After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 921: How are you going to compensate me?

   Chapter 921 How are you going to compensate me?

  Song Mianmian's mouth was hard and heart soft, after all he uncovered the thin quilt on Ye Dan's leg, and then he saw the man's leg firmly in a plaster, he was instantly stunned, and then suddenly raised his head.

  Ye Dan didn’t seem to feel anything. He just glanced at her lazily, as if to say, could I still lie to you?

  It happened that the doctor walked in at this moment, and Song Mianmian asked quickly, "Doctor, what's the condition of his leg?"

   "Oh, comminuted fracture." The doctor answered plainly.

  This tone made Song Mianmian inexplicably angry, "Why didn't you say it just now?"

  The doctor was inexplicably fierce, "The person was alive in a car accident, but was only a broken bone. Are you a family member of the patient? Don't be too nervous. You can lie down for half a year at most, and you will be able to walk normally without any problems."

  After the doctor wrote a few words on Ye Dan's case, he turned his head and left the ward.

When Song Mianmian saw the doctor's unpredictable attitude, he felt wronged and uncomfortable when he thought about how arrogant people like Ye Dan would lie in a hospital bed for half a year. He also thought that the man just said that she deliberately hit him on purpose and felt wronged and uncomfortable. , Turned his head to avoid Ye Dan's red eyes.

  Ye Dan saw that people were amused by himself, so he hurried to remedy, "The doctor said that he can't die, why are you crying."

   "Who is crying?" Song Mianmian turned his head to deny, but revealed his red eyes.

  Ye Dan looked at her eyes that were red from crying. She looked like a pitiful and charming woman. Her Adam's apple rolled, "Come here."

  Song Mianmian ignored him, Ye Dan waited patiently.

   So there was a stalemate for a while, Song Mianmian finally couldn't bear to step forward, "Just say what you want."

   "Well, how are you going to compensate me?" Ye Dan's voice was still a little dumb, because the fever had not completely subsided, and his moody and cold face would be sickly red, adding a sense of vulnerability.

  Song Mianmian stared blankly, and realized that this person was demanding compensation from him, and took a deep breath, “I will pay for the medical expenses. Don’t charge too much for the mental damage. I can’t afford it if it is too high.”

   Ye Dan didn't move, but still looked at Song Mianmian.

  Song Mianmian was staring uncomfortably, and muttered annoyedly, "What? Is it possible that you really want me to pay a lot?"

  "Do you know that I have a movie to start in March?" Ye Dan was not annoyed, and asked calmly.

Song Mianmian looked at the man silently and listened to him continue to say, "The actors and investment have been put in place. I lost 800,000 to 1 million during the shooting one day later. According to my current situation, I won’t get out of bed until April at least. You can calculate it yourself. Rich?"

   "This...why should I count this?" Song Mianmian already felt the pit in front of him, subconsciously resisting.

  But where did Ye Dan let her go, and continued to say slowly, "Even if the minimum standard of 800,000 a day is used, it will be 24 million in 30 days a month."

   "Ye Dan, why don't you rob?" Song Mianmian was angry.

Ye Dan suddenly lowered his head, his eyes were dark, and he murmured in a dark voice for a long time, "I knew you hated me so much. I would have killed you at that time. If I die, you will be clean, let alone pay so much. money……"

Song Mianmian's eyebrows jumped, and the person in the hospital bed seemed to have been taken away from life, and she was shocked by a dull air of decadence. This man would not really think that she deliberately wanted to kill him. Right?

   "I didn't mean that, I really can't afford to pay 24 million!" Song Mianmian was anxious.

   "Then you go home and take care of me, my family is in Switzerland." Ye Dan took advantage of the trend.

  Song Mianmian didn’t react, and almost didn’t even think about it, a word appeared, "Okay."

  After speaking, she realized what she had promised, and stared angrily at the person on the bed, "Did you deliberately?"

   "I didn't lie to you, my family is in Switzerland." Ye Dan still said bitterly.

  Song Mianmian, "..."

  Song Mianmian felt very aggrieved and always felt that he had been fooled. But watching the drip on the hospital bed, the man with the plaster could not say anything cold, so he took a deep breath, be regarded as acquiescence.

  Ye Dan was happy in his heart, but didn't show it on his face. On the contrary, he asked even more pitifully, "Did you really let Fang Yunyun hit me on purpose?"

   "Did you say it!" Song Mianmian shouted fiercely, but he softened to the man's fragile expression, "She was stingy and didn't want to pay the driver's fee to the car rental agency, so she drove by herself."

   "Oh." Ye Dan said dubiously.

   Song Mianmian was very hot, "You don't believe me?"

   "No, I just think she dared to did you dare to sit?" Ye Dan was scared after thinking about it.

  Song Mianmian heard a touch of embarrassment on his face, not to get rid of your sloppyness!

   Ye Dan seemed to know Song Mianmian’s thoughts and waved to her.

   Although reluctant, Song Mianmian stepped forward to Ye Dan’s hospital bed and asked fiercely, "What are you going to do?"

   "Does it hurt?" Ye Dan looked at the redness and swelling on Song Mianmian's forehead, and he could probably guess where it came from.

  Song Mianmian didn’t pay much attention before. He would only think of the bruise on his forehead when he heard Ye Dan’s words, but it was nothing compared to Ye Dan.

  Ye Dan ignored her, stretched out his hand and rang the call bell. After a while, the ward door was pushed open. He pointed at Song Mianmian, "Tell her, please show her the injury on her forehead."

  The nurse followed Ye Dan’s gaze and looked at Song Mianmian’s forehead. She was startled, and then immediately recognized Song Mianmian, “Are you Song Mianmian?”

Song Mianmian was nervous, because Ye Dan had forgotten that she was a female star because of the car accident. This would be a little nervous to be recognized. She wanted to shake her head but heard the person in the hospital bed had already spoken, "Yes, it's her. Miss nurse, please. Be careful, she is particularly afraid of pain."

  The nurse looked at the man on the hospital bed again, and immediately recognized Ye Dan, her eyes were full of surprises, "Okay, I'm going to get the medicine now."

After speaking, the nurse ran out happily, and soon returned to the ward with her things. While dealing with Song Mianmian's injuries, she was full of gossips. She couldn't help but sigh at Shang Ye Dan's nervous expression, "Ms. Song and Ye It’s really good to lead the relationship, and the people outside are all nonsense."

  Song Mianmian was embarrassed, but Ye Dan looked calmly, "Well, I love Mianmian."

"Hiss!" Song Mianmian didn't expect Ye Dan to suddenly say such a sentence. He was still in front of an outsider. When he was nervously poked on the wound with a cotton swab, he hissed in pain. He looked at Ye Dan with beautiful eyes, wanting to see something from the man's eyes. , But the other party just looked at him quietly.

  Song Mianmian realized that he was answering his question at the entrance of the restaurant.

My mood was unspeakable and complicated. I just opened my mouth when I wanted to say something, but the excited face of the nurse on the side was flushed, "Mr. Song, I really envy you! From high school to marriage, what kind of fairy is this? Love? From now on I will never believe those nonsense people on the Internet anymore!"

  Song Mianmian smiled wryly, lowered his head and let the nurse handle the wound for himself.

   Waiting for the nurse to leave, the ward was quiet again, Song Mianmian looked at Ye Dan, "What did you mean by just now?"

   "Facts." Ye Dan did not shy away from Song Mianmian's gaze, looking at her intently.

  Song Mianmian was stared at by Ye Dan in this way, and his mood was more complicated. He had already given up. But when he met his seemingly calm but hot gaze, Song Mianmian didn't even know how to face the man and his heart for a while.

  Fortunately, Fang Yunyun pushed aside the ward recklessly, "Sister Mianmian, how is Dao Ye?"

Fang Yunyun felt the weird atmosphere in the ward after speaking, but she didn't think too much, trot to Ye Dao, and finally saw Ye Dan's plastered leg. She suddenly felt that her heart was tightened, and she asked in tears, " Sister Mianmian, what should I do? I broke the leaf guide leg, will you fire me?"

  Fang Yunyun is not worried about going to jail, but it is really hard to explain why Ye Dao is hit like this!

  Song Mianmian thought that Ye Dan had spoken loudly just now, with a sullen face, "That wouldn't be possible, but..."

   Before Song Mianmian finished speaking, Fang Yunyun patted her heart, "It won’t be good, it won’t be good." After speaking, there was the second half of the sentence, and he asked seriously, "But what?"

   "But Dao Ye wants you to pay him 24 million for lost work." Song Mian said slowly.

   "What?" Fang Yunyun exclaimed, her body straightened, her eyes widened, her eyes full of shock and panic.

  Song Mianmian shrugged towards her and pointed to Ye Dan on the hospital bed.

  Fang Yunyun stepped forward excitedly, "Dao Ye, are you serious?"

  She is about to collapse, 24 million? Why not let her go to jail!

  Or she knew this a long time ago, it's better to hit someone...

  Forget it, this is Dao Ye, and sister Mian Mian will become a widow if she is killed!

   Ye Dan was inexplicably embarrassed at the unbelievable expression on the top, and coughed lightly, “Don’t worry, your sister Mianmian has agreed to pay it back for you.”

  Song Mianmian, "..." Dog man!

  Fang Yunyun heard that the little heart that had just been hoisted high by fright suddenly fell, and she looked back at Song Mianmian abruptly, with an unbelievable and unspeakable touch on her face. When was her sister Mianmian so generous?

   "Cough cough cough... You ran into someone to pick me up, and I should pay for you." Song Mianmian tried to maintain a high-profile posture. After all, everyone got in, and face had to be saved.

  Fang Yunyun was moved towards Song Mianmian after hearing this, "Sister Mianmian, you are so kind, I am willing to be a cow or a horse in the future!"

  Song Mianmian tried her best to pull Fang Yunyun, who was holding herself, "It's fine to be a cow and a horse, you let me go first!"

  "Don't let it go! Sister Mianmian, you are so kind, I love you to death, and want to give you a monkey!" Fang Yunyun held Song Mianmian and held it.

Ye Dan watched the two women hug each other, Fang Yunyun had already rubbed Song Mianmian’s chest, and her face turned very ugly. If you add Yunyun above, what does it mean to love you and want to give you a monkey? Isn't a woman a lily?

   "The lost work fee is not required, but do you want to settle the medicine fee?" Ye Dan said coldly.

  Fang Yunyun suddenly woke up, turned to look at Ye Dan's cold gaze, and let go of Song Mianmian sullenly, "Sister Mianmian, I will pay you the fee for Ye Dao."

  Fang Yunyun didn’t wait for Song Mianmian’s promise and ran out of the ward. She didn’t know if it was her illusion. She felt that the look in her eyes was a little scary? Is it possible that even though she didn't need to lose money, she got a grudge against her?

   Thinking that Fang Yunyun shuddered, she still tried not to provoke Ye Dao in the future.

  As soon as Fang Yunyun left, Song Mianmian and Ye Dan were left in the ward again, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

  Song Mianmian glanced at Ye Dan's ugly face, "Are you uncomfortable somewhere?"

  "You two often do that?" Ye Dan answered the question.

  Song Mianmian stayed for a while and realized that Ye Dan was asking her and Fang Yunyun, the corners of his eyes twitched, and a guess came out from the bottom of his heart, this man is not jealous, right?

   "When I returned to China, Yunyun followed me. It's normal to be close to her." Song Mianmian kept staring at Ye Dan when she said this.

   Ye Dan's face was even worse when she heard it, and she thought that this woman had returned to China for many years but never told him that if it wasn't for the accidental encounter in the crew last time, did she plan to never see herself?

  I feel worse.

Song Mianmian looked at the emotional changes on Ye Dan’s face, his previous thoughts became more and more certain, so this person was really eating Fang Yunyun’s vinegar. He was angry and funny at once, but he had no intention of explaining, “The doctor said you I have to be hospitalized for a few days, I will give you what you want."

   "Let's take care of it." Ye Dan felt uneasy, and was afraid that he would be angry and Song Mianmian would leave, so he could only reply dullly.

  Song Mianmian looked at the man who was obviously unhappy but endured, and suddenly remembered that when he was young, he was not such an awkward and uncertain temperament, all because of her later departure...

  Want to understand this, Song Mianmian's heart softened again, and she whispered softly, "Don't think in a mess, we are friends."

   "I know." Ye Dan certainly knew it, but it was sour.

  Song Mianmian wanted to ask you if you knew you were still jealous, but when Ye Dan’s dull expression reached his lips, he swallowed it back, “If you know, don’t think about it, I’ll be back soon.”

   "No, I will let Xiangzi send it over in a while, you stay..." After a pause, he added stiffly, "Be with me."

  Song Mianmian, "..." That's not what you said just now.

   slanderously, Song Mianmian did not refuse, and directly sat in front of Ye Dan's hospital bed and stretched out his hand to mold the man's forehead.

  Ye Dan did not expect Song Mianmian's movement at all. His body froze, and his eyes followed Song Mianmian's movements until Song Mianmian let go and said, "It's still hot. I'll apply a towel to you."

  Song Mianmian planned to go to the bathroom to find tools, but was grabbed by a big hand, and turned around questioningly, "What's the matter?"

   "No, you just sit next to me." Xu is the cause of illness, but Ye Dan's voice is hoarse but gentle, not as unpleasant as before.

  Song Mianmian was worried about him, but with the almost begging look in Ye Dan's eyes, he couldn't regenerate the heart of rejection, and sat down again, but Ye Dan kept holding her hand like this, and didn't mean to let go.

  In this quiet and warm moment, Song Mianmian's recently empty heart was suddenly filled, and he did not try to break away from the man's hand, letting him hold it like this.

  If the love expressed in words is pale, Song Mianmian can clearly feel that Ye Dan really loves her at the moment when he is held tightly by the man.

  This love lacks the purity of youth, but it may not be one point less than that of youth, but the cracks in it are difficult to repair after all...

  Song Mianmian sighed silently, and felt his hands tightened.

  While far in country M, Xing Shen hung up Yuan Ye's phone and said in a low voice, "It's time to go back."

  (End of this chapter)

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