After changing places, life seems to be much calmer. I politely refused Fang Chen's enthusiasm to let Yan Yan and I live in her house, and I didn't want to disturb other people's lives. But I went to Fangchen's company to apply for a job, because I had experience in sales before, so I found a job again smoothly.

As for the new home, I still chose the place close to the company and kindergarten, and also hired a new nanny. My life and Yan Yan finally settled down.

My short message didn't get any response, whether it was a phone call or a short message. I think Huo Qingchuan and I probably ended up like this.

Days slowly, years light, I feel more and more, maybe this has been going on, is also a good life.

In the twinkling of an eye, a year passed quietly.

During this period, in addition to Bai Shaoqing's several phone calls with me, I almost lost all contact with people in city a, as if I had never lived in that city.

That day, I went to the fast food restaurant downstairs for lunch with Fang Chen. From her, I learned some internal information of the company.

"Late, late, you know? The future of our company is worrying. " Fang Chen inhaled a few milkshakes, made a "Zizi" sound, and said to me mysteriously.

Recently, I've heard a lot of gossip, but I didn't take it to heart. Now Fang Chen also said that, I'm afraid there are some problems.

"What do you say?" I asked. The survival of the company is related to my future life. It's normal to care about it.

"You know, our company is a joint venture." Fang Chen put down his habit and said to me seriously.

I nodded, when I came here, the company's performance can be said to be the best in C City, due to the expansion of the scale of urgent need for sales, I can be so smooth entry success.

"Now," said Fang Chen with an angry expression, "the bosses are making more and more money, and they are beginning to haggle over each other."

"What do you say?" I asked.

"Isn't it just for profit sharing?" Fang Chen said, "president Wu wants to open four or six, because before he invested more, but President Zhang wanted to open five or five. He said that he invested more in human resources. No, the two families are in conflict, and no Party B is willing to compromise, so they will go to court."

"It's so serious," I asked in surprise. "How could it be negotiated at the beginning?"

"That's to say, the richer the rich are, the more stingy they are. They have to fight for a small profit. No one is willing to spit out the three melons and two dates."

I can't understand how much money Fang Chen's three melons and two dates are, but I really don't agree with the stubborn practice of the two bosses.

"How do you know?" I asked. According to the truth, it is impossible for this kind of group's important news to come out through formal channels, which will have a significant negative impact on the mood of employees.

Fang Chen looked around, approached me and said in a low voice, "the asset lawyer Mr. Wu is looking for is just one of my blind dates. He told me."

It seems that Fang Chen is not coming from nowhere. There must be something wrong with the operation of the company.

"What shall we do then?" I asked with some concern.

"Well, who knows?" Fang Chen covered his chin with a look of indifference, which made me curious.

She did it herself before I asked her.

"Actually, my mother called me back to my hometown." Fang Chen said, "so I can't stay in C City for long."

"What?" I opened my eyes wide.

"Look at my age, I have to settle down and find someone to fall in love with," said Fang Chen, with an embarrassed face. "My father asked me to go back and take over his small company."

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"About a month later." Fang Chen replied, and then she took my hand, "I'm sorry, I have to abandon you again."

I stare at her one eye, "who says not, how I go where you want to leave ah, is to see me not agreeable to say!"

"Haha, it's not!" Fang Chen put out his tongue and said mischievously.

In fact, I'm also joking. Naturally, I understand that I can't always rely on others. If others have better choices, I'm not qualified to interfere with them.

But if Fang Chen's words are true, then I really should consider my own back road. I can't hang myself in a tree.

Sure enough, Fang Chen's statement is not wrong. The news that the company is going to be dissolved spreads like wildfire, and people in the office are worried all day.

As the relationship between Mr. Wu and Mr. Zhang has become more and more intense, some employees have organized a strike for fear that wages will be released. What's more, small demonstrations have been held in front of the company.

Looking at the collapse of the company organization, I have no bottom in my heart. If I leave here, where can I go? I have to start preparing quickly.

Fang Chen also left C City and went back to her hometown to be her boss. She also invited me to work with her, but it's not a good way for me to change from city to city.

Just when I was struggling, Bai Shu and Bai Jie from the original company extended an olive branch to me.

Bai Shu is also my boss in this company. In her thirties, she is a career woman. Her smart dress, heroic appearance and resolute personality all show her strong female identity.

At the beginning, I was worried that I would have a bad relationship with this leader. But slowly, I found out that Bai Jie was a very easy person to get along with.

But the premise is that you can be conscientious and hardworking in your work, as long as you sit to your maximum efforts, then even if you do something wrong, she will not blame you.

It was because of an unintentional mistake that I got to know Bai Jie very well. Now my relationship can be said to be on a par with Fang Chen. After learning about my previous experience, sister Bai seemed to take care of me more attentively.

In the coffee shop, Bai Jie was dressed in a capable black suit. She ordered coffee and waited for me.

"Bai Jie," I said first, "I'm really sorry. Some things are delayed, so I'm a little late."

"It's OK," sister Bai waved her hand and said to me, "sit down first and see if the coffee I ordered for you is right?"

Bai Shu ordered me a cappuccino without sugar, which is my favorite taste.

"Thank you, Bai Jie!" I said with a smile.

Bai Shu also laughed, and then put his hands on the table, fingers crossed up, a look is to talk about business.

"It's late. I've asked you to come out today because I really have something to discuss with you. To be exact, I want to ask for your consent." Bai Shu said that her voice is clear and straightforward, and she never drags mud and water.

I looked at her curiously, "Bai Jie, you are so polite. Please tell me what it is. As long as it is within my ability, I will help you."

Bai Shu laughs, "then I'll go straight to the point." she drinks a cup of coffee, "you also know the current situation of our company. The company will be dissolved by the end of the month."

Although I have felt the signs, I didn't expect it to be so soon, and the leader told me.

"To tell you the truth, many colleagues and even leaders have begun to look for their families, but the news is still blocked." She looked at me. "Have you figured out your way back?"

I'm just going to start looking, but I'm not in such a hurry.

I shook my head, "to tell you the truth, Bai Jie, I haven't found a good home yet."

"You are a real person and a good man." Bai Shu said to me, "of course, I'm not praising you. In your case, if you don't plan for yourself early, what will you do in the future? Find a man to support you, or go back home to rely on your parents? I don't think you are a woman who likes to rely on others. In this respect, you are a little like me. "

I blushed with a smile, "Bai Jie, you really admire me. How can I compare with you?"

"I've made it clear to you. You should know your situation now." She said.

"Yes, according to you and Fang Chen, I should hurry to find my family." I bowed my head and said.

"Late," unexpectedly, Bai Shu's tone changed. I looked up at her and saw her eyes burning, "do you want to do it with me?"

"With you?" I repeated what she said. It was incredible.

Bai Shu pursed his mouth and nodded, "my friend and I have a company, which was opened at the beginning of the year. Now it's starting slowly. It's time to need people. In fact, even if the company does not have these problems, I will resign to take care of them. "

"Since you came here, I think you are a kind of material for sales. You can come to my company and we will take care of each other. I won't treat you badly." Bai Shu is a good guide.

"What did you say, sister Bai? How can I doubt you?" Bai Shu's words really attracted me.

Objectively speaking, I really need a reliable job to make a living; Subjectively speaking, I also like Bai Shu's real character.

"So you agreed?" Bai Shu tone a rise, anxious to ask me.

I thought a little and nodded, "if the current company really can't stay, then I can only trouble you to take care of Bai Jie."

Listen to my answer, Bai Shu finally smile.

"Later and later, our sisters will work hard and let those men have a look. Without them, we can still live well."

I reached out and held Bai Shu's right hand, expressing my determination.

Bai Shu's company is really small, but for a new start-up company, it is already very good.

And fortunately, her company chose an office not far from my home, so as far as commuting is concerned, it has no impact.

There are more than 20 people in the company. Although the scale is small, we are all of one mind, thinking about how to do our work well all day. There is no such deceit as big companies.

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