After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 963: If I'm a man, I'll give you my life

   Chapter 963 If ​​I am a man, I will give you my life

  Fang Yunyun's ID card used by Song Mianmian to go to the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

This hotel is owned by the Pei family. The hotel pays great attention to privacy and eliminates reporters. The price is also worrying. Song Mianmian went in and took a hot bath. Finally, his stiff and cold body was warmed up, and his reason was back. Minute.

  She arrived at the hotel on an impulse, but what should I do next?

The artists next to    are protected by the company, but she has to face the company's suppression, and Li Xiaoxiao's endless revenge, and a little carelessness will be forever.

  Now the only one million left on his body has been used up, and the public relations fee for Zhang Yue has not yet been paid, and the money on his body is enough to live in Grand Hyatt for three days. What about after three days?

Sitting on the large and comfortable hotel bed, Song Mianmian fell into confusion.

Fang Yunyun waited in the living room for a long time and saw no movement in Song Mianmian. When she came in worried, she saw sitting on the bed in a daze, her hair wrapped in a hotel towel and scattered, and a wet mark was soaked on the white sheets. With a dazed little face and an incredible beauty, Fang Yunyun stayed, "Sister Mianmian?"

   "Huh? What happened again?" Song Mianmian raised his head and asked subconsciously.

   "No, what's the matter with you?" Fang Yunyun stepped forward to wrap Song Mianmian's hair tightly.

Song Mianmian realized that his hair was dripping on the sheets, and he reached out to Fang Yunyun with a smile and gently wiped his hair, with a very soft voice and a negotiating tone, "Yunyun, you can look for a job again when this matter is over, you The academic qualifications are not low. After a few years in the circle, everyone at the meeting will be able to meet. It is not difficult to find a good company."

   Fang Yunyun stepped back and looked at Song Mianmian in disbelief, "What do you mean by Mianmian? Do you want me?"

   His voice was already in tears.

Song Mianmian was flushed by Fang Yunyun’s sad voice, and she shook her head hurriedly, but finally sighed after thinking of her current situation, "Yunyun, you are not young anymore, you should also consider yourself. I fell this time. ...Well, I'm afraid it will be difficult to turn over again, you should make plans for your future."

"No, haven’t things been suppressed now? Netizens are the most forgetful group. After a while, everyone will forget about it. You will come back again, or let’s stay thick-skinned and stay with them. What can I do to you? At most I will get a few words of scolding. We have not been scolded before!" Fang Yunyun said excitedly. She had seen Song Mianmian's fire and was hid in the snow, and she also knew how Song Mianmian took steps in the past few years. I made it in one step, and now I can't see a little light, how can I give up easily?

"This time is different from before." Song Mianmian looked at Fang Yunyun and said softly. Since she knew that the exposure of her life experience was not caused by netizens, but someone deliberately engaged in trouble, she knew that things would not be easy to be kind. Now, although there is a scandal about Xiaoxianrou's derailment, what's next?

  Song Mianmian knows Li Xiaoxiao, and that person will not make her feel better.

   And thinking of the back of the man leaving, she herself was very confused, even if she stood firmly in the circle and became popular?

  For the first time, Song Mianmian was depressed like never before, and he couldn't even find anything to support him. After opening the V-Bo, various verbal abuses continued to flow from Dang women's humiliation to organ abuse. Only you can't think of it.

These years Song Mianmian thought that he had already trained a pair of steel and iron bones, but every time he saw these, she would find that she was still not strong enough. Those words seemed to be poisoned and shot towards her, piercing her body. An inch of skin, Song Mianmian felt that if those arrows were visible, she would have been pierced into a sieve long ago.

   Among these poisonous arrows, there is one, Song Anle, are you always deceiving people like this? Hit the heart directly, leaving her with no room for survival.

When Fang Yunyun heard Song Mianmian’s lifeless voice, she was even more worried, “Why is it different? Isn’t there also Mr. Xing? And Zhang Yue also said that Ye Dao’s public relations team has been following up. Don’t give up first, anyway. I will not go."

   "You fool..." Song Mianmian was touched and helpless at Yunyun's determined little expression above, and apologized afterwards, "You are following me now, and you will not be able to get your salary on time."

  Knowing that she could not persuade Fang Yunyun temporarily, Song Mianmian did not insist, but he knew how Ye Dan could still help her? But idiots talk about dreams.

"It's not the first time, what are you afraid of? What's more, my parents make a lot of money. I am the only one in my family. I am serious!" How could Fang Yunyun fail to see that Song Mianmian was pretending to be strong, but what happened to her? Can you abandon her? Wiping some wet cheeks pretending to be proud.

  Song Mianmian couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged Fang Yunyun, "Thank you."

  Fang Yunyun was suddenly hugged, feeling a little at a loss, "Sister Mianmian doesn't have to dedicate her life to me, I'm not blessed to accept it!"

  Fang Yunyun looked down at the white dazzling **** under Song Mianmian's somewhat scattered bath towels, unconsciously licking her lips, full of envy, this female star is different, and she can’t see it when she wears it on weekdays.

  Song Mianmian felt Fang Yunyun’s gaze, startled, and then slapped away, "Female hooligan!"

"Hehehe, Dao Ye doesn't want you because he is not lucky. We are such a big beauty like Mianmian. I am afraid that there is no love for a man. If I am a man, I will give you my life." Fang Yunyun did not forget to take a look at the savings for two years Regret for taking advantage.

  Song Mianmian was dumbfounded by Fang Yunyun's actions, but the atmosphere in such a noisy room was much more relaxed.

  But after it's easy, things still have to be faced.

  It has been a long time since the incident happened. Although they have gone through a series of public relations, there has never been any incident from the owner.

Song Mianmian has thought about it. If she wants to stay in the circle, she and Xing Shen can’t say anything about this matter. Instead, Ye Dan will show off a simple affection after the heat passes. Everyone creates an impression that the media is talking nonsense, and it is better for Huang Xinran to apologize.

   But obviously neither of these two methods are possible.

  So the only thing she can do now is to keep a low profile and then a low profile, try to make everyone forget her temporarily.

  As for what will happen in the future, it can only be resigned.

  When things were figured out, Song Mianmian didn't think about it, but struggled with another matter.

  A very anxious and realistic problem, money.

  Quiet hotel room, Song Mianmian and Fang Yunyun were holding a mobile phone and adding and subtracting on the calculator. I don’t know how long it took before they looked up at each other, and then asked tacitly, "Is it all right?"

After speaking, the two of them were silent at the same time, and then they raised their phones together. Although the amounts on the calculator above were different, they were roughly the same, that is, Song Mianmian must have 1.3 million to survive, and Song Mianmian is not enough now. Thirty thousand, where to find the gap of over one million?

  Fang Yunyun thought that Song Mianmian was going to take over the second woman in "Medical Heart" by Ye Dao, "Sister Mianmian, do you want to pay in advance with Ye Dao?"

  Song Mianmian looked at Fang Yunyun like a fool, "The contract has not been signed yet, and do you think he will want me?"

   "This... is also right." Fang Yunyun was two big heads, and then tentatively asked, "Why don't you tell Ye Dao to be soft? I think Ye Dao is actually okay."

  Fang Yunyun’s words are true. She can tell Song Mianmian that whether it is Song Mianmian or Ye Dan, they are affectionate to each other. Can't they just divorce just because they have been with other men before? It's all in 2020, who doesn't have a predecessor yet? As far as she knows, Ye Dao had a lot of romantic debts before he was unmarried!

   "I... useless." Song Mianmian didn't know how to explain to Ye Dan. If a man doesn't trust a woman, what's the use of explaining too much?

  Not to mention that this incident was indeed her problem, and the explanation cannot change the matter of her and Xing Shen being married in country M.

  Fang Yunyun sighed when she heard her, and her cell phone rang. She looked at the number and thought about picking it up, but her expression changed after a while.

After Fang Yunyun hung up the phone, her face was as gray as death, and Song Mianmian had a bad instinct, "What happened?"

"LG couldn't get through when I called you. They called me. They hope that we can resolve this matter as soon as possible. They also said that if you divorce Ye Dao during the endorsement period, it will affect their brand image, and you will have to pay compensation in accordance with the contract. Millions." Fang Yunyun's voice was numb when she said, three million? They don't even have three hundred thousand now. Where did the three million come from? What's more, there is a million from a public relations company.

  Song Mianmian was dumbfounded after listening, "Is this item in the contract?"

   "Fan Ling only asked you to sign at the beginning and didn't show us the contract at all." Fang Yunyun was angry.

  Song Mianmian also thought about it. She signed to Starlight Entertainment because of her young age. She signed the overlord clause. The other party did not show her the specific content of the contract, and she did not know that she had buried such a thunder for herself.

  However, LG’s approach is not a problem. The image of the spokesperson is related to the image of the product. If there is no restriction to damage its image, it should be compensated, especially LG has officially announced her.

  Can I not divorce? Ye Dan has already decided to divorce her. Would he laugh at her even more if he changed his mind temporarily? And what should she do if she is rejected?

   Song Mianmian was extremely depressed.

But she was not letting go of the frustration. Soon her mobile phone rang. This time it was from the program group. Yue Min asked her about her situation, and then euphemistically told her about Liangguo Snacks. Business hopes that she will resolve the current scandal as soon as possible, otherwise she is afraid that her endorsement will be pornographic.

In particular, her good fruit was endorsed by Ji Yang. Originally, Ji Yang’s fans were dissatisfied with the idol’s surrendering status and the endorsement of a female artist who became popular on the 18th line. Now Song Mianmian has another scandal, Ji Yang Before speaking, fans protested Song Mianmian spontaneously, and even asked her to get out of the entertainment circle with fierce words.

  At present, things are still fermenting, and it will be a big trouble if it is not solved properly.

  Song Mianmian hung up Yue Min’s phone and pressed her eyebrows, only to find that her younger brother had missed several calls. After hesitating, she sent a message to let Song Anqing not worry. She is now somewhat lucky to send her younger brother back to Li Cai Garden a few days ago.

  Otherwise, with An Qing's temper, there might be conflicts with Ye Dan.

  Thinking of Ye Dan, Song Mianmian was startled, and then pressed his eyebrows to stop thinking about himself.

  At the moment, Song Mianmian must not be distracted by Ye Dan anymore.

  But here Song Mianmian is trying his best not to fall into the quagmire, and Li Xiaoxiao is working hard to continue to help her expand the influence of things.

  Li Xiaoxiao, who failed to find someone to fish in troubled waters, was in a bad mood. She was unsuccessful in sending people news about Song Mianmian’s life experience, and even replies to hot posts were immediately blocked.

Although Li Xiaoxiao didn’t know who helped Song Mianmian behind her back, she knew that if she didn’t want to do anything, Song Mianmian’s scandal would be overshadowed by Su Chen’s derailment enthusiasm, and the surname Yu had a wide network of contacts. The celebrity story is about to be exposed, who will remember who Song Mianmian is?

  At the beginning, Li Xiaoxiao started with Song Mianmian and Xing Shen's affairs because he knew that Song Mianmian returned to the public because of Ye Dan.

Even though there is the blessing of the variety show "The Wilderness" later, the heat is all dependent on the love affair with Ye Dan, especially when Ye Dan rudely and directly posted the photos of the two when they were teenagers, adding to the love affair. The fascinating first love stalk made the heat overshadowed the news of Pei Ershao and Xia Qing.

  But later Song Mianmian’s black material was picked up. Netizens have been dissatisfied with the marriage of the two, and they sang badly at intervals. It was only recently that Ye Dan took the initiative to show love for many times and allowed the public to accept the two.

  At present, Song Mianmian was revealed that he had been married in Country M as long as he had broken off with her ex-husband. Li Xiaoxiao could fully predict how severe his backlash would be.

But who would have thought that Ye Dan was still doing his best to help Song Mianmian even though Ye Dan was wearing such a big green hat, and that Xing Shen, who had been divorced, was still unwilling to give up to Song Mianmian, and she was abandoned one after another and now she can only commit herself. The Mediterranean with the surname Yu, if it were not for the other person in his belly, the other party would not have helped her in this way, and the imbalance in her heart made Li Xiaoxiao a little unreasonable.

  She has already given so much, how can she give up all her efforts? Turning his head to look at the busy Yu Ji, he raised his foot and hooked his leg, "Old Yu, do me a favor."

  The man who was only over 30 years old and was about to die turned his head and smiled and looked at Li Xiaoxiao, "Little|Sao|Foot, are you restless again?"

   "Brother Yu, just say you can help or not." Li Xiaoxiao endured his nausea and acted like a baby.

  Where did the other party be praised this way, and then said softly, "You said."


  Grand Hyatt Hotel.

  Song Mianmian comforted her younger brother and started to be busy again.

  Even deleting posts and diverting the public’s attention is just to reduce the heat, and it does not fully expose the matter between her and Xing Shen. At this time, the media reporter who could not find the righteous master suddenly interviewed Li Xiaoxiao, who had been in secret for many days.

The last time the sex|scandal was exposed, Li Xiaoxiao disappeared from the world as if she was completely hidden from the public, almost regarded as a social death. Right now, she does not continue to hide but is interviewed by the media. Song Mianmian is here. The first time you get the push, your intuition is not good!

  She stared at Li Xiaoxiao in the live video, frowning, "Yunyun called Mr. Zhang."

  Fang Yunyun didn’t know what was going on, she looked at Song Mianmian nervously and hurriedly took out her phone, and heard Song Mianmian yell, “Call Ye Dan!”

  Fang Yunyun, who hadn’t figured it out, hurriedly changed the number to dial, but Song Mianmian suddenly laughed when the number was dialed, and then muttered self-deprecatingly, “No need, it’s too late...”

  (End of this chapter)

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