"Well, I know. Anyway, we want the little guy to live here. Your mother can take her to kindergarten." Without any hesitation, Dad accepted my offer.

Mother has no opinion, for them, to see their grandson is a very happy thing.

Looking at the harmony of the three people, my heart was finally released.

Some of them were reluctant to give up their daughters. I stayed in my hometown all night.

When I was sleeping, Yan Yan pestered me to tell her a story. What's strange is that her daughter, who fell asleep after listening to a story before, is still very energetic today.

Maybe not very spirit, just want to stick to me.

"Yan Yan, it's very late. Shall we go to bed?" See the daughter's mind, I feel some distressed daughter's hair, soft voice said.

"Mom..." my daughter blinked. She was sleepy and called me.

"Yes?" I approached her and looked at her tenderly.

"Mom, you must come to see me often." As if in the heart of the determination, the daughter's face with a timid expression, people can not help but love.

"Of course, my mother will often come to see Yan Yan, because Yan Yan is my mother's good child." I can't bear to see my daughter's wronged eyes. I hold her in my arms and gently comfort her.

The daughter in my arms seemed to suck her nose hard. When she came out of my arms, a smile hung on her small face.

"Yes She was full of vitality and answered, "Mom, tell me another story. After listening to this, I'll go to sleep."

Looking at my sensible daughter, my nose is a little sour.

One night, Yan Yan hugged me hard, as if I was afraid to wake up and disappear.

When I leave my hometown, I try not to look at my daughter. I'm afraid that when I look back, my resolution will collapse.

Back at Chi Xin's apartment, she has come back from a business trip and is sleeping in her bedroom. I didn't disturb her and went back to the room where I used to live with Yanyan.

I took all the toys I could take with my daughter. The room was quite tidy, but it was a little empty, just like my mood now.

Why did you send your beloved daughter away? Don't be dejected at this time. I'll cheer myself up.

Some tough weekends finally passed. On Monday, I still went to work with Chi Xin.

If I want to switch to sales, I have to ask her about some things.

The most important thing she told me was not how to be a good salesman, but to pass the approval of the superior first.

And the man who is in charge of the Sales Department of the company is Wei Yan, who is with Huo Qingtian all day.

According to the company process that Chi Xin told me, I filled out an application form and submitted it to the personnel department. The HR Director who had some impression on me stared at me for a long time, but he didn't tell me to wait for the news.

Sometimes, waiting is a very grinding thing.

After waiting for a day, I finally got a reply from the personnel department.

As a result, my application was rejected.

I can't accept it. According to Chi Xin, it's time for the company to lack sales staff. There's no reason to refuse an interested employee.

"That's what the sales director meant. We're just responsible for conveying it." Before that personnel supervisor looked at me and gave me a so-called reply.

"But..." I want to talk and stop, I really can't get any answer here.

"Late, your character is not suitable for sales, I think you'd better forget it." A girl who had a good relationship with the personnel department said to me.

Her words aroused a ripple in my heart. It's hard to be denied before I do it. But this is the decision that I don't hesitate to send my daughter away. I don't want to give up for no reason.

In order to change this result, we have to go to Wei Yan.

After a little inquiry, I went to the sales office.

At the end of the day, except for a few people who need to sort out the performance of the day, the whole sales department seems empty.

I've never been here before. I didn't expect that there was a big difference in the administrative department here.

After scanning for a week, I saw the word "director's office" on the innermost door.

It must be Wei Yan's office. After a little tidying up, I went inside.

"Who can I speak to, please?" As soon as I got to the door, I was stopped by a voice.

Looking around, it was a girl with long shawl hair and a professional suit.

The desk is just outside the director's office. It must be Wei Yan's assistant, I think.

"Hello, my name is Chi Wan. I want to see Director Wei." I replied politely as well.

The girl looked me up and down, then put on a standard business smile, "the director is meeting a client now, would you please wait a moment?"

In this case, I have no way, I nodded and sat on the bench.

With the passage of time, there are fewer and fewer people in the whole office, and the assistant girl is constantly tapping on the keyboard. From me, it seems that she is typing some information.

One form after another is stacked on the screen, but the girl skillfully operates it and records something with notes from time to time.

The work of the sales department is more complicated than that of the administration department, but I'm ready for it.

It's getting dark outside, but the door of Wei Yan's office hasn't been opened. I took out my cell phone and sent a text message to Chi Xin, telling her that I might be late today.

As soon as I put down my cell phone, I heard a voice coming from the door. Then the next second, a man in a black suit with a briefcase came out of Wei Yan's office.

With a smile on his face, he shook hands with Wei Yan at the door to say goodbye. I seemed to hear them saying "how much trouble do you have in the evening".

At the door, the assistant girl got up and bowed politely to the man.

After seeing off the guests, the girl took a look at my direction and went into the office where Wei Yan didn't close the door.

I got up and went that way.

"Director, a lady named Chi is waiting for you outside." Through the door, I heard the girl's respectful voice.

"Surname Chi?" Wei Yan seemed to pause for a moment, and then looked out the door with the assistant's action.

I happened to be standing where they could see me.

When he saw that it was me, Wei Yan's brow seemed to be wrinkled, and then restored to its original appearance.

"Xiao Lin, go and arrange the things for tonight. I'll be there later." Wei Yan told the girl called Xiao Lin, and then she came out of the office.

As she passed me, she said, "please come in."

I went into Wei Yan's office and came to his desk.

Maybe it's just after a deal, the man is not the same as I saw before. He has more reserve as a director.

"Tardy, are you here for that application?" He easily called out my name, and easily said the purpose of my trip.

"Yes," I nodded. "I want to know why the director refused to pass my application. The company should need sales."

"Companies need to sell," he said, looking at me. "But you're not the right person to sell." Such a firm answer makes me a little uncomfortable.

Why do you refuse me for the same reason?

Why do they know I'm not suitable when I haven't even tried?

"If I don't try, how can I know if it's not suitable? I need a chance." I tried to defend myself in a calm and firm tone.

Wei Yan looked at me with magical eyes for a moment, as if he wanted to see something from my calm face.

"It's not a question of whether or not to try. Some people are naturally not suitable for sales." It took a long time for him to say something that seemed to strike me.

But I have made up my mind, and I am unwilling to be denied one after another, so I have to fight for myself.

"Director Wei, I hope you can give me a chance. I will prove to you that some so-called inborn things can also be changed." I said.

Wei Yan looked at me again, and there was something in his eyes that I didn't understand.

"Did you really decide?" He asked.

I nodded solemnly.

He raised his hand and looked at the watch, then took his clothes from the hanger behind him“ Since you insist so much, you have a chance to prove it to me. "

I don't know what he's talking about. I look at him puzzled.

He put on his coat, came to me and patted me on the shoulder. "I'm going to have dinner with a big customer tonight. My goal is to win him. You can help me. I'll see if you have the qualification to do sales."

Sales people often have meals with customers. The list of millions is often signed on the dinner table. I heard Chi Xin say this more than once.

Since we want to do it, we have to face such a meal.

Although I used to be used to this kind of occasion, now I can only stick to it.

"I see. I'll go with you." I replied.

I don't know if it's because of my company that Wei Yan seems to call his assistant, Xiao Lin, and tell her that she doesn't need to go. When she comes back, she will call a surrogate driver.

Put down the phone, Wei Yan looked at me again, I seem to see some kind eyes from his eyes.

I followed him to the underground parking lot and got into his car.

The car started slowly and was about to take me to my first battlefield.

On the way, Wei Yan explained to me the basic information of the clients he met this time, including what hobbies he usually has and the problems he should pay attention to when talking. Everything is normal except the last one.

"Mr. Zhang is said to like beautiful women. It's a wise choice to bring you here." Wei Yan said to me jokingly as he skillfully played the steering wheel.

Dinner table, wine pool, meat forest, I immediately thought of a similar word eye.

In addition, Chi Xin complained to me about something like so and so always acting on her at the wine table. For a moment, I felt like I was going to Hongmen banquet.

My face was obviously nervous, and my heart began to beat.

Next to Wei Yan, "puff" a laugh out, I heard the meaning of mischief.

"Scared? There's still time for regret. " He said.

It's really a shame to run away at the moment when you have just made bold words. Although I have a character of being aloof from the world, I will never lose my self-esteem in this way.

"It's normal to be afraid of something." I calmed myself and said to him.

"Oh?" His ending is up, "don't you worry about your husband?"

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