No matter how elusive a leader's mind is, he can't switch between yin and Yang so fast.

"Well..." Wei Yan shrugged, shook his head and looked innocent. "This is Mr. Huo's decision. I'm just responsible for conveying it."

Mention Huo Qingchuan, my heart again a burst of boredom.

Looking at the way I looked down and thought, Wei Yan didn't know what he was thinking. He continued, "in a word, I will often take you to meet customers in the future. You should be prepared. The last one is not hard to deal with. You'll see all kinds of wonderful flowers in the future, and you'll get to know them later. "

In this case, that also satisfied my mind, this is a good news, I am happy to see its success.

"I understand, Mr. Wei." I solemnly responded to Wei Yan.

"By the way, how is the digestion of the information I asked Xiao Lin to show you? Even if I take you with me, I hope you have some basic negotiation skills." Wei Yan seems to be testing me.

Fortunately, I have finished reading all the materials and taking notes of all the useful things one by one during the days when I was placed. Otherwise, I would be blind now.

"It's something I've just come into contact with, but I'll try to master it." I answered truthfully.

"That's good." Wei Yan nodded, "let's go out first. I'll let Xiao Lin know in advance when there are plans."

Chao Wei Yan slightly bent down and I walked out of the office.

The situation suddenly changed, and my mood was as good as a clear sky. When I saw those unfamiliar colleagues in the sales department, I felt kind.

Back to my seat, I took out the notes I had taken a lot, and began to consolidate and review them with actual cases, hoping to use them one day.

If I work hard, then everything will be back on track. Maybe soon, I will be able to get my daughter back.

At noon, I told Chi Xin the sudden good news. She was happy with me and asked me to treat her to dinner. I agreed without thinking.

"But, sister, why did you stay here all of a sudden?" Chi Xin asked me curiously while drinking the wheat porridge in the bowl.

"I'm not sure. President Wei said that it was Mr. Huo's instruction," I replied without thinking. "Maybe I think my words are reasonable, so prepare to give me this opportunity."

Chi Xin looked relieved and said with pride, "I knew that Lord Huo Qingtian in my family would not be such an unreasonable person. He is really my God!"

Looking at Chi Xin's face, my mood is a little complicated.

Sure enough, I decided not to tell her what happened yesterday.

"Elder sister, this time, Mr. Huo is open to you. When can we invite someone to have a meal to express our gratitude?" Chi Xin asked me with big eyes.

Why invite him to dinner? Because he allowed me to stay in the sales department? Don't treat your boss the same way you treat your customers. OK, I'm puzzled by Chi Xin's proposal.

"Well, I didn't think about it." I said.

Chi Xin looked at me, and then said nothing more.

But Chi Xin's words also remind me, what is the reason that this man suddenly changed his mind and let me stay in the sales department? He was so ruthless before.

Strong curiosity makes my heart seem to have more than one thing, but I can't figure out what it is because of.

If it is because of what happened last night that he made an exception to accept me, doesn't it mean that he is not joking, but showing his kindness to me?

Think of here, I will be more upset, originally want to go to Huo Qingchuan to ask a clear mood also immediately fear.

I haven't figured out how to deal with him. If he asks for something similar, how should I deal with it?

At this time, I didn't realize that recently, I seemed to think more and more about Huo Qingchuan.

After I became an employee in the sales department, I found that my salary was very different from before.

Originally, I had nothing to do, but I was suddenly given a lot of work that I could do at present. Of course, these were all given to me by Wei Yan, who asked Xiao Lin to do. They were basically some businesses that I needed to be familiar with when I first came into contact with sales.

At the same time, my colleagues in the sales department gradually began to realize my existence and occasionally said a few words and joked with me. I deal with them with kindness, but not heart to heart.

On that day, Xiao Lin came to inform me that there was a customer meeting in the afternoon and I needed to follow him. He emphasized that it was the instruction of general manager Wei.

I didn't expect to take part in the actual combat so soon. Wei Yan is really vigorous and resolute.

Looking at my watch, I found that it was only two hours before the customer meeting in the afternoon, including the lunch break.

For me, who has never had formal customer negotiation experience, this is equivalent to taking an exam that I haven't reviewed. This kind of uneasiness makes me uneasy.

I always boast that I am a comprehensive person, and I don't want to do things without preparation. And this time the opportunity of a salesman was hard won. Since I want to do it, I have to do my best.

So I decided to make use of my lunch break to mend my negotiation skills. It's so-called sharpening my gun in a hurry. It's not too fast.

Chi Xin was very pleased to see me taking notes and looking at the computer. She threatened to support me and promised to help me deliver my lunch to the office.

I nodded to her gratefully, and then began to record the useful things quickly.

When I was in college, I chose liberal arts, but in terms of memory, I was confident that I was not inferior to others. Coupled with selective recitation, my self-confidence improved to a higher level.

But things are not as simple as I imagined. When I entered the professional office building and saw a row of commercial strangers, I couldn't remember a single line I had prepared. I had to sit awkwardly behind Wei Yan and make some basic records.

During the negotiation, Wei Yan seemed to notice my state and gave me a few incomprehensible eyes.

The difficult meeting was finally over. I packed my things and got up from my seat.

Wei Yan walked over to the leader of the other party and shook hands with him. Xiao Lin and I also followed him.

"Mr. Wei, I haven't seen you for a long time. There are more and more beauties around you." The man in suit and shoes took a look at the two of us behind Wei Yan and jokingly said.

"Mr. Yu, you really like joking. I heard that you came out with Mr. Wei today." Instead of Wei Yan, Kobayashi refutes the man in a relaxed tone.

It turns out to be someone I know. No wonder I can joke so easily, I think.

"Xiao Lin is becoming more and more eloquent. I like it." That in the total laugh, "how, do you want to come to my side to do ah, I promise than the total pay Wei."

I looked at Xiaolin awkwardly. Anyway, if you ask me this question, I certainly don't know how to answer it.

"Really? Then I really have to go back and discuss it with Mr. Wei? " Xiao Lin covered his mouth and laughed, then looked at Wei Yan.

"Mr. Yu, if you dig my corner in front of me, it's not authentic. Xiao Lin is my capable man. If she abandons me, I'll be in a dilemma." Wei Yan opens his mouth at the right time and sings with Kobayashi.

Joke here should be enough, the other man seems to be very good at the art of speaking, he ended the topic with a burst of laughter.

"I'll see you tonight." Yu Zong reaches out his hand again and holds Wei Yan's hand tightly together.

See you in the evening. It means dinner again. I understand that.

After the business talk, the three of us drove back to the company.

Originally Wei Yan's car was driven by Kobayashi. When I think of the tacit understanding between them at the meeting or in private, I feel envious.

"By the way, can you drive Wei Yan, sitting beside me, suddenly asked me.

"Yes." I nodded.

"That's good. When Xiao Lin is busy in the future, maybe you'll have to work part-time as my driver. You two work in turn, so that Xiao Lin won't complain about me all the time." Wei Yan said with a sigh of relief.

"I said, Mr. Wei, I'm still ahead. Can you stop saying such things in front of your subordinates? When did I complain?" I saw Kobayashi's helpless expression in the rearview mirror.

"OK, OK, I'm wrong, OK." Wei Yan waved like a good Fox and motioned to his assistant to drive well.

All the way relaxed atmosphere, we soon returned to the company.

Originally should get off in front of the company, but I followed to the underground parking lot, ready to take the elevator back to the office.

So when I stopped the car and saw Huo Qingchuan, I regretted my decision.

When he saw me, Huo Qingchuan's eyes seemed to move, but it was only a moment, and his face was still a stranger's face.

Wei Yan and Xiao Lin naturally say hello to Huo Qingchuan. Due to the situation at that time, I can only smile at him and say "general Huo is good.".

After that, it was the first time that I met Huo Qingchuan so directly, so I still didn't know how to face him.

Huo Qingchuan just nodded to me, no different from other colleagues.

The two people who don't know the situation almost have no awareness of the unnatural relationship between Huo Qingchuan and me, because Huo Qingchuan is really good at hiding, and my facial expression is generally not too exaggerated. This unnatural want to hide or no problem.

"How's it going?" Seems to know the whereabouts of the three of us, Huo Qingchuan simple direct asked.

"Very good," Wei Yan replied with a smile, as if with a proud tone, "have another dinner together in the evening, it's done."

Huo Qingchuan nodded and looked at me.

Don't look at me with that kind of naked eyes. I dodged his eyes and tried to escape from this place.

"Oh, the three of us will go together. Don't worry. I'll take care of the two ladies." See Huo Qingchuan has been looking at my direction, Wei Yan said quickly.

"Where is Mr. Huo going?" Seems to be aware of the air there is a trace of disharmony, Kobayashi cleverly shifted the topic.

"I need to go out." Huo Qingchuan's simple answer.

"Well, Mr. Huo, have a good trip." Wei Yan said, using his eyes to indicate that we can leave.

I followed Wei Yan to the direction of the elevator without raising my head, but when I passed Huo Qingchuan, I still felt an inexplicable coolness.

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