The last time the little one ate strawberries was last winter.

Yeon-yeon eats strawberries at home and gives Tuan Tuan a gluttonous eye.

No way.

Yan Liyi could only ask Aunt Li to buy a package of strawberry seeds and plant a little in the vegetable field at the door.

It can also be regarded as giving face.

This strawberry grows out, and the water is spiritual.

Although it is not as good as buying, it can also satisfy the little one.

When Li Xiu heard this, he rubbed the little guy’s head.

“Boss, another bag of strawberry seeds.”

The boss heard this: “Okay! But strawberry seeds aren’t grown now! Don’t blame me if you can’t plant it now! ”

Growing strawberries has to be a little colder!

When Li Xiu heard this, he nodded with a smile: “I know, thank you boss.” ”

“Naw, ten bucks in total! You take it! ”

Li Xiu paid and left with the milk balls.

The milk dumplings are so happy.

“Dumpling, will Tuan Tuan be able to eat strawberries right away?”

Li Xiu bent down, scratched the bridge of her small nose, and said, “Yes, right away, when you get up tomorrow morning, as soon as you open your eyes, you can eat it!” ”

After the father and daughter bought watermelon seeds, they went to the cake shop again.

Ordered one of the biggest cakes.

Li Xiu knew that this was a bit wasteful.

However, there is no way, I can’t hold Little Nizi holding her little arm, compared to a big circle.

own daughter.

Pampered, of course!


Eleven 1:10 p.m.

Li Xiu took Little Nizi to the passenger transport center.

He bought some things that he needed at home, and bought a lot of embroidery tools for Yan Liyi.

What was bought in the supermarket was still a little unprofessional.

He went to the store this time.

I didn’t know what Yan Liyi lacked, so Li Xiu simply bought all the things.

Arrived at the passenger terminal.

The car hasn’t left yet.

Only at half past eleven did he get up and go to Lijia Village.

“Hey! Li Xiu! ”

As soon as Li Xiu walked into the passenger transport center, he heard someone shouting himself.

He was stunned.

The first reaction is whether you recognize the wrong person?

Someone he doesn’t seem to know in the county?

Only, the next moment, a tall and thin figure walked towards him and grinned.

“It’s me!”

Qin Laosan looked at Li Xiu’s somewhat confused look, and he was immediately happy.

“Qin Laosan! Have you forgotten? ”

Li Xiu was stunned.

In fact, when Qin Laosan approached, Li Xiu recognized him.

He was the first person he met in the county.

Li Xiu smiled and said, “I haven’t forgotten!” I just didn’t expect to see you here. ”

Qin Laosan also laughed.

“I’m buying here!”

Qin Laosan said, his face slightly unpleasant.

Li Xiu looked out.

“What’s wrong? Doesn’t seem to go well? ”

Qin Laosan sighed.

“Isn’t it! Special! I finally spent a lot of money to buy a little rose seeds from Yunnan, and they all soaked me to death! ”

Speaking of this, Qin Laosan was really angry.

In recent years, express delivery is not yet developed, and can only rely on large trucks to run logistics.

He really spent a lot of manpower and material resources to buy a wave of rose seeds and come back, just to plant some special varieties of roses.

After all, fresh special roses are not easy to transport from Yunnan.

You can only buy some seeds and see if you can grow them.

The result is good.

Placed in the trunk of the car.

I don’t know who brought a bottle of engine oil, all poured.

Soak your own rose seeds inside.

How can you still plant alive after being bored all the way?!

It’s really infuriating!

“Can’t you wash it and plant it again?”

Li Xiu was stunned and asked.

He didn’t know much about floral art.

It just doesn’t matter if the seed hasn’t woken up yet, right?

When Qin Laosan heard this, Yi Le.

“You don’t know, these rose seeds I bought, all of them are the most expensive kind, many of them are imported varieties from abroad, our country, only Yunnan can be planted!” Climate suitable! I originally wanted to buy fresh roses to sell, but air freight is too expensive, and we may not be able to sell back in our small county.! ”

“I really like these again! So I thought about buying it back and growing it myself! ”

“To be honest, especially here, the sliced roses have not been imported from abroad for many years, even in Yunnan, there are few large gardens that can be successfully planted!”

“I’ll buy it back and try it!”

“The chance of success is less than one percent, and if you soak in engine oil, it’s basically a direct dip.”

Qin Laosan sighed.


This year, everyone is still struggling for food and clothing.

It’s really hard to open a flower shop.

But he really liked it.

The more I think about it, the more I get blocked.

What a waste of effort!

Li Xiu suddenly remembered the small courtyard in front of his house.

Isn’t it a coincidence!

He smiled at Qin Laosan and said, “In this way, I just happen to know people and am very good at planting flowers, otherwise you will sell me the seeds, and I will take them over and let him try them?” ”

“You keep it anyway.”

When Qin Laosan heard this, he was stunned.

He pondered for a moment and shook his head.

“It’s not that I’m stingy, I really like to mess with this.”

Qin Laosan pondered for a moment and looked at Li Xiu and said, “This is good, if you really want that person to try, I have no other requirements, I will divide him in half, we will plant it together, if he succeeds in planting, I don’t want anything else, just give me a flower seedling!” What do you think? ”

Qin Laosan had his own plans.

The survival rate of these seeds is extremely low.

At that time, even if the planting is successful, it is estimated that one or two will germinate.

Moreover, it is difficult to say whether it can grow up and blossom smoothly!

His skills are limited.

Maybe it’s not as strong as anyone else!

For example, one and a half!

He also has multiple opportunities!

It’s already like this anyway!

As soon as Li Xiu heard this, he immediately agreed with a smile.

“Okay! Deal! ”

Qin Laosan saw that Li Xiu agreed.

Immediately, he walked to the place where the shuttle bus dropped off the goods not far away, and took out his whole box of flower seeds.


The box is the kind of old-fashioned plastic box.

It should have crushed a corner.

Although it was packed in a plastic bag, the plastic island was not tightly sealed, and a lot of engine oil entered it at this time.



Qin Laosan took the paper and roughly wiped it clean.

Then he divided half of the flower seeds in his hand and handed them to Li Xiu.

“Look for yourself, all the names on it are precious flowers, hey!”

Really, the more I say it, the more it hurts!

Li Xiu nodded.

I found a plastic bag and packed the seeds.

At this point, the car will also start.

The horn honks to remind guests to get on board.

Li Xiu said goodbye to Qin Laosan.

“Then I’ll go back first, and if the seeds germinate then, I’ll go to your shop to find you!”

Qin Laosan also quickly waved his hand towards him.

“Hurry up! I’ve been in the store all the time! ”

The two said goodbye.

Li Xiu took Tuan Tuan to the car.


Forty minutes later.

The car arrived at the entrance of the village.

The little one should be tired from the morning toss.

At this time, he leaned into Li Xiu’s arms and fell into a deep sleep.

Li Xiu carefully held Tuan Tuan in his arms, carried his things, and walked towards the house.

Back home.

The door of the small courtyard is concealed.

Li Xiu pushed open the door, and the courtyard was quiet.

He walked to the stove and found that under the stove, a few rice dumpling leaves were dropped at random.

There are no leftovers at home.

The pots and pans are also very clean.

He sighed.

Put down everything you are holding. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I feel a little distressed.


It seems that Yan Liyi should have eaten zongzi at noon.

And it’s cold zongzi.

He walked towards the room.

Pushing open the door, I found an embroidery rack in the room.

In front of the shelf, Yan Liyi closed her eyes slightly and slept soundly.

This is……


Li Xiu walked over lightly.

He first gently put the milk ball on the bed, and then took off the little one’s coat and pants, and then took off his shoes and socks.

Finally, cover with a quilt.

The little one slept deeply.

Turned over, babbled and said a dream word.

Li Xiu was taken aback.

I thought the little one was awake.

At the moment, he froze and did not dare to move.

After waiting for a while, he found that the little one was not moving, and then he was relieved.

He stood up.

Look towards Yan Liyi.

She sat down in her chair with her eyes slightly closed.

And in front of her.

A rose appeared on the embroidered cloth.

Although not completely embroidered, there is only a rough outline and a base of the padded bottom line.


Rao is a layman like Li Xiu, and he can see that this rose is extremely beautiful.

Whether it is the shape or the needle, it is skillful and beautiful.

Although Yan Li was asleep, she still had needle and thread in her hand.

Li Xiu sighed.

Bending down, she lightly prepared to take the needle and thread from her hand.


Just as Li Xiu pulled out the needle and thread in her hand, he suddenly froze.

On the middle finger of Yan Liyi’s right hand, a metal finger sleeve appeared in his line of sight.

This finger sleeve, Li Xiu knew, was used for thimbles.

Many times, when the hand holding the needle slips, it will use the finger sleeve to top a needle so that the needle can enter the thread.

Convenient force.

Only a professional embroiderer would do this.

Li Xiu was not surprised that Yan Liyi used a finger sleeve.

He was surprised that Yan Liyi had this metal finger sleeve.

Finger sleeves are generally metal.

Hard, able to make strength.

In rural areas, iron is more used, or iron is plated with copper.

Some people have no money, and even if they wrap it directly with strips of cloth, they can barely use it.


At this moment, what appeared in front of Li Xiu was the finger sleeve that was firmly wrapped around Yan Liyi’s hand, which looked like a gold product.

The style is simple and expensive.

It looks like it’s been used for many years, but it’s still delicate and beautiful.

Just such an inconspicuous gadget.

Carved dragons and phoenixes.

On the side of the ring, there are also two gemstones.

This gemstone, one red and one green, is the most quaint color.

At a glance, you can see that it is worth a lot, and it is quite a lot.

Li Xiu’s heart shrank gently again.

He was a little messy.

Some of the old beliefs are beginning to be broken.

He froze, maintained this posture, and looked at Yan Liyi.

For a while, I didn’t know what to do!


Yan Liyi was half asleep and half awake, a little confused.

She seemed to hear someone enter the room.

I also heard the whisper of milk balls.

However, she was too sleepy.

In the past two days, in order to embroider, she basically rushed to work night and night.

However, the pattern given by this is too complicated, she has not embroidered so intricate for many years, and there are still some hands at this time.

Embroidery is also exhausting, she ate a rice dumpling at noon today, and she is ready to continue.

I fell asleep without expecting it.

I can’t wake up when I want to.


The appearance of Li Xiu.

He leaned over and moved closer to himself.

The hands and feet are very light.

Breathing too.

There is always a cloud of heat in him.

When he was close to himself, it seemed that the air around him was surging together.

The warm temperature wrapped itself little by little.

When he approached him, the broken hair on his head also brushed his face.

Some itching.

She finally woke up.

Open your eyes.

Sure enough, he saw Li Xiu.

What she saw was Li Xiu’s side face.

He is very good-looking.

From the first time she saw Li Xiu, Yan Liyi felt so.

The side lines are clear and well-defined.

The eyebrows are also very thick.

The bridge of the nose is high.

The eyelashes are very long.

Tuan Tuan Tuan is like Li Xiu.

“What’s wrong?”

Yan Liyi spoke.

The voice is cold.

(Li Zhao’s) with a hint of laziness that had just woken up.

Li Xiu was stunned.

He tilted his head.

Four eyes opposite.

Breathing suddenly became chaotic.

Li Xiu never thought that the two would suddenly be so close.

The most important thing is that he was staring at Yan Liyi’s finger sleeve at this time, but he didn’t expect that Yan Liyi suddenly woke up.

He had a feeling of being caught.

Li Xiu coughed slightly embarrassed.

He looked at Yan Liyi and said, “When I came back, I saw you sleeping, and the weather was cold at this time, and I was ready to take you to bed.” ”

Li Xiu finished speaking.

Yan Liyi looked at him.

Her head is still a little cloudy.

I heard the point.

Hold her and go to bed?

Yan Liyi’s heart suddenly felt a hint of joy.

“I’m not sleepy.”

She whispered.

The body was originally sitting in the chair, but then he carefully moved forward.

I’m not sleepy at this time.

However, when I slept in a chair and woke up, my body was completely numb.

She originally wanted to adjust the angle.

After all, Li Xiu was very close to him at this time.

I don’t know if Li Xiu forgot.

In this way, he maintained the posture of leaning over and pressing on himself.

The two logically have no physical contact.


This posture is terrifyingly ambiguous.

Yan Liyi felt that her cheeks were slightly hot.

So wanted to change the posture.

It’s just that the hand just held up and wanted to move.

But without thinking about his feet, he suddenly felt numb, his whole body froze, and he jerked back to the side.

The chairs at home are lame or about to fall apart.

Originally, when sitting on weekdays, you have to carefully balance your body.

At this time, Yan Liyi moved.

The whole body was almost uncontrollable, and he fell directly behind him! .

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