Children rarely lie about this aspect of eating.

Good is delicious, and bad is not delicious.

At this time, Li Xiu also came over.

He pretended to look good, walked to Yan Liyi’s side, and spoke, “How much is your strawberry a pound?” ”

Yan Liyi heard Li Xiu’s voice and looked towards him.

I saw that the latter had a serious face, deliberately pretending not to know himself.

She held back a laugh and spoke: “Nine dollars a pound.” ”

Nine bucks a pound.

In this year, it is really a very luxurious fruit!


Originally, the old grandpa and aunt who were still eager to buy it – Qi brushed and frowned.

Nine bucks a pound.

Too expensive too, right?

“You’re too expensive, can you be cheaper?”

“yes! In the supermarket, it’s all three or four pieces a pound! ”

“It’s a bit expensive, girl! Get cheaper! ”


A few old aunts opened their mouths to bargain.

Yan Liyi bit her lip and did not speak.

She almost subconsciously looked towards Li Xiu.

“Oops! Nine dollars a pound is nine dollars a pound! Who made my daughter like it?! ”

Li Xiu said, put Tuan Tuan down on the ground, and then stretched out his hand and took a ten-yuan bill from his pocket.

“I don’t buy too much, just buy a pound, it’s still enough for my daughter to eat!”

Li Xiudao.

Yan Liyi took the money, picked up two strawberries and put them on the electronic scale.


Just about.

A pound weighs.

Yan Liyi took a yuan from the small black waist bag and handed it to Li Xiu.

She said: “These strawberries have not been sprayed with pesticides, and they can be eaten without washing, you can rest assured.” ”

When Li Xiu heard this, he handed one to Tuan Tuan.

The little one is also really hungry.

At that moment, she quickly stretched out her fleshy little arm, took it, and took a bite of the red strawberry tip.


After this mouthful, the juice overflowed in an instant.

In the air, the already strong aroma of strawberries seems to become a little richer.

Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise.

Qi brushed his gaze on the little one’s body.

If you don’t know and haven’t seen it, forget it.


A cute little one, holding a strawberry the size of her face, gulped down.

The red seductive juice flowed down her white fleshy arms.


The sweet smell of strawberries is sent into their noses with the breeze.


This is special.

Who can endure?!

They all have an appetite and want to taste it, not to mention the children who have been watching!

Especially if I just ate it once.

The little ones are smart!

We all know that this strawberry is delicious!

“Woohoo! I’m going to eat strawberries! I’m going to eat a strawberry too! ”

“Grandma bad! Don’t buy strawberries for Haohao! Haohao is going to cry! ”

“I want it! I want it! I don’t care! ”


A large group of children began to burst into tears.

A group of old men and old ladies.

They are all of retirement age, basically with children.

The children are all their own hearts!

Who is willing to let a child cry?!


A group of people, in a hurry, began to take money out of their pockets.

“Buy, buy, buy! Buy me a pound too! If you don’t want to eat, can you still be reluctant to give it to your children?! ”

“I’ll have a few too! There is also an eldest grandson at home who is making up classes! Day by day, it’s hard work! Buy it back and give him a taste too! ”

“I’ll do a little too!”


Buying something, that’s all it is.


The sales boom started.

A group of people, spontaneously lined up, took the money and began to buy strawberries.

Li Xiu later began to help as well.

But at this time, everyone rushed to buy, and they didn’t find anything wrong at all.


And at the moment.

On the opposite street.

A black sedan pulled up on the side of the road.

It is the oldest Toyota Accord.

This car, in this era, is a status symbol.

The door was opened.

A wheelchair was first put down, and then a middle-aged man with white hair, wearing thick clothes, was carried into the wheelchair.

Chen Changqing was a little happy at this time.

He bent down and said to the middle-aged man: “Young master, the opposite is West Lake, which can be regarded as a famous attraction in Hangcheng.” ”

“Chen Bo made an appointment for us to meet here, then he definitely wanted to take you for a stroll.”

Chen Changqing said, pushing the wheelchair and facing the West Lake.

The middle-aged man looked up.

I saw that next to the West Lake opposite, there was a long line of people.

At the end of the line, a blue-plate pickup truck held up a shed that looked like it was selling something.

“It’s really lively.”

The middle-aged man smiled.

However, he shook his head.

“Just don’t go.”

He said, “If it weren’t for this body, I would have hit the road now.” ”

When saying this.

His eyes were a little self-deprecating.

Since the accident back then, his body has deteriorated day by day.

Originally, the heart died.

The body is just a walking corpse, and he doesn’t even bother to see a doctor.


Yesterday evening, when Hongxiu appeared in front of him, when an extremely slim hope suddenly appeared.

For him, it was like a shot in the arm for the dying.

For the first time.

For the first time in so many years, he had a desperate desire to live!

Anyway, he’s going to take a look!

Certify in person!

Chen Changqing frowned and persuaded.

“Young master, don’t be in a hurry, I went to inquire, said that it was in a small county town called Dexing, the place was very remote, originally no one went, the old lady suddenly asked the third master to collect the embroidery, the third master took it back, let people check it at will, and threw it to us.”

Chen Changqing said, lowering his voice.

“Don’t worry, he hasn’t seen him at all.”

“So, we don’t need to worry, this time, let’s say that we are out to distract ourselves, and we must not rush it, otherwise we will be in trouble if we are discovered.”

The middle-aged man nodded.

My heart is also relieved.

Oh, yes.

So many years.

He survived.

Not bad at this time.

He took a deep breath.

Stretch out your horribly pale hands and spread them out.

The warm sunlight falls on your fingertips.

Brings a warm and delicate touch.

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and spoke, “When Chen Bo comes later, let him take me to dye my hair.” ”

He looked at a white hair that fell on his clothes and smiled.

“In case, in case I really see it, I’m afraid… Scare her. ”

Chen Changqing’s eyes soured.

He answered, and then did not speak again.


Two hours later.

A cartload of strawberries quickly sold out.

West Lake has a lot of foot traffic.

However, the hardest part is always the business at the beginning.

After the first people came to buy strawberries, it was like a chain reaction.


A large number of people inquired about the location, and they all hurried over to buy strawberries.

Li Xiu also didn’t know when he joined the strawberry selling camp.

The little milk ball was also very obedient, and obediently sat in the carriage, waiting for Li Xiu and Yan Liyi to sell strawberries before taking themselves out to play.

“Okay! Handiwork! ”

Li Xiu opened his mouth and said with a smile.

The milk ball that was originally sitting in the carriage suddenly opened his hand and said impatiently towards Li Xiu: “Dumpling! Hug! Hugs! ”

Li Xiu hurriedly walked over and hugged the little guy down.

He rubbed the tip of his nose on the little guy’s soft little face, and said with a smile: “Is Tuan Tuan waiting in a hurry?” Are you hungry? ”

When the little one heard this, he shook his head.


She said, stretched out her hand, touched the round little belly eaten by the strawberry, and blinked.

He stretched out his little arm and pointed to the lake.

“Gang, Tuan Tuan wants to take a boat~”

This is the boat in the West Lake.

It’s basically the kind of old-fashioned canopy boat.

Run a business here.

Basically, it is a trip for five yuan, which is much cheaper than in later generations.

Li Xiu kissed her cheek.

He looked towards Yan Liyi again.

“Are you hungry?”

Yan Liyi shook her head when she heard this.

“Not hungry.”

I had eaten a lot in the morning, and it was only past ten o’clock.

It’s still early before lunch.

Li Xiu said, “Okay, let’s go to the boat first, and then go find a place to eat, and then you go back to the hotel to rest.” ”

The two nodded.

Li Xiu locked the car, hugged Tuantuan, and took Yan Liyi downhill.

At this time, the whole West Lake is filled with the sweet smell of strawberries.

Li Xiu took the mother and daughter and went straight to the location where the boat was parked.

I saw someone coming, and when a group of boatmen started soliciting business.

Li Xiu took the two of them, asked for the price, and found a boat nearby to sit down.

“Just go around the island over there.”

Li Xiu said, “Just hurry back for lunch.” ”


The boatman answered and took out three more life jackets for the three to put on.

After seeing that the three were dressed, the boatman rocked the boat and slowly rowed towards the center of West Lake.

The old-fashioned canopy boat is a little wobbly.

The boatman stood at the bow of the boat, holding a long oar in his hand.

As soon as it swayed, the hull swayed gently and sailed forward.

Both Milk Danzi and Yan Liyi are on a boat for the first time.

At the moment, he stared at the water in front of him with a curious face, and his eyes were round!

“Chop, is this West Lake?”

The little one pointed to the side of the boat and asked in a milky voice.

Li Xiu nodded.

He smiled and said, “Yes, this is West Lake.” ”

The little one tilts his head.

“Are there any fish?”

The little one asked.

“Of course there is!”

“Is that delicious?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


“Tuan Tuan wait a while, can you catch a fish to eat?” Aa ”


“Tuan Tuan wants to eat so many strips!”

She raised a hand and it opened.

The five little fingers are short and white.

However, after thinking about it, before Li Xiu could answer, the little guy raised his other hand again and opened five more little fingers.

“There are so many more!”

The milk ball tilted his head, his expression serious, and looked at Li Xiu with a look of expectation.

Li Xiu and Yan Liyi looked at each other, and they didn’t hold back at the moment, they were happy.

The boatman laughed along.

“Little one, you can really eat, you can’t finish it!”

The boatman said with a smile.


This really made the little milk ball unconvinced!

She’s known for her ability to eat!

She can eat two bowls of small bowls of wontons!

The little one climbed to the bow of the boat with a hum.

Stretching out his fleshy little arm, he gently tugged on the boatman’s trouser leg.

“Grandpa, Tuan Tuan can eat!”

The boatman is rowing right now!

I didn’t notice the milk balls crawling towards me at all.

At that moment, he was startled by the tugging of his trouser leg.

The rhythm of his subordinates rowing was interrupted, and the hull shook slightly.

Yan Liyi was taken aback.

Li Xiu stretched out his hand as if reflexively and took Yan Liyi into his arms.

“It’s okay, it’s okay! Don’t be afraid! ”

Li Xiu hurriedly comforted.

Yan Liyi nodded.

After slowing down, he found that he was being held by Li Xiu.

Her heart skipped a beat.


The sun is just right.

The boatman is laughing with the little one.

The warm and warm sun enveloped the two.

In Li Xiu’s arms, there was a very good smell.

Yan Liyi’s heart beat faster, she nodded and answered.

but did not push him away.

The boat rowed slowly on the water.

Li Xiu and Yan Liyi sat at the stern.

The little one sat in the middle of the boat, pulling the edge of the boat, curiously watching the blue wave go back little by little, drawing beautiful water patterns.

She wanted to reach out and touch.

Li Xiu hurriedly spoke: “Be careful, you can’t touch it, otherwise it will fall.” ”

The little one blinked.

“Swim in groups! Unafraid! ”

She said, waving her little arms and legs and making a swimming pose.

Li Xiu was happy at the moment.

“Can Tuantuan swim?”

He asked with a smile.

The little one nodded, a serious book.

“Yes, the group is in the belly of numbness, and it can swim.”

When Yan Liyi heard this, her face was a little red.

She opened her eyes slightly and said softly: “Once she kept pestering me to go swimming in the river, and I told her that she swam in my stomach…”

Speaking up.

It’s a bit embarrassing.

Li Xiu looked at her, stretched out his hand, and finally shook her hand gently.

Ask for flowers

“Let’s take her for a swim tomorrow.”

Li Xiu said: “There is a pool next to the hotel, take her to play once, otherwise I will always worry about it.” ”

Yan Liyi nodded.

Li Xiu let go of her hand and walked towards the little one.

This boat is quite deep.

If you can’t turn it out, it’s basically nothing.

Before the little guy climbed towards this, Li Xiu didn’t stop it, that’s the reason.

At this point he was a little worried.

I’m really afraid that the little milk ball will go down if he thinks he can swim.

Li Xiu held her in his arms.

The sun made her little body a little warmer.

Soft and fragrant.

Li Xiu’s heart seemed to be full.

“Tuan Tuan behaved, tomorrow Dad will take you for a swim, okay?”

When the little guy heard this, he honestly let Li Xiu hold him.

The boat came up after rocking in the West Lake for almost an hour.

Because of the time, Li Xiu paid ten yuan.

A family of three, hungry.

There are many restaurants on the street.

And this time, Li Xiu decided to go to the largest overseas Chinese hotel.

This overseas Chinese hotel is located right next to West Lake.

Li Xiu still has memories.

The hotel should be auctioned by the end of this year.

Speaking of which, this hotel auction, there is another interesting thing.

The Overseas Chinese Hotel, built in 1959, was auctioned in late 2000 due to poor management.

The person who took this hotel, called Lou Zhongfu, is a boss.

Spent the price of two hundred million.

To know.

These two hundred million are in 2000, and this gold content is self-evident.

Logically, it was a loss, but after he photographed the hotel, he walked into the hotel lobby and immediately smiled.

There is no other reason.

Because in the lobby of this hotel, there is a painting hanging.

This painting is Pan Tianshou’s “Chuqing”.

There is an unwritten custom.

When the painter was there, his paintings basically did not sell for high prices.

At the beginning, Lou Zhongfu deserved to be a good painting with a discerning eye.

He was sure that the painting would appreciate in value, so he spent 200 million yuan to buy a hotel and pocketed the painting.

Sure enough.

Later, after Pan Tianshou’s death, the masterpiece “Eagle Stone Mountain Flower Map”, the starting price of 68 million yuan, directly auctioned to a price of 243 million.

And the pair of “Chuqing” hanging in this hotel is also worth 200 million.

The reason why Li Xiu knew this.

It is because in 2014, Lou Zhongfu was interviewed and joked that this hotel was equivalent to picking it up for nothing.

This sentence became the headline of the original newspaper, and Li Xiu saw it, so he remembered it vividly.

The Overseas Chinese Hotel is huge.

There are five floors in total, stretching for 100 meters.

Although it has not yet reached the bottom of the auction, with the mushrooming of various hotels now, the business of this overseas Chinese hotel has not been as good as before.

When Li Xiu took Yan Liyihe to the door of the store, he found that there was really no one inside.


But see someone coming.

The waiter in uniform still showed a smile and walked towards the three.

“Is it a meal?”

Accommodation features are also available.

Li Xu said, “Eat.” ”

“Okay, three please come here.”

He said, making an invitation to clean up.

Li Xiu took Yan Liyi and followed him inside.

After a corner, there is the real hall.

And through this hall, to the opposite side, you will arrive at the dining restaurant.

It’s a magnificent place.

It’s a pity that the age is a little old, and it looks slightly old.

And when the three followed the waiter through the hall, Li Xiu’s gaze eagerly roamed the hall, and the next moment, his eyes were slightly sluggish!



I saw a painting hanging in the hall, on the high arch directly opposite.

The painting is nearly two meters long and framed.

When you walk into the hall, you can be seen at first sight.

Li Xiu looked at it carefully, and his eyes lit up.

He didn’t know much about antique paintings.

However, when I think of this painting, more than ten years later, it will be auctioned for 200 million.

He couldn’t let his eyes shine.


If only this painting could be taken down…

Li Xiu thought about it.

Perhaps, you can give it a try.


I followed the attendant all the way to the hotel.

Huge dining room, tables neatly arranged.

However, it is close to dinner.

Logically, it should all be guests at this time, however, in this hall, there are only three or three individual guests sitting, which can be described as extremely desolate.

Li Xiu took the milk ball and sat down with Yan Liyi.

The attendant handed over a menu.

He smiled and said, “Sir, see what you want to eat?” ”

Li Xiu took it.

The little one has never seen such a thing as a menu, and now he is curious to poke his little head and come to see it.

She blinked her big, round eyes.

Pointing to the menu above, the milk voice said milkily: “Dumpling, Tuantuan wants to eat fish~”


The little one really thinks about it all the time!

Eat fish!

She wants to eat fish!

Tuan Tuan can eat a lot in one breath!

At this time, the fish on this side of West Lake are all West Lake vinegar fish.

Li Xiu glanced at the menu from beginning to end, and then said, “Let’s have an ordinary steamed sea bass, another West Lake vinegar fish, a stir-fried meat with Hangzhou pepper, and a steamed egg with minced meat.” ”

A family of three, enough to eat so much.

The waiter repeated the dishes Li Xiu said, and then quickly recorded them on the menu.

Finally, he smiled at the three.

“Okay, please wait.”

Say it and go down.

Moyo ten minutes later, the fried meat with Hangzhou pepper came up first.

Then, West Lake vinegar fish, steamed fish, and minced steamed eggs all came up, and finally a large pot of rice came.

Li Xiu picked up the small bowl.

He loaded a little for Yan Liyi and the little guy, put it in front of them, and said softly: “Eat the dishes first, then eat.” ”

The little one’s eyes were completely attracted by the fish in front of him!


This shape!

It looks delicious!

Although the little one can use chopsticks at this time, he is still not skillful in using them.

Yan Liyi pointed to the two fish in front of him and asked, “Which one does Tuantuan want to eat?” ”

The little one blinked.

“This in!”.

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