After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 990: Hao Shao had fun last night?

   Chapter 990 Hao Shao had fun last night?

After Liang Hui sent Bai Jingxin away, he had a clear heart.

This Su Xixi comes from a good family background, but depending on the situation, he is in a moderately prosperous family. He has no background. Now she shares the rent with the girl just now, and how much spine can a woman who can dance at night for five hundred yuan is, in the end it just depends on the price Appropriate.

  With the plan, Liang Hui was proud of him. He really didn't expect that the blind cat would run into a dead mouse, and Pei Hao, such a young boy, would actually fall in love with a dancing girl.

  Also, depending on the other person’s appearance, I plan to keep them for a long time.

  As long as the other party has a demand, then he has a way to get on the big boat of Pei's family.

  The more he thought about it, the more proud Liang Hui sent a message to his men, asking them to stay in the hospital where Pei Hao was, as long as the woman came out and brought him to him immediately.

   After finishing the order, Liang Hui happily waved to the manager, "Where are the other girls dancing tonight?"

  The bar manager understands, "Now I'll call Liang Shao over."



  Su Bixi's fever subsided already after two o'clock in the morning, and when she opened her eyes in a daze, she saw the room with only a small yellow light on, which was completely strange to her.

  After staying for a long time, Su Bixi’s brain gradually recovered. Looking at the layout of this room, isn’t it exactly Pei Hao’s ward?

  But why did she lie on the hospital bed? She was obviously thrown into the bathroom by the man rudely...

Thinking of the bathroom, Su Bixi thought of the female celebrity who entered Pei Hao’s ward and didn’t know how long it took to leave. She raised her hand and struggled to remember. As a result, she had a fever and the impact in the bar box was so painful that she just woke up. Fell back again.

   With an uncomfortable whimper, he felt movement on his side. Su Bixi's nerves suddenly tightened, and his head slowly turned to see a black head resting on her left side.

Su Bixi stared at the head for a long time before he was sure that this person was Pei Hao, and opened his mouth, wanting to ask why she was in his hospital bed and why he was lying on the bedside, but he made a sound and the sound was dry again. It was astringent and forced Su Bixi to stop, moved her body, and found that her dance skirt had been replaced with a comfortable home outfit.

   After a long stunned, Su Bixi finally vaguely figured out what was going on, looking at the man lying on the bedside, his eyes were extremely complicated.

  Su Bixi was moved for a moment, but she quickly returned to reason and asked her to let go of the urge to wake up the man.

Carefully removed the quilt and got out of the bed, Su Bixi found her shoes from the side barefoot to put them on, and found that there was a brand-new lady's coat thrown on the sofa next to her. The tag had not been removed. She pursed her lips and glanced at herself. After thinking about the home clothes, I still put it on my body.

Su Bixi, who put on his coat, felt a little more secure, but when he came out of the ward, his steps were stagnant. He turned his head and looked at the man lying on the bedside sleeping. Because of his height, he had long legs bent under the bed and his body was also Arched, without the usual domineering dude, it looked like a large dog, and it looked awkward and tight when lying there.

  This is completely different from Su Bixi’s previous impression of Pei Hao, which made her feel sour in her heart inexplicably, but thinking of the words the man said to her when she was sober, and the appearance of hiding her in a panic when she saw the female star, she returned rationally.

  How can she be so affectionate that she feels that this person treats her differently?

  The corner of her mouth sneered upward, and Su Bixi retracted her gaze and opened the door of the ward lightly, and walked towards the outside of the hospital.

  It was late at night, and the whole hospital was very quiet, which reminded Su Bixi of the night in Xiyue Mountain.

It’s just that compared to the dilapidated hospital in Xiyue Mountain that looked like a horror film at night, the Pei’s International Hospital is extraordinarily tall. Even in the middle of the night, it is full of heating. The sensor light is turned on every time you walk, but Su Bixi’s mood is not Better.

  Even because of a series of things that happened tonight, I was even more confused.

   When passing by Liang Hui's men, the other party raised his eyes and glanced at her, and then continued to lower his head to fake sleep soundly.

  She removed her makeup and changed her coat, her whole body revealed the elegance and restraint she had cultivated over the years. She was completely different from the gorgeous dancer with heavy make-up and a light long skirt. Even if she saw each other last night, she did not connect them.

  Su Bixi went out of the hospital smoothly, but she didn’t know where to go.

  The phone fell in the bar, and she had no money on her body. She didn't even know how to get back to her rental house from here.

   Standing in the city of Yanjing near three in the morning, Su Bixi felt that compared with the strange Xiyue Mountain, she had lived in the city for more than 20 years and did not give her much sense of belonging.

  Standing in the cold wind for a long time, Su Bixi didn’t know where he should go or where he could go.

  Walking aimlessly in the night, only then discovered that the early morning of the city is not entirely silent.

  Company employees who work overtime until midnight, small bosses who are not ready to close their stalls until two o’clock in the morning when doing business, young men and women seeking pleasure, public servants who don’t know whether they are police officers or police officers, and brothers who wear takeaway clothes at night...

Su Bixi was walking on the road late at night, looking at places where the lights were occasionally lit, and the scattered people who didn’t know why they were living on the street, suddenly felt that the pains of the past seemed overly hypocritical, who is not struggling to live in this world. What?

  She just lost her children and was kicked out of her home. She didn’t get a lover she didn’t like. What’s so great about it?

What's so great about   ?

   reached out and rubbed the astringent eye sockets, Su Bixi stood up and strode forward, not wanting the police car she had seen just now to suddenly return and stop in front of her.

   Only after comforting herself, Su Bixi straightened her body and stood motionless, like a three-good student in elementary school.

  The older and somewhat blessed policeman saw Su Bixi doing this and smiled and said, "The little girl doesn’t need to be nervous, just ask how you walked alone on the road in the middle of the night and quarreled with your boyfriend?"

  Su Bixi was infected by the smile on the opponent's face and the relaxation in the words, but he couldn't answer this question for a while, nodded, nor shook his head, still standing blankly.

Seeing her like this, the fat policeman knew in his heart and smiled and urged, "Okay, you guys really have no temper. Call home or your boyfriend to pick you up. A little girl is alone this night. What's going on outside, if there is a mishap, it will be too late to cry."

  Su Bixi shook her head awkwardly.

  The police thought she was still having a temper, and urged.

  Su Bixi had no choice but to tell the truth, "No cell phone, no money."


  The kind-looking fat policeman looked at Su Bixi’s young face that was not much older than his daughter. He glanced at the time and sighed, "Get in the car, address."

  Su Bixi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that the police uncle was about to take her home, so he waved his hand quickly, but the other party had already opened the door.

  Until Su Bixi got into the police car, she was still a little dazed.

  Just after she reported her address, the fat policeman glanced at her, "Road crazy?"

  Su Bixi opened her mouth, and the other party turned around and left in the opposite direction to her before turning around.

  Wait to her rental house, it was already three ten ten, the elderly police yawned, not forgetting to persuade her a few words.

  Watching the other party leave, Su Bixi suddenly smiled, and the bad mood that had been depressed for a long time was wiped out. Turning around, he saw that the community had begun to busy with people who were busy with stalls, and he was relieved a lot.

  She probably was really nurtured by the Su family's elite education before, and she forgot what her real life was like.

  Returned to the apartment with ease, only to find that Bai Jingxin was still awake at this point. As soon as she opened the door, the other party jumped up from the sofa as if frightened, and Su Bixi was startled.

   "Xixi, you are back!" Bai Jingxin exclaimed.

Although Su Bixi and the other party have been roommates for more than a month, she is still not used to calling herself so close, but realizes that Bai Jingxin is not asleep now, most likely because she is worried that her heart is still warmer, and nodded. "Something happened, are you waiting for me?"

"Something went wrong?" Bai Jingxin was stunned, and quickly realized that Su Bixi probably didn't want to tell her about being nurtured, but she couldn't help but remind her in a low voice, "Do you know that brother Hui? He is a Liang company. The young boss, he asked me about you today. That person's reputation on the scene is not very good. If you meet him next time, it's better to avoid him."

Hearing the name of Brother Hui, Su Bixi thought of the foul language he heard at night, and even the slap on the back of his waist was followed by twitching pain, and Bai Jingxin nodded with a pale face, "I know, I will pay attention. ."

  You don’t need Bai Jingxin to remind Su Bixi that she will hide from those people in the future, but why did the other party ask Bai Jingxin about her?

   Su Bixi, who had been in a slightly better mood, felt a little bit in her heart. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but ask, "What did he ask about me?"

   "Your name, and the situation at home." Speaking of Bai Jingxin, she apologized, but immediately added, "I'll just say that your name is Su Xixi. Your family situation is average. You rent a house by yourself, and nothing else."

  Su Bixi nodded and thanked her, still feeling uneasy in her heart.

  Bai Jingxin's gaze fell on her coat, licking her lips, "Where did your coat... come from? It seems to be a limited edition of the L family."

  Su Bixi was thinking about things in her heart, but did not notice Bai Jingxin’s expression, and replied somewhat perfunctorily, “It’s too cold on the road. I bought it at a street stall for dozens of yuan.”

  She doesn't want to let others know about her relationship with Pei Hao, especially Bai Jingxin is still a fan of Pei Hao.

Speaking of this Su Bixi is actually a little lucky, although she and Pei Hao had a big trouble at the beginning, but the media tabooed Pei's family and Pei Hao, and did not reveal her real name and photo, so that Bai Jingxin would not recognize her. It was the woman who had been engaged to Pei Hao.

Bai Jingxin guessed that Su Bixi would not tell the truth to her, but she did not expect that the other party would be so carelessly perfunctory, and her heart was a little dissatisfied, but it was not too glorious to think of being kept by someone, Su Bixi hid it. It was normal, so I didn't ask any more, and handed her Su Bixi's clothes and bag.

  Su Bixi saw her own things, thanked him and entered the room.

When she returned to the room, Su Bixi couldn't sleep anymore. For a while, he thought of Bai Jingxin's fear that Brother Hui would find her again, and then he thought of Pei Hao's attitude towards her tonight, and when she left, he was bending his legs. The appearance of lying on the sickbed asleep.

  Just tossing and turning until dawn, Su Bixi fell asleep because of being too sleepy.



Pei Hao was unwell, and took care of Su Bixi until early in the morning until he fell asleep, so that he didn't notice when the people around him left him. When he woke up because of his long legs on the hospital bed, he saw that his bed was empty all night. .

  In that moment, Pei Hao almost exploded.

  Take a deep breath, he called the doctor and called up the monitoring last night, only to find that Su Bixi was out of the hospital just after two o'clock in the morning.

  Looking at the back of the woman leaving, Pei Hao murmured in a vague mood, "Su Bixi, you are really good."

  She thought she was gone this time, would he still chase her? How could it be possible that he Pei Hao is not so humble yet, turning his head again and again for a woman!

The attending doctor who was picked up early in the morning accompanied the grandfather in front of him after watching the surveillance, and some big heads asked, "Is this the lady last night? Isn't she in good health, because it would be unsafe to leave the hospital, or else? Can I let someone find it?"

   "No, it's best for a careless woman like her to die!" Pei Hao said viciously in a dumb voice that didn't sleep well.

The male doctor in charge trembled, thinking that he could not even see the female patient last night, and even specially called for a female doctor to see a doctor, but this would curse the other person to death. Sure enough, the thoughts of the rich young master are not understandable by ordinary people. , But he was still very dedicated, and he asked very dedicatedly, "What should I do with the medicine that Doctor Xiao prescribed to this young lady? I asked the nurse to make it last night."

   "Throw it away." Pei Hao replied rudely, turned and walked in the direction of the ward.

The doctor pressed his temples with a big head. Obviously he did not sleep well last night, but when he was waiting for the little nurse who was about to order the medicine to dispose of all the medicine prescribed by Doctor Xiao last night, the uncle who was walking in front suddenly stopped. Next, "Put the medicine first."

  The attending doctor who was holding the phone moved for a while, pressed his eyebrows again, and said something to the little nurse again.

   Pei Hao, who returned to the ward, was in a terrible mood, causing Li Rui, who came to deliver the meal, to shudder. I don’t know who provoked the young master early in the morning.

And just when Pei Hao's heart was overwhelming, he let his subordinates stay on the night last night, and learned that'Luna' hadn't left Pei Hao's ward last night. Liang Hui couldn't help but come to Pei Hao early in the morning. Brush presence.

  This Liang Shao carried a huge fruit basket with a height of one person and knocked on the door of Pei Hao’s ward, and rescued Li Rui who was in dire straits.

  Li Rui glanced at him gratefully, then took the pompous fruit basket and hid outside the ward.

Liang Hui didn’t know, so after Li Rui left, he subconsciously swept Pei Hao’s ward, but he didn’t see the "dancing girl" last night. He felt strange, but after seeing the luxurious bathroom in the ward, he Knowing it in his heart, he immediately winked at Pei Hao, "Hao Shao was happy last night?"

  Pei Hao couldn't guess why the other party came when he saw Liang Hui, and asked with a sneer, "Do you think I am happy?"

  He stunned Liang Hui by what he said. He was a little unclear. So, the master obviously let the woman stay in the ward last night. Why didn’t he have fun?

  Or the ignorant thing irritated Bae Hao last night?

  All kinds of thoughts flashed through Liang Hui’s mind, but he smiled with a ruthless face in his heart, "'Luna' makes a lot of people dissatisfied, then I will let her apologize for you..."

   Speaking of the room where Liang Hui looked at the bathroom, "I just don't know her?"

   Pei Hao looked at Liang Hui, grinded his teeth, "ran away."

  Liang Hui stiffened, "Run?"

  MD, bitch, good deeds for him!

  (End of this chapter)

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