After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 927: Blind kindness will only appear stupid

   Chapter 927 Blind Kindness Only Appears Stupid

  Boom, boom!

  The hurried knock on the door sounded again, and Zhang Shaowei rushed out violently, "What's the matter! Have you let you sleep?"

  A Bing shrank in fright, but immediately remembered his purpose of calling Zhang Shaowei, "Wei Shao, it's not good!"

"What's not good? I was surprised. Wasn't the situation good just now?" Zhang Shaowei asked impatiently. Before he went in, he had gained hundreds of thousands of fans. If he goes on like this, this wave of enthusiasm is over. Fans can break ten million.

  A Bing did not dare to say nonsense, "West Shaw, the program team responded, what shall we do now?"

   "Respond to the response..." Zhang Shaowei said this, and suddenly, "Why did the program team respond so quickly? What did they say?"

  "Why don't you read it for yourself?" A Bing hid after saying this sentence.

Seeing Ah Bing’s reaction, Zhang Shaowei finally felt a little flustered. He sat directly in front of the computer with the screen on, and the page happened to stop at the place where the program officer V was posting. He just glanced at Zhang Shaowei almost throwing the computer out. He didn’t. Thinking that the show crew didn't give him and the company's face at all, and just came back so stubbornly, this is obviously a slap in the face in public.

  But these should not be enough for real hammering, Zhang Shaowei took a deep breath and looked at A Bing, “Does netizens trust the program group like this?”

  A Bing's lips trembled, not knowing how to speak, and pointed to Zhang Shaowei's video after the copy.

  Zhang Shaowei only then noticed that there was still an hour-long video under the copy of the program group. His brows became tighter, and he hesitated.

  The other scenes in the video are not exactly the scenes when he and Song Mianmian recorded the show, but different from the live scenes, the scenes in the video are obviously edited from another scene.

In it, he and Song Mianmian were digging ice holes together, but Song Mianmian was really digging ice holes while he was completely paddling and fishing. In the end, because their ice holes were too small to get off the net, Song Mianmian chose to use fish. Hook, but met his opposition, and then Song Mianmian suggested that he chisel one more, and he took the opportunity to continue fishing. The program crew was probably sincere, and dedicated a camera to take pictures of him chiseling ice with an ice wedge alone.

In   , he showed the four-character idiom of stealing, **** and skiing to the fullest. Until the end of the program recording, the new ice hole he dug was not three centimeters long, which seemed extremely funny.

  Everything goes without saying.

  Zhang Shaowei clicked on the following comment, the first sentence of the hot comment, "Weakly ask, is he a trash?"

  The following replies have exceeded thousands. Zhang Shaowei clicked on it and read a few sentences before slamming the computer, shaking hands with anger.

   "Wei Shao, what should we do now?" A Bing saw Zhang Shaowei's reaction and knew that he had already understood the seriousness of the matter.

  It is common for male and female stars in the entertainment circle to be disengaged, but this is the first time that it has been so bluntly announced to the public.

  Where is this response, it is basically to cut his way.

  Zhang Shaowei sat in the fully heated room but felt as if he had returned to the ice lake a few days ago. With coldness all over, he held the phone and dialed the phone number directly to Yue Min.

   quickly picked it up over there, Zhang Shaowei could not control his anger long ago, "Director Yue, do things so absolutely, are you not afraid of not being able to mix in this circle?"

  Yue Min was not surprised to receive Zhang Shaowei’s call, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, completely lost the gentleness in front of Song Mianmian, “I will send you these words from Wei Shao.”


"People are watching the sky, and Wei Shao doesn't think that no one knows what he is doing, right?" Zhang Shao was very angry. He didn't know that the next moment he heard Yue Min's words, his heart was cold, and it was impossible for Yue Min to know. He did what happened in the last video?

As soon as this idea came out, Zhang Shaowei almost couldn't hold his mobile phone. He gave the content to Li Xiaoxiao, and deliberately found someone for a walk to entertain the rumors of entering the hotel, and then used some means to delete the hotel's monitoring. How did Min know that he did it?

   Panicked, Zhang Shaowei lost most of his anger, and the rest became panic.

Over there, Yue Min seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and his voice reminded him indifferently, "West Shaw, you really have nothing to offend me. After all, I'm just a little famous director, but you should never offend or offend me. People who do it for themselves."

  After speaking, Yue Min hung up the phone.

  Zhang Shaowei listened to the beeping hung-up sound, his brain buzzing, he should not offend people who can’t afford to offend, who has he offended besides offending Yue Min...

  Song Mianmian’s name quickly popped out of Zhang Shaowei’s mind, so the person Yue Min said was Song Mianmian who could not afford to offend, but didn’t Li Xiaoxiao say that Song Mianmian was just a grassroots with no father or mother?

  Yes, it is the leaf guide.

Zhang Shaowei finally realized that it was Li Xiaoxiao who lied to him. The relationship between Song Mianmian and Ye Dao was not what the outside world said. On the contrary, their relationship was very good, otherwise Ye Dao would not go to Erbin to pick up Song Mianmian. Back to Yanjing, it was the **** Li Xiaoxiao who cheated Song Mianmian in order to let him help, and all the show crew did now was Ye Dan's revenge on him.

To understand the cold sweat of Zhang Shaowei, he originally thought that Ye Dan was only in film and television resources, but he forgot that the entertainment circle is a circle. With Ye Dan’s current status, if he is willing to spend some time on him, why is it only in film and television? Cut off his way, the other party can cut off his entire interpretation career.

  "Where is the company? Help me contact the company..." Zhang Shaowei grasped the straw and shouted to A Bing after realizing that he was stupid.

  It's just that just after he finished speaking, Ah Bing's cell phone rang first, and it was the company who called.

   Zhang Shaowei hurriedly took over, "Director Wang..."

  "Do you know how much money and manpower and material resources the company spent to get you up? How dare you commit such a stupidity!" Before Zhang Shaowei finished speaking, there was a loud reprimand.

Zhang Shaowei knows that he has been ruined this time, but if the company is willing to protect him, then he still has hope, but if the company abandons him, then he is really ruined, regardless of the other's attitude, he whispered for plea "Director Wang, I know I was wrong this time, please help me, help me!"

"Help you? How to help you? Do you know that because you didn't tell the truth, the company's millions of public relations fees have been lost? Zhang Shaowei, let alone the company does not protect you, it is really stupid for you this time. Not immediately sue you for breach of contract is the ultimate goal."

   "Director Wang, Director Wang, I know it's me..."

  Beep toot...

  Zhang Shaowei still wants to continue to intercede for herself, but Director Wang has hung up the phone neatly.

  I was hung up for the second time tonight, and my heart frightened more and more. If Zhang Shaowei thought he had a glimmer of hope just now, then he is completely hopeless at this moment.

  He offended Director Ye, was exposed by the show crew of a scandal about his lack of professionalism, and is now abandoned by the company, his acting career is completely over!

  Zhang Shaowei sat down on the ground, the phone slid to the ground, and muttered, "It's over, it's over, I'm over!"

"Wei Shao, don't panic. Maybe Director Wang is just in anger. When he is gone, we will think of a solution. Isn’t it just unprofessional? There are a lot of unprofessional people in the circle. Wait for the heat to dissipate these days. Now, we can start again." A Bing comforted Zhang Shaowei in a low voice.

Zhang Shaowei listened to the gray eyes glowing. Yes, there are many people in this circle who are not dedicated to their work. He is not the only one. Netizens all follow the heat. When the heat of his scandal passes, it can be heavy. Come.

   was thinking that Zhang Shaowei’s cell phone rang again. He looked down and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, frowned, "Who will call me at this time?"

  "Maybe it is the company or Yuji?" A Bing analyzed.

  Zhang Shaowei was stimulated twice in a row and refused to answer the phone, so he asked Ah Bing to answer it directly.

  A Bing hesitated and picked it up, "Who are you?"

  His tone has disappeared from the usual domineering.

  The people over there seemed to hear his voice and shouted excitedly, "Bing, it’s Bing! I’m a Westbrook fan, it’s the one at Erbin Airport, do you remember?"

  A Bing, a fan of Zhang Shaowei, frowned, and his tone became impatient, "Wei Shaowei's fans are gone, how can I remember them one by one."

"It's the one who fought Song Mianmian at Erbin Airport. Do you remember the rivet bag? The gentleman said at the time that he wanted to sue me. Westbrook said he would help me. I told Wei Shao that I wouldn’t be able to graduate if I was still in college!" The girl who finally got Zhang Shaowei’s call on the phone said emotionally. She didn’t expect that she just wanted to protect the idol. Involved in a lawsuit.

  A Bing looked ugly after hearing this, "That’s your business, what's the matter with Wei Shao? People want to sue you, what can Wei Shao do?"

  A Bing hung up after speaking.

  The **** the other side of the phone was stunned when she heard what she wanted to say. The screen has been blacked out, and her mind is full of what A Bing said just now. They are going to sue you, Guan Weishao, what's the matter!

  The helpless girl stood in the dormitory blankly holding the lawyer's letter, thinking about what she should do!

  Zhang Shaowei was right next to Ah Bing. He obviously heard the content of the call, but he was noncommittal about his handling of Ah Bing. He wanted to know how to solve his immediate crisis more than an unknown little fan.

  This night is undoubtedly difficult for him.

After the show team’s response video was sent, Zhang Shaowei’s fans began to show off on a large scale, and many fans were not only because Zhang Shaowei was not dedicated, but also because of his previous connotation show group and Song Mianmian’s V blog, which was too bitch. Up!

  Someone with a little brain realizes that they are being used as guns, and obviously they are dead, but deliberately lead fans to misunderstand the show crew and Song Mianmian, sell tragic powder to encourage fans to fight for him, and use people as fools.

  But there are also some fans who still think that their brother is kind, but he was deliberately framed by the program team. Some exaggerated ones also stand up for Zhang Shaowei, saying who is not lazy? That's true for their brother, unlike others who acted deliberately.

In order to prove their point of view, many fans listed Zhang Shaowei's various achievements, and especially pulled out the Erbin Airport, saying that Zhang Shaowei admitted his mistakes for the fans and took the mistakes made by the fans on his own body. How responsible and favored he is. powder.

   Things continue to ferment, and Zhang Shaowei’s name has been on the hot search list.

  By the next day, this wave of fans who maintained Zhang Shaowei still kept going. Song Mianmian saw the man who asked the bathroom with one hand on her and brushing his teeth with the other, "Do you remember Zhang Shaowei's fan at the airport?"

  She remembered what this person said at first, as if she didn't intend to let him go, but she hadn't seen any movement for so long, and she guessed that Ye Dan might have forgotten about it a long time ago.

  I don’t know that as soon as she finished speaking, Ye Dan nodded, “Well, let it be handled by a lawyer, but there is no way for the New Year’s Court to hold a trial. You have to wait until after the new year.”

   After speaking, Ye Dan rinsed his mouth.

  Song Mianmian was stunned, "The court will open in the next year? Did you sue her?"

  Ye Dan spit out the mouthwash, "I'm like a kid who can make a joke?"

   "Ah...that's not the case." Song Mianmian replied, but she didn't expect such a small thing, this person actually really moved and really took the court.

  She remembered that a derailment scandal broke out when they returned to Yanjing that night, and then the two broke up unhappily. She didn't expect that he would let people deal with their own affairs in that case.

  Ye Dan glanced at her and continued to wash.

  Song Mianmian was awkward for a while, "Will the girl be sentenced when the court opens?"

  She vaguely remembered that the girl was young.

   "Not sure, but what is certain is that she will not be able to graduate smoothly." Ye Dan said lightly.

  Song Mianmian held the man's hand stiff, but he did not expect to be still in school.

   Ye Dan saw Song Mianmian’s reaction, “Why can’t you bear it?”

  Song Mianmian nodded and then shook his head, "Everyone should be responsible for the wrong things they have done, and she should be a college student at her age? Then she should bear the due consequences for her actions."

  For a moment, Song Mianmian was indeed softened, but he soon thought of his father. If his father was stopped in time when he made the first mistake, he would not have the fluke psychology later, which led to deeper and deeper sinking.

At the airport that day, if Ye Dan hadn't blocked her with her back, the rivet bag would hit her face and head. Even if she was not seriously injured, her chances would be injured or even disfigured. Spicy deserves to be punished.

   Ye Dan raised his eyebrows and watched Song Mianmian’s eyes deepen. He thought that this woman would be soft-hearted. He didn't expect that she would surprise him again. It seems that these years have not been in vain.

  Song Mianmian was uncomfortable by Ye Dan, "Why do you think my heart is hard?"

   "Yeah." Ye Dan hummed.

  Song Mianmian was taken aback, and a touch of self-deprecation appeared on her face. She probably disappointed the man. She was no longer the kind and squeamish little girl once, on the contrary, she now has a very dark heart.

But it is one thing for me to feel that my heart is dark, and it is another thing to be sealed by the man I like. Song Mianmian's mood is affected uncontrollably, and at this moment a muffled laugh suddenly sounded over her head. The man's big hand fell on her head and roughly rubbed her head.

  Song Mianmian looked up annoyed and stared at Ye Dan, and heard the man’s magnetic voice open with joy, “It’s a good thing to be hard-hearted, and blind kindness will only appear stupid. You’re fine now.”

   "Huh?" Song Mianmian thought he had heard it wrong, and looked at the man with his mouth slightly open.

  Ye Dan hooked her lips, and suddenly lowered her head and pecked on her lips, "Are you sure we have to stand in the bathroom all the time and talk?"

   "Ah, oh." Song Mianmian hurriedly helped Ye Dan walk into the ward until he helped the man into the hospital bed, did Song Mianmian later realize that he had kissed him just now?


   Ye Dan watched Song Mianmian's slow reaction, and finally couldn't help but chuckle again.

  Song Mianmian, "..."

  (End of this chapter)

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