I still want to find an opportunity to sit down and have a peaceful talk with Chi Xin. No matter she blames me or scolds me, I don't want our relationship to continue in this way.

But in recent days, maybe it's because my work is more busy, or maybe it's because we can't get together, so this matter has been shelved and become a big knot in my heart.

And I found that recently, I don't know why, when my colleagues are looking at me, they are always quietly talking about something. The eyes full of gossip make me very upset.

Once in a while, when I went to the bathroom and was in the single room, I heard the conversation between two female colleagues outside.

"Well, are you serious?" I know this voice. It's a colleague in the sales department.

"That's not true. Someone saw it with their own eyes." Another voice replied.

"Tut Tut, it's really not easy. I didn't expect to catch Mr. Huo within a few months after I came to the sales department late." Full of ridicule tone, I knew that I had become the topic they talked about.

I was silent and wanted to know what they were trying to say.

"Don't say that. Tardiness is also a beauty."

"Come on, she's a divorced woman. How can she be worthy of Mr. Huo?"

"Divorce? How do you know? "

"This kind of thing can be concealed from others? Our company doesn't recognize her. It's said that there is still a child."

"Wow, it's too late to underestimate."

"That's right. Otherwise, how could Huo always look up to her? He must have used some means. Did you hear Chi Xin say it last time? Maybe it was something shameful. I said, "how can her performance get better and better recently? It turns out that it depends on the invisible relationship."

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful to let others hear you."

"What's the matter? It's no secret in our group."

When they said this, they heard the sound of water, and then they went out together.

I came out from the single room and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't help laughing bitterly and loving.

It turns out that what we are discussing recently is such a thing?

Back in the office, some people with ulterior motives began to whisper, that look with disdain let me feel isolated by everyone.

I always like to keep a low profile, but now it has become the focus of discussion. At the moment, I can only bow my head and come to my seat quickly to cover up this uneasy and anxious mood with my work.

Just now, those two people mentioned Chi Xin's last words. Probably from that time on, I became the topic of the whole office.

But did Chi Xin tell me about the relationship between Huo Qingchuan and me? In my heart, I had this idea for a moment.

I shook my head and threw out the negative point of view. No, it must not be. My sister couldn't have done such a thing.

Looking up to her, I just saw Chi Xin's eyes. My heart suddenly sank.

It's time for lunch. I used to have dinner with my sister. Now I'm sitting alone on a table in the corner, eating my lunch.

Next to me are three colleagues in the sales department. I can recognize them. One of them is the owner of the sound in the morning toilet. She is also a subordinate of Chi Xin. They look at me with some meaning.

I had a bad feeling, so I speeded up my meal.

But before we could escape from this place, I heard women laughing.

"Isn't it late?" The woman pointed the spearhead at me clearly, "how, eat alone?"

I hate this kind of woman. Once there's something wrong, I can't wait to catch the wind and gossip. I don't speak.

She didn't seem to care about my attitude. She continued to say to the two people beside her, "do you know? This is Mr. Huo's girlfriend, a divorced mother. "

She's very smart. Her voice is not big. Only I and the people on her desk can hear her. But the sound is particularly harsh here.

The other two also looked at me unkindly, as if appreciating the appearance of something.

"It's said that Mr. Huo was seduced by some shady means. I really don't want to look at my weight." The woman's words are more and more difficult to hear. She doesn't worry about the person in front of her. She seems to be completely afraid of me.

"Think about it. If it wasn't for Mr. Huo, could Wei always take care of a new man? What a shame. " Seeing that I didn't have any reaction, the woman let go, said slandering words and looked at me.

Their eyes made me lose my appetite. I picked up the plate, stood up and came to them.

My character is a bit slow, but it doesn't mean that I can swallow it with patience when people say that. Why?

"Since you know my relationship with your boss, I advise you to keep your mouth shut, or you will not know why you are expelled from this company one day." After a cold word, I left the restaurant without looking back.

Originally not very good mood, by her ridicule is even worse in a mess, on the way back, I repeatedly pondered what she said, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I had no bottom in my heart.

If the relationship between Huo Qingchuan and me is exposed because we are always together, why does she have to use those insidious words? Is it just pure jealousy?

Back in the office, everyone went to lunch, only Chi Xin was there alone, which might be a good opportunity.

"Xiao Xin, I have something to ask you." As if to deny my uneasy conjecture, my tone is a little strong.

Chi Xin looked up at me, her eyes were still the light of resistance.

I thought she would refuse me, but she got up from her seat and said, "just in time, I have something to say to you."

With that, she walked out of the office without looking back, and I followed.

We chose a lounge that would not be disturbed by outsiders. After I went in, I took the door with me.

Chi Xin sits on the chair leisurely, holding the just poured drink in her hand, tapping gently, as if waiting for me to speak first.

I bit my lower lip and sat down close to her. "Xiaoxin, I feel sorry for the relationship with Huo Qingchuan."

To this day, I still want to restore the relationship between us.

"Come on, don't mention it. It's annoying." Chi Xin impatiently interrupts my words, the tone is strange and chilling.

"It happened all of a sudden. I didn't have time to tell you." This is the source of our contradiction. If we don't talk about it, I don't know how to ease the relationship between Chi Xin and me. So, even if it's hard, we have to say it.

Chi Xin sneered and took a drink.

"Xiaoxin, Huo Qingchuan is not suitable for you. I believe you can find a better man." I tried to persuade her, hoping that she could understand my feelings.

I didn't expect Chi Xin to laugh, and then she looked at me, her eyes full of incredible, "why, it's not suitable for me, so you snatched it? Do you want to make peace with me in this way? "

I choked and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I admire you very much. I always pretend to be pathetic. I didn't expect that I would make a big move." Chi Xin sneered and said, "but who are you bad at? Why do you have to rob me?"

Her expression is very like a child whose toys are robbed, so unreasonable, so willful.

"I don't have... I want to explain, but I can't explain. Do you want to tell her that Huo Qingchuan and I are really attracted to each other, so we are together? That will only intensify the current contradiction.

"You don't have to say," Chi Xin cut me off, stood up and looked down at me. "From then on, I have nothing to say to you, and you are no longer my sister."

After that, Chi Xin slams the door and goes out.

But I was immersed in the sadness of her last words.

My sister, who has lived together for more than 20 years, is going to break up with me now? No matter what, we are related by blood. We are sisters.

The time to go to work in the afternoon is coming soon, there is no time to give me sad, I slowly returned to the office.

Chi Xin's words hit me so hard that I didn't have much spirit to go to work in the afternoon.

After work, I left the company like a runaway, even Huo Qingchuan didn't notice passing me.

Life is always a lot of tribulations. It slaps you and gives you a sweet jujube. Then when you taste the sweetness, it makes the hard jujube stone hurt your teeth.

Chi Xin's refusal, colleagues' censure and wanton messages are all enough to make people feel painful, but I have three kinds of them all at once.

I lay in bed, looking at the white ceiling. Mingming is going to start a new life. What are these things?

I turned over and heard my cell phone ring.

It's Huo Qingchuan.

Listless pressed the call key, my voice also listless.

"Hello." I said weakly.

"What's the matter today?" Huo Qingchuan's voice of concern came from the opposite side.

This kind of thing does not need to let him know, not only will appear weak and incompetent, according to his temper will be very troublesome.

"Nothing." I said.

Huo Qingchuan seems to be thinking for a moment, and then "Oh" a“ Listen to Wei Yan say that your work is going well recently. You are very handy. "

It's true that there's nothing going well except for the work.

"That's president Wei's praise for me. I'm far from it." I sat up and answered his question seriously.

Huo Qingchuan seemed to smile. I heard a slight exhalation.

"It doesn't matter. You can take your time. I'm sure you'll get better and better." His voice of comforting people is very gentle, which makes people feel uneasy.

After a few more words, we ended the call.

After being inspired by Huo Qingchuan, I found that the original depressed mood seems to be a lot more cheerful.

Yes, I can't get down with just a few words. That's not the focus of my life. I have to work hard to make money, and I have to get Yanyan back as soon as possible.

As for those who love gossip, let them talk about it.

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