waved his hand, waited for Sister Zhang to leave, staring at Xia Qing's peachy eyes, "Despise me?"

   "How dare you." Xia Qing smiled. Others didn't know Pei Zhengyang's body, but Xia Qing could still not know.

   Pei is raising his eyebrows, and the little fat guy doesn’t dare?

   "The Lin family and the Xue family have announced their engagement." Pei Zhengyang didn't struggle with certain issues. He watched Xia Qing say indifferently, but he kept paying attention to her reaction.

  Xia Qing was taken aback for a while, and then she understood that as soon as the scandal of Xue Changlin and Lin Xiaoran came out today, there was almost no other way to save them apart from the announcement of their marriage.

  Krao is so, and it is still the worst strategy for Lin Xiaoran.

  How can it be possible with the cleverness of Li’s mother and daughter?

  Pei Zhengyang saw Xia Qing not responding, "Are you unhappy?"

  "Bless them!" Xia Qing was naturally happy that Lin Xiaoran and Xue Changlin, the pair of resentment couples harmed each other, but a little bit distressed for the original body.

From the memory of the original body, Xia Qing saw that Lin Xiaqing liked Xue Changlin when he was a teenager. He was humble and cowardly in love. He wanted to approach but did not dare to approach. He secretly gave but only in exchange for ridicule. The only time he was lonely and offered. Wrong body.

   And Lin Xiaoran showed good wishes to Xue Changlin at the beginning, but it was only to stimulate the original body, so that she could see the gap between each other, so that it was more convenient to humiliate the original body.

  Now that Xue Changlin really married Lin Xiaoran, I don’t know whether the underground original body will still be sad, or if he finally sees it clearly, and is relieved.

  Pei Zhengyang did not get the response he wanted, but saw Xia Qing falling into a very depressed mood, and the good-looking handsome face sank, "Why? You still can't let go of that garbage?"

   "Trash is naturally matched with trash, why can't I let it go?" Xia Qing regained his senses from the emotions just now, keenly aware that a certain moody young master was losing his temper and replied with a strong desire to survive.

  Pei Zhengyang looked at her inquiringly, and made sure that this woman was not lying, and that Xue Changlin was not really incapable of letting go, so he felt a little more comfortable.

  Xia Qing looked at Pei Zhengyang’s handsome face, rarely serious, "Thank you."

  There won’t be so many coincidences in this world.

Especially Lin Xiaoran and Xue Changlin are not stupid, how could they be caught by the female lead inexplicably at this time, and that person is a female celebrity, and the other party was followed by a paparazzi, which happened to capture the female lead of Xue Changlin and Lin Xiaoran. situation?

  Xia Qing does not believe in coincidences.

  All coincidences that are just right are nothing but a careful plan.

  And the man in front of her is the best at planning.

  If Xia Qing hadn't thought of it in the morning, but this would be such an obvious performance of the man's acknowledgment, she would not be able to comprehend it again.

  Getting along for a long time, Xia Qing found that the second youngster was black and arrogant, and occasionally a little naive.

Pei Zhengyang was stunned by the thanks. He just thought that Little Fatty would be very happy to hear the news, but he never thought about telling her. Besides, he was not only for the sake of Little Fatty. He was suddenly thanked this way, and it was a little inexplicable for a while. Embarrassment, and a trace of embarrassment...

   Reached out his fist and coughed pretendedly, “It’s getting late, take a break earlier.”

  Xia Qing raised her eyebrows, "Ahai said you are more professional than a fitness coach?"

   "I'm expensive." Pei Zhengyang shrugged with Xia Qing on his back and left gracefully.

  Xia Qing, "...a proud ghost."

  (End of this chapter)

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