After a few more words, I hung up reluctantly.

Tomorrow is a new beginning, Yan Yan, you wait for mom.

The next day, I arrived at the company half an hour earlier than usual. I went to the administration department to collect my personal belongings and prepare to report to the sales department.

My colleagues in the administration department also said good-bye to me. I laughed at them and told them that there was still a chance to meet them in the future.

Yes, although it's not a department, we can always meet in a company.

Holding the box to the sales department, Xiao Lin warmly welcomed me. She took something from my arms and led me to my desk.

It's a window seat, not far from Chi Xin's seat.

"Late or late, you are the first day to go to work. The director said that you should first have a look at the relevant information and transaction cases of our current customers and get familiar with the business." Xiao Lin said and put my things on the table gently.

"Thank you." For this kind girl, I have a good impression. I am grateful for the kind help.

"I'll sort out the information for you later," Kobayashi said. "You should pack up your things first."

As expected, he was the personal assistant of the sales director. In a quarter of an hour, Xiao Lin sent me a pile of high documents, neat and classified.

"Take a look at these first, and I'll email you the rest." Kobayashi said.

With a smile, I motioned to her and began to turn the information in my hand.

Sure enough, it's a big company. This year's business alone is numerous. I carefully look at the information, will feel useful things down with notes.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Xiao Lin broadcast a message in the spacious sales department with a special loudspeaker. It turned out that the regular sales meeting was about to start.

The regular meeting was held in a special meeting room. Chi Xin went with me to take care of me.

The huge conference room was soon filled with people. Chi Xin and I chose a place not far from the platform. Kobayashi is adjusting the projector. The light around is a little dim.

I don't know why, the sales elites who used to be very active are all serious now, and no one is whispering.

"Sister," Chi Xin secretly touched me and whispered in my ear, "it looks like the big boss is coming to talk."

I frowned, not sure what Chi Xin meant.

But that doubt disappears when you see people coming in from the outside.

Along with Wei Yan, there is the real big boss Huo Qingchuan.

Kobayashi's projector has been adjusted, so it's not available for the moment, so the whole meeting room is illuminated like day.

In front of Huo Qingchuan, all the people were sitting in danger, so they had to stand up and say "Huo is good.".

As always gives the impression that, Mr. Huo sharp eyes swept a circle of people sitting, the aura like the chairman of the parade in general dignity.

I don't know if it's my illusion. When I saw us, Huo Qingchuan frowned.

Then, the new boss gave a heart shaking speech to all the sales staff. During this period, he kept a rigorous expression and solemn tone. I dare not say a word, but can only cheer for the wonderful speech of the boss with the stream at the critical time.

After Mr. Huo finished his speech, he was ready to leave as if he had something else. When he went to the door of the conference room, he turned to Wei Yan and said, "come to me after the meeting" and left.

The atmosphere of the whole conference room was not so serious, because Wei Yan was not Huo Qingchuan's arrogant and indifferent leader.

Next, he used ppt projection mode to coach you some marketing skills, and accepted some self-motivated salesman's questions. About an hour later, the meeting finally ended.

After telling Xiao Lin something, Wei Yan also left.

"I'm so tired." Next to Chi Xin set up a lazy waist, "let's go to dinner later."

Looking at my watch, it's lunch time in half an hour.

I went to the staff restaurant with Chi Xin and ordered my favorite food, but I always had a bad feeling in my heart.

The eyes that Huo Qingchuan looked at me just now are always in my mind.

I don't know if it's because cancer's sixth sense is particularly accurate. When I went to work in the afternoon, I was called into the office by Wei Yan alone.

"Bad news." Seeing me, he said helplessly.

I look like I'm all ears. According to the truth, I've only been working for half a day, and there won't be any mistakes.

"You can go to Mr. Huo's office at two o'clock later." Wei Yan hands cross looking at me, inexplicably said.

I frowned. "Why does Huo always want to see me?" Although I have had several opportunities to deal with Huo Qingchuan alone before, I don't think I need to be called to the president's office anywhere.

"Don't you know you're so smart?" Wei Yan said with a smile, "of course, it's because you suddenly appeared in the sales department."

"Mr. Huo must have a lot of questions to ask about the transfer. You know, he is a strict man." Wei Yan continues to say that he has a tendency to leave all the problems to me.

"But..." you are my immediate boss. Why do I need a grassroots employee to explain this to the top boss.

"No, but," Wei Yan interrupted, "you can only go in person. I can't help you. They are the boss."

If I insist, he will not contradict Huo Qingchuan for me. It seems that he has to explain himself.

Thinking of showing my heart to a boss again, my heart is heavy, especially Huo Qingchuan.

This person always gives me a very complicated feeling, saying that he is cold-blooded and merciless, he will give a gift on Yan Yan's birthday; He is arrogant and alienated, and he will accompany me to send my sick daughter to the hospital regardless of his important meetings, although this is a virtue of being a boss.

So what kind of attitude should be adopted to face Huo Qingchuan? I really don't know.

When I came out of Weiyan's office, I felt heavy footed, just as I am now.

Ten minutes before two o'clock, I had to walk towards Mr. Huo's office.

Mr. Huo's office is on the top floor of the whole building, which represents the highest identity floor, and is only used by him and his assistant.

Also after asking for instructions, I was let into Huo Qingchuan's office.

Sure enough, it is in line with the style of the president's office. From decoration to ornament to pattern, it shows the identity of users.

As a grass-roots employee of the company, I have never had the opportunity to come to the office of the big boss, no matter before or now.

This is the first time, standing in a single office comparable to the size of our entire administrative department, but now I have no mind to visit here.

"Mr. Huo," I haven't figured out how to persuade this seemingly strict boss, so I can only learn and sell now, "Mr. Wei asked me to come to you."

As long as I can convince the big boss, then I can really get a foothold in the sales department.

But what is the way?

Although I was beating a drum in my heart, I didn't do anything wrong, so I still looked the man in the eye.

Sharp eyes like a deep bottomless lake, I can not see any of his ideas.

"Return to the administration department immediately." After a pause, Huo Qingchuan said firmly.

For this kind of tone of direct command without giving others any chance to explain, even if I have always been as calm as water, I am angry because I can't understand it.

"I should have asked Wei Yan to arrange for you to go back to the administration department. Although I don't understand his intention to ask you to come to me, my decision will not change." See me some Lengzheng, Huo Qingchuan added.

My brain is running faster than ever, digesting the meaning of his words.

According to his statement, he has asked Wei Yan to call me back to the administration department directly, but Wei Yan asked me to see him in person. What medicine does that man sell in his gourd?

Looking at Huo Qingchuan's unshakable eyes, I suddenly realized that now is not the time to consider Wei Yan's idea. We should first deal with this talent right in front of us.

"Mr. Huo, why do you want me to go back to the administration department?" In order to suit the remedy to the case, we can only find out the president's idea first.

"You're not fit for sales." Huo Qingchuan said directly.

This is another reason. Why do people rely on their first impression to decide whether a person is suitable for a certain job?

"I think it's just your subjective judgment. I didn't do anything. How can I prove that I can't do sales?" I feel that my self-esteem is being gradually eroded by these people. I have to argue with men in order to get my face back.

It seems that I didn't expect that I would talk back to him. Huo Qingchuan looked at me, and his eyes were full of confusion.

"I admit that my previous personality was really not good at dealing with people, and I also like to be quiet." Seeing that Huo Qingchuan seems to have given me an opportunity to continue to speak, I am ready to start from the perceptual direction and defend myself, "when I hear that I want to transfer sales, the most people around me say is that the sentence you just said is not suitable for you." After a pause, I continued, "I really don't understand why people can conclude that I'm not suitable?"

Huo Qingchuan didn't speak, just looked directly at me, the pressure of the eyes let people can't help shrinking.

"Maybe character can really decide what a person is suitable for, but it's absolute. Sometimes, changes in the external environment will overwhelm a person's character, leading him to do things that others think are not suitable for, or even better. " I can't lower my head under the gaze of plateau. I have to fight for myself.

"Therefore, I now ask you to give me an opportunity to prove to you whether I am suitable for sales. If I am really not suitable, you will ask me to turn back and even fire me. I won't have any complaints." I'll finish what I've said and wait for Huo Qingchuan's reply.

"You mean the change of the environment? What's the matter with you? " Huo Qingchuan did not respond to my expectations, but raised a question that I did not think of.

The boss is really good at grasping the key points, but I can see something from my specially hidden words.

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