"Xiao Wan, what do you say?" Mother Leng for a long time, some impatient asked, her eyes full of incredible.

I sank. "Mom, I divorced Zhanyi."

After listening to my answer again, my mother was really stunned. She looked at me, her lips trembling and didn't know what to say.

My mother's personality is gentle and gentle. I think a large part of my personality is inherited from her.

My father never said a word when we talked. I dare not look at him. My father has always been a stern man. At this time, I know what I'm good at. I don't know how much anger I'm going to have.

When the atmosphere calmed down again, I summoned up the courage to look at the elder, especially my father.

For a long time, my father took out a cigarette, lit it and sucked it up. Big smoke rings scattered in the air.

"What's going on?" He asked in a distinctly repressive tone as he smoked.

I took a breath and told the cause and effect of my divorce.

The expression on her mother's face was shocked, and she didn't seem to believe that her son-in-law, whom she had been looking forward to, would do such a thing.

"Zhanyi he really..." my mother asked me hesitantly.

I nodded and thought of the past again. I couldn't remain unmoved. After all, it happened to me.

Father was still smoking, but his face was sullen.

"That bastard, how dare he do such a thing!" He threw his cigarette butt on the ground and his father stood up.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I looked at my father, who was completely angry, and I was a little scared for a moment.

"Why, of course, to teach that smelly boy a lesson!" Father slapped the table and yelled.

Although my father was a strict man, he didn't get angry many times from childhood. It seems that he was really angry this time.

Mother also stood up and looked at her husband at a loss.

"The bullies are all bullied to the top of their heads. If they don't give me an explanation, I'll have nothing to do with them!" With that, my father was going out.

As soon as I saw that the situation was not good, I immediately stepped forward to stop my father.

Zhanyi and I have divorced and don't want to have any relationship with each other. Besides, my worst days have passed. Yan Yan returned to me, I have no resentment. Property or something, I don't want to tangle, even if I take the initiative to divorce compensation.

"Dad, Zhanyi and I have nothing to say, and we have been separated for a long time. I don't want to see him again," I pause, "and his mother's health is not good, so let's not worry about it."

My father looked at me, his eyes still serious.

"I don't want you to worry, so it's my fault that I didn't tell you about it in advance." I have considered this matter before, but I still made the judgment of concealing it first.

"Now I have a new life, stable work and enough conditions to take care of my face by myself," I continued. "I want to take back my face and live a brand new life when I go home this time."

I try to use a relaxed tone to reassure my parents.

"Little night," my mother said, seeing that the atmosphere was not so tense

Mother's meaning is self-evident. I didn't expect that she recognized it from my words.

I don't want to tell my family about Huo Qingchuan so soon. After all, I haven't written a word yet.

My father's attention was also attracted, and his face was not as cold as before.

"No, no, I didn't mean that." I hustled off and said, "I just want to show that I'm doing well."

Mother's eyes with a layer of meaning inexplicable light.

"Since Zhanyi betrayed me, then I have no nostalgia for him, and I must live better than when I was with him." In order to reassure my parents, I swear.

My father looked at me with a scanning eye, as if he was still studying the truth of my words.

"Besides, I will find a better man!" In the end, I said what my parents wanted to hear.

After all, the expression on her mother's face eased a little, but divorce is not a small matter, "Xiao Wan, if you are wronged, just tell your parents." Finally, she said to me.

I nodded and went up to hold her hand.

Father also didn't quarrel again to go to Zhan Yi's house to settle accounts. He sat back on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

I understand that my father is a proud man. He wants to watch me cheer up more than he wants to tear his face with Zhanyi family.

"Take care of your own business." Spit out a ring of smoke, said the father.

My nervous heart finally let go. It's my blessing to have such understanding parents.

Yan Yan came back after playing outside for a while. Her little face was full of endless smile.

The parents' work is done, and the daughter's work is left.

I went over, squatted down and looked at my daughter, took her little hand, looked at her big watery eyes, and tried to make her voice soft. "Yan Yan, mom is taking you back this time. Are you happy?"

It seems that my daughter didn't expect me this time. Her big eyes flickered. She looked at her grandmother and then at her grandfather. Finally, she looked at me with a soft voice, "really?"

I suddenly laughed and touched my daughter's hair. "Of course it's true!"

A few years old child seemed to get a dream toy that cheered up, she put her arms around my neck, "great, finally with mom and Dad together!"

When I heard my daughter mention "Dad", I saw the look of my parents.

"I have no conscience. Have you forgotten how much my grandfather hurt you?" Father muttered, but there was no lack of love in his words.

"No!" Yan Yan's big eyes turned around, ran over and clasped his father's arm, shaking hard, "Yan Yan likes grandfather best," and then looked at his mother, "and grandma!"

Looking at the lively and lovely grandson, the parents were happy again.

I stayed in my hometown for another night. After lunch the next day, Yan and I packed up for our return trip.

As I came by bus, our mother and daughter couldn't bring too many things. Yan Yan seems to particularly like the plush doll sent by Huo Qingchuan. She is noisy and must take it with her.

She was wearing the dress that Chi Xin bought for her, and she was excited about her things.

I looked at the skirt and felt uncomfortable again.

It seems that the scene of buying this skirt is still close at hand.

From the reaction of my parents, they don't seem to know what happened between Chi Xin and me.

My father drove us to the station. Yan Yanba said goodbye to her grandfather and grandmother who had taken care of her for a long time.

The journey was long, and my daughter soon fell asleep with her baby on my shoulder.

I got a call from Huo Qingchuan on the way. He must come to pick me up. Originally don't want to let Yan Yan see him, but can't beat that man's strong, I can only promise.

When the bus arrived at the station, I woke up my daughter.

"Yan Yan, get out of the car." I wiped my daughter's saliva and said softly.

Yan Yan looked out of the window drowsily, and then with one hand holding her doll, with the other hand pulling me out of the car.

Huo Qingchuan met him from a long distance. When he saw Yan Yan, a smile appeared on his face.

It's hard to be a big boss who doesn't smile at all, I think.

"Yan Yan, uncle Huo." After approaching, I said to my daughter, who was confused, and then added, "your doll is from Uncle Huo."

After learning that this strange uncle is his benefactor, Yan Yan smiles and looks up at Huo Qingchuan, "Hello uncle Huo!"

Huo Qingchuan's mouth turned up, which was a response to Yan Yan.

I laughed in my heart. It's not easy for president Huo, who has always been known as Gao Leng, to do this.

Carrying simple luggage into the car, I took my daughter to the back seat.

Yan Yan is still holding the toy, big eyes snore look at the car, and then look at me "Mom, Dad, why don't dad come to pick us up?"

I was stunned. I didn't expect that childish children would ask this question. I didn't know how to answer for a moment.

From the rearview mirror, I saw Huo Qingchuan's eyebrows wrinkled, obviously also surprised.

Yan Yan's face is still innocent expression, maybe in her opinion, long time no see, should be taken for granted by the father. But I haven't figured out how to explain the divorce to my daughter. I want to let her accept it through time.

"What's the matter? Doesn't Yan like his uncle?" In my dilemma, Huo Qingchuan opened his mouth and said in a funny tone.

Yan Yan was so asked, looked at the doll in his hand, hugged it, and looked at me again, "Uncle Huo gave me this toy, I like it very much, so I like Uncle Huo too!"

Yan Yan's voice sounds very clear and simple, without any impurity.

"Will uncle Huo take you to buy a bigger and more lovely doll today?"

Children's attention is always easy to be diverted. When Yan Yan's attention is attracted by the bigger and more lovely doll in Huo Qingchuan's mouth, she has left the matter of unfolding her wings behind.

Huo Qingchuan drove to my new home, meilinyuan.

"Yan Yan, my mother will take you to a good place today?" To prepare my daughter, I said to her.

Daughter holding a big doll, standing in front of the car looking around, "Mom, this is not our home."

"This is our new home." I took my daughter's hand and said to her.

Children are always curious about new things. After hearing this, Yan Yan jumped up the stairs with me, and Huo Qingchuan followed us to carry our luggage.

Into the room, Yan Yan bird general skipping dada, excited in the room around, small face is full of joy.

"Well, does Yan Yan like this new home?" I put down my luggage and asked.

"Yes, I like it!" My daughter came to me and nodded.

"Shall we live here after that?" I asked coarsely.

"Good!" The daughter did not want to answer, but a small head crooked, "Dad also live with us?"

From the child's mouth, the "father" who has abandoned our mother and daughter appears again and again, fiddling with my heartstrings, making my mood more and more restless.

We can only blame our adults for their irresponsibility. When our parents divorced, we neither informed our little daughter nor told her in time, which made her think that her home was still the happy and complete one before.

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