After that, Chi Xin went to wash her face with frustration, but I was full of thoughts.

What a bad sister! She began to cheat her sister. But when it comes to cheating, it's not the first time.

Once you cast a panic, you have to use countless panic to circle the first one. This is a bottomless abyss, and no one knows what the final result is.

Fortunately, Chi Xin believed in me or Huo Qingchuan's words, and then she didn't mention what happened that night.

A few days later, due to work reasons, Chi Xin's group arranged a business trip for a few days, and I became a loner again.

In Weiyan's office, the man with an unidentified face makes me cold.

"Late, do you have any plans for this evening?" Wei Yan asked with a smile.

I shook my head. "If there's no customer dinner, I'll go home after work."

"Eh?" Wei Yan was surprised. "It's rare to get off work on time. Do you have no other life? Like having dinner with your lover, watching a movie or something. "

I don't know how much Wei Yan knows about my divorce, but that is not so important to me now.

After sales, I saw a lot and figured out a lot. A failed marriage is not a bad thing to hide.

"I don't have a lover and my daughter is not around." I answered.

Wei Yan looked at me thoughtfully, and the corner of his mouth kept a slight curve.

"Why, is Mr. Wei inviting me?" Sales can not be too rigid, sometimes a little harmless joke may be a good solution to the tense atmosphere, I decided to take this boss to practice.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yan immediately looked like a great enemy, only waved to me, "dare not, where dare I ask you?"

His reaction is a little too big. It's reasonable to say that it's nothing for the boss and his subordinates to have a meal alone. I know that he and Xiao Lin have met many times alone.

But also from the usual gossip between colleagues, as for the personal relationship between the boss, I don't want to know too much.

"That Wei is all right?" I asked.

Wei Yan nodded.

"Then I'll go out." Bending slightly, I walked out of Weiyan's office.

This man has always been eccentric. If you want to guess his mind, it's better to see the final result.

So when I was blocked by Huo Qingchuan when I was going home after work, I suddenly thought of Wei Yan's suspicious smile and questions.

"Mr. Huo, what can I do for you?" Still keeping a calm expression, I respectfully asked.

"There's nothing wrong with work," Huo Qingchuan answered my question rigorously, "but there's something for you in private."

I stepped back vigilantly, staring at him tightly, "what's the matter, please?"

He happened to find a sparsely populated corner. In order not to squeeze the elevator, I decided to take the stairs and met this man on the lower floor of the parking lot.

How he knew I was going to be here, I don't know.

"Stay with me today." He stood in the same place did not move, just light said.

The word "accompany me" actually has many meanings. When friends say this sentence, they may want to vomit bitterness. When husband and wife say this sentence, they may tell each other their heartfelt feelings. However, I can only think of one thing about the relationship between Huo Qingchuan and me.

"I have something to do tonight." I turned him down without thinking about it.

"But I heard you didn't." Huo Qingchuan stepped forward and looked directly at me.

Sure enough, all of Wei Yan's problems are purposeful. I don't know when they colluded so much that they couldn't be prevented.

"It's not too much to ask a subordinate to have dinner with his boss." See me choked, Huo Qingchuan put down the tone to continue to say.

Is this oppressing me with my position? This should be considered as harassment in the workplace.

"Are you abusing your power?" After thinking for a while, I beautified my mind and said it.

"I just want to be with you." Huo Qingchuan did not change his face and said a word that made me jumpy.

"You don't have to warn me like that. Am I that terrible?" He slowly close to me, "if more contact with me, I believe you will slowly understand me." Said, he took my hand, with the appropriate strength to pull me toward his car.

Maybe I focused on his words so much that I didn't fight him.

"I'll take you to a very nice restaurant." After tying my seat belt, he said to me.

I didn't say a word. He acquiesced to me.

Along the way, he gave me a vivid description of the restaurant, which originated from Turkey, and all the chefs came from foreign countries. He even took the trouble to tell me about the cooking process of a dish. I listened to him quietly, and some pictures seemed to form in my mind.

In fact, I feel very much that Huo Qingchuan, who seems to be full of fireworks in the world, will also have such feelings. He will remember his favorite things so clearly, even as small as every detail.

Maybe, to understand a person really needs more observation.

It wasn't long before we came to the so-called restaurant.

I thought all the places recommended by Huo Qingchuan were high-end places that people would be deterred from. Unexpectedly, after parking his car, he took me into a quiet alley and found a street shop with exotic decoration.

Indeed, as he said, this is a shop with unique temperament, not only chefs, but also waiters. For example, the person who orders for us is a blonde.

Huo Qingchuan skillfully spoke a foreign language to her and pushed the menu to my side.

I haven't seen the dishes above, so I can't do it. Besides, he insisted on bringing me here. Naturally, I would not be picky.

"I'm free. Mr. Huo, please come." I pushed the menu over and said to him.

He laughed, and then skillfully reported a few words that sounded like the name of the dish to the waiter. Then the foreign beauty walked away with a smile.

"Mr. Huo, do you come here often?" In order not to embarrass the atmosphere, I found a topic.

"When it's OK, I often come here with Wei Yan." He said.

It seems that their friendship is really unusual, I think.

However, it is said that Huo Qingchuan and Wei Yan are more than 30 people. Don't they have any other friends?

"You're the first person I've brought along besides him." Huo Qingchuan continued.

At this time, I think I should be very moved, but I didn't.

"That's an honor." I am very plain to say.

Huo Qingchuan smile, "I know you are this reaction, but it doesn't matter, later you will like here."

He seems to laugh a little more today, every time will drive my heart inexplicable vibration.

After a while, the drinks we ordered came first. They were pure juice, orange juice for me and kiwi fruit for him.

"Their kiwi juice is very good. It's a specialty." Huo Qingchuan said to me, "do you want to try?"

He pushed his drink to me and invited me.

"I can't. thank you, Mr. Huo." Mention kiwi, I will think of that hairy fruit like potatoes, what to drink. Besides, I don't think I'm familiar with this man enough to share a cup.

Huo Qingchuan took back his cup with a very regretful expression and drank it.

When we chatted with each other, we finally got all the things we ordered.

Sure enough, it looks rich and tastes attractive.

"Try it." He reached out and motioned to me.

I didn't move my chopsticks. I think this kind of occasion is also polite.

"Try this shrimp. It's my favorite." Huo Qingchuan picked up a fried golden Crispy Shrimp and put it in my bowl. He recommended it to me.

It seems that I can't refuse the fact that everyone else has done it.

I picked up the shrimp and put it in my mouth.

That kind of fresh and tender flavor, with a special seasoning taste, really like to detonate the taste buds in the mouth, I was surprised to cover my mouth.

"Well, I said it?" Huo Qingchuan seems to be particularly satisfied with my reaction, and then he added a lot for me.

"It's delicious." I said truthfully.

"Then eat more, this is also very good, oh, this is Wei Yan's favorite... Huo Qingchuan kept for me, almost filled my bowl.

I didn't politely taste those delicious dishes one by one, and I sincerely admire every dish.

I was originally a person who liked to study food. I was surprised by the craftsmanship of the chef and the aesthetics of the food, so I had a discussion with Huo Qingchuan unconsciously.

Also unconsciously, the atmosphere between us gradually become less awkward, or, become very harmonious.

The restaurant invited a local Turkish band to perform live for us. Listening to the relaxing folk songs, my remaining formality gradually disappeared.

After eating and drinking enough, I realized that Huo Qingchuan didn't seem to eat much, and he was always picking up vegetables for me and listening to me.

I didn't talk so much, but unconsciously, I was guided by this man to do things that didn't look like my own.

"Mr. Huo, thank you very much." I wiped the corners of my mouth with a napkin and said to him.

"If you like it here, I'll bring you often." Huo Qingchuan smile, hand for me to wipe the face don't know when stained with vegetable leaves, gentle said.

His fingers touch the place, a burst of heat, I was so honest with his care, affected.

I lowered my head, afraid to look him in the eyes.

I can't refuse his tough and decisive, but his gentle and meticulous now makes my heart beat faster without control.

After walking out of the restaurant, I was wondering if I was going home. Huo Qingchuan took my hand from behind and took out two tickets.

"What is this?" I asked naturally, staring at two tickets that didn't look like movie tickets.

"Music tickets from friends." He said, and then looked at the watch, "we're in the past now, just in time."

Let him pull to the other side of the car, my head seems to have some flash.

Did he arrange all this today?

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