The conversation with Chi Xin seems to break up unhappily, at least in my opinion. As for Chi Xin, she is very happy and relieved.

"Sister, if you come to a city, you can come to me at any time." In the end, like grateful for my success, Chi Xin said with a smile.

I also laughed at her, but I didn't remember her words.

Now that she has been pursuing her own happiness, I can only bless her, which can be regarded as the last thing that my elder sister can do for her.

In this case, I will try to avoid meeting Huo Qingchuan in the future. It's not that I'm worried that my mind will be shaken. It's just that if I don't see it, I can save a lot of trouble.

Contrary to my wish, I thought the work here was going smoothly. I wanted to book a ticket back to C City tomorrow, but I received a call from Huo Qingchuan.

It should be business, I hinted.

"I heard that you have moved out of Meilin garden?" Huo Qingchuan's low voice came from the microphone, but he still couldn't hear his emotion.

How can I answer, "well, I'm very sorry for breaking into your house. I moved out in the morning."

"Why did you do that?" Huo Qingchuan was not satisfied with my self-consciousness. His voice was full of reproach. "I said you can live there."

"Mr. Huo, it doesn't belong to me any more. I'm a man who knows how to handle things properly." I carefully hold his own words, polite back to him.

"What measure?" Huo Qingchuan didn't seem to understand me, he asked.

Naturally, you can't get too close to someone who has a fiancee to avoid misunderstanding. But I can't say this kind of thing, otherwise it seems that I am jealous of him.

"I thank Mr. Huo for your kindness. In a word, I can stay in a hotel." In order not to delve into that topic, I said with a smile.

"Late, late!" Huo Qingchuan interrupted me, tone some severe, "I want to see you, where are you?"

See, this man is still so strong that it seems that others have to listen to him.

"Mr. Huo," I'm not afraid of him now. The contract has been signed and I've finished all my work. As for personal affairs, I can decide whether to do it or not according to my own will“ I've finished my work today. I have other things to deal with now, so I'm afraid I don't have time to meet you. "

It seems to be the first time for me to reject Huo Qingchuan so cleanly. This kind of fresh feeling is quite good.

"What's the matter with you?" Huo Qingchuan asked.

"Private business." My simple answer, the implication, does not need you to know.

"I'll talk to you when you have time." He asked.

"Well, I don't know." I just promised Chi Xin not to provoke Huo Qingchuan. Naturally, I want to do what I say.

"Well," Huo Qingchuan seems to be angry, "I'll give you time to deal with your private affairs, and I'll call you again."

With that, he hung up the phone.

I look at the black screen, a complex heart.

I know Huo Qingchuan. If he wants to find me, he will have all kinds of reasons. I have to be ready at any time.

Fortunately, Huo Qingchuan didn't call back until the evening, and I was happy.

Holding it on the bed of the hotel, I called Bai Shu.

Only two days after I came out, I miss my face.

Bai Shu didn't have any social activities today. He happened to be watching two children at home. I heard the children's laughter from the microphone.

"Xiao Wan, what's the matter?"

"Sister Bai, have you eaten yet?" The most basic etiquette is to have, I politely asked.

"Well, yes, I took two babies to eat pizza today." Bai Shu replied.

"By the way, I'll go back tomorrow. Please send Yanyan to the kindergarten. I'll pick her up in the afternoon." I said.

"So fast?" Bai Shu is a little surprised, "don't you have to stay a few more days?"

"The cooperation here is very smooth, and there is no place for me to stay here. What I feel is uncomfortable when I am too busy here." I truthfully reported the situation here, of course, deliberately ignored some human exchanges.

"So," Bai Shu hesitated, "OK, you come back later and we'll talk about it."

"Sister Xie Bai." I smile, "I want to have a word with Yan Yan."

"Wait," Bai Shu said to me. Then I heard her calling Yan Yan. After the rustling sound, I heard a crisp "mother" over there.

"Yan Yan, are you obedient at Aunt Bai's house?" I asked.

"Well, yanyanke is obedient. I have a good time with my brother. My brother gave me his little plane to play with!" Yan Yan said excitedly, it seems that she likes Bai Shu's son very much.

"You can't make trouble for Aunt Bai, you know?" I exhort.

"Yes! I see! "

"OK, come and kiss one. Mom will go back tomorrow."


Through the phone, I feel the missing from my daughter, and the corner of my mouth can't help rising.

Just chatting vigorously, the phone prompted a call, I looked at the next caller ID, is Huo Qingchuan.

What can he do for me at this late hour? It won't be the day, I guess.

After a few more words with Bai Shu, I looked at the missed call and hesitated to call.

But it seemed that I didn't have to make a decision at all, because after a few seconds, Huo Qingchuan called again.

I have a hunch that if I don't answer it, I won't have to stop all night unless I turn it off.

I didn't do anything bad, just treat it with an ordinary heart.

With that in mind, I pressed the call button.

"Hello, Mr. Huo, what can I do for you?" I still asked politely.

"Late, late, who are you calling?" Huo Qingchuan's tone is somewhat dissatisfied.

"I called Bai Jie and told her I would go back tomorrow." I answered calmly.

"You're going back tomorrow?" Huo Qingchuan's tone increased by a margin.

"Well, there are some things in the company that I need to deal with." I don't want to tell him the real reason. I can only tell a harmless lie.

"What about this side?" Huo Qingchuan asked.

"I've arranged all the preliminary work here. There won't be any problems in the next few days." I blocked his intention to use work to stop me from going back from the source.

"But no one knows what kind of emergency will happen." Huo Qingchuan is worried.

What unexpected situation can't be solved? This is just a small cooperation, and it's not scientific and technological research in any country. How can there be an emergency? Of course, if someone wants to find something on purpose.

I didn't say these words. I can only use a kind of business reply to appease the concerns of President Huo. "Mr Huo, you can rest assured that I will deal with the company's affairs when I go back this time. As long as there are any problems in our cooperation, I will come back as soon as possible."

I don't know whether Huo Qingchuan realized his fuss or was convinced by me. In a word, he didn't care about my going back.

He changed the topic. I think he might as well not change it.

"Where are you now? I'm in meilinyuan, where you used to live." Huo Qingchuan's tone instantly softened a lot, without the aggressiveness just now.

How can I answer him? It seems that neither where I am nor where he is can be a topic for us to talk about.

Now he has a fiancee, and I also agree to Chi Xin's request. What's the reason to talk about such an ambiguous topic as "where are you" in the middle of the night?

"I'm in the hotel." The other end of the phone has been silent, seems to be waiting for my answer, I had to give a moderate and ordinary answer.

"I... Huo Qingchuan doesn't talk like that. I don't know what he wants to express.

I had to fix the phone to my ear and wait patiently for his later words.

"Have you eaten yet?" He turned to me.

"Yes, I did." I answered.

I'd like to ask, "how about you?", But I hold back, similar to the love between lovers this kind of words is not suitable for us at this time.

From just now on, my answer is just a corresponding answer to Huo Qingchuan's question, and I have no intention to guide other topics.

There was another silence. I could almost hear each other's breathing.

"Later, let's meet." When he thought that Huo Qingchuan couldn't stand this awkward atmosphere, he suddenly said this.

I will not admit that my heart beat fast when I heard his proposal, but I have enough reason to deal with his sudden.

"I don't think it's necessary for us to meet," I changed the phone, "to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding."

I want to avoid Chi Xin's misunderstanding of us. At the same time, I'm worried that he will appear after seeing him. He also cares about my illusion.

"Tardy, why do you do this to me?" Huo Qingchuan's tone is still calm, just lowered his voice and asked.

Why do I treat him like this? Is he really unconscious or intentionally saying that he already has Chi Xin? Why don't he let me go?

But I will not ask such questions. If I say it, it's like putting the hidden relationship between us on the surface, and we need to face it straightly.

I want things to go smoothly and quietly, want to end the relationship gently, and don't like to deal with it in a cheeky way.

Chi Xindu has already said that to me, and it is clear that she is demonstrating to me. If I still secretly associate with Huo Qingchuan, I think she will target me in a more intense way.

I have nostalgia for this man, but I don't want to face the bloody struggle. It's better to let go of this relationship than to turn against Chi Xin again.

Over the past year, I have gradually forgotten the passion and attachment between Huo Qingchuan and me. As long as I insist on it, I can completely separate this man from my life.

"Mr. Huo, our relationship is over." I pause for a moment and say to him in a still calm voice, "I have my new life, and you also have your obligations. Can't we get along like normal partners?"

I will not disturb your happiness, please do not, in this wayward way, continue to destroy my defense, intrusion into my life.

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