With that, Zhanyi coaxed Yanyan: "grandparents brought toys to Yanyan. Does Yanyan want them?"

Looking at Zhanyi, I said sarcastically: "because Yanyan's grandparents came, so you came to us?"

How ridiculous!

"Late, my parents have always liked you very much. Would you like to go back with me?" Zhanyi pleaded and said with a smile, "I know I'm wrong. I promise I won't be like this in the future..."

Looking at Zhanyi coldly, holding her daughter's fingers, she secretly tried to release the pain when she heard the little guy's voice. I'm very sorry, "I'm sorry Yan Yan, my mother didn't mean to..."

Yan Yan reaches out her little hand and gently touches my cheek. She says, "Mom, grandparents are coming. Yan Yan misses them."

To be fair, since I married Zhanyi, Zhanyi's parents treated me like their own daughter, and they were never unhappy because they gave birth to a daughter. Normally, I respect them very much.

"Late, mom and Dad, they miss you very much..." Zhanyi whispered, "will you come home with me?

Even though I have made up my mind to divorce Zhanyi, I still can't ignore the two old people who came from a long distance.

Looking at the face of the old man, I'd like to do a few more days with Zhanyi, I think.

"Well", I picked up my daughter and walked in the front. I didn't want to say something in front of my daughter.

But when I passed by Huo Qingchuan, I felt two staring eyes. My heart was inexplicably flustered, and then I just wanted to find a way to get in. Yesterday's event was very clear to the new boss, and today he bumped into it again. Now he must feel very spineless and has no bottom line

"Goodbye, Mr. Huo." My voice is like a gnat, leaving in a hurry, but Yan Chong waved his hand and said hello sweetly.

After me, we walked out the door of the hotel. The night of the city is quieter and more beautiful than the day. Taxis shuttle through the confused street lights, like inspectors.

Yan Yan has fallen asleep, I changed a holding the child's posture, do not look at the spread of wings, but the heart of the decision is still unchanged, I cold mouth: "let's divorce."

"Late..." Zhanyi said with a smile, "late, we just agreed..."

Looking at my daughter's sleeping face, I said faintly: "when my parents leave, we will divorce."

When I heard that Zhanyi was obviously relieved, I pulled out a touch of irony from the corner of my mouth. People's heart is really the most difficult thing to grasp.

The taxi stopped downstairs. I pushed the door open and walked in front. Zhanyi came up to pick up the child. I refused without hesitation, so he could only follow him. Two people entered the elevator one by one.

On the smooth wall of the elevator, we can see the vague shadows of the three of us, the petite me and the tall spread wings. We used to love each other so much, but now we are like this

Just, forget it. Now that it has changed, don't suffer. It's good for everyone to separate.

Thinking like this, my mood even eased a lot. At this time, I heard a "Ding Dong" sound and arrived.

As expected, the two old people were waiting at home. When Zhan's mother saw me holding Yan Yan, she quickly came forward and looked at her son angrily: "how can you let me hold the child late? How heavy is it?"

Zhan's mother is only in her fifties. She has a kind face and speaks with a smile. She makes people feel very kind, but she doesn't look very well. She is a little haggard.

"Mom, it doesn't matter. Just a moment. I'll take Yanyan to the bedroom first." I smile at Zhan's mother and look at Zhan's father, "Dad, are you tired, too?"

Father Zhan waved his hand, "put the baby in the house first, don't get sick."

With a promise, I held Yan Yan in my arms and walked towards the bedroom. It seemed that the three of them were talking about something, but I didn't care much about it.

"Mom and Dad, I'll clean your room for you." Gently closed Yan Yan's door and came out to look at the two old people, "are you tired today?"

Zhan's mother waved to me: "come here, child, sit down and have a rest first."

Could it be that the two old people saw something and I stood in the same place with some hesitation.

"Late, late, sit down." Zhanyi affectionately held my hand, "mom is not feeling well, you take mom to the hospital to have a check."

I feel like there are disgusting caterpillars crawling. My stomach is churning. If there were not two old people here, I would leave immediately.

But for the sake of the elderly, I can only endure for a while.

"Mom, are you sick?" I worried about looking at the exhibition mother, "tomorrow I will ask for leave to take you to the hospital for examination."

Zhan's mother waved her hand: "no need. I'll go to the hospital with your father. You can come back after work. Don't delay your work."

Thinking of the company's recent layoffs, I hesitated and nodded: "then I'll go early at noon."

I've left a bad impression on my boss. If I ask for leave at this time, I'm afraid I'll be dismissed.

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