After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

Chapter 992: But I like you for real!

   Chapter 992 But I like you for real!

After leaving the apartment, Su Bixi stood blankly on the street for a while, and finally walked into a pharmacy, bought some medicine according to her symptoms, and then found a cheap hotel nearby and ate something to cushion her stomach. He swallowed the medicine, covered the quilt and fell asleep.

  The feeling of despair last night has subsided, and Su Bixi understands that she must get healthy soon to cope with the rest.

This sleep lasted for one day. When she woke up, the sky was completely dark, and her body was covered with a layer of hot sweat. Su Bixi touched her forehead. It was not as hot as when she slept, but the temperature did not all drop because of fever and sourness. The pain was terrible, and when I got up, I saw the phone flashing on the bedside.

Since she was kicked out of the Su family by her father and retired by the Pei family, the auras that once surrounded her were taken back. The previous "friends" also withdrew from her life collectively as if they had made an appointment. Su Bixi did not Remember when her cell phone rang so crazy last time.

   Sit up with the quilt, and drew the flashing mobile phone. When Su Bixi opened it, he saw that the V-letter that was not used very much came out of various familiar or unacquainted messages.

She condensed her eyebrows and opened the latest one. It was a girl who used to hold her before. When she had an accident, she still asked her to warm up for a while, but Su Bixi felt that the other party's caring words meant too much to inquire about the news, so she never responded. , Later, the other party never sent a message again, and I did not expect to send a lot of messages in one breath today.

  Su Bixi looked down one by one, and probably knew what had happened.

  Look at other people's news, the content is almost the same, that is, Pei Hao and the little star he saved last time were photographed.

  And these people who sent the news were either to inquire inside or to see her jokes.

  Proposed the chat software, Su Bixi took a deep breath and opened the hot search. Sure enough, the scandal between Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou was put on the list.

  Different from their previous scandals, they were removed as soon as they appeared. According to the timeline when she received the news, Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou's scandals had apparently been on the list for several hours.

Thinking that Pei Hao was afraid that Miss Zhou saw herself and hid her in the bathroom last night, her lips raised her lips and laughed at herself. From Pei Hao’s attitude last night, she should have guessed that the lady was different to him. .

  As for her, it was probably because of her rejection of Pei Hao that he was unwilling to humiliate and tease her.

  It was like a mirror in her heart, but Su Bixi still had an uncontrollable nose astringent, staring at the phone for a long time, closing her eyes and getting up to go to the bathroom to wash her face.

   Calm down a bit, Su Bixi called for something to eat, and then sat cross-legged in the small express hotel room and began to plan his next life.

Xu was the solo trip last night. Seeing all kinds of people busy with life late at night, Su Bixi suddenly felt that feelings were too ethereal. Before, she could use feelings as her main business, but now her livelihood is a problem. Be qualified to be distracted by those useless things.

  Who dare to be trapped by love for those people who are working for life all day long?

It seems superficial to understand these previous sufferings for love. Su Bixi forced herself not to think about the close men and women in the hot search, and on WeChat under the guise of caring about her, inquiring about and showing superiority information, and concentrating on thinking. Where is she going next.

  Money is the first to bear the brunt. Su Bixi has never worried about life before, and she doesn’t know the true meaning of the phrase “no money can’t do it”.

  But during this period, she has understood very well, so next she must find a way to make money.

  Next is the matter of Brother Hui. Now that Pei Hao's scandal comes out, the other party probably knows that she is useless, but they may not let her go, and they still have to find a way to solve it.

  Then it's school matters.

Her previous loss to Lin Xiaqing in the domestic college student medical competition caused her previous results to be questioned in all aspects. This had a great impact on the Su family and the withered reputation of the Su family. After her father was furious, her father let her take a year off from school. At the same time, she saw the speed of making money in the entertainment industry, which became an opportunity for her to participate in the audition of Ye Dao's new heroine before and was accidentally selected.

  It’s just that compared to an industry that she doesn’t understand at all, Su Bixi still hopes that she can graduate from a medical university so that she can find a job more smoothly in the future.

  Without the contacts at home these days, Su Bixi realized the difficulty of finding a job without academic qualifications.

  So once she solves her life problems, she will put her resumption on the agenda.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside. Su Bixi was taken aback. She froze and didn't move until she heard the voice of the takeout boy outside. Then she relaxed a little and got out of bed to pick up the takeaway.

  Getting the food, Su Bixi opened her eyes and pursed her lips and bowed her head. Regardless of the three-seven-two-one, she swallowed it all over her stomach, and then filled herself with a handful of medicine, then stuffed herself into the quilt again.

  She has to work hard to get better!


  Pei's Hospital.

  After the news of Pei Hao came out, the popularity has been rising, and everyone who should know what should not be known already knows.

  It’s even more exaggerated because the last time the two fell off the cliff together, a lot of CP fans were inexplicably produced. Now that the news of ‘dating’ came out, not only did it not arouse the resentment of netizens, but instead gained more CP fans.

   Even at night, the CP super talk.

   Pei Hao saw that he was almost choked to death by his own saliva, turned his head and handed the phone to Li Rui, "What the **** is this?"

When Li Rui heard the words of his own boss, he looked down and thought that Pei Hao didn’t understand what it meant. He said in a hurry, “CP is the abbreviation of couple. The English originally refers to couples, couples, and lovers, but in the eyes of these fans, CP means a pair. It is a couple that fans imagine, and they always imagine that the CP they are obsessed with is also a pair in reality. There are many male and female stars in the circle who use CP to hype, but there are not many successful ones. I did not expect Hao Shaohe and Ms. Zhou have such a strong sense of CP that they have been in the same frame and circled such fans a few times, which shows that everyone is very optimistic about you."

  For two days in a row, Li Rui thought through Pei Hao’s abnormal behavior that the other party liked Zhou Zhou, so he chose what he might like to hear.

  It’s just that as soon as he finished speaking, he found that the temperature of the surrounding air dropped suddenly, his body shrank involuntarily, and he reached out to touch the raised goose bumps on his arm, " there any problem with what I said?"

  Pei Hao glanced at Li Rui coldly, then glanced at the CP fan on the phone, and pressed his eyebrows annoyingly, "No problem, you can roll."

  Li Rui was right when he heard Pei Hao’s meaning, but why is his attitude so strange?


  Just as he hesitated to roll away, he still wanted to say something to the master in front of him, a knock on the door with a little cowardly sounded outside the ward suddenly.

  Pei Hao stared at the eyebrows, Li Rui hurriedly went to open the door, and saw Zhou Zhou, the other host of the scandal tonight, without any nonsense in his heart.

When Li Rui left, Zhou Zhou stepped forward excitedly and explained, "I'm sorry, I really didn't know that there will be entertainment with us today, and I didn't expect them to report so quickly. If it causes you trouble, I can Immediately go online to clarify."

  Zhou Zhou really didn't expect things to turn out like this. She just wanted to invite Pei Hao to dinner and took the opportunity to confess, but she didn't expect to be photographed.

  Although he has only been in the circle for a while, Zhou Zhou knows some unwritten rules in the circle, and many of them are photographed, but they are actually contacted in advance.

  Especially she and Pei Hao are both newcomers in the entertainment industry. They are not very popular and will not be followed up under normal circumstances. Therefore, the exposure of this ‘dating’ seems to have been arranged long ago.

  Zhou Zhou is really passionate about Pei Hao and does not want to be misunderstood.

   "No, I will take care of this." Pei Hao is in a bad mood, and the whole body is faintly cold.

Zhou Zhou felt very uncomfortable. Tonight, it was because of Pei Hao’s rejection of others that she didn’t say what she was saying in her heart. Seeing that the other party still has this attitude, she feels more uncomfortable and feels that she needs to explain clearly. "Bae Hao, I really don’t know what happened in the news today, but it’s true that I like you!"


At the moment    said it, Zhou Zhou sighed fiercely, and the following words became much easier.

She didn't wait for Pei Hao to speak, "I know that everyone thinks that the entertainment industry has a bit of utilitarianism, but I still want to say that from the first sight, I am involuntarily attracted by your every move. It affects my whole heart, I want to be close to you, I want to see you all the time... I have never wanted to be with someone so much, although this love is still very shallow in your opinion, but I still Want to give it a try, so Bae Hao, do you want to associate with me?"

  Pei Hao was stunned in the same place, staring at the girl who was not far away trying to face him directly.

  He didn't expect Zhou Zhou to be so brave, so Pei Hao, do you want to associate with me? It made his heart lightly shaken, not because of the heartbeat, but because of the fearlessness of the young girl.

  Compared to the women who had used various methods to seduce him, Zhou Zhou looked very young, and his love seemed more sincere than others.

  What a pity...

  Pei Hao hooked his lips with self-deprecation, looking at the desperate girl in front of him, "Sorry, I can't accept it."

   Zhou Zhou suddenly opened her eyes. Although she had guessed that she would be rejected, she still felt sore when she heard it, and asked unwillingly, "Why?"

   "Because a scumbag stole my heart before you." Pei Hao said with a bit of joking and self-deprecating.

But no, compared to the girl in front of him, Su Bixi is a full-fledged scumbag. She fell asleep because of her medicinal properties, but she didn’t admit it when she woke up. She wanted to be engaged to his enchanting cousin afterwards. Marriage.

  Later, because of his child in his arms, he was forced to be engaged to him, but from the beginning to the end, he never really liked him, accepted him, and even later took away their four-month-old child regardless of the wishes of the Su family and him.

  Just thinking of this, Pei Hao's heart is like being stabbed by a needle.

  He knew that there was a high probability that he and Su Bixi would not have any future, but he could not but admit that the traces left by the other party in his heart were too heavy for him to put it down immediately.

When Zhou Zhou heard Pei Hao’s words, there was an accident in his eyes and he did not miss the loneliness in Pei Hao’s eyes. He was heartbroken, but he soon regained his energy, "Since you’re a scumbag, why not? Put her down, maybe I'm cuter?"

   "Well, I admit this." Hearing Zhou Zhou's boasting wave, Pei Hao nodded funny, but soon his voice fell, "But I like her."

  The last sentence carries a touch of loneliness and helplessness.

  Zhou Zhou was stunned for a long time, but he felt sore for a while, but he didn't know if it was for himself or for Pei Hao.

  She always thought that people like Pei Hao could not be trapped by love at all. She didn't expect to fall in love with a woman unrequitedly, and still have such deep love.

  This made her worthless for Pei Hao for the time being, and she retreated to the next level, "Then...Can we still be friends? And today's things are really not what I exposed to reporters."

   "I know, you don't have to take this matter to heart." If Pei Hao hadn't used the little girl because of today's affairs, he would not give her a chance to start coming in.

   Zhou Zhou heard Pei Hao believe in himself, his eyes lit up, "Thank you, we need to clarify the scandal..."

   "I'll take care of it." Pei Hao interrupted Zhou Zhou and scanned the clocks in the ward, "Go back."

  Although Zhou Zhou was rejected, not only did he not have any negative feelings towards Pei Hao, but he became more and more emotional, but considering that she had said a lot today, she reluctantly left Pei Hao's ward.

  Waiting for Zhou Zhou to leave, Pei Hao called Li Rui in, "Go, you can withdraw the news."

  Li Ruigang saw Zhou Zhou leaving the ward red-faced. He heard that Pei Hao's arrangement was just to protect the little girl. He didn't even think about turning around and arranged for someone to do it.

As soon as he left, Pei Hao opened Brother Hui’s dialog box and directly transferred 300,000 yuan. He wanted to say something, but felt it was unnecessary. Since the other party paid so much attention to his movement, he should naturally see his news today, and then receive it. By the time he transfers three times the amount of money, he will definitely not beat Su Bixi's idea for him again!

In fact, Pei Hao's guess was right. Liang Hui was almost exasperated after seeing the news about Pei Hao and Zhou Zhou dating. He thought that Pei Hao fell in love with'Luna'. He could take the opportunity to catch Pei Hao by this line. I didn't think that the woman actually ran away last night, and this time let a little star take advantage of it. His previous plan didn't work out. When I saw Pei Hao's 300,000 transfer, I only felt that blood was rising.

  Is this a beggar or a hush fee for him?

  But Liang Hui couldn't help Pei Hao, so he could only find Su Bixi to vent his anger.

  The people who had been looking for him for a day did not find Su Bixi, and finally caught Bai Jingxin, who was back to the apartment to pack up and go out to hide.

  Seeing a woman kneeling on the ground shivering, Liang Hui was very impatient, "Say, what about the bitch?"

After being brought, Bai Jingxin was thrown on the ground roughly, and her whole body was aching. In addition to the shock just now, her whole body was shaking like a sieve. Hearing Liang Hui's sentence, she knew that she was going to be finished. Regret for not listening to Su Bixi's words and hide directly.


   Thinking wildly in his mind, Liang Hui, who was full of anger, came up and gave Bai Jingxin a kick.

  Bai Jingxin was curled up on the ground and sobbed in pain, she heard the man on top of her head sullenly asking, "Either tell me honestly where the **** is? Or you don't have to leave here tonight!"

  Compared with the pain just now, Bai Jingxin’s threats are what makes Bai Jingxin truly afraid, and her body shakes more severely, "Brother Hui, I said, I said..."

  After separating from the apartment, Bai Jingxin really didn’t know where Su Bixi had gone. After talking for a long time without saying anything, Liang Hui smiled coldly, "Contact her."

  Bai Jingxin's blood was chilling all over, but the desire to survive made her reach out and grab the phone, silently said sorry in her heart, and tremblingly dialed Su Bixi's number.

  (End of this chapter)

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