Chapter 848 Drunk Woman

  In the car.

  Xu Xiaoen was carried into the car by Cheng Hanyu.

  The cold in winter, because the sufficient heating in the car has faded a lot, her stiff body finally began to feel, but the small face is still white, and the whole body is still shaking slightly, whispering something in her mouth.

Cheng Hanyu clenched his cold heart tightly, turned his body to his side and fastened the seat belt for Xu Xiaoen, and then comforted him with a gentle voice that he had never heard before, "The fourth child has already gone to see the situation, don't be yourself. Scare yourself."

  Xu Xiaoen seemed to be unable to hear, she still shrank in the car, not only was not comforted, but she was shaking even more.

   Cheng Hanyu couldn’t help but stretched out his broad palm to hold the woman’s slightly trembling hand, “Xu Xiaoen, do you hear what I’m talking about?”

  Xu Xiaoen finally recovered, but instead of answering Cheng Hanyu's words for the first time, he set his eyes on the man's hand.

  The hand was big, dry and warm, and the hand holding her was full of strength. The warmth passed on made her whole body gradually warm up, but she was a little panicked, raising her eyes to stare at the man in a daze? What is he doing!

   Cheng Hanyu was a little uncomfortable with Xu Xiaoen’s blank eyes, "You haven’t answered my question yet."

"Oh, I..." Xu Xiaoen gradually recovered, but she didn't know how to answer the man's question. She heard it, but she also saw what happened to Fan Yan just now, plus Xu Xiaoyin's yelling, until this point. Xu Xiaoen felt flustered and short of breath.

   Just then Cheng Hanyu’s cell phone rang, he was the fourth oldest.

  Cheng Hanyu glanced at it and turned on the hands-free, the fourth child’s voice immediately sounded, “Boss, Miss Fan is okay. People have now woken up. The specific cause of the fainting should be low blood sugar.

   "Okay." Cheng Hanyu hung up and looked at Xu Xiaoen.

  Xu Xiaoen looked at the man in a daze, "She's okay? Is she fainting because of low blood sugar?"

   "So you can rest assured?" Cheng Hanyu raised an eyebrow and asked lightly, apparently a little dissatisfied with Xu Xiaoen's distrust of him before.

  Xu Xiaoen nodded, only then did she remember that Cheng Hanyu had carried her into the car after she was frightened just now, and her cheeks suddenly became hot, "Thank you."

   "How do you plan to thank you?" Cheng Hanyu changed the coldness of the past and asked Xu Xiaoen for a reward.

  Xu Xiaoen was stunned, looking at the man who was driving, as if thinking about the meaning of the other person’s words, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn’t understand what Cheng Hanyu wanted to express. He tentatively asked, "How do you want me to thank you?"

   "I owe it first, and I will tell you when I think about it." Cheng Hanyu seemed to say casually, no matter his attitude or tone of voice.

  Xu Xiaoen thought for a while, Cheng Hanyu helped him so much, and he wanted to be paid reasonably and nodded, “Okay, then lawyer Cheng thinks it over and tells me.”

   Cheng Hanyu heard Xu Xiaoen’s words, and the corners of his lips rose slightly inadvertently.

  The car continued to move forward. In recent years, the whole Yanjing was filled with the flavor of the New Year. Red lanterns can be seen everywhere. Xu Xiaoen put her cheek on the car window and looked at the scenery outside.

I just thought that the panic of killing Fan Yan by mistake had passed, but the inner anxiety did not decrease. She thought that she had not been affected by Zhu Jun in the past few years, but today she realized that it was not. The frightening life of the past three years seems to have passed. , But the damage left in her heart has not been completely erased, which makes her can't help but think that Ji Ji occasionally wakes up from a dream, is she also trapped in it?

"What are you thinking about?" Cheng Hanyu turned his head to see the shallow shadow of the woman on the car window. Those eyes were empty and lonely, with a touch of sadness, causing his heart to be gently pierced, inadvertently. Asked out loud.

Maybe the music in the car was too soothing, or she was really bored for too long in the past few years, and when Cheng Hanyu asked this, she had a desire to talk, because she was frightened and her voice was slightly hoarse. Muttered, "Thinking about these thousands of lights, where is my home."

She came to this city when she was 18 years old, and now she will be 27 years old. For nine years, she has achieved nothing. She can neither give her a stable life nor material wealth. Some are just like this. Useless love.

  People’s powerlessness sometimes comes really suddenly.

  Like this moment.

  Cheng Hanyu didn't expect Xu Xiaoen to say what was in her heart to herself, but she was also stabbed for no reason. It turned out that she wanted a home of her own.

  Xu Xiaoen realized his gaffe after answering, and hurriedly explained, "Yenjing housing prices are too expensive, and I am afraid that I will rent a house for the rest of my life."

  After speaking, he smiled awkwardly.

   Cheng Hanyu did not smile, glanced at Xu Xiaoen lightly, and continued to drive.

Xu Xiaoen is so embarrassed. Thinking of the man’s annual salary and the price of the Rose Valley Villa, he suddenly wanted to cover his face. How could a man like Cheng Hanyu understand the feelings of a poor mortal like her? How many houses are there, and what is poverty? He understands?

  Sigh lightly, Xu Xiaoen simply continued to look at the car view to hide his embarrassment.

  Waiting to the Rose Creek Valley, Cheng Hanyu first went to the property to pick up Ji Ji, and then took the mother and daughter to answer, but when the door was opened, he saw his mother sitting in the living room.

   Cheng Hanyu's hand movement stagnated, and then hung up his coat as usual, but Ji Ji had already rushed to Cheng's mother, and tenderly called Grandma Cheng.

  All the mental construction that Cheng Mu had done when she came to the ground collapsed in Ji Ji's cry, and hurriedly caught the little girl, "Does Ji Ji miss grandma?"

   deliberately ignored Cheng.

  Gigi's little head pressed hard, "I think. Does grandma miss Gigi?"

   "Yes, grandma misses my baby Jiji." Cheng Mu said and picked up Jiji.

   Cheng Hanyu strode forward and wanted to take Ji Ji, "Mom, Ji Ji is not young anymore, please hug carefully and don't fall her."

  Mother Cheng glared at her son, and firmly supported Ji Ji to look at Xu Xiaoen.

  Xu Xiaoen had time to interject, "Hello Aunt Cheng."

"En." Although Cheng's mother felt that Xu Xiaoen's conditions were indeed worse for her son, she was guilty of holding Gigi in her arms, and she didn't dare to be too cold, so she asked after an arrogant benevolence." Why are you back so late today?"


   "I got off work late." As soon as Xu Xiaoen was about to answer Cheng Mu honestly, Cheng Hanyu interrupted her.

  Mother Cheng watched her son protect Xu Xiaoen so, she didn't know whether to be happy or sad, and sighed lightly, "Okay, don't let Xiaoen cook anymore at this late today. I'll bring the meal."

  "Then I and Gigi will go there first, tomorrow..."

   "Let's eat together." Before Xu Xiaoen refused to finish her words, Cheng Mu interrupted her.

   "Not suitable...". Before Xu Xiaoen's words were finished, she swallowed the last word with the man's eyes and took the initiative to prepare dishes.

  Jiji likes Cheng Hanyu and Cheng Mu. Seeing her mother stayed, she was very happy to answer Cheng's questions.

After hearing the meeting, Cheng Mu suddenly raised her head and asked Xu Xiaoen, "Ji Ji is in the nursery school of the property during the day?"

  Xu Xiaoen gave a gentle bene, guilt hidden in it.

Cheng's mother had investigated Xu Xiaoen’s situation and knew that she was the last resort. She felt very sorry for Ji Ji, so she thought about it and asked, “Why don’t you do this? You will send Ji Ji to me when you work during the day, and you will get off work in the evening. I ask the driver to bring it here again?"

Xu Xiaoen raised her head in surprise, and felt that Cheng's mother was a little too kind to Ji Ji. The hand holding the vegetables tightened and tried to make herself behave indifferently, "Thank you Aunt Cheng for your kindness, but Ji Ji is naughty, so I won’t give it to you. Trouble."

   "No trouble, no..."

   "You don't think it's troublesome, but Jiji's two-hour ride back and forth is troublesome." Cheng's mother waved her hand and was said by her own son.

  Mother Cheng glanced at her son disgustingly, and asked Ji Ji with her head sideways.

Ji Ji is very young but very smart. She understands that her mother means not to agree. Although she likes Cheng Mu very much, she shook her head, "Ji Ji likes grandma, but Ji Ji promised Rarity to play with him every day. I am no longer one. Two-year-old children, have to believe in what they say."

  The three were amused by Mr. Jiji’s words, and Cheng’s mother did not continue to ask, but Xu Xiaoen still noticed a change in Cheng’s attitude towards Jiji and her, and felt uneasy. Is it possible that Cheng’s mother knew what?

   But if Cheng Mu really knows something, shouldn’t the first thing she do is to confront her?

After eating dinner in such a panic, Xu Xiaoen took Ji Ji back to the other side until Ji Ji fell asleep. She was thinking about it, but in the end she didn't think of any results, so she just prepared for breakfast and lunch tomorrow. material.

  I just don’t know if there is too much happening today and the emotional ups and downs are too great. She is absent-minded in doing anything. She simply takes out a beer from the refrigerator and stepped on slippers on the third floor of the villa for the first time.

  She knows that there is a terrace above, but she has never been to it. Today, she throws away the usual cautiousness and just wants to let her depressed heart breathe.

  The kind of closeness that Cheng Mu showed to Ji Ji today made Xu Xiaoen scared, although both Cheng Hanyu and Ji Ji rejected Cheng Mu, she still felt scared.

  She has not been in contact with Cheng Hanyu for a long time, but she also knows that a man is a real gentleman. If one day he learns of Ji Ji’s life experience, he may not compete with her for the custody of Ji Ji, but what about Cheng’s mother?

   Or the Cheng family?

  Just like Fan Yan fell in front of her today, she had only fear and fear at the time. When the Cheng family wants Gigi, how can she fight?

  Love, marriage, and work, she can't keep it. What if she can't keep Gigi in the end?

  When people are most desperate, they probably realize their incompetence.

  Xu Xiaoen was wrapped in a thick down jacket and sat on the balcony on the third floor. The cold beer poured into her stomach, and it was so cool that she showed her failure incisively and vividly.

  In the daytime, she has to pretend not to care in front of her colleagues. In front of Jiji, she must be a good example of her mother. She must not reveal any flaws in front of Cheng Hanyu. Only at this moment, she is herself, a bereaved Xu Xiaoen.

  Cheng Hanyu was a little tight in his chest by the attitude of his mother before leaving. After finishing work, he went to the third floor to breathe. As soon as he lit his cigarette, he saw the third floor on the opposite side Xu Xiaoen was also lit.

The two villas are very close. He can easily see Xu Xiaoen’s movement from here. After watching for a while, he finds that the woman is drinking. This cognition rolled around in his mind, and he looked at the opposite side again before he was sure. I was right, the woman was really drinking.

"Heh." Cheng Hanyu snorted. There were accidents and some worries inside. The man's cigarettes on the **** were clearly gone, but his eyes were always paying attention to Xu Xiaoen's movement, and he found that one of his cigarettes was about to burn, and Xu Xiaoen was still drinking. Is this woman crazy? Unexpectedly, at this moment Xu Xiaoen staggered towards the roof and began to crawl out with his bare hands.

Cheng Hanyu instantly felt a chill, slammed off the cigarette **** and ran downstairs. He opened the door all the way to the next door and opened the door of Xu Xiaoen. He rushed to the third floor and saw Xu Xiaoen who was still climbing with his bare hands and breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he dashed up and pulled the person into his arms, and cursed coldly, "Xu Xiaoen, you are crazy!"

  Xu Xiaoen thought that she was probably really drunk, but she saw Cheng Hanyu, the other party was still holding herself, and then she got up aggrieved, raised her head and asked, "Why are you murdering me!"

Cheng Hanyu was able to listen to Xu Xiaoen’s various excuses, but he did not expect that the other party would ask him why he murdered her at this time. This question was completely outside his logic. For a while, he was a little stuck, and he awkwardly denied, "Why am I murdering you? ?"

"You'll be fierce to me, you guys are not good things!" Xu Xiaoen said angrily, isn't it, a man who has been in love with her for many years, but couldn't stand the temptation to roll the sheets with other women, one seems gentle and considerate, in fact It's just a beast, and this one in front of me is very good, but unfortunately it is also a bastard. After rolling the sheets with her, she forgot to clean it, and it also harmed her to get pregnant after she was unmarried.

  Cheng Hanyu, "……"

   glanced at the canned beer bottle not far away, and then looked at the woman with red cheeks in his arms and drunkenness all over him. He endured, "You are drunk."

   "I know!" Xu Xiaoen answered very loudly when she heard it. Of course she knew she was drunk, otherwise how could she see Cheng Hanyu in the middle of the night.

  It's just that Cheng Hanyu was a little uncomfortable with her righteous tone, her deep eyes looked at the woman carefully, "Drunk?"

"Yeah, how else would you be here? Hehe." After changing the anger that was just now, Xu Xiaoen's tone softened, and he let out a wicked grin, then squeezed Cheng Hanyu's cheek abruptly, "Tsk, your face. It's also soft."

  Cheng Hanyu, "..." Is his face hard in her eyes?

   Then he heard the woman continue to murmur, "I thought the icebergs were hard, but... hee hee, tell you a secret, I knew it was soft a long time ago."

   Cheng Hanyu's body was slightly stiff, and he kissed calmly, "How did you know?"

  Xu Xiaoen heard this, her flushed cheek raised a touch of pride, “Of course I touched it, tusk, I not only touched his face, but also his abdominal muscles? It’s super hard.”

  Cheng Hanyu, "...Well, do you have any more?"

  He can already be sure that Xu Xiaoen is really drunk.

Xu Xiaoen listened to his head tilted and pondered seriously. It looked in sync with Gigi God, but Gigi looked cute and cute when he did this action. The woman in front of him did it with an indescribable beauty. Cheng Hanyu looked at her. Knowing that this shouldn't be the case, but can't help being tempted.

  Xu Xiaoen, who had been thinking about it for a long time, smiled, "and..."

  (End of this chapter)

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