"You're the backbone of the sales department. There must be no problem." While encouraging and comforting Chi Xin, she also gives herself a cold sweat. She probably needs to think about finding a new job.

"The list of the first round of layoffs has been sent to everyone's email. Do you see it?"

Hearing the words of my colleagues, I quickly open the computer and log in to my mailbox. Chi Xin also sits on one side. I see that she is also very nervous.

A long list appeared in front of me. I looked at it one by one for fear of missing a name. I pulled the form to the end. After a while, I breathed out: "there is no us."

I'm not fired!

Chi Xin also nodded excitedly: "that's great."

As I said, she is the backbone of the sales department, and she is responsible for 60% of the sales department's business. She believes that she will not be dismissed. The reason why she is nervous is because of her sister... Now, they can continue to work together.

"Elder sister, I'm determined to suffer from the chaos!" Chi Xin took a sip of water and said bitterly, "you'd better leave early. There are so many good men in the world. You say you..."

Come again, I made a "stop" gesture, light way: "I promise to wait until Yan Yan's grandparents leave, will divorce."

Seeing my insistence, Chi Xin had no choice but to give up her lobbying and whispered in my ear, "have you met the new boss, Huo Qingchuan?"

Think of yesterday in the hotel to see the cold proud man, my heart "clatter" about: "what's the matter?"

If Chi Xin knows what happened last night, according to her temper, she will go to Zhanyi to have a big fight.

"Do you think he is the perfect man?" Chi Xin didn't notice the expression on my face. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked forward to it. "If you can marry such a man, life will be complete."

Slightly Leng for a while, I smile a little bit sister's forehead: "what are you thinking?"

"Sister, I liked him before, but I didn't get close to him!" Chi Xin said seriously, "now that he is our boss, God must be helping me, so I have decided to take people down!"

"Are you serious?" I look at Chi Xin, a face surprised, because in my opinion, they and Huo Qingchuan are not the same world.

Chi Xin nodded her head and vowed: "I will marry him!"

Looking at the self-confidence on the little girl's face, I smile. It's always good for people to have dreams. Unlike myself, my heart is like dead water now. My only idea is to take good care of my daughter after divorce.

After work, I rushed home to pick up Zhan. My father and mother rushed to the hospital. In the afternoon, there were not many patients in the hospital, but it took me more than 20 minutes to reach them.

The doctor asked Zhan's mother about her illness, wrote with a brush for a while, and then handed it to me: "lead the patient to the second floor to take X-ray, next one!"

"Late, why didn't Zhanyi come?" Zhan's mother apologized, "it's too hard for you to run around from work alone."

I helped Zhan's mother to the shooting room on the second floor, handed the bill to the doctor, got the number, and sat on the bench in the corridor with Zhan's mother waiting in line.

"His school recently held a seminar, very busy." I unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Zhan's mother. She said in a warm voice, "I'm the same here."

Every year in June, the school where Zhanyi works holds seminars. I've been used to it for so many years.

Anyway, even if he is not busy, I should try my best to take good care of the old couple.

For a whole week, I almost ran back and forth at three o'clock every day in the hospital, at home and in the company. I felt that I had lost some weight, but fortunately, Zhan's mother's physical examination was very smooth, as long as I took the medicine according to the doctor's advice.

That day, after I finished cleaning the dishes and chopsticks, I saw Zhan's mother sitting in the living room. She seemed to have something to say. She turned around and poured a cup of hot water on the tea table. She said with a smile, "Mom, why don't you have a rest?"

Zhan's mother looked at me and said, "it's hard for you these days. You've lost a lot of weight."

"Mom, I'm young and I can handle it." I said with a smile, "if you have any discomfort, you must say it. Don't wait until you get home to find out."

Zhan's mother took my hand and patted it. Her face was full of relief. "Zhan Yi is very lucky to find a daughter-in-law like you."

Hearing this, I felt bitter, but fortunately these days have passed, I have been able to control my emotions, watching Zhan's mother pursed her mouth and did not speak.

When Zhan's mother saw this, her eyes were a little cramped and she said euphemistically, "how can I go on a business trip after the seminar? I'm tired of you for nothing

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