After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 877: Ex-boyfriend is the most annoying creature

   Chapter 877 Ex-boyfriend is the most annoying creature

  Xu Xiaoen was busy presiding over the draft in the afternoon. I didn’t see Jiang Lili at the meeting last year.

When I asked Lao Li, Lao Li couldn't give an answer, but Zhang Yao, who she thought was absent from work, was there. Although she was not slow to do work with a sullen face, she reached out and poked Lao Li, "What's the situation? ?"

   "What else can happen, losing such a big face, and returning to show that the psychological quality of young people is really good now." Old Li sighed with emotion.


  "It is better to do some work when you have time to talk about other people's gossip!" Although Zhang Yao didn't know what Xu Xiaoen and Lao Li said, she didn't prevent her from losing her temper and directly threw the box she was holding to the ground.

  Xu Xiaoen shrugged and looked at the awkward and arrogant look of the young girl. Suddenly, she felt that someone who wrote her emotions on her face was strangely cute.

  After finishing this afternoon, Xu Xiaoen never saw Jiang Lili.

  In the next two days, the entire logistics department was busy and dizzy. Xu Xiaoen asked Sister Hu and knew that she had taken a leave of absence, so she didn't think much about it, and concentrated on her work.

  By Thursday afternoon, the company agreed to Xu Xiaoen’s proposal and asked the leaders of various departments to notify it.

  Friday, Director Hu personally took all the employees of the logistics department to hand out masks and material packages.

  Because Zhang Yao refused to go to Yuzhong Law Firm, Jiang Lili had not returned, and the matter fell to Xu Xiaoen.

She and Lao Li were holding two big box masks, because they were not the two who had been communicating there before. They didn’t add the contact information of Secretary Zhou, and they couldn’t take the elevator to go directly to Yuzhong. They had to go downstairs in the building. Wait for the person in charge over there to come.

  It’s just that Xu Xiaoen didn’t expect that she had waited until the people of Yuzhong met Chen Kai and Zhu Nan.

  Since the last time there was a conflict in the dance class, Xu Xiaoen hadn't seen the two for a while, and now he met and looked around subconsciously, but he didn't find Zhu Jun, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although after the last time, Xu Xiaoen’s fear of Zhu Jun is no longer so strong, but this is the company, if she can, she does not want the other party to show up and expose her private life to the public.

  Fortunately, I didn’t see Zhu Jun after looking around, but Xu Xiaoen’s mentality was still unreliable. He whispered to Lao Li, “Let’s stand over there and wait. It’s easy to get in the way here.”

  After finishing Xu Xiaoen's words, she stood next to him first, and Lao Li followed, and couldn't help but mutter, "Why are these people in the crowd so inked?"

   "Maybe it's busy." Xu Xiaoen replied absently, seeing what Chen Kai and Zhu Nan were communicating with the door guard. After the end, they stood there and did not intend to leave, frowning, are they blocking themselves?

  Thinking that Jiang Lili, who hadn’t seen her for two days, suddenly walked in. He went straight to Chen Kai and Zhu Nan. Xu Xiaoen was stunned. How could Lili know those two?

  A big question mark popped up in Xu Xiaoen's heart. Before she could figure out what was going on, Lao Li strode outside. Xu Xiaoen looked anxious, "Lao Li..."

  It's too late.

  The movement of Lao Li attracted the three people at the gate. Qi Qi looked towards Lao Li and at the same time saw Xu Xiaoen who was behind Lao Li trying to hinder him.

  The atmosphere of the scene freezes for a while.

It’s a pity that Lao Li, a straight steel man, didn’t feel the strange atmosphere at all. He walked to Jiang Lili and said, “Lili, why haven’t you been to the company in the past two days nor can you contact everyone is worried about you, the mask matter...”

  "Xu Xiaoen!" In the middle of Lao Li's words, he was suddenly interrupted by Chen Kai's voice.

  Lao Li looked over strangely, and saw the handsome man standing at the gate just now, "Do you know Xiao En?"

  Chen Kai heard how old Li called Xu Xiaoen so kind, and looked up and down the whole body of Old Li, then sneered, "Is this the new man you are looking for?"

  He just said that last time lawyer Cheng was so expensive, how could a man like Xu Xiaoen's second-hand goods?

  Old Li's expression changed slightly, "Who are you, what nonsense are you talking about here!"

  Jiang Lili also looked at Chen Kai and Zhu Nan in surprise. They know Xu Xiaoen?

  Xu Xiaoen's face is very bad, she has noticed that many people are looking here.

Tomorrow’s annual meeting, all departments are very loose and not as busy as they used to be. Now there are a lot of people watching this activity. Xu Xiaoen doesn’t want to entangle Chen Kai and his wife, and doesn’t plan to pay attention to them. He looks at Lao Li, "Don’t worry about them, let’s go first. Yuzhong." After that, I remembered Jiang Lili, "Lili, you will go back to the office later, I have something to tell you."

  Jiang Lili's feelings towards Xu Xiaoen are very complicated, and she feels sour in her heart, but now she buys the mask but relies on pretending to be her identity. She reluctantly hummed and looked at Chen Kai and his wife, "What about the goods?"

"On the car, this is a sample." Although Zhu Nan didn't expect to meet Xu Xiaoen here, he didn't expect Xu Xiaoen to look better after leaving Zhu Jun, and he didn't know if it was her illusion. People looked much more beautiful than before, coupled with Chen Kai's jealous questioning, made her feel very uncomfortable, but compared to Chen Kai's loss of control, she was more sensible.

  Because she would care more about the tasks assigned to them by cousin Chen Kai than dealing with Xu Xiaoen.

  Jiang Lili immediately opened her eyes when she heard it, and found that she was very exquisite, and her face was immediately full of joy, "What's left?"

  "In the car outside, please also ask Miss Jiang to look over." Zhu Nan said eagerly, but there was a bit of anxiety and calculation in his eyes.

  Xu Xiaoen frowned upon hearing the conversation between the two, "Lili, where did you buy what they did?"

  In Xu Xiaoen's opinion, Chen Kai and Zhu Nan were of a worrisome character, and they were not candidates for cooperation. Moreover, looking at the box in Zhu Nan's arms, she had some speculations in her heart and wanted to stop Jiang Lili.

  The company has requirements for the expenses of the annual meeting. Since the last time the mask could not be returned, it was put into use, and the cost of another batch will be overrun, and it is not a small amount.

  Jiang Lili just wanted to answer, Zhu Nan worried that Xu Xiaoen had ruined her good deeds and looked at it coldly, "Naturally it is a good thing, is it just related to you?"

  Xu Xiaoen just wanted to say that she really had something to do with her, but before she could speak, Jiang Lili's phone rang first, and she made a booing motion directly at Xu Xiaoen, and then explained in a low voice, "It's Director Hu's phone."

   Xu Xiaoen had no choice but to swallow Zhu Nan’s words, and saw that the other party raised her eyebrows provocatively at her, and Chen Kai pulled a face on the side as if she owed them one million.

  Old Li couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “Xiao En, who are they?”

  Xu Xiaoen didn’t want to act for Chen Kai and his wife, but just now, because of her unreasonable disaster, Lao Li was strange if she didn’t explain, she could only whisper, "Ex-boyfriend."

Lao Li instantly understood that when he looked at the two of them, he was disgusted. Although he was a man, he knew that his ex-boyfriend was really annoying, so he didn't give them a single look. He looked at Jiang Lili, who knew Jiang Lili's face was pale. He cut off the phone, turned his head and shouted angrily at Xu Xiaoen, "The mask company has found a solution, why don't you tell me?"

  Xu Xiaoen was yelled for a moment, looked at Jiang Lili in a daze and forgot to react.

  (End of this chapter)

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