After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 916: It's your freedom to love who you sleep with

  Chapter 916 You are free to love who you sleep with

  Song Mianmian stayed up all night after returning from Yushan Pavilion.

  She thought for a long time and decided to give Ye Dan one last chance. If he comes back to listen to her explanation at night, then she will give their feelings a chance. If he doesn’t return overnight, then she doesn’t have to continue struggling.

  Until the sky appeared white belly, the sun came out from the clouds little by little, and the whole area of ​​the east was light yellow, and there was no movement in the door of the villa.

  Song Mianmian’s last hope was shattered, and she got up from the ground, but her legs fell back in trouble. His slender legs knocked on the black marble coffee table, and his painful face became paler.

  She tried her best to support her body, moving slowly and stiffly upstairs to push away the room, and then began to pack her own things.

  But... there seems to be nothing to deal with.

  The last time she decided to leave Ye Dan, she had already brought all her belongings back. Now, none of the beautiful clothes and jewelry bags in this closet really belong to her.

  So this is actually not her home.

Thinking of this, Song Mianmian felt that he was sad and ridiculous. He took out the contents of his suitcase, replaced him with a big-brand sweater worth tens of thousands of dollars, and changed back to his old clothes that men disliked. Only then did he find out. I don’t know when the phone has turned off automatically, so I thought about finding out the charger to charge it up.

  This can be done, but Song Mianmian doesn't know how to talk to his brother.

  They were brought back in the name of celebrating the Chinese New Year together with their family, and now they are leaving in embarrassment in less than four days. She doesn't care about it, but how uncomfortable her brother should be?

   Her nose was sour, Song Mianmian restrained her emotions. If she left Ye Dan the last time she was a little bit angry, but this time it was completely different.

  Song Mianmian is so sober that she and Ye Dan are no longer in the same world, and their feelings have long since become a thing of the past.

  To stay here is nothing but humiliation.

  Separation is the best choice.

  All forced feelings will not end well in the end.

  They are no exception.

  After a night, Song Mianmian was sober enough and sensible enough to sort out the messy emotions, Song Mianmian got up and knocked on his brother's door.

  No one knew her before reaching out, Song Anqing opened the door first.

  Song Mianmian stunned, "An Qing, are you awake? That we..."

   "Let's go home." Before Song Mianmian finished, Song Anqing had already said for Song Mianmian.

  Song Mianmian's hand was still in the air, and he opened his mouth when he heard his brother's sentence, " know?"

Song Anqing nodded. He not only knows the news of her sister last night, but also knows that her brother-in-law did not return all night last night, and her sister waited downstairs all night. He also knows the whole process of her sister and Ye Dan's marriage, and the grievances she and her sister suffered in this relationship. .

  He didn't say or mention it just because his sister didn't want him to know or embarrass her sister, but it didn't mean that he would allow a man to bully her sister all the time.

  Such a big thing happened yesterday, as the brother-in-law's identity and ability have not taken any action until now, what does that mean Song Anqing is not stupid, so there is no need for them to stay here anymore.

  Song Anqing nodded and directly took out his luggage, which was arranged last night.

  Song Mianmian realized at this moment that her younger brother knew everything, and she had understood everything early, that she had trapped herself in her past feelings and refused to face the facts.

  Trying to make myself laugh, stretched out his hand and touched his brother's head, "We Anqing is awesome."

"Don't laugh, it's uglier than crying." Song Anqing replied disgustingly, and was afraid that Song Mianmian took a peek at her sadly, and then whispered, "You couldn't let go of him before, it was a puberty obsession. Now you are married. I've been together, should the obsession be almost eliminated, right?"

  Song Mianmian nodded, "Yes, I have no obsessions anymore."

   "Then let's go home. If you don't go back, the food you bought before should be broken, and Song Xiaomao must be hungry." Song Anqing muttered lowly.

  Song Xiaomao is a little tortoise he picked up on the side of the road, and he forgot to bring it in a hurry when he came.

   "Yeah, it's not good to starve Xiao Mao badly." Song Mianmian nodded, his tone relaxed suddenly.

  Song Anqing breathed a sigh of relief, and brought Song Mianmian downstairs.

  I didn't know that the two of them faced Ye Dan who was embarrassed as soon as they opened the door.

   Ye Dan did not expect to meet Song Mianmian and Song Anqing, his eyes fell on the suitcase in Song Anqing's hand, his face was gloomy and terrible, "What are you doing?"

  Song Mianmian frowned, smelling the strong scent of alcohol on the man's body, and said nothing.

  Song Anqing stepped forward and stepped in front of Song Mianmian, "I will take my sister home."

   Ye Dan did not look at Song Anqing, his eyes were still fixed on Song Mianmian, "Want to run again? Do you have this trick?"

  Song Mianmian's chest was ups and downs by Ye Dan's words, but she thought of her decision, "Don't worry, this is the last time."

   Ye Dan's red eyes were even scarier when he said, "What is the last time? What do you mean, Song Anle?"

"It means literally, since you don't believe me, we are just torturing each other together. It's better to... better than to... divorce." Song Mianmian said the word divorce was difficult, but still couldn't say it because she knew this time. It's true to say it.

  Can have to say again.

   And the moment she fell to the ground, Ye Dan suddenly pushed Song Anqing away like a cheetah, and slammed Song Mian into the door behind him.

Song Mianmian's painful eyes turned red. Song Anqing was completely angry. He threw down the box and hit Ye Dan with a punch. But Ye Dan didn't seem to feel the pain at all, still staring at Song Mianmian with red eyes. Say those two words again!"

Song Mianmian was horrified by the hostility on Ye Dan. She had known before that this man was overcast and sunny. She was no longer alone with the sunny boy before, but even so they were together for so long, she hadn't seen him yet. When he was out of control like this, even last night he was not like that.

  For a moment, Song Mianmian felt that Ye Dan wanted to tear her apart.

  The body shook uncontrollably, and she shrank back subconsciously, but didn't dare to say those two words again. She felt that if she wanted to say it again, the man might directly eat her.

"Say! Song Anle, aren't you the most ruthless talker? Speak, what do you want to do with me!" Ye Dan couldn't help snarling at Song Mianmian, he was crazy to listen to Pei Zhengyang's words. As soon as I woke up, I hurried home to listen to this woman to explain to him.

  What is the result?

  Not only does she have to leave, she also opens her mouth to divorce. Does she think divorce is really a particularly fun thing that makes her talk about it from time to time?

  This woman has no heart!

  "Ye Dan, don't go too far. Isn't my sister being bullied enough by you?" Song Anqing rushed to block Ye Dan.

  Ye Dan sneered, "I'm bullying her? What can I do to bully her, but she has been committed to cuckolding me from the past to the present..."


   Ye Dan didn't finish saying this, Song Anqing punched again.

This time Ye Dan still didn't escape, he was punched in the face abruptly, and he staggered but didn't fight back. Instead, he still stared at Song Mianmian, "Isn't what I said is true? Then you are explaining it. What was your relationship with Xing Shen back then? Was the video last night fake..."

  In the end, Ye Dan's voice became smaller and smaller, and he only felt very sad, how could he fall in love with such a woman and put himself in such a distressed situation!

The man with a hangover had a splitting headache. With Song Anqing's two punches, his body was swaying, and suddenly he felt like a frustrated ball. The hand holding Song Mianmian suddenly released, his eyes fixed on him. The reddened place, "Forget it, it's your freedom to love who is with whom and who you sleep with, and you can't keep your heart. You go, go..."

  After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and then stumbled to open the door, but his hand was shaking several times without pressing the fingerprint lock.

Song Mianmian looked at the man to the side with extreme sadness. At last he suddenly seemed to have been drained of the last trace of vitality. He was so angry that he stretched out his hand and wanted to pull Ye Dan. But when he met Ye Dan, the man was like He disliked her extremely generally and bounced his body abruptly.

   Song Mianmian, who did not react, froze in place, his face was full of wounded expressions, what else to say, Song Anqing had already pulled her over, "Sister, let’s go!"

  Song Anqing was very annoyed. He didn't understand that Ye Dan had known his sister for many years. How could he not know what his sister is? He didn't believe it at first glance in the video, but Ye Dan obviously felt that his sister had betrayed him. What's the point of this kind of man who doesn't believe her sister even if they are together?

  In the end, he would still misunderstand his sister and torture each other because of the same thing. Over the years, he looked at how much his sister loved him, but what did he get in the end? Only doubt and distrust!

  I knew that my sister might as well really choose Xing Shen, at least Xing Shen would not misunderstand my sister so much!

  The more I think about Song Anqing, the more angry.

  But Song Mianmian couldn't bear to see Ye Dan's haggard look, and wanted to stretch out his hand, but he thought of the man's reaction just now, but he didn't dare to move, his mouth opened, "Ye Xiezhi..."

  "Sister, don’t ruin yourself anymore. Haven’t we been ruined enough over the years? He treats you the same way now. If he knows about our family..."

"An Qing!" Song Mianmian suddenly snarled his younger brother. Just now because of the man's desperate appearance, his heart became soft and hardened again. How could she forget that she still has such a bomb, if Ye Dan knew by then , Then how long can their already fragile feelings last?

   "Sister..." Song Anqing was also uncomfortable, he knew too much how much her sister loved Ye Dan.

   "Let's go." Song Mianmian's eyes fell on Ye Dan next to him, and finally he spoke slowly.

Ye Dan's body tensed, staring at Song Mianmian steadfastly. Just now he avoided Song Mianmian because he was afraid that his heart would be soft. But when he heard the three words "we walk" from Song Mianmian's mouth, he found that he still couldn't accept it. My heart sank a little bit, "Song Mianmian, do you know what it means for you to leave here today? Don't think I will go to you like the last time and pick you up again. This time you are going to drive away, we It's really over!"

  The last sentence is already a blatant threat.

Song Mianmian felt terribly distressed, her footsteps stopped, and her eyes were terrible. She couldn't wait to rush to beat him bitterly, and asked him why he didn't believe her, why he didn't give her a chance to explain, why he couldn't be more patient with her, but Reason tells himself that that is just to continue to be sordid.

  He doesn't really love her, but he is not willing to be betrayed by his first love when he was a teenager, so he tortured her again and again. What if he stayed? Become a pair of grudges who hate each other?

  If so, she would rather give up now, so that she can still live on with the good things that have not been completely obliterated.

   "Let's go." After Song Mianmian finished speaking to his younger brother, he turned his head hard, and for a moment the tears that stubbornly refused to cry rolled down.

  Song Anqing looked at the two of them like this, feeling well, holding the suitcase with one hand, and sister with the other, moving forward slowly.

  Ye Dan stood on the steps, watching Song Mianmian follow Song Anqing step by step, his heart sank completely, all the dark thoughts in his heart swallowed his reason like a tide, and he slammed the suitcase that Song Anqing was pulling.

  Song Anqing turned back, "Let go!"

   Ye Dan did not move.

Song Anqing saw her sister’s expression a little loose, and then looked at the rogue-like man, she suddenly became angry. No wonder her sister said that she wanted to let go but in the end she couldn’t let it go. It was because of this **** who asked her to leave. Now But he looks so painful, who is it for?

   "Let go, or I will be blamed." Song Anqing gritted his teeth. His sister finally made this decision. He couldn't hurt her sister again. After saying this, Song Anqing suddenly let go, and then punched Ye Dan again.

  Song Mianmian was anxious, "An Qing, don’t..."

   Ye Dan stiffened when he heard Song Mianmian's voice and then was punched firmly. He reached out and touched the blood stains on the corner of his mouth, and hit Song Anqing with his backhand.

  Song Mianmian was terrified, his brother had only finished the operation, and Ye Dan's face was pale again. How could they fight like this? She didn't want to rush directly to stand in between the two of them to stop them from fighting, but because the two of them were fighting too fast, their fists fell on Song Mianmian's body. Song Mianmian snorted in pain and raised her head and took a deep breath. stop fighting."

   "Sister, are you okay?"

"How are you?"

  The two asked nervously. Song Mianmian didn’t say a word, just glanced at Ye Dan with complicated eyes, and then stepped forward to lift the suitcase and walked out by himself. Song Anqing was anxious, "Sister..."

   "Go." The voice was cold and angry, Song Anqing did not dare to cause trouble, and followed Song Mianmian.

Ye Dan looked at Song Mianmian's fist, and he was a little dumbfounded. Seeing that the other party had left him, he wanted to chase him. But when he saw Song Mianmian's indifferent attitude, he suddenly became timid, standing in the cold wind watching her sister. The two brothers left step by step, and there seemed to be a gap in their hearts. He didn't understand that he had come to prevent Song Mianmian from leaving, so why did he mess up in the end?

  Standing in the cold wind, Ye Dan only felt that a heart had fallen into the ice cave, but he didn't know how to get it up.

I don’t know how long it took Ye Dan to stay alone, and the Song family’s sister and brother had disappeared on the cyan marble road. Ye Dan’s heart shrank bit by bit. This time he really felt that he had lost Song. Uninterrupted.

  After six years, he seems to have lost her again...

    Wife abused for a while, chasing his wife in the crematorium!



  (End of this chapter)

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