After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 967: Dogs that bite don't bark

  Chapter 967 Dogs that bite don’t bark

  Ye Dan was blocked in the underground garage under the Leying Entertainment Building.

  Reporters from all walks of life came and blocked the exit. Rao Xiangzi's well-informed mouth trembled at this moment. He turned to look at the uncle Ye behind him, "Ye Dao, what shall we do now?"

  Ye Dan leaned on the car seat and lit a cigarette. After smashing his eloquence, he slowly told Xiangzi, "I can put the material I found before."

   Xiangzi turned his head with a bang and started to call.

Ye Dan looked at the more and more reporters gathered outside the car, thinking about what happened in the past two days, the situation that will be faced next, and the decision Xing Shen may make. Every step will affect Song Mianmian’s future. Trajectory of life.

  I don’t know how long it took, and the noise outside gradually subsided. Ye Dan knew that their plan to lead the disaster to the east had almost succeeded. The cigarette in his index finger was extinguished, and he said in a deep voice, "Let’s drive."

  The driver was instructed to avoid the remaining reporters and drove out of the underground garage, but did not return directly to the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

  They are still busy next.


  Xinghui Entertainment.

  Fan Ling smiled at Li Xiaoxiao, who was sitting on the sofa and looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. "I didn't expect you to be so capable."

"There are many things that Sister Fan can't think of." Li Xiaoxiao smirked. This time she accidentally exposed Song Mianmian's behavior. Not only did she succeed in causing Song Mianmian's scandal to detonate the entire network, she also washed herself by the way and added Xinghui. Many people have already spoken out for her in the PR promised, and the rumors that had fallen into the trough have gradually improved.

  This made Li Xiaoxiao regain her confidence and straightened her waist in front of Fan Ling.

Fan Ling smiled, but did not ridicule Li Xiaoxiao anymore. After all, the enemy’s enemy is a friend. Song Mianmian’s ignorance made her suffer a heavy loss this time. Not to mention the gold broker and being reprimanded by the above, she really did not expect Song Mianmian. She actually collected her kickbacks early, as well as some of the company's illegal operations, especially the contract of "The Wild Detective" was full of loopholes, and it happened only recently. Once prosecuted, neither she nor the company will be able to settle down.

What’s even more amazing is the lawyer named Yan, who Song Mianmian invited. She thought she was a silent little lawyer. After all, her age was there and she didn’t take it seriously at first, but she never thought that the other party was not only the first in Yanjing. Hanyu’s interns are even more of a rising star in the law industry recently. Not only did they fail to gain the upper hand in the legal affairs of Xinghui, they were forced to retreat step by step, and they could only agree to a peaceful termination of the contract.

   Thinking of the humiliation of Fan Ling when signing, she felt an uncomfortable depression. She finally knew what a dog that would bite and bark. In the past few years, Song Mianmian has been pretending to be a real face in front of her.

Taking a deep breath, Fan Ling turned her phone to Li Xiaoxiao, and pointed to the hot search that just broke out, "See? They started to fight back, which means that Ye Dao didn't give up on her. How long do you think you can carry it? You must know that once Song Mianmian slows down, as the instigator, do you think she will let you go? At that time, your previous whitewashing will easily be reversed, and the company has no way to save you."

Li Xiaoxiao stared at the first one of Fan Ling’s mobile phone. It was shockingly that a certain line of big coffee was exploded and gathered for a drug party. Many well-known artists were involved. The explosion of news was no less than that of Song Mianmian, even because of the other party’s coffee. Super first-line, although there have been few appearances in recent years, but the popularity and reputation status is still there, this rollover immediately set off a whole network of heated discussions.

  Many netizens turned to Sherlock Holmes to find the artists involved, causing everyone in the circle to be at risk.

  In this way, Song Mianmian's life experience suddenly dropped.

Li Xiaoxiao looked very ugly after reading. She didn't expect that things had developed to this level. Not only did Ye Dan not give up Song Mianmian, she also used this way of offending half of the entertainment industry to save Song Mianmian. She wondered if Song Mianmian was How can it be?

  Fan Ling felt a little more happy seeing Li Xiaoxiao’s reaction, “With Ye Dao’s ability, do you think that if Song Mianmian’s incident passes, you can still gain a foothold in the entertainment industry?”

  How could Li Xiaoxiao not understand this truth.

   Right now she and Song Mianmian have only one result, either you die or I live.

  This time, if you don't take advantage of Song Mianmian's fall so big somersault completely cut her way, then when the other party is resurrected, she is the one who will die.

  Li Xiaoxiao knew that Fan Ling wanted to use herself to retaliate against Song Mianmian, but she had no other choice but to cooperate with the other party.

  The two have been in a mischievous relationship for many years. There is still such a tacit understanding. After a little hesitation, Li Xiaoxiao looked up at Fan Ling, "What does Sister Fan want me to do?"

   "Naturally stepped her into the mud. The reporter you know is good. There must be a way to keep Song Mianmian hot?" Now that Li Xiaoxiao understood her meaning, Fan Ling was no longer polite.

  Li Xiaoxiao didn't expect that she would have to deal with the surname Yu, but she couldn't help her choose the situation in front of her, so she could only grit her teeth and nod her head, "That's natural."

Fan Ling got a satisfactory answer, and the smile on her face deepened. "I knew Xiaoxiao was the best. It happened to be that Boss Huang from Xicheng came to Yanjing to set up the game tonight. He recently invested in an ancient costume drama. I recommended you to her, but whether you can get the heroine in the end depends on Xiaoxiao your own ability."

The smile on Li Xiaoxiao's face solidified for a moment, frowning and looking at Fan Ling, "Sister Fan, this...isn't it right? How come I am also the pillar of Xinghui, and the heat is high, go to dinner...will it be? Too much attention?"

"Don't worry, I will arrange it. You also said that you are now the backbone of Xinghui. I value your reputation more than your fate. How can the news be revealed? Don't worry. The investment in this movie is 100 million yuan. , As long as you get the heroine, turning over is just around the corner." Fan Ling pulled the thong out of pride.

Li Xiaoxiao is not stupid, but she is desperate right now. This time she fought a turnaround, but who knows how long she can win, even if she knows that Fan Ling is selling her, but if it is really like she said, this drama will invest 100 million yuan. , Then she is still afraid of being unstable in the circle in the future?

  You must know that as long as you are not taking drugs or violating the criminal law, there is always a way to get rid of it.

  The easiest way for an actor to whitewash is to work. A good work can give a star a thick filter.

  Li Xiaoxiao believes that her acting skills are good, as long as she has the opportunity to appear in a big production, she will definitely be popular.

After persuading himself, Li Xiaoxiao looked at Fan Ling, "Sister Fan, I want to read the project book first."

   "Yes." Fan Ling did not decline, and handed her the documents that had been prepared a long time ago.

  Li Xiaoxiao knew after reading it that Fan Ling had not coaxed her. This was really a great opportunity for her to stand up, and she must grasp it.

  Leaving Fan Ling’s office, Li Xiaoxiao went to prepare a meal. On the way, she did not forget to call reporter Yu, just as Fan Ling said she could not allow Song Mianmian to stand up.

  How could Yu Ji who received a call from Li Xiaoxiao fail to understand what she meant, and said with a wretched smile, "I have helped you so much this time, do you think how to repay me?"

   Li Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, "Why don't you help me help yourself? After all, we want to give our children a better future, don't we?"

  The person on the other end of the phone was a little excited, "Xiaoxiao, are you really planning to give birth to my baby?"

"Of course, you are the best man in the world to me. Who do I not have children for you?" Li Xiaoxiao said diligently, but sneered in her heart. If it weren't for the hospital saying that her body can no longer be aborted, she would never It is impossible to keep this child whose father is unknown until now.

  But that’s okay, at least there is an idiot who would like to be a father and give it back to her.

Yu Kai didn’t know Li Xiaoxiao’s thoughts. He only felt that a rush of blood rushed to his brain. Just thinking about the coveted female celebrity was willing to give him such an old man of nearly forty to give birth to a child with excitement. A lot of small calculations also disappeared, and I looked back at my Huanglian Po, wishing to guard Li Xiaoxiao right away, "Baby, I really love you to death."

  Li Xiaoxiao endured the nausea, "I love you too." After saying that, she changed her tone, "By the way, if Song Mianmian doesn't work here, I remember she still has a younger brother."

   "Don't worry, baby, don't underestimate me." As soon as the phone hung up, Yu Kai continued to find someone to operate Song Mianmian's affairs.

Isn't    just to bring down a little bitch? Yu Kai, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, has no other skills, that is, there are many ways to abuse.

Ye Dan’s side was the only cause of trouble, and he realized that someone behind him started to guide public opinion. Those navy soldiers were jumping around like a desperate one. The scandal that pointed to a certain line was exploded to prevent disaster for a certain X actress. And at the end questioned, how strong the background of the X actress is, is it possible that her greedy|official father's contacts are still there, and she is extremely worried.

   Originally, Song Mianmian’s popularity has already declined, but after being pulled out like this, it will soon rise again. Ye Dan's public relations here did not dare to relax at all, and another round of public opinion counterattack began. For this reason, Ye Dan also invited Pei Zhengyang's computer experts from his side to fight against the black.

  In such a trouble, the whole network is flying, and netizens can't finish eating all kinds of melons.

   Ye Dan returned to the hotel early in the morning, Song Mianmian has not slept yet.

  It's just not because I waited for Ye Dan, but because I couldn't sleep at all.

It’s been two days and one night. Although the popularity has been hit by various news from big coffees, things about her are still being searched because of the push behind them. Even if they are dropped, they haven’t dropped too much, and they are even more scolding. Never stopped.

  Where can she fall asleep in this situation? Seeing Ye Dan came back, she got up subconsciously, but immediately set her eyes on the man’s wheelchair, her heart sore, "How are your legs?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just for convenience." Ye Dan came in and reached out to hold Song Mianmian's hand. Seeing that she was clearly in a heated room, but her hand was so cold, he simply picked up the other one and held it in his own. In the big palm.

  The man’s palm was dry and warm, which dispelled Song Mianmian’s coolness from the bottom of his heart a lot, but she was still not at ease, “Is it really okay?”

  "Do you doubt me again?" Ye Dan looked at Song Mianmian and asked unclearly.

These words successfully opened Song Mianmian’s memory last night, causing her heart to tremble, her body followed the chain reaction, and she gave the other party annoyed, "Be serious, I contacted Zhang Yue today, and they said about it. It’s very tricky. Whitewashing is impossible. Don’t waste your energy for me. I will leave the circle when the heat passes. Originally, I didn’t like this industry."

   Ye Dan finished listening, "seriously?"

Song Mianmian nodded, "Seriously, it might make you get angry with me, but you expressed your determination last night. I don't dare to protest anymore, so did you make a lot of money before? its me?"

  The last few sentences Song Mianmian deliberately asked in a ridiculous tone.

Ye Dan was stunned and stared at the white and delicate little woman in front of him. His eyes still had a bit of unfading playfulness, making him unable to open his eyes for a while, and the joy that rose in his heart was especially strong. This is the first time this woman has been like this. He couldn't be unhappy when he said this to him bluntly.

  So this awkward bad woman is finally willing to let go of all the grudges and rely on him to believe in him?

"What do you mean by not answering? I regret it? Didn't you say that you should separate and not escape and bear the burden together? Why did you suddenly find that it is very stressful to raise a woman... Um..." Song Mianmian didn't finish, and Ye Dan suddenly felt big. The palm buckled her head and covered her lips.

  Song Mianmian was pulled down half of his body, and he could only bow his waist and let the man kiss him.

  I don’t know how long it took to push the man away, "Well, my waist is about to break..."

  She didn’t know that bending over and kissing was so hard before, and she was really embarrassed by her.

   Ye Dan was in a good mood listening to her small Hokkien-like muttering voice, "This is my waist, what should you do when my legs are good?"

  Song Mianmian was embarrassed, "I don’t think Yunyun bumped your leg at all. You broke it yourself, right? Don’t be proud that I can spend a lot of money, it’s not easy to raise at all."

Ye Dan really remembered one thing when he heard this. As far as he knows, Song Mianmian has been in the entertainment industry for many years, but he hasn't gotten into any bad habits in the circle. He neither compares with other female stars nor has the habit of buying luxury goods and bags. Before meeting him again, he even went through various fake high-fake imitations, was ridiculed by the entire network, and was even so poor that he was driven out by the landlord.

But Song Mianmian is a female celebrity who has been popular for a while, and she won’t be too poor to be detained by Xinghui, especially when she was still working when she was hidden in the snow. If this can be explained because she was raised by a younger brother, But what about recently? The reward for the variety show of "The Wild Detective" is as high as 6 million, and Lg's endorsement also endorsed a part of the money, but she only gave out one million for the good fruit endorsement this time, and it is said that she owed Zhang Yue one million. .

  So what about the six million of her variety shows?

  Rao is not to burn the money at once, especially when he sees her, he is reluctant to buy more clothes.

  Song Mianmian said that he is not easy to raise. According to the direction of the romantic drama, this person should confess affectionately. But what does he mean when he looks at her with such strange eyes?

  Uncomfortable being seen, Song Mianmian touched his cheek, "Is there something on my face?"

"No, I'm just curious about how difficult you are to raise the law. By the way, how do you spend money, I'm so mentally prepared." Ye Dan raised his eyebrows after he finished speaking, he was really curious about this stupid woman Where did the money go.

  Song Mianmian didn’t expect Ye Dan would ask this, and smiled at the man, "Are you regretting this?"

   "I will not regret it, but I am going to find someone to take my assets, to see if I can afford my wife, and I was abandoned in the middle of the province." Ye Dan saw that Song Mianmian didn't want to mention it, so he stopped asking.

  Song Mianmian smiled, "Then you have to make a good plate."

   "Really? Well, I will. Then I would like to ask Mrs. Ye, can I hold you to sleep now as a husband?" Ye Dan finished speaking and stood up and embraced Song Mianmian's waist.

  Song Mianmian blushed, and nudged him, "I have something to say, An Qing, he doesn't want to hide..."

   "Lie down and say."

  Song Mianmian, "..."

    Shuang囍: Just opened a pre-collection "Mr. Fu, do you want to get married?" "Find a collection.

     Introduction: Song Yuetang is a notorious female internet celebrity anchor.

     Big breasts, bee waist, buttocks, with a yellow man figure, attracted countless ridicule.

     Pretty, vulgar, and uneducated are the labels she can't tear off, and she was squandered by corpses and abandoned all over the Internet.

     re-lived his life, Song Yuetang suddenly awakened.

     for the scumbag to sever the relationship with his parents? NO, is it good to be alive?

     unscrupulous tabloid, "Surprised, Langtang got into the car of a rich man, and he is suspected of being taken care of!"

     Father Shen, "I am her father!"

not educated? Find out about the number one scholar in college entrance examination in a province, thank you.

     What is escape marriage? Song Yuetang hooked Fu Jingchuan's clothes with her little finger, "Mr. Fu, do you want to marry me?"

     Fu Jingchuan reflexively put Song Yuetang on the roof of the car with one hand, his thin lips slightly opened, "Don't fight."

     Song Yuetang looked down at the cold man rubbing the fingertips of his chin, "If you don’t fight, you won’t fight? Show what..."

     "I invite you." The man interrupted her.

     Not long after Fu Jingchuan and Song Yuetang were officially announced, the whole network was shocked.

     Actor and female anchor? Gee, that smell!

     tentatively determine the title and introduction of the book. It will be opened in the next year. It may be overthrown and restarted. Or you can tell me if you have any suggestions.

     more than heart~



  (End of this chapter)

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