Show mother gas chest ups and downs, hard hit his son a slap.

"Son of a bitch!" Zhan dada's face was livid, and the scene on his forehead jumped abruptly. He pointed to Zhan Yi and gritted his teeth. "You're a bad guy. You have to mix up your good home, don't you?"

I looked at the scene of the living room indifferently, pulled the suitcase and said faintly: "find time to get the divorce certificate!"

After saying this, he walked towards the door. Once he made a decision, his heart didn't hurt as much as he expected!

"Little night!" Exhibition mother quickly went to stop me, at the same time hate to stare at the exhibition wings, "you are still Leng in there to do what! My wife and children are going away! "

Zhanyi houjue ran to me and grabbed my suitcase. He sincerely said: "Xiaoye, you misunderstood me this time! Sweet and I have been completely disconnected, really

"Don't mention that fox spirit's name to Xiao Wan!" Zhan's mother saw that my face was getting more and more ugly, and she reproached Zhan Yi in a deep voice, "I only admit that Xiao Wan is my daughter-in-law! The rest of us don't want to be the exhibitor's daughter-in-law! "

I looked at Zhan's mother and said with a grateful smile, "I will often bring Yan Yan to see you in the future."

Zhanyi doesn't care about himself and can tolerate concession, but his neglect of his daughter has exhausted his last bit of tolerance.

"Xiao Wan, you can give dad another chance in his face!" Father Zhan was embarrassed and said, "your family can't be separated like this."

Zhanyi and Zhanyi hold on to my suitcase. At the same time, Zhanyi reaches out another hand to hold Yanyan. I instinctively dodge. When Zhanyi stretches her arm, an invoice falls out of her coat pocket and falls to the ground.

I was stunned for a moment. Seeing Zhanyi's face turning white, I bent over to pick up the things. Seeing the contents, I held my fingers tightly and looked at Zhanyi with a sneer: "Tiffany's new necklace is worth 10000 yuan? What's the credit card time this morning? "

If Chi Xin didn't take me to Tiffany's to see the jewelry the other day and listen to the shopping guide's incessant recommendation of the latest necklace, I would not have recognized the necklace in CAI Tiantian's neck.

"Xiaowan, this must be Zhanyi bought for you!" Zhan's mother explained nervously, then glared at her son and said, "take it out quickly, what are you still doing?"

Zhan's mother didn't seem to believe that her son would do such a stupid thing, or that she didn't want to believe it, so she kept urging Zhan Yi.

Zhanyi's face was blue and white, and sweat came out on his forehead. He never saw the natural and unrestrained spirit in the past.

"Mom, are you going to stop me?" Looking at Zhan's mother's hand holding down the trunk, I said with a low smile, "if I were your daughter, would you stop me like this?"

Zhan's mother was stunned and said: "Xiao Wan, even for Yan Yan..."

"Yanyan doesn't need such a father!"

I decided to open the door and enter the elevator. Then I saw that three people's faces were getting smaller and smaller in the crack of the elevator door. Finally, I completely separated and hugged my daughter. I still have Yan Yan. For my daughter's sake, I will not continue to make do with it.

With Yan Yan head also don't go back to leave that home, I took a car at the side of the road directly to Chi Xin's apartment. Because it was a sudden decision, I had no extra money for my mother and daughter to stay in a hotel.

Chi Xin opens the door and sees me with my child and luggage. Instead, she looks relieved.

"Sister, you finally understand." She picked up my luggage, carried it into the door and put it in the guest room. Then she took my sleeping face from my hand“ I'll take the baby in first, and you can take a bath. "

After giving the child to Chi Xin, looking at the environment without wings, my mood was inexplicably relaxed.

I pulled out my bathrobe from my luggage and went into the bathroom.

Warm water sprinkles on the body, as if to wash away the unpleasant things these days, making people feel refreshed.

Wiping her hair, she came to the living room. I saw Chi Xin waiting for me on the sofa.

"Yan Yan has gone to sleep," she pulled me to sit down beside her, "it's time to tell me your future plans. This time, I won't forgive that son of a bitch."

Looking at the serious expression on Chi Xin's face, I smile and tie a knot in her hair. I know she is worrying about me.

"I'm not going back. When I meet Zhanyi again, it's time for us to talk about divorce."

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