Another round of dry, I frowned to keep up with the pace of everyone.

"The third cup," Wang said, "actually I have nothing to say."

All around a snicker, in such an occasion, not as rigorous as the company.

Then sister Wang turned her eyes to me and said, "let's wish Chi Wan a prosperous life in the sales department."

I was stunned. I didn't expect that sister Wang would concentrate all her attention on me. Now I'm in a mess.

I stood up in a panic, and the movement was so big that the wine in the glass spilled out. Looking at the eyes of my colleagues, my heart was filled with emotion.

Think about my current situation in the sales department. Don't talk about the ups and downs. It's hard to stay. But how can such a predicament tell everyone who is in the mood that it will not only make you feel ashamed, but also ruin everyone's happiness.

I reluctantly made a look of thanks, and then, like sister Wang, raised my head and drank all the wine in the glass, "thank you." I said.

After the leader's three cups, all that's left is free time to drink with who you want.

After drinking three glasses of red wine without eating, I feel a little hot on my cheek.

After a little bit of food and a few glasses of white water, I managed to maintain the status quo. As long as you stop drinking, you should be able to stay awake and go home, I think.

But those colleagues who are getting excited don't give me this opportunity. They come here from time to time to have a drink with me.

With the increase of alcohol concentration, I gradually give up my reserve, and my brain can't help getting excited. Yes, even if I drink too much, anyway, I still have no work to do tomorrow. Even if I'm drunk, it doesn't matter.

So thinking, I would not refuse to come, and are all dry.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how much I drank. I just feel that my consciousness has disappeared involuntarily.

I can't drink any more, or I'll go home. With only the last trace of reason, I stood up from the wine table, felt my way to the sofa of the private room, and then leaned up.

The feeling of too comfortable let me awake for the last time, and I soon fell asleep. It seems that someone is calling me in the hazy. I don't know what I said to them, so the people who called me left one after another.

Good, so that I can have a good sleep without being disturbed. When I think about this, I have no consciousness again.

When I was woken up by the hotel service staff, there was no colleague in the private room. Looking at the time, it's more than eleven in the evening.

After a sleep, the alcohol effect in the body seems to dissipate, but the head is still dizzy and the body shakes a little.

Declined the help of the waiter, I reluctantly stood up from the sofa.

Go to find Chi Xin and go home together, I think instinctively.

When I came to the private room next door, there were only the waiters who were cleaning up the mess.

Has she gone back? With that in mind, I managed to get my cell phone out of my bag.

There are several missed calls and a short message, respectively, from a strange number and Chi Xin.

The content of the text message is that Chi Xin is unconscious after drinking too much, and some colleagues have been responsible for sending her home, so that I can go back by myself.

It seems that people around me sent it to me with Chi Xin's mobile phone, I think.

Forget it. In that case, I'll go back by myself.

Holding the wall of the hotel, I took the elevator step by step. After the hotel lobby, the front desk is only on duty.

Came to the hotel, the cold wind at night blowing in the body, I can not help but a spirit. But thanks to this gust of wind, my consciousness seems to have recovered.

There is no bus at this time, so we have to take a taxi to go back. Quickly walked a few steps to the avenue, I eagerly look forward to the taxi come quickly.

Probably because of the special location of the full moon court, I didn't see an empty car after waiting for a long time.

The heat brought by alcohol is consumed especially fast at night. The cold wind blows on me mercilessly, and I shiver.

Taxi is still missing, in order to ensure the temperature, I simply squat down to continue to wait.

I must have looked so pathetic at that time that the voice behind me hesitated.

"Late?" The male voice came from behind, with an uncertain tone.

I shook my head, because of alcohol and dizzy head subconsciously think that he heard wrong, so did not pay attention to the owner of the voice.

Until that man called me again, and then felt the breath coming to me, I hesitated to look up.

Isn't that Huo Qingchuan who is dressed in formal clothes and still has a frozen face?

"Mr. Huo?" So surprised that I suddenly stood up from the ground, congenital anemia, coupled with the reaction after drinking, I staggered a few times.

I felt the strong arm of the man holding me, and then I stood firm.

Huo Qingchuan frowned and looked at me. After a moment, he asked, "why haven't you left yet?"

"I drank a little too much. I had a sleep and when I woke up, all my colleagues left." I replied truthfully.

"So you were left behind?" Huo Qingchuan asked in a voice without temperature.

I blinked and didn't know how to answer the question. It's not so much that I was left behind as that I refused others.

"Mr. Huo, why are you leaving now?" Reciprocity has always been my principle. No matter how many opinions I have on this man, I should always express my minimum concern.

"I had a headache. I had a rest in it." Huo Qingchuan replied.

Did you drink too much? That's an artistic answer, I think.

At the same time, I noticed whether there were taxis passing by.

But the sky does not fulfill people's wishes, there is no empty car that can take me.

Since the last conversation in Huo Qingchuan's office, I can't understand the president any more, so I try to avoid the embarrassing situation of meeting alone.

It seemed to notice that I was a little absent-minded. Huo Qingchuan raised his hand and looked at his watch. He still said to me in a voice without any temperature, "it's hard to get a taxi here at this time. I'll take you back."

I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Refuse his kindness. I really don't know when to wait; Accept his kindness, and feel that his situation is a bit delicate. What qualifications does an employee who is about to be fired have to ride with his boss?

"I..." I hesitated, and decided to make myself comfortable. "I'll wait a little longer."

I clearly saw Huo Qingchuan's eyebrows wrinkled, and the expression on his face seemed more cold.

"It's very late now. If you wait any longer, there won't be a car passing by. You have to go to work tomorrow. As the leader of the company, I don't allow employees not to concentrate on their work." Huo Qingchuan said with full capitalist tone, still can not refuse the tone, as if he had enough confidence to let me listen to him.

But his words made me a little confused. Shouldn't he be the most clear about my current working state? In other words, it doesn't make any difference whether the company has me or not.

"But..." I still want to say something for myself, but I was scared back by the man's more powerful eyes.

Forget it, if you continue to argue, you will only make yourself more embarrassed. This man is an egoist who carries out his will to the end. I should have known this reality for a long time. If I stick to him, I'm afraid there will be more trouble waiting for me.

With that in mind, I don't talk anymore.

"Don't say any more. Come with me." When he found that I no longer had a problem with his proposal, Huo Qingchuan turned around and left a word for me.

I followed him honestly and went back to the gate of the hotel again.

His car was parked in the special parking lot for VIP customers in the hotel, and I recognized the high-end car that sent Yanyan to the hospital at a glance.

"The driver will be here in a minute. It will take a while." Huo Qingchuan opened the back door and motioned me to go in.

Mr. Huo thoughtfully opened the door for me, which made me a little unnatural, but I could only obediently pass in front of him and get into the car.

Close the door on my side, Huo Qingchuan from the back of the car around to the other side.

A few seconds later, the door on the other side of the back seat was opened, and Huo Qingchuan sat next to me. With his action, I felt a cool wind.

The rustle of clothes rubbing against the seat came, and Huo Qingchuan closed the door.

There were only two of us in the dark car, and it was still. I was even more cramped.

Although I don't hate the quiet atmosphere, it depends on who I stay with.

I don't know how to start a conversation with this person who is kind to me and deprives me of my opportunities. I simply turn my head to one side and look at the cars coming and going on the street not far away through the window.

At this time, although there were not many vehicles, the bright lights and street lights formed a stop and go light spot, jumping in front of my eyes.

Maybe it's the special sensibility after drinking, or maybe it's the illusory scene that brings me into a certain realm. I think of my daughter's face again. Her innocent smile seems to be reflected on the glass window in front of me, stimulating my heart.

Can't help but think of the last phone call, Yan Yan slightly aggrieved voice, my heart a tight, at the same time feel some sour nose.

Sad memory as if opened the gate of the water, far constantly flow out. Daughter's expectation, husband's betrayal, father-in-law's favoritism, work's bumping into the wall, one by one surges into my heart, just like the emotion that I am about to gush out.

A tear fell from the corner of my eye. I sucked my nose and wiped it with my fingers.

Although I feel sorry for my miserable life, I am not so frustrated in front of the company's boss.

Next to Huo Qingchuan seems to move, I only heard the sound of his clothes.

Silence, or a silence.

The driver who said he would come soon still didn't come, and the atmosphere in the car became more and more embarrassing.

"You..." as if also can't stand this kind of uncomfortable silence, Huo Qingchuan seems to want to say something to resolve, hesitated for a moment, he continued, "daughter now how?"

I have to admit that Huo Qingchuan is very smart. He knows that he doesn't have much in common with us. Instead of talking about the unhappiness at work, I'd better start with my daughter, whom I care about most. As long as we talk about children, we must be happy to talk about them as mothers.

But what he doesn't know is that when it comes to Yan Yan, especially him, he is just picking up the minefield and stepping on it.

"She's fine. Thanks to Mr. Huo last time." When I mention my daughter, I feel depressed. But people did help me, and I couldn't express my emotions.

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