"Xiaoning," Huo Qingchuan, who had thought for a long time, finally opened his mouth, but the questions he asked were not related to the topic we are discussing. He said, "what agreement have you reached with director Ma?"

"Well," Huo Yining said vaguely, "I can't tell you now."

I think it's a bit strange that he doesn't even tell his most respected elder brother about his amazing secret.

Huo Qingchuan stares at Huo Yining, as if to see some clues from him, but it's a pity that Huo Yining is also a veteran. Huo Qingchuan's eyes are good for small white rabbits like me. It's not powerful enough to deal with Huo Yining who is as smart as him.

"Brother," but Huo Yining knows how to put it in and out. He honestly pacifies Huo Qingchuan, "don't worry, it's absolutely not something illegal."

Even I know that under such circumstances, Huo Yining will not lie.

Huo Qingchuan didn't ask. He just took back his eyes, but his eyebrows were still tightly frowning.

"Well, brother, would you like to consider my proposal?" Huo Yining continued to ask, "to tell you the truth, if you need a general manager to preside over the overall situation, it must be you."

I said how Huo Yining pushed Huo Qingchuan to solve this problem. It turned out to be an abacus.

"Although we are not monopolized by the family, putting an outsider in this position is somewhat against the prestige of the Huo family," Huo Yining said. "So I didn't dare to tell my uncle about it. Before he came back, I quickly changed people. You should help me, OK?"

Huo Yining said, even holding Huo Qingchuan's hand, begged.

"Said," Huo Qingchuan sighed, "I'm not doing this with you, I just want to solve the crisis of the company, you know?"

Huo Yining suddenly enlightened, "of course, of course!"

"Are you really going?" I asked Huo Qingchuan.

"Although Xiaoning is a bit of mischief, what he said is not unreasonable," Huo Qingchuan said calmly. "How can I be a part of SK? If I can do it, I should try my best to do it."

"But... What I'm worried about is not whether Huo Qingchuan should do it, but whether he can accompany Zhang Xiaolian to apologize with his stubborn and unyielding character?

"You don't have to worry, sister-in-law," Huo Yining said with a smile. "It's not difficult for my brother. You have to believe him."

He really can see what he says and what he looks like. All of a sudden, he can see my scruples. It's a pity not to go to r city.

"I'll go too," since it's a foregone conclusion, I can't stand by and say, "to apologize for a person's insincerity. We must let the other party see our sincerity."

Huo Yining a Leng, then looking at Huo Qingchuan, the tone is full of ridicule, "this is the so-called husband and wife concentric, its interest break gold?"

"Xiaoning," I picked his eyebrows, "you don't think you cheat Ma Xiangchao to go to r city to do things for you for the convenience of your date. The truth is gone, but your brother and I know it."

"Yes," Huo Yining immediately looked respectful, "please keep it secret for me."

This person is like this, that face as long as a coquetry, few people can be ruthless to care with him.

After the appointment, Huo Yining explained all the situation of r city to Huo Qingchuan and me, and promised to provide us with rear support at any time.

I haven't been on a business trip for a long time, but it's the first time I've been on a business trip with my husband. Naturally, I feel very different.

"Sleepy?" After getting on the plane, Huo Qingchuan asked me.

Because of course, the earlier we negotiate, the better. Last night, we just reached an agreement, so we made a reservation for the next morning's air ticket. When we left, we didn't even have time to say hello to the children at home.

Although the weather turns warm in May, there are still bursts of coolness in the morning, and the day outside is just dawning.

"It's OK," I said to Huo Qingchuan, "as long as we can do things well, what is this?"

Huo Qingchuan worried looking at me, "it's clear that there's nothing wrong with you, but you have to suffer. Why do you suffer?"

"Your business is my business. How can it be said that there is nothing left for me?" I covered their legs with blankets. "Besides, I'm afraid you can't control yourself, so I followed them. It's also for the company's sake."

"Well, I can't tell you," Huo Qingchuan said helplessly, "go to sleep first. It will take two hours to get there."

It's not so close. I'm really sleepy. So he nodded to Huo Qingchuan, leaned on him and began to close his eyes.

Unconsciously, I still fell asleep. Someone pushed me gently in my sleep. I opened my eyes vaguely and said, "are you there?" I said dimly.

"Well," Huo Qingchuan said, "get up and get used to it. Be careful of catching a cold."

Rubbing my eyes, I stretched.

It's my first time to visit r city. Looking out of the window of the plane, the city in the distance is quite different from a city.

Because we didn't know how long it would take to calm down the mayor, we made a hotel reservation before we left. Even if it's to give him a good impression, you have to clean up your appearance.

We are ready to stay if we can't reach our goal, and we should succeed even if we are dogged.

I took a taxi to the hotel. When I came out from the bath, Huo Qingchuan was calling according to the contact information given by Huo Yining.

Can see, the situation is not smooth, Huo Qingchuan did not finish saying that the other side seems to be still angry.

"How's it going?" I was worried that Huo Qingchuan's self-esteem would be hit. I asked while wiping my hair.

"Expected," Huo Qingchuan is very open-minded, "a listen to me is SK people, he did not want to see us

"What about that?" I asked“ To the government? "

"That's no good," Huo Qingchuan said. "He's the mayor of this place. It's estimated that seeing foreign businessmen like us will make other people misunderstand him. I've heard Xiaoning say that Ma Xiangchao went directly to the government to find him, which will cause people's dissatisfaction ahead of time."

"What shall we do? You have to meet people first. " I thought, "is it hard to go to someone's house?"

"Smart!" Huo Qingchuan actually gave me a thumbs up, "we have to go to his home first."

"Ah?" I grew up in surprise.

"Pack up quickly. The more generous and simple the better. We'll be there before noon." Huo Qingchuan said.

"What are you doing?" I asked, while Huo Qingchuan pushed to clean up their own, in the end or do not know what he sold gourd medicine.

Huo Yining's preparation for us is really complete. We can remember clearly where mayor Luo's family lives. We gave the address and finally stopped in front of a villa area.

"It's the mayor. It looks very upscale here." I can't help sighing.

"Not only is it high-end," Huo Qingchuan hesitated, "but we can't seem to get into that entrance guard."

"What about that?" Just now I vowed to let me go, but now I can't even enter the door?

"Try it first," Huo Qingchuan pulled me to the sentry, "I don't know if this move will work."

"Are you the owners here?" Sure enough, we were immediately held.

"Yes," Huo Qingchuan rightfully replied, "can't you see it?" Then he straightened his chest on purpose.

The valuable Armani suit, Jijia's limited edition wristwatch and someone's noble spirit really shocked the young guard.

"Which building are you the owner of?" His tone is much softer than just now.

"15 buildings," Huo Qingchuan quite imposing reply, "you don't know us?"

The guard looked at us a few times, and then said with a smile, "sorry, I've just been on duty recently. Maybe I didn't recognize you. Please don't mind."

Said, he opened the door, Huo Qingchuan looked at him, walked in with a high head, I see the potential also followed up.

"Are you not afraid of being torn down?" I secretly asked, "how do you know there are 15 buildings here?"

"Good luck," Huo Qingchuan said, "and the guard, who is younger at first sight, is very frightening."

"When did you learn that?" I looked at my husband, "our young master used to disdain this."

"It's not what it used to be. More skills don't weigh on me." Huo Qingchuan said.

Well, what else can I say now that he has classified this as a skill?

According to the address given by Huo Yining, we successfully found mayor Luo's home. It is a white building located on the edge of the whole villa area. Although it is not as grand as the Huo family mansion, it does not lose the luxury and elegance of government officials.

We came to the black painted iron door and pressed the button above.

After a while, a voice came, "who is it, please?"

It sounds like a young woman's voice. Huo Qingchuan and I look at each other. Since he has a way, he should respond.

"Hello, Mrs. Luo. We are here to see mayor Luo." Huo Qingchuan answered calmly.

"He is not here now. If you have something to ask him, go to the government." The woman's voice sounded a little surprised.

"We have very important things. If we go to the government, I'm afraid it will cause trouble to mayor Luo, so we'll disturb him." Huo Qingchuan said.

There was a moment's silence inside, and the female voice hesitated, "is it a serious matter?"

"Of course," Huo Qingchuan agreed, "we hope to talk to mayor Luo face to face and not let others know."

"How do I know if you're bad people?" Asked the woman suddenly.

"Madam," Huo Qingchuan painstakingly persuades, "you this area guard looks so closely, we can come in, how can be the bad guy?"

There was silence again. I didn't know what to do.

"Madame?" Huo Qingchuan tentatively said to the receiver, "can you see us? Bad people have bad faces. Do you think we will be bad people?"

The camera at the door turned half a circle, facing us.

I was in a hurry when I heard a click. The originally closed iron door opened.

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